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1.(题库40题;2次)The following appeared as part of an article in a weekly newsmagazine.
“The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price of sugar, its primary export. Such an action would make Sacchar better able to compete for markets with other sugar-exporting countries. The sale of Sacchar’s sugar abroad would increase, and this increase would substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit.”
2.(题库38题;1次)The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper.
“Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.”
3.(题库14题;1次)The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.
“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”
4.(未找到;3次)The following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine parts manufacturing company at a management meeting:
“Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient. It is capable of producing ten drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therefore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.”
5.(未找到;8次-超高频的,大家注意!)版本1:(我不熟悉题库,刚此找了一下没找到,,请牛人找一下原题吧,以防我误导大家。) 题目说一个餐馆搬到一个地方后sales上升了,这个地方有一个有多少人的public university。 经理决定在附近的镇上再开3个这样的餐馆。另外他还打算提升原来餐厅的3个员工做新餐馆的经理,希望利润能达到3倍。
版本2:AA是一个人在一个大学城开了家餐厅,其中Spicy三明治卖的很好。 于是,他根据他成功的经验,决定到3个附近的城市开店。 聘用之前在那个店跟他的3个人当3个新店的经理。 他预计他的利润会翻3倍。
版本3:作文考了一个说在一个什么newsletter说,Gorege这个人在一个college town,有很多大学生的地方,开了间sandwich店,生意很好,于是他想在附近的city和town再开3间新店,用以前自己训练过的员工当manager,争取想triple the profits。
我攻击的4点:1.资本投资和利益最大化不存在必然联系 2.错误类比 此三家店 非彼三家店 3.时间类比 两年前收入增加不一定两年后收入增加 4.对三家店一起投资 不能推出单个每家店利益最大化。
第十五篇:mingzinanqi 1月31号北美部分鸡精
作者原话 2. a guy found a restaurant in college, because of the increase in sale of his spicy pita sandwich, his restaurant made a lot of profit. Now he is thinking about expand his industry to found another three restaurants nearby the towns or cities. Three employees currently work with him will be sent to the new restaurants as heads. He think the profit will triple as the current profit.
6.(题库39;6次)The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum.
“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”fficeffice" />
7.(未找到;3次) 版本一:The following appeared in a memorandum from the development director of the Largo Piano Company.
“The Largo Piano Company has long been known for producing carefully handcrafted, expensive pianos used by leading concert pianists. During the past few years, however, our revenues have declined; meanwhile, the Allegro Musical Instrument Company introduced a line of inexpensive digital pianos and then saw its revenues increase. In order to increase Largo’s sales and in fact outsell Allegro, we should introduce a line of digital pianos in a variety of price ranges. Our digital pianos would be likely to find instant acceptance with customers, since they would be associated with the prestigious Largo name.”
版本二:作文AA是新题,一家卖钢琴公司,向来以生产昂贵高档手工制作的用来在大型音乐会使用的钢琴而出名。但最近revenue下降了,然后他们引进了一条digital的流水线,生产便宜的钢琴,然后就发现revenue上升了。所以为了继续上升,公司有必要引进其他digital流水线来生产a variety range的价格的钢琴。而消费者也会对这些钢琴感兴趣因为这个公司的Name很prestigious.
8.(题库10题;2次)The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”
9.(题库102题;3次)The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center.
“After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.”
10.(题库104题;1次)The following appeared as part of a memorandum from the loan department of the Frostbite National Bank.
“We should not approve the business loan application of the local group that wants to open a franchise outlet for the Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors. Frostbite is known for its cold winters, and cold weather can mean slow ice cream sales. For example, even though Frostbite is a town of 10,000 people, it has only one ice cream spot — the Frigid Cow. Despite the lack of competition, the Frigid Cow’s net revenues fell by 10 percent last winter.”
11.(题库43题;4次)The following appeared in an article in the health section of a newspaper.
“There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.”
12.(题库47题;1次)The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.
“The owners of the Cumquat Cafe evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Cafe will soon celebrate its second anniversary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since the Cafe’s move, three different businesses—a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet–grooming shop—have occupied its former spot.”
13.(题库63题;1次)The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X.
“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”
14.(未找到;4次)The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for SmartPro Software, Inc.:
"Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro acounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer."
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15.(题库94题;3次)The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine.
“A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that they could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.”
版本二:It is a perfect time to invest in house. 我感觉我把OG中的AA题目差不多都看过一遍了,但这个题目我好像以前没见过。不过整个逻辑很简单,很好写,说的是什么最近五年房价涨了,而股票市场却没涨,所以让大家赶紧投资到房地产里去。
17.(题库70题;1次)The following appeared as part of a recommendation from the business manager of a department store.
“Local clothing stores reported that their profits decreased, on average, for the three-month period between August 1 and October 31. Stores that sell products for the home reported that, on average, their profits increased during this same period. Clearly, consumers are choosing to buy products for their homes instead of clothing. To take advantage of this trend, we should reduce the size of our clothing departments and enlarge our home furnishings and household products departments.”
19.(题库34题;1次)The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.
“The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”
20.(题库1题;4次)The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a processor of frozen foods.
“Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”
21.(题库2题;3次)The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company.
