5,三种business service 1)sevice relationship 顾客每次去都找同样的人 2)pseudore:同样的店,但每次服务的人不同 3)encounter:one-time service
6, how to clean environmental contamination 1)bioremediation 2)nano particles
后面还有,听得不太好,希望这部分是加试 1,india architecture什么的,提到泰姬陵,The Taj Mahal
2, art history,提到quilt,题中有一道是quilt两种pattern,双选答案,1,geometric 2,illustrative
3,the biggest organism, is a fungus found in XXXXX. 科学家用两种方法证明它是一个individual,1,sample
cultivated, grow together 2, analyze genetics(这是个双选题) --------------------------------------------------------这一部分都听得不太好,只能希望它是加试了。是不是
speaking: 1, describe a time when you are asked to do something you don't want to do, and what happend as a result 2,some people prefer to plan for future, some people prefer to concentrate on the present and not plan at
all, which do you prefer?
3,integrated task: ---------Jazz performance on the lawn passage:一个学生写给学校的信,建议学校邀请朋友的jazz乐队每天下午在lawn表演,这样可以给下午课间休息的同学
提供relaxation。 dialogue:mm和gg对话。mm反对这个提议,理由是: 1,时间不合适,下午大家都有课,或者忙着别的事,下午 表演没有多少人看,反而是个distraction。evening wil be
better。 2,performing indoor will be better.太多人在lawn上走,花花草草会死掉……
Writing: integrated task: marsupial vs placentals passage;说袋鼠等marsupial的三个缺点, 1,幼崽没发育完全就生出来了,所以需要装在pouch里,vulnerable。而placental的幼崽生下来就发育完全了,比较高
级。 2,marsupial can't effectively control their body temperature. this is a great disadvantage.they are
inferior to placentals 3, marsupial only thrive in Australia because placentals didn't arrive there until recently.
lecture反驳: 1,marsupial's joeys can be protected in pouches and develop their organs, this can give them more time
to cope with environmental challenges.They can get antibody from milk of parent. 2, some marsupials lower their body temperature on purpose in order to save energy, so it's not true
that they are inferior to placentals 3, archeology shows that there were placentals in Australia but they didn't manage to survive. so it's
not true that marsupials can't compete with placentals, on the contrary, they are the winner.
问题; summrize the lecture and show how does it related with the points in the passage.
writing 2: Movies and TV programs made in your own country are more interesting comparing to movies and
programs made in other countries, agree or disagreee.
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