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标题: 8月GMAT机经-语法版整理54篇 18号更新 [打印本页]

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:47     标题: 8月GMAT机经-语法版整理54篇 18号更新


作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:47


1.出处: 8.21北美一战690 一点jj和感想  dreamysheep




由“with +宾语+宾补”构成的复合结构,在句中可作状语,表示伴随。这一结构中的宾语补足语可由现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词或介词短语等来充当

Visitors to the park have often looked into the leafy canopy and seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with arms and legs hanging like socks on a clothesline.

* while作为连词表示”当…的时候” 或者表示”转折”

2.出处: 21号确定换题库,不幸裸奔一战680准备二战(附JJ暂更新至此)jenniferzbf

有几道都考主谓一致就排除到两至三个选项,有一道是主语和谓语中间加入了一大串修饰成分,这种好像不好吧,主谓应该尽量贴近的,还有一道考到了比较结构,不是主语比较,有点像宾补比较:主谓宾+with more ...than ...这个than后面是否还要加个with呢?我一直没弄懂比较这块。。还有考了两三道平行对称的问题,总之还算基本。


*合理的布置修饰短成分的位置:当一个句子有较多修饰成分修饰主语时,应该将修饰成分合理的分布在主语前后,常用的方法 (并不唯一,具体题目具体分析)是:分词结构,主语,修饰成分1,修饰成分2,谓语……

3.出处:22号下午上海裸奔一战,作文及少量其他jj  hughlv


1. figure A and B rised in country A as in country B figure A and B rised in country A as they did in country B

2. 考的是like xxx, abc did something。这样的句型。就是要保证abc能够是like的逻辑主语。


Like / unlike A, B do:  A, B在逻辑意思和语法形式上要对称

4. 出处: 北美杀G惨败  veri_tas

第一题是:市长V....., from v-ing requiring 的,但是有三个是这样的结构,其中一个好排除,另外两个比较混。我选的是没有重复代词指代的那个短的。

还有一题是说如果什么情况继续的话,立法院将不再像现在这样支持某个版本的决定。答案应该锁定在两个比较tricky的选项里,都是比较结构,一个在than后省略了人称代词they 直接用do 一个没省略they 具体结构就是than they do than do  语法太零碎了记不清了。

5. 出处: 24号,二战,恩感觉数学和prep不太一样,感谢CD陪我走过~  mabel1428



Like / unlike A, B do:  A, B在逻辑意思和语法形式上要对称

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:47


6. 出处: 七夕战斗归来,机经奉上  dreamspy

可能我碰到的大多数比较简单。。。。注意less few的区别, 注意结构平行。。好多题都是考平行结构。。。


修饰人用fewer  其他用less

7. 出处: 8.26 武汉 700~  withtea

16. GWD30-Q16:

?Researchers are using computer images to help surgeons plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do for pilots, letting medical personnel practice their techniques and test their reflexes before they ever see a patient.


A. plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flight simulators do

B. plan difficult operations and develop programs to work for doctors and nurses the same way as with flight simulators

C. to plan difficult operations and to develop programs that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators

D. plan difficult operations and in developing programs to work for doctors and nurses the same way as flight simulators

E. to plan difficult operations and developing programs that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators do


8. 出处: 8.26少许简单机经与感想  ay03

上来就一道什么什么的使用引起了广泛的争议的题,选项在fuel up the debate还有fuel the fire of feed up the debatefuel the debate之间纠结,从来不曾注意过的词组,回来查貌似fuel up是加油的意思,题干应该是刺激了关于某一问题的讨论,所以应该选fuel the debate

还有一道是many a xxxx,应该考的是这个后面用的单复数吧,我貌似选的单数的那个


Many a XXX后加单数名词+单数动词  eg:  many a strong man has ….



9. 出处: 26号北京晚场考后感   xhbtbu

1.expected that 什么

我选的是though ,其它选项有as什么的。



*Besides  包括在内

 Except   排除在外(同类事物)

 Except for 排除在外(不同类事物)

* being的错误使用: 以下几种表达中being属于多余

  a) being + n.     b) being + adj.      c) as being + n./adj./v-ing



10. 出处: 七夕上海一战740,JJ回馈CD(增加作文JJ思路,仅供参考)  sophiamm

Verbal部分SC感觉不是很难,几个考点是主谓一致、逻辑主语、平行,like or as的用法,都是比较大路的考点




Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically, like adults, they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore.

