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作者: dreadpower    时间: 2009-2-4 01:39     标题: 2009 Michigan Ross MBA Waitlist Chat with Soojin Kwon Koh

Hello. My name is Linda Abraham. I am the founder of and the moderator of today’s chat. First I want to welcome you all to’s Ross waitlist chat. I also want to welcome Soojin Kwon Koh, Director of MBA Admissions, and Doug Thomas, Senior Associate Director of Ross MBA Admissions. We also have two current Ross students, Jack Fritz and Michelle Gezo, who were both accepted from Ross’ waitlist last year.

Thanks to everyone for joining.

ActionBasedYearning (Jan 22, 2009 12:03:42 PM)
Soojin: are waitlisted candidates compared to the entire pool or only within their demographics?

jacob (Jan 22, 2009 12:03:57 PM)
Doug: How does the waitlist work? When do you start accepting off your waitlist?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:03:59 PM)
Action, waitlisted candidates will be compared with all Round 2 applicants.

rvs (Jan 22, 2009 12:04:14 PM)
Hi Soojin. What are the major changes from the waitlist policies of years past?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:04:38 PM)
RVS, there are no major changes this year. Like last year, we will review WL (waitlisted) candidates in each successive round.

O.R. 2011 (Jan 22, 2009 12:04:52 PM)
Soojin: What is the difference between a waitlist candidate who received an interview, versus one who did not receive an interview?

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 12:05:08 PM)
Jack and Michelle: What steps, if any, did you take while on Ross’ waitlist?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:05:35 PM)
O.R. 2011: There is no difference. It's an issue of time constraints. Some were able to be interviewed during our R1 cycle, others may be interviewed in this cycle.

syadav (Jan 22, 2009 12:05:53 PM)
Hello Soojin. I understand that there has been a change in the process to evaluate waitlisted candidates and applicants who are waitlisted in R1 will be re-evaluated again in R2. Does this mean that I should expect another notification on the date of R2 admission decision? Or will all waitlist candidates will be notified only in the subsequent round?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:06:00 PM)
Linda, we identified any possible weaknesses in our application, and then we sought to improve our application to the best of our ability. Once these improvements were made, we notified the admissions committee.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:06:35 PM)
Syadav, if there is a CHANGE in your admissions status, we will notify you with our R2 decisions. If there is NO change, you will remain on our WL for re-evaluation in R3.

ls1 (Jan 22, 2009 12:06:49 PM)
Soojin: Can someone explain the new Ross policy regarding waitlist candidates being reconsidered along with the rest of the Round 2 applicant pool?

bans5ue (Jan 22, 2009 12:06:51 PM)
Doug: What is the latest date by when all additional material needs to be sent?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:07:03 PM)
Jacob, we will review our waitlist along with our Round 2 applications. Some of those waitlisted may be admitted or just kept on the waitlist to be reviewed at a later date. We will use a similar process for our Round 3. After that, we are basically managing the waitlist on a rolling basis. Any new info should be forwarded to and make it clear that you are on the waitlist. This will ensure that your information is considered in the timeliest manner.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:07:16 PM)
Is1, there is not much to explain other than we'll compare R1 WL applicants to R2 applicants.

waiting (Jan 22, 2009 12:07:25 PM)
Soojin: How many candidates have been waitlisted in R1?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:07:39 PM)
Waiting, we don't release numbers until the end of the admissions year.

Vani Punam (Jan 22, 2009 12:07:48 PM)
Soojin: Hello, thanks very much for this opportunity. Could you please let us know what the reasons are for putting applicants on the waitlist? Do all waitlisted applicants have deficiencies in their applications?

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 12:08:03 PM)
Jack and Michelle: When did you find out that were accepted from the waitlist?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:08:39 PM)
Linda, Michelle found out in May and I found out in the beginning of August.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:05 PM)
Vani, applicants could be waitlisted for a variety of reasons - GMAT, full-time work experience quality/quantity or potential to make a unique contribution to the class.

Saurabh (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:20 PM)
Hi Soojin, what are the stats in terms of number of students accepted and waitlisted in R1?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:23 PM)
Bans5ue: Additional materials can be sent until you are notified that you are no longer being considered for admission. For international students, this tends to be about July 1, since there may be visa related issues prohibiting someone to attend after that date. For all others, we will continue to manage the waitlist through mid August.

