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标题: 09年 Notre Dame MBA Interview 面试精华汇总 [打印本页]

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:48     标题: 09年 Notre Dame MBA Interview 面试精华汇总

Notre Dame 热腾腾的冒着气的面经
夜里11点,本来约好了Brian。但电话打过去说他临时有事换成了Kim Patton。估计是个年轻的女孩,声音很好听,非常nice。可以感到是故意放慢了语速,尽量使我听懂。闲言碎语不要讲,进入正题:
1.Why MBA, Why now
2.Why Notre Dame
3.What other schools are you applying
4.Three traits of Notre Dame - teamwork, ethics and leadership (各举一个例子,哥们在leadership上说多了,她也不打断,感觉是个很好的听众)
5.Any question

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:49

Notre Dame面试分享
Notre Dame面试分享
我的面试居然20分钟就结束了,真不知道是好还是坏 唉呀
跟前几年大家分享的几乎一样,大概可以发现好像Notre Dame每年面试题目变化不大,祝福大家申请顺利
1) 针对履历上的提问
2) Why mba, why Notre Dame
3) Ethical dilemma
4) Team work experience
5) Community service

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:49

notre dame 面经
这个面试是我打电话要来的。。。交完申请之后等通知等的无聊,直接打电话到他家说要约面试,adcom 蛮爽快,马上帮我安排了一个2月1号的电话面试,今天补上面经。
1. educational and professional experience, adcom好像对工作经历不太感兴趣,倒是比较关心我每次跳槽的原因
2. why mba, why school, 老的都没牙的东西
3. ethnical dillema, 这个头疼了,我说我工作中没有碰到过什么ethnical dillema, adcom说那你随便举个生活上的例子吧,我说要么等下,我想想...
4. creative这个没准备过,说的比较乱,adcom很nice,一直说great, 不过我估计他没听明白
5. teamwork 经验
6. contribution to community
总体来说感觉他家比较重视ethnical和contribution to society, 毕竟是教会的学校。

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:49

Notre Dame电话面试, admission officer , 近40分钟
2.why Notre Dame
3.what other schools do you apply
4.Future Career goal
5.Five year career goal,留美国还是回中国
6.three examples about: team work, ethics, leadership
7.ask her questions
ND很重视 business ethics,可以在回答why Notre Dame时好好说一下

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:49

Notre Dame 面试
今天早上三点半如约进行了Notre Dame 的面试,由于是半夜,花了好久的时间才让自己的脑袋清醒过来
, 给我面试的是一位女士,很nice, 面试官首先感谢我能够在这个时间如约面试(当然了,这么晚,明摆着折腾人嘛), 面试很有条理性。首先是面试官自我介绍,然后告诉我面试大约会进行30分钟,会问我相关问题,并会给我时间提问。
1. Why MBA, Why now
2. Why Notre Dame
3. What other shools are you applying, The differences between those schools and Notre Dame(没想到会被问到这个问题,就直接告诉她也说不出有什么具体的不同,但愿不会有什么不良影响)
4. Personal experience concerning Teamwork, Ethics and Leadership.
至于我问的问题嘛,各人兴趣和面试的情况不同,自然就不同了, 我就不在这里汇报了。面试官倒是很耐心的解答的。
总体感觉面试的问题不很tough, 面试官没有追根究底,是很好的倾听者(不知是不是我讲太多了,没有给对方时间)。面试刚好30分钟。

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:49

Notre Dame面试
why MBA? why Notre Dame?
What is your job? what is your working experience?what do you do for fun?
前后有半个钟头吧.是Mary Goss给面的,非常nice.约的我这夜里12:00,她还挺不好意思.

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:50

interviewed by Notre Dame just now
Interview conducted by a very kind GG, questions are as follows for your reference.

Talk something about day to day work.

How to solve staff conflicts

Why Notre Dame

An example of ethical dilemma

Career goals

leadership experience, example required.

Hope the information above helpful.

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-16 11:50

Notre Dame Interview Tips
Just had an alumni interview with Notre Dame last week. The lady was really nice and only asked the questions listed on the form she was given by the admi. In case anyone is interviewing with ND by an alumni, here are the questions on the interview form:
1. Why MBA, what factors about ND that made you consider applying for the school
2. One example of ethical dilamma, what approach you took and what was the result, how would you do differently? (ND MBA really focus on ethic issues a lot, worth think about it)
3. Best team you worked with, what was your role? How did you practice your leadship qua
4. Where do you see yourself in five years, what company will you work with
some other questions i can't remember. but it's pretty standard questions. Hope this helps..
my interviewing questions:
please tell me your background and explain why mba, why ND,
please give a example to describle your teamwork
why do you work for your current employer
please give a example in which you make decision based on your evaluation to others

作者: stream    时间: 2009-3-20 09:57

ND 新鲜面经我交材料第二天就收到面试邀请了。当时我没空,往后推了一周。

我在学校面试的,Andrew Sama是面试官。以上来就切入正题,问why MBA,why ND. 然后就是the most challenging leadership experience, most proud of leadership experience, teamwork experience, best teamwork. ethical dilamma, other schools you apply.

总体感觉面试问题中规中矩,相对拘禁一些,没有聊乱其八糟的问题。我是要明天参加open house的,结果面试官说他有事不能去了:(,不能套近乎了。

自己感觉面的不是太好。 anyway,发点面经攒下rp.

作者: bigmouser    时间: 2009-3-21 08:31

many  thanks !!!

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