1. All Y chromosomes in existence today are descended from a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.
A. a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived
B. a single ancestor’s who was thought to live
C. a single ancestor whom it is thought had lived
D. the Y chromosome of a single ancestor who is thought to have lived
E. the Y chromosome of a single ancestor whom it was thought had lived
2. 题干: Pending approval by the united states congress.bla, bla...., the airline said, on January, the growth rate of sth will be increased.. (整句划线,选项不太记得了)
3. not only, but aslo,
1. 很多EVALUATION题。(本来这块就差,题干都超长,动不动就搞出五六行,严重走神ING,记不得了,SORRY)
22. 一个大圆里面切了一个小圆,说小圆的outside diameter is equal to inside radius of the large circular. And the cross-section area of the large circular is 49pai, what is the cross-section area of the small circular? (数字不是49PAI, 原体为14PAI)
18. (PS) 一道路程,跑步的10mile/hr,走路的6mile/hr, 跑步的超过走路的10分钟后到达喷泉,走路的还要多久到?答案: 6又三分之二(即20/3)分钟
A. the only positive factor greater than sqrt(p) is p.
B. the only positive factor less than sqrt(p) is 1.
61. .hexagon 的each edge is 80, what is the diagonal? (考试时:80改为20)
268. 1. 一个衣柜里有a, b, c三种衣服,c的数量>7,这三种衣服之比是9:4:5,问题是这个衣柜里共有多少衣服
(1)衣服总数less than 30
(2) a 和b一共是26
267. PS:一个苹果派要三杯剥皮、去核的苹果。剥皮、去核的苹果会比原来轻1/5。两杯剥皮、去核的苹果重1pound。1pound苹果值$1。问做p个pie要多少钱。15P/8
233. 40个人,60%的人参加A 30%的人参加B, 问既a又b的多少,
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