Mike Miller (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:29 PM)
Doug: If you have already interviewed and you do not feel that your interview showed you in your best light can you request a re-interview?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:43 PM)
Saurabh, as mentioned above, we don't release stats until the end of the admissions year.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:09:47 PM)
Mike: Good question. Unfortunately, you cannot request another interview. If we feel the interview was our main concern regarding your candidacy, there is the possibility of us reaching out to you to schedule another one. This isn't very common though.

Amit_Dingare (Jan 22, 2009 12:10:12 PM)
Soojin: Can you exemplify what a waitlisted candidate can do to make his candidacy stronger without going overboard on updates?

ActionBasedYearning (Jan 22, 2009 12:10:54 PM)
Michelle & Jack: What do you think helped you in getting admitted from the WL?

ds0613 (Jan 22, 2009 12:11:34 PM)
Doug: I recently noticed that I made a significant typo in my application. How can I get this corrected? Thank you!

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:12:16 PM)
Action, Michelle improved her GMAT. I took on more leadership positions in my company as well as in local community organizations. I also took quantitative courses to improve my application.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:12:24 PM)
Amit, I'd recommend reviewing your application closely and trying to figure out where you might have been less competitive. In some cases, it may not be an easily remedied issue (e.g., if your essays weren't as compelling or well-written as other applicants). If it's an issue that can be improved (e.g., a GMAT score), then WL applicants should retake it. If you're already around our average (706 last year), then that wouldn't have been the issue.

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2009-2-4 01:40

O.R. 2011 (Jan 22, 2009 12:12:39 PM)
Soojin: Will round 1 wait list candidates be compared to R2 and R3 applicants? When is a person removed from the waitlist consideration?

Vani Punam (Jan 22, 2009 12:13:26 PM)
Jack & Michelle: Thanks for your time today. In your opinion, why do you think you were waitlisted in the first place, and how did you convert your waitlisted status to an admission?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:13:35 PM)
O.R. 2011: Yes, R1 WL will be evaluated in R2 and R3. Candidates are removed from the WL if they request to be removed or if they don't respond to our inquiries asking if they want to remain on the WL.

Ryan F (Jan 22, 2009 12:13:56 PM)
Soojin - Based on Ross' statement that the waitlist isn't ranked, and that waitlisted students are accepted based on the overall composition of the class, how do you evaluate students in that context? Is it more heavily weighted toward what they've done and what experiences they'll bring to the Ross community? Or is it more forward looking, and focused on career goals?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:14:15 PM)
Ds0613: That happens. If the typo is in one of your uploaded documents such as an essay, you can always resend it to and we will append it to your original application. You may just want to drop us a line saying that you recognize that you made a typo rather than submitting the information again.

Rothenberg (Jan 22, 2009 12:14:18 PM)
Doug: What are the financial aid implications - will less aid be available if accepted?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:15:14 PM)
Good question, Ryan. It's a combination of both. We're looking for strong academics, strong work experience, unique background (including work and other pursuits), as well as career goals. For example, we wouldn't want to have a class that was comprised of all students wanting to go into one industry or function. So we do take all of that into consideration.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:15:40 PM)
Rothenberg, there are no financial aid implications for those taken off the waitlist. Every admitted student is given equal consideration.

Mike (Jan 22, 2009 12:15:47 PM)
Soojin: Regarding updates to admissions, such as new GMAT scores, when is the latest date in which they could still be relevant to the upcoming round?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:15:53 PM)
For Michelle, her GMAT score was significantly lower than average so she used a private tutor and retook the test and improved her score. For me,  I knew my application was weaker on leadership because I'd held junior positions, so I focused on getting that experience. I also had worked in law, so I knew I had to improve my quantitative skills and show the admissions committee I was capable.

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:16:05 PM)
Doug: Is there any protocol through which we can find out what are the weak areas that the adcom identified in our app?

O.R. 2011 (Jan 22, 2009 12:16:07 PM)
Jack and Michelle: What procedure did you follow to provide updates to the admissions committee, in regards to your continued interest at Ross and enhancements to your application?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:16:29 PM)
Mike, the sooner the better, especially with updated scores.

bans5ue (Jan 22, 2009 12:16:54 PM)
Soojin, is it possible to hear about acceptances before the 2nd round deadline or should we expect no news before that?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:17:11 PM)
Bans5ue: No R2 decisions will be released prior to March 15.

