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标题: 3月SC机经整理 23更新到27题 [打印本页]

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-13 10:50     标题: 3月SC机经整理 23更新到27题

我强烈建议兄弟姐妹一定要好好的看 PREP上的 SC




1 有一条题的SO ...AS 把我考到了,大意是说,科学技术发展可能显得如此平淡以至长久下来它们会INVISIBLE

Technologies…so mudane as to be invisible

                                     还是as they are invisible

2 有一条题考devote to的

我个人觉得正确选项可能是 (这里好像是增强service还是price什么的)….to create….后面的to create实际上应该是这些措施的目的,而且是动词,所以不是和devote直接搭配的。

3 某个公司在最近的财务报表上的数字差别很大,这个不同和预计的最多差了1billion,公司将错误归于新会计制度的实施。


4 大意:在馆长的要求下,博物馆里xx展品都移到east wing,除了那些特别大件,只有大厅里才能容纳的展品。


1 ......; the only exception is …..这里特别大件的展品的英语特别长,读来读去觉得不顺,我个人觉得还是应该…..are
the only exception (到底原文是is还是are不太记得了)

2......- expect …——我选了这个


考试的时候先特别注意平行结构, 比如to…to…and to…, being…being…and being…和单数/复数指代,主谓语一致,单数对单数,复数对复数。

6 其实是我遇到的第一题

though John’s xxx theory过于强调moral…它的影响…选its而不是his

7 “一种病, 不是细菌带来的也不是病毒带来的, 而是一种什么什么导致的, 给了一个四个字的缩写有C有X的;“

这道题我也遇见了,题目很长,有很多生词,细菌的影响和病毒的影响都是名词而不是动词。我的解题方法是看最后一句(没有划线)是called CDIX。就选了选项
 …and are called …

8 原句是both range from...(从both开始加下划线)当时脑子真短路了,一直想接着该用and 还是用to,然后发觉应该只说range from…to…,把A,B选项立马排除了。

SC:实在想不起来细节,做到12点的时候老眼睛昏花,个人感觉和prep差不多,考parallel,logic prediction,comparation,比较多,具体题目忘记了,但是大致是2到平行,4道lp,都是长划线的那种,包括2道整体划线,做得眼花,还有两道比较more than 之类的。就记得这些了。


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-13 10:50


SC: 跟prep很象。 遇见了那个 melting of ice and a rise in the sea level的题 记得有考thus的用法, especially的用法,还有half of 后面加不加the+n

SC 比较简单

SC的题为了避免误导只提供汉语意思, 希望能搜到

1.       温室效应, 可能会带来的效果有

2.       一种病, 不是细菌带来的也不是病毒带来的, 而是一种什么什么导致的, 给了一个四个字的缩写有C有X的;



·the death of fish(还是什么动物啊,忘了?) is contributed ...

答案中有 to their having done sth;  as a result of; to result from;....contribute 可以和result一起吗?)





作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-16 11:06

8 大意:在馆长的要求下,博物馆里xx展品都移到east wing,除了那些特别大件,只有大厅里才能容纳的展品。


1 ......; the only exception is …..这里特别大件的展品的英语特别长,读来读去觉得不顺,我个人觉得还是应该…..are
the only exception (到底原文是is还是are不太记得了)

2......- expect …——我选了这个


考试的时候先特别注意平行结构, 比如to…to…and to…, being…being…and being…和单数/复数指代,主谓语一致,单数对单数,复数对复数。


9 其实是我遇到的第一题

though John’s xxx theory过于强调moral…它的影响…选its而不是his

10 “一种病, 不是细菌带来的也不是病毒带来的, 而是一种什么什么导致的, 给了一个四个字的缩写有C有X的;“

这道题我也遇见了,题目很长,有很多生词,细菌的影响和病毒的影响都是名词而不是动词。我的解题方法是看最后一句(没有划线)是called CDIX。就选了选项
 …and are called …

11 原句是both range from...(从both开始加下划线)当时脑子真短路了,一直想接着该用and 还是用to,然后发觉应该只说range from…to…,把A,B选项立马排除了。


12 SC:实在想不起来细节,做到12点的时候老眼睛昏花,个人感觉和prep差不多,考parallel,logic prediction,comparation,比较多,具体题目忘记了,但是大致是2到平行,4道lp,都是长划线的那种,包括2道整体划线,做得眼花,还有两道比较more than 之类的。就记得这些了。


13 SC: 跟prep很象。 遇见了那个 melting of ice and a rise in the sea level的题 记得有考thus的用法, especially的用法,还有half of 后面加不加the+n


 14 SC的题为了避免误导只提供汉语意思, 希望能搜到

1.       温室效应, 可能会带来的效果有

2.       一种病, 不是细菌带来的也不是病毒带来的, 而是一种什么什么导致的, 给了一个四个字的缩写有C有X的;


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-16 11:07

15 ·the death of fish(还是什么动物啊,忘了?) is contributed ...

答案中有 to their having done sth;  as a result of; to result from;....contribute 可以和result一起吗?)


