Completed by the Applicant
Applicant: XXXX
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) allows you to access your educational records if you enroll at Yale. You may waive your right of access to this specific report if you so choose. Your decision to waive or not to waive your right of access will have no bearing on the handling of your application.
[ X ] I waive my right to access this report.
[ ] I do not waive my right to access this report.
Signed August 29, 2009 by: XXXX
I confirm that I did not write any portion of this recommendation, either in whole or in part, or have any involvement in its drafting or submission.
Signed August 29, 2009 by: XXX
To Be Completed by the Recommender
Thank you for agreeing to write a recommendation for the applicant. We greatly appreciate the time and effort that you are taking to provide us with your honest assessment of the applicant's abilities. Please do the following:
Prefix | |
First (Given) | |
Last (Family) | |
Organization | |
Position/Title | |
Relationship | |
Telephone | |
Street Address | |
City | |
State | |
Postal Code |
Peer Comparison
Please rate how the candidate compares to his/her peers against the following criteria.
Please indicate the reference group for this comparison:
Unable to Judge | Below Average (bottom 50%) | Average (top 50%) | Good (top 25%) | Very Good (top 10%) | Outstanding (top 5%) | Truly Exceptional (top 2%) | |
intellectual ability | |||||||
quantitative ability | |||||||
written expression (English) | |||||||
oral expression (English) | |||||||
creativity | |||||||
initiative | |||||||
teamwork | |||||||
maturity | |||||||
demonstrated leadership | |||||||
managerial potential | |||||||
ethics and integrity |
Overall Recommendation
enthusiastically recommend | |
recommend | |
recommend with reservations | |
do not recommend |
Recommendation Letter
Please write a one- to two-page assessment of the applicant that addresses his or her personal qualities, strengths and weaknesses, and potential for achievement. We are looking for your candid and accurate assessment of the applicant’s potential to be a successful leader and what specific traits the applicant possesses that evidence this potential.
I have a Word or PDF document that I want to upload:
Or, I want to type or copy-and-paste my letter here:
In place of your signature, please type your full legal name:
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