JBPILON (Jan 22, 2009 12:17:30 PM)
Soojin: What is the average (ballpark) percentage of candidates that get admitted from the waitlist?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:17:41 PM)
O.R. 2001: I waited until I had actually done something to improve my application. You do not want to be a pest to the admissions committee, so weekly emails or letters are not helpful. I aimed to have significant improvements to my applications sent to the admissions committee each month.

app1 (Jan 22, 2009 12:17:44 PM)
Jack: Can you give an example of what your weakness was and what you did to improve upon it?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:17:50 PM)
JBPILON, It varies from year to year based on the yield from students we admitted as well as the size of our waitlist.

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 12:18:33 PM)
Soojin, are you planning to waitlist more applicants this year because of the overall economic uncertainty or for any other reason?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:18:42 PM)
My weaknesses were in two areas: Leadership and quantitative ability. I worked hard to get more leadership experience to share with admissions as well as taking courses on finance and accounting.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:18:44 PM)
TargetRoss, this is probably a question on everyone's mind. Unfortunately, we do not provide feedback to waitlisted candidates. The best thing I can suggest is to review our waitlist webpage that should have been provided to you in your decision notice. Also, have someone else take a look at your application and based on the information from our webpage, see if they can point out an area where you could potentially improve your candidacy.

waiting (Jan 22, 2009 12:18:50 PM)
Doug: Do all waitlisted applicants receive a confirmation email on their waitlisted status? I had sent across an email and I am yet to receive a confirmation from the associate director.

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:18:51 PM)
I chose to provide staggered updates to the Admissions Committee, but only when I had improvements or news to share. I wanted to make sure they knew I was still interested, but make sure it wasn't overkill.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:19:20 PM)
Linda, the size of our waitlist this year is larger than last year, but last year, we significantly reduced the size of the waitlist.

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:19:36 PM)
Soojin: I understand that for international candidates, the last decision date would be R2 only. Is it correct?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:20:22 PM)
Waiting: I actually oversee our operations team and they confirmed with me that they had reached out to everyone who had notified us that they wanted to be placed on our waitlist. You may want to send another email just to double check.

O.R. 2011 (Jan 22, 2009 12:20:28 PM)
Doug: Are Canadian applicants considered international students, and thus only considered until July 1?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:20:47 PM)
TargetRoss: No, our target completion date for international students on the WL is June 1, in order to allow enough time for visa processing.

Vani Punam (Jan 22, 2009 12:20:54 PM)
Soojin: What do you recommend are the best strategies to convert a waitlist status into an admission?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:22:15 PM)
Vani, I'd recommend reviewing your app, assessing where you may have been less competitive, and addressing the issue, if it's one that can be addressed. Otherwise, as difficult as it may be, I recommend being patient. Activity on the waitlist may be brisk or slow, depending on the yield from admitted students.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:22:47 PM)
O.R. 2011: That's a tricky one. Considering that Canadian applicants are international, but do not have quite the same visa issues as other international applicants, they could remain on the waitlist longer.

Steve (Jan 22, 2009 12:22:50 PM)
Soojin: How is the course considered in comparison to a single subject course from a local college as a means to show adequate quant skills?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:23:06 PM)
Steve, it's comparable.

Saurabh (Jan 22, 2009 12:23:14 PM)
Doug: For those candidates for whom you feel have good stats but "low potential to make a unique contribution to the class .." can you suggest what can help them get off the waitlist ? It seems like for the most part, in their cases, it depends on the rest of the applicant pool. Thanks!

ActionBasedYearning (Jan 22, 2009 12:23:59 PM)
Jack and Michelle: Roughly how many of your classmates were international applicants and accepted from the WL ?

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:24:18 PM)
Soojin: If, I had not highlighted some part of my profile in my application, can I send the adcom details about that too? Or only the info related to post-application updates will be considered?

Aravind (Jan 22, 2009 12:24:32 PM)
Doug: How much value does a short note from a Ross student/alumnus help? Say, if I got connected with the student/alum recently through the Ross information session and since then I’ve been in touch with the Ross ambassador, would a brief note add value to my candidacy?

