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标题: [转帖]11/08 jj 只要坚持,奇迹就会出现! [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2004-11-9 19:24     标题: [转帖]11/08 jj 只要坚持,奇迹就会出现!

770 V:44, M:50


Motivation: 1. 偶考GMAT周围没人知道,幸亏有CD才没崩溃,所以要回报社会嘛!(做个有用的人,呵呵)

2. take GRE时没怎么看jj,也记不住题,所以就没事偷着乐去了(2350+),一直心中有愧,这次看了大半天jj,虽然没碰上几题,但让偶心里有底,所以更要弥补缺撼,努力回忆供大家分享。

3. 希望所有和偶一样考前没时间灌水只是潜水的XDJM能给后人一点经验。(其实偶这两天每天睡不到5个小时,昨晚更是紧张的失眠,但花一个晚上来写这片jj还是值得的,不能只乘凉不种树呀!^_^

Preparation Process: 7月中开始,共3个半月。前一个半月每天平均两小时,听XDF的网路课堂。复习的不规律也不认真,大概是因为没报名所以没压力。(建议:早把银子扔出去,绝了延期的后路!)也有可能是因为KaplanDiagnostic做了680,乐得不行,把自己给高估拉。。。从9月开始做XDF的旧题,花了一个多月,直到看了CD的贴子才明白OG的重要性!(至今后悔ing,应该早开始OG的。不该套用考GRE的老经验---那时只有XDF的题。)当时做XDF的题总是时间不够,正确率也一般,所以按某牛人的建议,分项强化,即分项做OG,同时复习对应的网路课堂笔记。感觉这个方法不错!(但要注意:after finishing reviewing one session, such as SC, 一定要保证每天练20个,否则感觉会退化!偶就吃了这个亏:刚整完SC时觉得N的不行,后来等CRRC结束时,水平下降了。) 一直到考前一周才知道GWD,所以只做了13461324 六套及10jj中提到的GWDCRSC,急得不行!!!(最后3套考前两天才做,太赶了,强烈建议提前两周开始,把GWD全弄懂。这是偶这次verbal大翻盘的关键!)还有关于作文,我在最后一周花了30多个小时把所有题目想了一遍,太浪费时间!这次碰到的issue虽然眼熟,还是要重新想。所以建议只看黄金和jj的就够了。Last but not least,偶要强调数学jj!偶在最后一周才发现数学不象PP3中那么简单,本来想先做费费再做jj,但时间有限,只做了两个feifei, 到临考前晚上10 点才开始看10jj,做了60多道---这是偶这次数学砸了的原因:要多做多练,提高速度,降低粗心。

模考:PP特准!原先考GRE时就准(完全一样!),这次也是:偶在开始OG前做了两套PP3,分数和这次总分相同,但当时偶的数学是全对的。princetonkaplan就不准了:princeton 一次710,一次740kaplan较惨:两次640V都有六七题没做,狂打击!!!(当时距考试一周了)建议: 还是要做一下以督促自己,但宜早做。GWD的模考度也还成:但第一套V偶有7题没做(12 wrong, 做错的5个基本上是CD上争论不休的),第3V偶有2题没做(5 wrong, including the 2 not done), 6V全对,最后做的三套V基本错3~5(24套没做完因为中间接了个电话)。基本反映了考试的情况:来不及但准确率还行。但M总要错1~3个,容易粗心,和考试结果也很一致。

Test experience: (1) 早上头昏昏的就去了,出发前背了一下磨版(也就是开头而已)。第一篇AA很简单,所以我这个慢性子都写完了。(考前3天练了4篇,都是匆匆结尾,这篇居然让我充分写完,字数一定上500,所以应该没问题)。本以为交了好运,结果第2AI巨不爽:坑坑洼洼的写完,觉得论证不充分,但语言和字数还行,应该有4~5分。建议:平时要练打字准确率:争取一次敲对,考试时可能没时间检查(尤其是那些写的长的同学)

(2) To eliminate the possible negative impact the bad AI experience might have on my mood, 偶出去上厕所了。回来后开始数学,但从第三题开始就有点绕:当时为了赶时间,就匆忙选过:后悔呀!前10题宁可慢点也要包证对。后面25题能明显体会到题目难易的转换,自己感觉不好:肯定是有做错了才给特弱的!不过偶不停告诉自己:做完的不能改了,重要的是简单的不能再错了,否则连着错分就低了!所以我一直是难易交替,直到最后。教训: 前面不要赶,后面保证简单题不能错。

3)休息完进入verbal, 头两个是SC, 简单,但为了吸取教训,仔细排除了所有干扰项才敢点。第3题的CR不好选,第四题的SC更变态,花了不少时间,猜了答案,感觉有点着急。接着的第一篇阅读就有点赶,选的不是很有把握,尤其是中间问科学家从研究木星的月亮中能得啥结论,花了偶好半天。后面的题又是难易交错,但没有见过的,有几道jj里提过,可是没有明确答案又难,所以很花时间。偶越做越绝望,因为pace全被打乱了:自己给自己归定的速度无法达到:只能告诉自己坚持坚持再坚持,会有机会的。奇迹终于出现!!!第三篇阅读是GWD的!于是有两题不用怎么看就选出了。但下面的SC虽简单,CR却很难。到还有15分钟时才做完29题!又有点急。这时最后的救命阅读出现。虽然长,但很好懂,于是飞速扫遍全文,用6分钟搞定4题。后面的SC更简单了,可CR难了,正当我觉得考的很差以至于一道BF的题都没有的时候,它出现了!又是jj里提过的GWD!!! 于是压跟没读题干,在选项中挑了答案,省下宝贵时间。经验:任何时候都不要放弃!努力会带来奇迹!jjGWD重要!还有,赶时间的话,选项不用读全(偶的毛病是每个字都读!),迅速排除有错误信息的项!

