加试1、苏美尔文化 加试2、达尔文进化论 第二部分、听力: 第1篇、一个男的到教授那里问一个television research的事情。 这个学生想参加,但是时间都冲突了。 最后教授说她认识那男生工作地方 Fox diner的老板,她会打电话给那个老板让他通融一下。
第2篇、 human brain function psychology, about your dream, music dream, elements, brain function work
第3篇、 生物:植物的花与气候和广造光的关系。其中涉及Biennial和photo。。。的两种概念。前者一年开两次,冬天是必须的——会出成番茄的nodes激发bud——开花,这是与我们的常规想法有差异的(考点)。2, Botany, this one is very long, about the biennial plants and photoperiodic plants
第4篇、 间歇泉3, theory of Geyser, geology topic:形成机制。maga再下面其上有需水体(reservior)且离地面较近,有neck相连。因为快速受热而形成过热水,继而一定时段之后全部喷射到地表。黄石公园为例。破坏的的原因有二,其一为自然,如地震即可形成也可破坏(考点);其二人为因素,特举的热电站(考点),以及采矿,因为间歇泉的通道中有金等稀有金属。 第5篇、 talk something about HR and working environment
第4题、 Some knowledge can be acquired consciously, while others unconsciously, also called latent knowledge. Use the examples in the listening material to illustrate such knowledge.
第5题、 5.The woman wants to move to a new apartment, but she is worried about moving her furniture. state her options, her friend's suggestion to the problem and your choice and the reasons.
第6题、 Describe two main ways of business communication: low channel reachness and high channel reachness.