作者: dreadpower    时间: 2009-2-4 01:40

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:25:52 PM)
ActionBasedYearning, we don't talk about who was on the waitlist once we all get here, so I don't have any numbers for you.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:00 PM)
Saurabh, well actually that's where the rest of your application comes into play. How do you differentiate yourself? Outside interests, extra-curricular activities. Also, we really try to get to know the applicant on a more personable level through our 3rd and 4th essays. Finally, you need to highlight what unique contribution you can bring to the Ross community.

Andrea (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:04 PM)
Michelle & Jack, how difficult was it to plan financially as well as plan for housing last minute? Do you feel you were at a disadvantage regarding pre-class activities, or were you able to catch up quickly?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:09 PM)
TargetRoss: You should send us updates about anything significant that has happened since you submitted your application.

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:18 PM)
I agree with Jack - I am not sure how many of our international classmates were originally on the waitlist.

jacob (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:19 PM)
Doug: If you ask admissions committee, will they let you know why you were waitlisted?

Rothenberg (Jan 22, 2009 12:26:44 PM)
Soojin: What if we feel that our essays could use some additional work?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:27:21 PM)
Rothenberg - We do not accept revised essays. That would be unfair to the other applicants who were waitlisted or denied.

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:27:53 PM)
Andrea, for me, it was somewhat difficult but definitely doable. I was admitted on August 6th. Because I had filled out my FAFSA in February and had already researched loan opportunities, I just had to complete the paperwork which took less than an hour. As far as housing goes, there are openings in buildings and houses around campus that are relatively easy to find. The university also has some great resources to help you find housing.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:27:55 PM)
Aravind, It doesn't hurt to have a note from a student/alumnus. If it is just superficial and adds nothing more than you were a nice person, then it probably won't add anything.

Ankush B (Jan 22, 2009 12:27:57 PM)
Soojin - Can you please give an example of some of the things that would decrease our chances of being admitted? What should we not do going forward?

Mike (Jan 22, 2009 12:27:58 PM)
Doug: Is there any possibility to request to be moved to the evening MBA program, or does that require a new application?

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:28:31 PM)
Andrea, financial planning was not an issue for me, as I was still able to apply for financial aid. As for housing, I came out to look at housing in June and found a great place where many MBAs live. Finding housing in Ann Arbor is not usually a struggle. I decided not to do MTrek because I had already made travel plans, but never felt like I was at a disadvantage regarding pre-class activities.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:28:44 PM)
Jacob, No. Unfortunately we do not provide feedback to waitlisted candidates.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:29:42 PM)
AnkushB- I'd caution against contacting the AdCom on a regular basis without anything substantive to add to your case. In addition to any improvements you make, we are also evaluating how waitlisted applicants manage their time on the WL process. The professionalism and judgment that waitlisted applicants display will tell us a lot about how they will handle themselves at school and in the recruiting process.

Ashwanth (Jan 22, 2009 12:29:56 PM)
Doug: I didn't receive an acknowledgment for the waitlist confirmation mail that I had sent to the adcom. Can I assume that the school has received my mail and I am still being considered for admission?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:30:38 PM)
Mike, To be switched to the Evening MBA program would require a new application. Since the structure of the program is somewhat different, I would assume that you would want to convey why that is the best fit for you.

bans5ue (Jan 22, 2009 12:30:41 PM)
Doug: Should the new info be sent to,  the Associate Director who signed on my waitlist letter, or both?

Saurabh (Jan 22, 2009 12:30:58 PM)
Hi Jack, Can you explain how you conveyed your new leadership experiences (i.e., number of words, did you describe an experience etc.) ?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:30:59 PM)
Ashwanth, I would follow up by emailing to double check on your status. Everyone should have received a confirmation as of yesterday.

JBPILON (Jan 22, 2009 12:31:07 PM)
Soojin: - Are accelerated decisions possible in extenuating circumstances (e.g. contingent offers from other schools)?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:31:32 PM)
JBPILON, No - we do not provide decisions in advance of our decision rounds.

