11月10日 ,一战失败,败得彻头彻尾。M50,V18(10%的正确率)。而本人在阅读中遇到了杨继的FTA那个阅读,3个原题,我实在不敢相信,难道除此以外我就做对了一个题吗????????在看到成绩的一刻懵了,出来很平静。后来打电话给老婆,给我爸。外面下着雨,天气一下骤冷,我没带伞,穿的又少。那种时候突然开始很孤独,一个人就这么走着。。。 老婆安慰我说这个绝对不是你的水平(模考640,V28,M48),你不要那么伤心,是啊。10%的正确率,我觉得我乱选也会比这个结果好的,但是它却真实的发生,我在做的时候一路很顺,我作文没准备,结果前一天晚上就看了,真的就看了唯一的一个题目,结果就考。就是 The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center: 的题目 对于完全没准备作文的我,我很开心,所以一上来感觉状态就蛮好的。
某gmat网站的原话” More than likely you just find the answer with "1" as the final digit and you have found the correct answer in less than 15 seconds. As a rule of thumb, if you have spent more than four minutes on a question, there was likely a shortcut that you missed.”http://www.gmat-mba-prep.com/gmat-course/GMAT-PrepStrat.html
这还是网站的回答“Fill in the blanks If you have a minute left and many questions to go, just fill in all the blanks. There is a greater penalty for unanswered questions than guessing (where you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting the right answer). ”