O.K. Let me take a break! It’s so tiring to key in Chinese for me!


AWA: AA: NewA3: Largo piano Company

AI: 16: public buildings reveal social attitudes and values

Math: 1. two coins are tossed with probability landing at Head not equal to 0.5. What is the probability of getting two Heads out of two tosses?

I. Prob of getting head is 3 (or some numbers, don’t remember) times that of getting tails

II. The prob of getting one Head and one Tail is 2/9

2. s<r<m<t<z, mrstz>0, which of the following three must be true?

I zt>0 II tr>0 III tm>0 (not 100% sure about these three statements, but my answer then was NONE)

3. How many pairs of integers are lying on the circle x^2+y^2=10?

4. 一种tele code3位数:the first cannot be 0 or 1, the second must be either 0 or 1, the second and the third cannot be both 0. How many such codes? (all digits can be chosen from 0~9)

5. 油箱能装20 gallons,每gallon能跑30~40miles (inclusive). A car actually runs for 480 miles. What is the maximum amount of that can be left in the tank?

6w,x,y,z are different numbers drawn from 2,4,6,8. What is the maximum of value of wx+wy+wz+yz?

7. 水箱中的水会被抽掉,给了被抽的速率,还要换算单位,问容量是否大于38 and小于48

I. xx小时后剩下的水不到一半了 (anyway “I” can get you 容量>=48.www)

II. yy小时后剩下的水多于1/4 (anyway “II” can get you 容量<=38.ppp) 反正要算48.www 38.ppp很麻烦,

8 一个长方形盒子,底是8*8 的正方形,高12。侧面如图:一张纸折两折塞在盒子中成Z字形。求纸面积。(图贴不过来?!怎么把word文件里画的图弄过来呀?)



SC: 1. just as sb. do sth, so sb do sth…

2. If China’s xxx people were to consume…at the rate of Japan, …would…

One choice: were to….at the same rate of Japanese

3. A vessel has been (was) found in…, and its sth is still standing, one of its guns, a canon, still there.


4. …and it… 划线部分是整句,但and前没逗号,所以是错的

5. A 法案regulating bicycles, mandate…, require sb. to do…, and ensure pedestrian out-way.

6. …find both ancient sth, ancient coins, and modern sth.

My choice: ancient sth and coins as well as modern sth. (also other choices: ancient sth, coins, and modern sth.)

CR: 1. some kind of bird, 它经常nest的地方被economic development破坏,所以一开始数量下降,但过了1~2年后又增了。Why?

A. after the damage to local ecosystems, the ecosystem can soon restore significantly

C. this bird can nest on road signs and xxx that have been built these years…

E the development damages the living place of another animal, forcing them out in the open. And this animal is the food of the bird. (偶选了这个)

2. subway 原先因为乘客数有限,ticket price又高,入不敷出,被停。现在附近community人口增加,所以重开不会太糟。 问支持?

D. subway里的小店在停了后都人去楼空。

E. subway里的小店在停了后发展到community中去开分店,且生意好

(I don’t know which one to choose, and forget the other three possible correct choices…sorry)

3. BF GWD 5-19 但选项和第二个划线部分变了(变成倒数第二句话了)

4. theory 只能 true or false. 伽里略’s theory proves some theory P is false, so it must proves the validity of theory C, which is inconsistent with theory P. Assumption?

C and P cannot be both false.

5. child 坐在大人腿上不如坐在单独有安全带的位子上安全(在飞机起飞降落时),但如规定不准坐在腿上也不会让child的事故发生率降低的多,解释?


6. in the past five years, the total value of real estate decreased, which means the asset value of real estate that can be used as tax base has decreased. But the proportion of the real estate asset value that can be used to tax in the total real estate value has remained constant. 问归纳。


RC: 1 一位科学家发现光的速度是恒定且有限的。他研究了木星的月亮,及地球上看到的月蚀,。。。.他的理论不accurate但还是不错的。(有考到主题,研究木星的月亮的作用,及如何不accurate的。

2Women suffrage: 好象是jj,历史学家认为过去women没有选举权的时候有许多政治权利的现象paradoxical. 作者认为是因为选举权让分心了,反而不追求政治利益。但有反例:xx年议会害怕women的选举权而做出妥协。作者又反驳了反例:后来议会发现women voters没有多大作用所以又肆无忌惮了。文章有些绕,所以有两道逻辑题:assumption and support.

3GWD 3 12-15

4. There are two kinds of marketing strategy: an old one insists that we can only obey the market situations, a new one says one can actively improve the situations by lobbying or adopting other measures. 举了些例子说明old strategy在某些情况下有用,又举了些例子说明new strategy有用. ---很好懂,题目又简单。

好了,手快写断了,希望能对大家有用!(也希望能被收入牛牛心经喔, :)

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