我是09FALL的MBA 准备去university of tulsa 不是很好的学校,当初GMAT才540,没有工作经验,当时就只想09年走上就匆匆忙忙的决定了这个学校,但是现在冷静下来还是有点后悔啊,想去了那边再考一次G,读个半学期,在转学,但是现在就在犹豫是再选别的MBA还是转MSF/MSA,我本科就是读工商管理的,很大可能是回国后几年接管家族企业,我想知道,要是MBA的话能不能转学啊?或者MBA转了其他的Master是不是就不能在申请其他学校的MBA了啊?
If you have no work experience, I would suggest you to prepare for another Master program
during your first semester in Tulsa. Of course you could apply for other MBA programs after several years work, though MBA to MBA transfer is unlikely to happen in the short term.
Is that means whether I transfer school to read other master or give up the TULSA university MBA program, I will have no chance to apply any other MBA program?
Whether I could apply the master courses in 09 fall or I can just apply the master in 10 fall ?
You mean, I should read my MBA program in the first semeter,at the same time, prepare for my transfer plan. Is that right?
How about the credit ?Can they be transfered to the master program? I am really interested in the human resource.
Is the MBA program background in the transfer situation will helpful to my application?
What I need to focus on the process of application?
Thank you for your assistance!
mba transfer? impossible. master transfer? no such thing, you just have to apply like all the
regular students at the desinated time according to the schools you want to apply. mba backgroud helpful? not much, except you can ask your mba professors to write your recommendation letters. On the other hand, it hurts you because you have to prepare an EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD story to the AD COM why you want to drop your MBA and do another master program. Just because your think your current
school is a shitty school does not work. whether you can transfer credits? you have to talk to the
individual schools you want to apply. there is no general rule.
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