(A) like adults  (B) unlike an adult  (C) as adults  (D) as adults do  (E) as an adult

我们注意到A选项和D选项都符合语法规则,也都和前面的children保持数的一致性,从纯语法规则上讲是都正确的。但是A存在歧义。我们不清楚like adults是和前一个分句构成整体还是和后一个分句构成整体,也就是不知道大人是在“do not organize”这个动作上和小孩一样还是在“may notice and remember”这个动作上和小孩一样,所以有歧义。


作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:48


11. 出处: 827 广州 痛并快乐着 一点JJ   Jok


考点在 先行词that/in which;  provide to/for;  established与成功女人的修饰关系(从句or形容词),【】中为划线。

.........a forum that ...women in .....(三个领域) provide (三个方面的指导,什么就业啊之类的) for young women.


*provide for sb. 为(某人)提供生活所需

 rovide for sth. 为…做准备;防备;(法律或协议)规定

 rovide +that 从句

12.出处: 8.28 一战730, 一点教训+JJ   Occlumens

最记得有一题是the economists' arguments...., but she was not convinced by the slightest of it.  其中一个选项是convinced by it, even the slightest. 另一个选项是convinced by the slightest of them. 最后基于主谓一致选了后者,但实际生活当中人们常常说convinced by the slightest of it. 至于有没有语法错误就不知道了……



13 出处: [原创]827一战GMATJJ   小卡慢悠悠

Mary(此为某人名) who was born into a rich family and attended ** school, served as 某职位在某地 before becoming 某职位。



14 出处: 迟到的27号JJ加感想  kathy1988

考了renege on的搭配 然后还有Just as ..., so....的句型 动词+not only how...but also how 的句型 其他很多都是考平行结构 大家注意到底是哪个与哪个平行 注意and的位置 我感觉SC不难 而且真题比较注重对句子意思的理解 而非很多死板的语法规律 当然必要的语法知识还是要掌握好


*Renege on : 违背(诺言);违约;背信

*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.

*not only…but also…在语法形式上要对称

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:48


15 出处: 8.27 多伦多一战740 凑jj 攒人品   purplepku



The choice that blablalba is brilliantly done, and blablabla.

划线在is brilliantly done

只记得其中两个选项 (因为实在是很诡异很离奇)

B is done brilliantly

C.  is brilliant

其他没印象了。。。我愣了好久,选了is brilliant   觉得被鄙视了


The reason for sth   are that the stories about sth cause fear in people….(我就写了个意思,不准啊)

选项有: is that / is because of that/ are / 之类之类的

其实我看出考点应该是reason 不能接because of, 还有 stories 是在后面的句子里,位于要用单数, 但是你不觉得这题的造型。。。




16.出处8.27 武汉一战730 少许机经(29号新增三道CR)  Footprints

1...devote considerable time and effort to setting...and  -ing... 大家不要一时激动错选了to set 那项

2While most of ...'s books are masterpieces of work, The...(一本书的名字)is different:(后面接的是三个形容词,分别用逗号隔开)


*Devote….to sth   将…用于;将…贡献于…

 Devote… doing sth.



17 出处: 828北美二战失利,强打精神来回馈CD   白彩虹

语法有考到的点,我记得有not yet,还有ever to be还是ever being还是什么,都很模糊. 我觉得我就是语法做得太差了, 这个月考标点考得很勤快啊.我遇到好几道题目.建议大家看看逗号,分号,冒号,破折号,到底有什么不一样的用法.


* being的错误使用: 以下几种表达中being属于多余(此考点已重复2次,务必重视)

  a) being + n.     b) being + adj.      c) as being + n./adj./v-ing

*用破折号隔开的成分相当于插入语起到额外的解释说明作用, 去掉后不影响句子结构。


*用冒号 可以连接两个不同的句子,后面一个句子作为前一个句子的解释说明。



18 出处: 8月28日,一战740,机经和感想   bestjing

最后一题,说back pain导致美国人第一号疾病,花了保险公司好多钱。

还有一个考单复数,有亚当斯密的一道题, 还有一题考平行,最后选了 recount not only… but also


Not only…but also…    前后语法形式要对称(此考点已重复多次,务必重视)

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:48


19 出处: 829杀G失败,些许jj  ccccccccccab

GWD30-Q41: ( 答案存在争议, 须谨慎)

Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while they once ranged over virtually all of the continental United States except for a small strip in the extreme Southwest.

