(1) RDS:GWD/PP原题
版本一: fireup(6/9,分数不详)
Verbal 有一道CR是 讲的RDS radio那道,应该是GWD的题目,但选项不同。
11. (24915-!-item-!-188;#058&001837)
Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.
(B) In 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.
(C) Equipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station's listening area.
(D) In 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.
(E) The RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming.
(2) 游行
有一个是gwd 的,就是说游行,然后游行在captial减少,但是这不能说明人们的反对减少。我记得答案是median切断了虾米虾米。我就选了那个了。
(3) 美国的coral比其它国家多
美国的coral比其它国家都多,这得益于plant power的发展,但是最近regulation 制止了 几个plant,但是coral mine expected to grow, because——1.美国的煤很多 2. 其它developing nations import their suppliers 3.更多的电力是由nuclear energy 制成的。4.每个地区煤的质量不一样。5.现在的plant make electricity near to at full capacity 我好像选了第二个。
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