DR (Jan 22, 2009 12:31:51 PM)
Soojin, will all waitlisted candidates who are admitted eventually be interviewed? Given that these occur later in the cycle, are they typically conducted on-campus, or by phone?

Ashwanth (Jan 22, 2009 12:32:03 PM)
Doug: If an admitted candidate from India withdraws his application, then will an Indian, with a similar background, be selected from the waitlist? How do you maintain the diversity?

O.R. 2011 (Jan 22, 2009 12:32:40 PM)
Doug: How do we become a member of the Google Wait List group?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:32:42 PM)
Saurabh, I believe that short and sweet is better than being too verbose. If it altered my resume at all, I sent an updated resume. If it was just a single experience, then I sent a short email that used enough words to convey what I did and how I thought that experience would make me a better contributor to the greater Ross community.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:32:47 PM)
In order to be admitted to Ross, an applicant must be interviewed. We offer interviews on campus or with an alumnus in a local area.

michellenyc (Jan 22, 2009 12:32:55 PM)
Soojin, I'm not trying to think negatively but if one retakes the GMAT and the score stays the same or decreases - would that significantly hurt the chances of being taken off the waitlist?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:33:53 PM)
Ashwanth, we certainly like to maintain some diversity, but we do not manage it down to the specific country. Therefore, if an Indian admit dropped out, we would not necessarily pull an Indian candidate off the waitlist.

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:34:24 PM)
Doug: I am not sure, if any waitlist webpage was indicated in the decision letter. Could you please advice or provide the link to the page?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:35:09 PM)
O.R. 2011, I plan to reach out to waitlisted candidates near the end of next week with an invitation to join our waitlist Google group.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:36:09 PM)
The link is

Steve (Jan 22, 2009 12:36:22 PM)
Soojin: To improve perceived quant abilities, what would be better- extra coursework (e.g. from local college or or retaking the GMAT?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:36:23 PM)
Michellenyc - we commend any applicant who is willing to retake the GMAT. Though we hope, like you do, that you'll do better the next time, I know that it doesn't always happen. We will evaluate applicants based on the highest score.

Ankush B (Jan 22, 2009 12:36:30 PM)
Doug - When do you typically start expecting updates from wait listed candidates?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:37:55 PM)
Ankush, they can come in at any time, but we emphasize that we are only interested in significant updates.

Fordie for Ross (Jan 22, 2009 12:38:08 PM)
Doug: For waitlisted applicants currently in school, are updates on grades and courses taken, but not yet completed, something you look for?

rvs (Jan 22, 2009 12:38:17 PM)
Jack - how do you apply for financial aid (FAFSA) if you are on the waitlist? Were you able to get loans in August?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:39:07 PM)
Fordie, I would certainly send in an updated transcript when it is available.

RossHopeful (Jan 22, 2009 12:39:13 PM)
Doug: Can anyone comment on the Financial Aid ramifications of being on the Waitlist? I am concerned that all/nearly all Federal Loan funds will be exhausted even by early summer.

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:39:27 PM)
RVS, You can apply for FAFSA at any time.

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:40:34 PM)
RVS - the way FAFSA works is you enter whatever school(s) you applied to. If you are admitted, the school then confirms that you will be attending and then you are able to receive federal aid. To answer the second part of your question, getting loans in August wasn't a problem at all. It doesn't take the school long to confirm you are attending and then the money hits your account in time for payment in the fall.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:40:57 PM)
RossHopeful, from speaking with my Financial Aid Director, my understanding is that this is not the case. All admitted students are given equal consideration. For domestic students, I would suggest turning in your FAFSA information as soon as possible. You do not need to be admitted to do this.

Steve (Jan 22, 2009 12:41:20 PM)
Doug: How much do you expect economic downturn to affect international student's ability to attain loans? Will this likely impact international yield percentages?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:42:01 PM)
Steve - it's hard to say at this point.

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:42:08 PM)
Soojin: I am an international candidate and due to time, visa issues, etc, it's not easy for me to travel to US. How much value will visiting school add to my profile?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:43:37 PM)
TargetRoss - it will be valuable in terms of giving you a clearer sense of whether this is the right place for you - whether it feels like a good fit. In that way, you may be able to make a more compelling case for what makes you think Ross will be the best place for you. That said, we don't expect everyone to visit and it doesn't give anyone a "leg up" just because they came to visit.