A.Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while

B.The fact that elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains would make it seem that they are mountain dwellers, but

C.It would seem that elk would be mountain dwellers because of their living now solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, but still

D.Now living almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, it would seem that elk were mountain dwellers, although

E.It seems that elk would be mountain dwellers from the fact that they now live solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, since



20. 出处: 一些语文机井  jokerlion

1.有个搭配考see sth as 还是see sth to be

2. wheareas A man developed theory B aboutxxxx, ().

      1. C man, preferring to believe in xxxx取反,developed theory D;

      2. D theory, developed by C man,  prefers xxx 取反. 不知道哪个好.



1 whereas虽然不要求绝对的平行,但是C里面两个人对称明显工整许多

2 被动态,能用主动态为什么没要用被动态

3 theory能主动去prefer吗?应该是人去prefer吧。。

3. 考了不少, +which  一串名词后+which, both of which.

这个语法点一直搞不懂, 我都依靠which就近指代的原则.来判断是非.


*see….as…  与as搭配的词还有: begin;  depict;  regard;  perceive;  represent;  be acclaimed;  be prized;  think of;  view….

* whereas表示转折关系;用whereas表示对比关系前后句子在形式上不需要完全对等,故还须从其余知识点进行判断。

*that引导限制性定语从句,前面不能加介词(除in that:因为),须紧跟在所修饰的名词后面,不能跳跃修饰




21. 出处: 三战710,终于过700,一点回赠   FW2010

1)      unlike a, b do

2)       a and, xxxx, b    


*Like / unlike A, B do:  A, B在逻辑意思和语法形式上要对称(此考点已重复多次,务必重视)

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:48


22.出处:一战770 回馈cd奉献jj   Moonpainter


2、有个地点状语的比较 in....


*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.



23.出处: 8-28 下午 少量机经 gmathong




24出处: 8月29日厦门一战740(Q51、V38),感恩、一点机经、些许感想 新买HTC

1  划线部分是despite+doing,我选的是改成although+完整主谓结构的句子,还有一个选项是有even though的,但是我觉得他后面跟的代词指代不正确。

2  有一题是冒号后面的并列句子,有三个并列成分,第一个用了sth use sth to do sth,后面两个并列项就省略了use,变成了sth to sth,我不知道对不对。

3  还有一个搭配是effort to doing


*despite是介词,后只跟简单的名词短语。若其后面跟的是动名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时,应改为与其相同意义的连词although等引导的从句形式

另: Although=even though,故还须从其他知识点进行判断

*make an effort to do sth.

 in an effort to do sth.



25 出处:8.30北京贡献一个貌似新阅读机经,一点sc机经 smallmole


1:考点:in order to---in order that









He referred to Copernicus’s statement that the earth moves round the sun.


The rumor spread that a new school would be built here.


He had no idea why she left.

* in order to do  表示目的   一般不使用in order that引导从句(除非order是动词,前面没有介词in)

  类似的还有:  so….as to前后逻辑主语一致

              So that 前后逻辑主语可以不一致


 Order sb to do sth

 Order sth to be done

 Order that +虚拟语气



介词短语如:in contrast to,(contrary to 例外), as well as, besides,(un)like

分词:doing sth/v-ed,或前面加介词的分词短语:by doing…, in addition to doing …,等等。

形容词短语:如Reluctant to do sth, sb…


如so as to 结构,该结构作状语,to 后动作的逻辑主语应与主句的主语一致。





作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-3 09:49


26 出处: 30下午数学少量jj  huzhiqi


while, with, which, so, as, and都有考点

27 二战上海巨惨败归来 为你揭开gmat迷思!  Oyster+gmat

某人的books are masterpieces of realism - n.n. and what means - 一本书的名字(年份)is differentadj., adj.full of adj.


作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-7 13:48


28 出处: SH背水三战 0901 760 鸡精添加完毕  zliycwn1


第一题,If + 某条件,a lot more of the legislator will end up supporting (中间还有点什么...) Bill Act in October than today they do.

2) a lot more of the legislator will end up supporting (中间还有点什么...) Bill Act in October than today do.

