maryland: anout set:
1. two sets: aUb=a+b-(aNb)
2. three sets:
1) aUbUc=a+b+c-(aNb)-(aNc)-(bNc)+(aNbNc)
2) T=A+B+C-m-2p+N
m 表示恰好属于两个集合的元素数
p 表示属于三个集合中的元素数
N 表示不在3个集合中的任何一个的元素个数
T 全集作者: maryland 时间: 2002-10-6 18:32
Anyway, thank u very much! I will take the exam tomorrow. Whatever the result would be, I enjoy the time spent here and really appreciate your help and others' as well. Good luck to you all!!! [em23][em12][em06]作者: tongxun 时间: 2002-10-7 21:08