Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed. Those who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were four times as likely to be depressed at the study’s end than those who did not begin smoking. Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. Participants who were depressed at the study’s start were no more likely to be smokers at the study’s end than those who were not depressed.
B. Participants who began smoking within a month of the study’s start were no more likely than those who began midway through to have quit smoking by the study’s end.
C. Few, if any, of the participants in the study were friends or relatives of other participants.
D. Some participants entered and emerged from a period of depression within the year of the study.
E. The researchers did not track use of alcohol by the teenagers.
题目说对年轻人进行1年追踪调查,是否会吸烟以及如何影响mental health
结论是吸烟使teenager depression.
建议楼主把A选项也翻译出来, 看会不会帮助解决问题
如果不是因为理解问题, 那么有一个加强/削弱的套路和楼主讲一下, 就是因果倒置
本题结论是, 吸烟导致depression,
如果说, 是depress导致吸烟, 那么就是一个因果倒置的削弱,
如果说不是因为depress导致吸烟, 那么就是一个并非因果倒置的加强
“如果说不是因为depress导致吸烟, 那么就是一个并非因果倒置的加强”
简单的说就是: 在研究开始就抑郁的人, 在研究结束后变成吸烟者的可能性和那些不抑郁的人一样大
换句话说, 抑郁不抑郁,对转变成吸烟者没有影响, 也就是说, 不是因为抑郁而导致了吸烟.
如果没有, 我们来看这样的选择为什么能成为答案
现在有两种现象, A 吸烟, B 抑郁, 在题目需要的范畴, 自然有两种情况
A导致B (吸烟->抑郁) , 或者B导致A (抑郁->吸烟),
现在, 结论是A导致B
如果我们说: 其实, 事实是B导致A, 这就是因果倒置的削弱,
那么如何加强呢? 我们说: 并不是B导致A. 两种情况, 排除B导致A, 当然就是加强了A导致B
这个就是题目和选项设计的思路, 不知道楼主明白没有?
注意原因和结果, 别绕进去了, 呵呵
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