另有选项in October在句中,修饰了另外的名词,我觉得不妥。

they dodo之间选了do,因为they do感觉是同一批人,do的话避免这个问题也没有什么错误


Tropical forest(s) has(have) more species, with a wide variety, than do any other ecosystem.

答案有 than they do/than does/than do

比较对象是forestecosystm吧,选了than does


A trepory(长得像这样一个单词不认识) property,an office building is saying more about ...wealthy of people than NY.

property同位语修饰;more about than about...

还有题because those who can use information, and argubaly do... accure profits from one place to another.

原题accrue在很前面,我觉得要和from one place to another在一起,这样就剩下两个选项,区别在其中一个选项 and argubaly前有逗号,记得and前不能乱加逗号的,就选了没有逗号的

The challanges include who will pay for the infrasturecture, training and maintanence; whether the access to be controlled; and how to do sth.


要么include后面是deciding, decisions...中间没有,后面又冒出deciding...


某选项错误在infrasturecture, training and maintanence 没有加and   可以排除



29 出处:  9/1-SH-JJ  梦飞翔

(1) Appointed by XXX, YYY is the first black woman to be named as the first American representative to the United Nations. 

I picked: YYY appointed XXX to be the first black woman as the first American representative to the United Nations.

(2) Some water pool, know as XXX, is the oldest and being scrutinized by scientist to do something and taking an inventory of YYY.


 (3) 老鼠看颜色跟戴某某眼睛的人一样,as do people with XXX glasses.

 (4) Not only to do, but also to do

作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-7 13:48


30 出处: 挫人杀G-2009-9-2 (720)  omick


昨天做梦梦到了一个考点;except for & except that

还有一个help sb do sth & help to do sth


*Besides  包括在内

 Except   排除在外(同类事物)

 Except for 排除在外(不同类事物)  (此考点已重复2次,务必重视)



31  出处: 9.2 上海一战 730  penguinlbz

语法我做的比较顺,感觉考到了两题not only...but also

还有一道题,是this作主语,说this results in....当时很困惑,但是其他选项貌似都不对



Not only…but also…    前后语法形式要对称(此考点已重复多次,务必重视)



32 出处: When you believe-感谢CD,奉献机经 buttercanfly

1 之前有G友提过,就是某人的books are masterpieces of realism - n.n. and what means - 一本书的名字(年份)is differentadj., adj.full of adj.(冒号前划线)这道题只要确保破折号两边主谓完整就可以了,不难搞定。

2 **** claim/assume(什么词忘了,反正用于引导宾语从句,暂以此代替)thatalthough....(插入语),宾语从句。考that在插入语之前还是在插入语之后。

3 A in society that are more than     . (具体可能有出入)划线部分比较纠结的有两个,一个是个名词,不认识,msA并列,另一个是in * society,society并列。

4 还有一题,单复数要注意从非划线部分的名词确定。


作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-7 13:49


33出处: [9/5] 北美 三战JJ + 感想  winbie

1。考了 not until ..... sth decided to...

选项好像有个 it was not until .... that sth  (不管了,这个看上去最对)


2Just as sth .....does, so sthelse does....


3. among all the employers , 70% says management is very important for colloge degree student, and 90% ____ for students with master degree

选项有 about; of .... 什么的(最主要注意什么和什么在比)


*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.




34出处:9.4SH二战730 少量jj  hmq88385708

语法考了not only 。。。but also     还有一题在prep 或者GWD上一摸一样出现过: A...,unlike B,reduce the possibility of the air bags would burst when they inflate in order to make passangers to think the car is firing.(记得不全大致这样) C. inflate and make  D.inlfate and made E.inflate to make   当时选了inflate and make 不知道对不对



New items developed for automobiles in the 1997 model year included a safer air bag, which, unlike previous air bags, eliminated the possibility that a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated, and making an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire.

A.    inflated, and making

B.    inflated, so that it could make

C.    inflated and made

D.    inflated and make(选D)

E.     inflated to make

*not only..but also…和unlike的考点已出现多次,可参照之前的

35[原创]九五一战,750,绝非NN  apple0629



*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.


作者: xiongbaobao    时间: 2009-9-7 13:49


36出处: 9.3上海午场740,夙愿得偿,jj  cfr134fficeffice" />

语法有考到as a do, b do结构,要注意ab的概念要对称,题目生词很多,对应比较隐蔽

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