DR (Jan 22, 2009 12:43:50 PM)
Soojin: Would a re-applicant who was waitlisted in the prior year have a greater chance in the subsequent year?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:44:43 PM)
DR, chances aren't greater or less because someone was waitlisted in a prior year. Each applicant pool is different so applicants are evaluated against the pool in which they applied.

ross11 (Jan 22, 2009 12:44:57 PM)
Hi Soojin, I never received an interview invitation, so I thought I was done at Ross and never checked my status until today and noticed that I've been placed on the waitlist.  I only replied to the waitlist email today. Is it too late to still be considered a waitlist candidate since the deadline to reply was 1/20?

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 12:45:56 PM)
Jack and Michelle: What aspect of the Ross program do you like best? Least?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:45:59 PM)
No, we'll be sending a reminder to waitlisted folks giving them one last chance to indicate interest in staying on the waitlist. You waited until today to check your decision??

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:47:28 PM)
Linda, I like the diversity of the students and getting so many unique perspectives. The wide array of classes has also been great.

Mike Miller (Jan 22, 2009 12:48:04 PM)
Jack and Michelle: On the online forums, there seems to be indications that your fellow classmates know you were a waitlisted candidate. Do you feel a negative stigma from your classmates as a result of your waitlist then acceptance status?

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:48:31 PM)
For my least favorite - there's too much to do! You want to do so much but there isn't enough time in a day. You are also in difficult groups at times, but these end up being great learning experiences.


作者: dreadpower    时间: 2009-2-4 01:41

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:49:07 PM)
If there's a change in your admissions status, we'll email you. If you don't receive an email, that means there's been no change in your status.

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:49:08 PM)
Linda, the best part of the Ross program for me has been the learning opportunities. I worked with a small start-up for my MAP project and got to travel around Southern Spain doing research on the ground with farmers and agricultural supply companies. I am currently writing a case study on a non-profit based in India, working along CK Prahalad. These are only 2 examples of the amazing things I have been able to participate in here.

pursueRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:49:17 PM)
Doug: I have sent an email to informing I would like to stay on the waitlist but have not yet received a feedback. Do I need double check?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:50:16 PM)
Yes, please do that and let them know that you already responded but have yet to receive any confirmation.

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:50:46 PM)
I struggle to find an aspect about Ross that I like the least. As you all know, it is a very student run school which has great advantages, but can also be frustrating at times. If you have ideas, be ready to take the torch and make them happen!

JackFritzRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:50:53 PM)
Mike, I do not feel any negative stigma at all. The fact that I was waitlisted and later admitted is all the proof I needed that I belong here. The first time you speak up in class with a new perspective or a novel idea, the idea of you coming from the waitlist is long forgotten.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:51:26 PM)
Additional rec letters are acceptable only if it's from someone who can provide a new perspective on something significant about your experience, impact, potential. It should be someone who knows you well and can provide detailed examples, not just someone who's going to say you're great.

Ryan F (Jan 22, 2009 12:51:32 PM)
Soojin: Does an interest in one of the dual degree programs impact the decision to place a candidate on the waitlist? For example, would the decision to admit a waitlisted applicant depend at all on the capacity of the dual degree program?

MichelleGezoROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:52:19 PM)
Mike, I feel no stigmas. When I have casually mentioned to some of my best friends here that I was on the waitlist, they are shocked. It is your decision whether or not to share that information and no one asks.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:52:43 PM)
Ryan - our decisions are made independently of the dual degree program.

Saurabh (Jan 22, 2009 12:53:14 PM)
Soojin, If I am from an applicant pool with typically high GMAT score and I scored above 706 but below the average for my pool, would you recommend me taking the GMAT again ?

rvs (Jan 22, 2009 12:53:57 PM)
Doug - Can you give out any WL stats from last year? Approximately how many R1 waitlisted applicants were admitted in R2?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:54:22 PM)
Saurabh - that's up to you. If you think that might be where you were less competitive, then you could consider retaking it, but typically, that is not the only factor for us to put someone on the waitlist.

exodus (Jan 22, 2009 12:54:27 PM)
Soojin: could a candidate be waitlisted for not showing enough commitment to Ross? What's the best way to rectify that?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:55:16 PM)
Exodus - we aren't looking so much for "commitment to Ross" as we are looking for "fit with Ross." That is exemplified through your essays, recommendation letters, experience, and interview, not just the one "why Ross" essay.