“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”
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22.(题库100题;2次)The following appeared as part of an article in the book section of a newspaper.
“Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form — either free-of-charge on the Internet or for a very low price-per-book on compact disc *. Thus literary classics are likely to be read more widely than ever before. People who couldn’t have purchased these works at bookstore prices will now be able to read them for little or no money; similarly, people who find it inconvenient to visit libraries and wait for books to be returned by other patrons will now have access to whatever classic they choose from their home or work computers. This increase in access to literary classics will radically affect the public taste in reading, creating a far more sophisticated and learned reading audience than has ever existed before.”
*A “compact disc” is a small portable disc capable of storing relatively large amounts of data that can be read by a computer.
感谢tomajing提供思路,大家参考:1. trend in e-books =/= trends in e-literary books;2. online survey: reliability, representativeness (sample bias) distant from reality;3. other sources of literary classics: other companies, on-line open
23.(题库44题;4次)The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store.
“Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.”
24.(未找到;4次)版本一:argument 是一个生产的breakfast cereal工厂广告部的头 说他们的产品含vitamin k 比other major cereal多20% 然后又做了一项调查 说consumers 都喜欢他们产品的味道 但是 still low sales figure ,于是他说销售不好是因为人们缺少对谷物早餐营养价值的意识,于是他说要redesign the box of the cereal 在上面标上营养含量。
25.(未找到;1次)JJ原作者:一道新题MS:说一个做MINING TECHNOLOGY的公司,由于最近油价下跌,导致他们的PROFIT和STOCK PRICE都下跌,然后一个管理人员声称自己有了一个STRATEGY可以使公司的股价恢复平稳:由于市场上一些大的做RENEWABLE ENERGY(风力发电,太阳能发电之类的)的公司都发展的不错,所以我们也要去做RENEWABLE ENERGY,这个具体的实施方法就是让公司所有的SCIENTIST都转去研究RENEWABLE ENERGY。fficeffice" />
感谢兔子等着瞧提供思路,大家参考:1、错误类比,人家发展的好不代表你就发展的好 2、SCIENTIST转换领域是说说那么容易的吗 3、没准现在的市场已经饱和了,等你进去的时候已经分不到一杯羹了
26.(未找到;4次)版本一:AA是说一个经济依靠旅游的城市由于污染严重去玩的人少了,所以有人建议批准开发NATIONAL PARK里面的MINE,说这样可以拉动经济,THE MINING COMPANIES WILL PROVIDES MANY JOBS之类。
版本二:是说W这个地方的国家公园已经不能像以前那样吸引很多游者了,所以导致W收入下降。然后有mining company发现这个国家公园有很多资源可以开采,有经济学家就提议不如让这些mining company过来投资开采,这样可以把W的收入从新提高。(大概是这个意思了之前没见过这题)
27.(题库52题;2次)The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper.
“The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”(新题)
“The construction of last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City has done little for the residents of the community. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage. In addition, because the mall’s owner lives in nearby Elm City, the profits derived from sales at the mall are not being returned to the community. These problems, coupled with the increase in trash and litter in nearby Oak City park, demonstrate that Oak City did not use good judgment in allowing the construction of the mall in the first place.”(老题)
版本二:ARGUE是个什么SOFTWARE COMPANY要模仿AUTO INDUSTRY把他25%的工人换成temporary workers.
29.(题库99题;1次)The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda.
“The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”
30.(题库6题;2次)The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.
“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”
31.(未找到;2次)版本一:说的是某公司8年前聘用很多具有某中能力的适合公司的员工,当时他们的profit magin增长了.这两年,公司的profit减少,但是公司还继续聘用新人.(中间还有句可以作攻击点的话我想不起来了啊啊啊啊啊 ><)最后就埋怨是公司的human resources department的错fficeffice" />
32.(未找到;1次) 研究显示非营利组织员工积极性更高,访问表明这些员工因为能帮助社会,所以积极性很高。所以我们这个汽车制造公司应该多做汇报社会的事情,增加员工积极性,进而提高利润。
33.(题库B6;3次)The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:
“Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.”)
感谢lavand提供思路,大家参考:我的思路1 说不定A城市再涨也超不过B 2 B城市价格低也不一定非要到B买 说不定还有别的因素呢?
34.(题库63题;1次)The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X.
“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”
35.(未找到;1次)argument 一食品零售商的business redesign 计划
36.(未找到;1次)Greentree Grocers寻求和Coffee Cafe的合作来增加收入。fficeffice" />
37.(未找到;1次)AA 好像是个新题,说一个company 的收入增加了,利润却减少了。 应该每个site lay off 10个员工,在开个什么咖啡店之类的。
38.(题库16题;2次)The following appeared as part of an article in the education section of a Waymarsh City newspaper.
“Throughout the last two decades, those who earned graduate degrees found it very difficult to get jobs teaching their academic specialties at the college level. Those with graduate degrees from Waymarsh University had an especially hard time finding such jobs. But better times are coming in the next decade for all academic job seekers, including those from Waymarsh. Demographic trends indicate that an increasing number of people will be reaching college age over the next ten years; consequently, we can expect that the job market will improve dramatically for people seeking college-level teaching positions in their fields.”
THank you!!!!
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