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标题: 北美3/4体会+鸡经 [打印本页]

作者: joanjoan    时间: 2009-3-5 09:54     标题: 北美3/4体会+鸡经

这次考试深有体会, 除了证明自己绝对不是NN, 还有一些教训自认为还是有一定的普遍性所以想跟大家分享以求共勉。 成绩惨不忍睹, M50/V25    620   名副其实的got killed Verbally...

本人美国本科在读第四年,商科, 从开始宣布准备gmat一月初到今天考试一共有2个半月的时间, 开始零零碎碎,心不在焉,花了大概三个礼拜的时间才把og做完一遍 (仅仅是做完对下答案)自己寒一个!!所以 真正开始准备的有效时间是从一月底的样子,大约一个半月。这个所谓的“真正的开始准备”包含以下: gwd13的前6套数学, gwd-tn整理的前5套,gwd做错的不会上来看看讨论, prep语法笔记 1.0的前100题, 三次模考GMATPrep(650/720/610,最后一次下半夜两点考的), 作文黄金80前十篇(最后五天),白勇语法讲解的比较结构(最后三天), 2月全部数学机经总结(最后两天)。 

自己也知道准备的不充分, 但自觉得靠着不错的数学底子和几年的英语环境, 成绩应该700左右没问题。 事实证明完全错误。

1. GMAT设计的是测试能力为主, 语言其次。一个好的成绩至少需要一个差不多的语言底子 但一个差不多的语言底子不能保证给你理想的成绩。 大家不能象我一样犯低级的CR错误。 对GMAT的认识还是要把握准确的。 本人英文自认还不错, 当年托福660考进,SAT1400,大学在美国日常交流暑假实习没有任何障碍。 今天的这个认识是个血的教训。 不要轻信SC可以靠语感, 没有严谨的分析和基础是行不通的。还有,SC很多优化和习惯的考点都是美国本地人常泛的错误, 靠语感是误入歧途。
2. 复习是要系统和用心。 我复习的时候天天坐桌前,看似很用功但实际一会上网一会打电话,周末再party一个喝两杯,这样想纯数浪费时间。 对大多数人来讲, 不用心,没有决心结果就是这个成绩。
3. 总结看来是最重要的。 很多SC碰到的题都跟Prep很相像,感觉考点近在咫尺但就不知道是什么。估计要像NN们说的一定要到一看就知道考点的境界。
4. 其实这个成绩应该是预料之中的, 复习的不充分自己最清楚。 自欺欺人想撞大运是过不了GMAT的。 对自己还是要真实些,哪怕刻薄些。象我这样吊了浪当的这个成绩是响亮的一记耳光, 大家引以为戒。

就这么多失败体会了, 希望给那些无论是和我心里状态类似的, 还是复习状态类似的同学们敲个警钟, 对待gmat一定得态度端正。 当然了, GMAT的绝对不是不可逾越, 下了功夫, 下对功夫我相信绝对可以挑战成功。 毛主席说了, 战略上要藐视, 战术上要重视,没有打不赢的仗, 大家再接再励!

Math:整体感觉还好,知识点都见过。但感觉难题都在DS里还有number property 和inequity陷阱重重,大家小心再小心。 

作者: joanjoan    时间: 2009-3-5 09:54

(PS) A独自工作4个小时完成了一半的工作, 剩下的工作
        A跟B一起工作共花了3个小时, B独立工作要做多久.  我选:24  已出现的机经

(PS) $1000 deposits,how much more interests would you get between annual interest x% compounded semiannually and annual interest x compounded annually?  这题我算了半天忘了选什么了,注意x后有%

(PS) -with graph. In a x-y plane, the area of total two triangles is XX, one triangle is on first quadrant with two vertexes (3,0) (4,4)数据不确定, the other triangle in 2nd quadrant has two vertexes  (a,6), 问a?  我记得选 (-4,0) 答案应该正确

(PS) two integers x and y, both their tens digits are 6, how many variations in tens digit of 2x+2y? 我选 B 4

(PS) there are two groups, part-time and full-time, part-time is 1/3 of the total, and part-time worked 3/5 hours of full time, ask what fractions of part-time working hours in total hours?  忘选什么了大家自己算吧挺简单的, 这题哪见过

(PS) Five apples, two of them is bad, u randomly pick two apples each time for two times, what is the chance that u have picked at least two bad apples in two times?这题看着很饶口,记着第一次选完要放回去

(PS) known that a&b are integers, a-b and a/b are both evens, ask which of following must be odd? 里面有b^2/2+1, 还有a^2/2-1,挣扎了半天最后选第一个了

(PS) -with graph.  A right triangle inscribes in semicycle and crosses the center, triangle's two sides are 6 and 8, asking what's rate of cycle area to triangle? 忘答案了大家自己算吧

(PS) 1984 is a leap year, June 21 is Sunday, what day is June 21 in 1987? 这题是老管的吧

(DS) two passels of shipments, one passel has 15 shipments weighing total of 840, range from 1 to 70, the second parcel has 18 shipments, asking the the difference between the ranges of second parcel and first?
1. second parcel has weight of total 900
2. average weight of second parcels is 750  (numbers are not accurate)
这题我选E了 大家看一下条件一和二能否推出range difference

(DS) 具体忘记了,反正是这种形式,比如 ab /a+b > a^2 -b, ab integers 但我记得最终化减后是 (a-b)(a^2-b^2)>0
1. a>b
2. a^2-b^2<0

(DS) One uses estimation to plan his trip. The estimated distance of trip is S miles, the estimated time of trip is T hours. He wants to know if his estimation of speed across the trip will be maintained with 0.5miles/hour?
1. Accuracy of estimated distance is within 10 miles
2. Accuracy of estimated time is within 2 hours

(DS) One isosceles triangle with two side 6 and 6sqrt3, what is triangle's perimeter?
1. one of its angles is larger than 90
2. given a range of maximum/minimum perimeter

(DS) What is the remainder of 5n(5 is the tens digit; n is the unit digit) be divided by 3?
1. n can be divided by 2 remainder 1
2. n can be divided by 3 remiander  2

作者: joanjoan    时间: 2009-3-5 09:55

Verbal: 做的时候就感觉是云里雾里, 估计是SC太差了 阅读很多也没把握 CR还将就吧 哎  怎一个烂字了得?

SC: 跟prep很象。 遇见了那个 melting of ice and a rise in the sea level的题 记得有考thus的用法, especially的用法,还有half of 后面加不加the+n

RC:  还真碰到了那个Caterpillar的题, 这篇阅读比较长而且逻辑关系很强, 没把眼镜差点看破了. 关键词:caterpillar, wasp, attractive chemicals. 主要讲plants have developed their own defensive system by attracting wasps, the predator of caterpillar host.  caterpillar咬完树叶后, 树叶会自己分泌chemical attracion 引来wasps, 科学家开始怀疑是caterpillar自己在吃剩下的树叶上留下的chemical attraction 后来发现不是. 第一个题问文章concern什么, 我选E, 关于defensive system 第二个是inferred from the passage, wasp would be attracted by which of following , 忘选什么了
        还碰到一个关于 dust and wavelength的阅读,这个也挺长,最后决定不能再看了, 再看电脑屏幕都龟裂了. dust will obsorb most light except for red, since dust articles are too large compared to wavelength of red light. 有个analogy跟ocean light比来说明dust的大小影响光线的吸收。

CR: 这个真记不清了 记着了我也保留意见了 这个太容易误导了


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