16 SC只记住了一个,说什么网会严重影响海洋生物,把珊瑚的根给拔出来了,我选的是动词ING形式,放在最后了。其他有不定式,有FROM吧?记不住,我就觉得分词ING那个做伴随状语还有点可能。


17 有一题选项中有“名词 of doing sth…”,”名词 to do sth…..”。我选的doing, 知道后面接of doing 的名词不多,但是读起来很顺口,就选了,但是具体是哪个词,怎么都回忆不上来,对不住哦。大家留意这种用法的词,搜集一下。


18 有一题选项中主语单数和复数都对,看到后面没有划线的从句中有after they have…..,就知道选复数了。类似的例子很多,几乎每套题里都有


19 有两个考到虚拟语气的,有一题是把had 提前,就是对过去虚拟的表达,记住就好了;第二个是if it were,were是不划线部分的,it指代前面的a particular species of Lizard,但是答案中有将it换成they的

20 not so much…as…的表达

21 平行表达:because后连接两个平行对象;

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-23 10:15


22我也碰到了both rangefrom...to那题,还是第41道,秒选了一个,好像是C 逗号后面直接加to(不过不确定,没仔细看)


23 还有unlike sb...,sb 结构对称


24 有一道题,是主语 + did 加动词 ... 有两选项有这个did的,对谓语动词的强调。我选了这个。

 25  遇到一个原题,是我的第三题,为了节约后面几天考的XDJM时间,我翻了320题特地找来给大家享用。这题很简单

67. (28020-!-item-!-188;#058&003766)

A pair of architects in Britain, who say that giant arches, bridges, and walls made of artificial bone could be easier to design and build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, for showing how their idea would work.

(A) build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, for showing

(B) build than conventional structures, and they have already designed a number of structures, which includes a bridge, to show

(C) build than conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, to show

(D) also to build than conventional structures, already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, which shows

(E) to build than with conventional structures, have already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, which shows


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-23 10:15


26.       另外有个Despite being different from 好像是正确选项,就它最好了。


27   有个题我做了5-6分钟还是没有确定,indicate how …reject, would ,前面还有一个That 的从句,复杂句有几套结构,从句嵌套从句的。






以下是 hang13 找的资料 希望对大家有所帮助。黄色为他选的错误选项 红色是正确选项。 is twice as many as the 40 % threshold of 選舉
  考點在the 40 percent (我覺得這個是對的)


The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, doubling the increase of the previous year. 

A. doubling the increase of

B. doubling that of the increase in

C. double as much as the increase of

D. twice as many as the increase in

E. twice as many as the increase of



5 有一条题的SO ...AS 把我考到了,大意是说,科学技术发展可能显得如此平淡以至长久下来它们会INVISIBLE

Technologies…so mudane as to be invisible
 还是as they are invisible

174.    (28920-!-item-!-188;#058&003515)  

Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.

A. so gradual as to be indistinguishable

B. so gradual so that they can be indistinguishable

C. so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished

D. gradual enough not to be distinguishable

E. gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-23 10:16


13 SC: 跟prep很象。 遇见了那个 melting of ice and a rise in the sea level的题 记得有考thus的用法, especially的用法,还有half of 后面加不加the+n


Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.

A.    may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level

B.    may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level

C.    may include polar ice caps that are melting and sea levels that are rising

D.    include melting the polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising

E.     include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level




大全676 ,新PREP 1

243.    (32358-!-item-!-188;#058&006479)    (GWD-10-Q8)  

Sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid rain, is an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system's ability to deal with all other pollutants.

A. an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system's ability to deal

B. an especially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory system's capability of dealing

C. an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the respiratory system in dealing

D. a specially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the respiratory system to deal

E. a specially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory system's ability to deal


40. (26538-!-item-!-188;#058&003184)
According to one expert, the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria as that the breeds have relativelyfew founding members.
(A) the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria
(B) the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not as much their being bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria as much
(C) it is not so much the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog that they are being bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria as much
(D) it is not so much that the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is their being bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria so much
(E) it is not so much the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog to be bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria

句子结构:According to…, the cause of… is not so much that… as that… 比较结构。
1) 比较的习惯用法,not so much that… as that… 与其说…不如说…,形式平行,常见的错误用法
有:not so much their…as much as that; not so as…as much as; not so much… so much as,
2) 平行对称,GMAT语法中常见的平行结构混淆选项是形式上平行,但逻辑上修饰对象是错误的,

(A) 正确,for looks or to meet平行修饰谓语bred,是功能平行而不是形式平行,表示be bred的目的。
(B) not so much their being…as much as that…不平行。
(C) it表语从句用法错误,not so much the cause of…as much as that…不平行;are being bred for
looks or meeting…中的meeting有与being并列的歧义,应该用to meet表示目的。
(D) it表语从句用法错误,第二个is多余,not so much… so much as搭配错误;应该用to meet。
(E) it表语从句用法错误;to be bred和to meet逻辑上不平行;not so much that…搭配不完整

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