Amit_Dingare (Jan 22, 2009 12:55:37 PM)
Soojin, are applicants over the age of 30 an issue?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:55:41 PM)
Amit- no.

TargetRoss (Jan 22, 2009 12:55:52 PM)
Soojin: How has the response been due to non-availability of CitiAssist loan this year? Though still on the waitlist, I would like to know how school is planning to tackle the issue.

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:56:56 PM)
Target, we're still exploring loan options. We hope to secure a program available for incoming students but don't have a date certain at this time.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:57:08 PM)
RVS, That's a little tricky. Only a handful came off the waitlist at the end of Round 2, but we continued to admit Round 1 applicants for several more months.

Ankush B (Jan 22, 2009 12:57:20 PM)
Soojin - What would usually be given more weight - gaining new qualifications/skills (example: take up a finance course in a community college) or improving upon existing application (example: retaking GMAT) ?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:57:36 PM)
Ankush, this depends on what the less competitive area was.

Amit_Dingare (Jan 22, 2009 12:57:43 PM)
Soojin, I plan to take a class in a local university. I was wondering if I can send the update right after I enroll or do I need to wait until I complete the class?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:58:01 PM)
Amit, wait until you can submit the grade.

Ankush B (Jan 22, 2009 12:58:10 PM)
Doug - If admitted without any financial aid, is there any possibility of being re-considered for financial aid before the start of the second term?

Aravind (Jan 22, 2009 12:59:03 PM)
Doug: Once a waitlisted applicant sends an update, do you review that candidate’s application immediately or do you pull up all waitlisted applications and review them in one go?

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 12:59:25 PM)
Ankush, I believe financial aid is disbursed at the beginning of each academic year. So you would not be reconsidered for the second term.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 1:00:42 PM)
Aravind, we currently will review waitlisted candidates as a whole at the end of our next two decision rounds. After that, it is more of an ongoing basis.

DougThomasROSS (Jan 22, 2009 1:02:34 PM)
Jacob, We take a very holistic approach to our evaluation process including evaluators comments. Based on the comments, this will determine how much more in depth we will review the application.

exodus (Jan 22, 2009 1:03:10 PM)
Soojin: Given the economic scenario, could rigid career goals be the cause for a wait list? Are you looking for flexibility or a plan B?

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 1:03:27 PM)
Exodus, no. Career goals alone wouldn't be a reason for being waitlisted.

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 1:03:46 PM)
Thank you again all for participating today. Special thanks to Soojin, Doug, Jack and Michelle for taking the time to virtually meet with you, provide this information, and make this process as transparent and humane as possible.

We look forward to seeing you at future events. Here is a list of currently scheduled events:

UNC Kenan Flagler    February 19, 2009
UVA Darden              February 25, 2009

If you would like to automatically receive notices about these MBA admissions chats and other MBA admissions events, please subscribe to our MBA event list. Please check the website for additional details.

Have a very good day! Good luck with your applications!

SoojinKwonKohROSS (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:10 PM)
Good luck everyone! Thanks for joining!

ActionBasedYearning (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:23 PM)
Thank you Linda!

Amit_Dingare (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:27 PM)
Thanks Linda for facilitating this chat!

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:31 PM)
You're welcome. As I watched the tips fly by, I saw a consistent theme: Make sure your waitlist moves add value to your application. Figure out where you might be weak and then work to address those weaknesses. Don't just send in data or paper.

ActionBasedYearning (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:34 PM)
Linda, please elaborate!

Linda Abraham (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:50 PM)
If you search MBA waitlist on you will find several articles and an ebook I have written on the topic.

There were many times as you asked questions and as I waited for the answer, I thought "Well that depends...". If you didn't have evidence of good quant skills, taking MBA Math won't do much. If you haven't taken a math class since high school, it will help you a lot. It depends. That's an example.

Aravind (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:51 PM)
Thank you for your time!

Mike Miller (Jan 22, 2009 1:04:52 PM)
Thank you!

作者: momiji0626    时间: 2009-4-5 12:20

thanks for sharing!

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