A mosquito bite can transmit to a person the parasite that causes malaria, and the use of mosquito nets over children’s beds can significantly reduce the incidence of malarial infection for children in areas where malaria is common. Yet public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use of mosquito nets over children’s beds in such areas.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest grounds for the public health officials’ reluctance?
A. Early exposure to malaria increases the body’s resistance to it and results in a lesser likelihood of severe life-threatening episodes of malaria.
B. Mosquito bites can transmit to people diseases other than malaria.
C. Mosquito nets provide protection from some insect pests other than mosquitoes.
D. Although there are vaccines available for many childhood diseases, no vaccine has been developed that is effective against malaria.
E. The pesticides that are most effective against mosquitoes in regions where malaria is common have significant detrimental effects on human health.
答案给的是A,我觉得A存在一种前提是这些孩子之前感染过malaria, 但文中貌似得不出这个信息,万一children玉体从未被蚊子光顾过,那挂蚊帐岂不是就有效了?相比之下,我觉得虽然C很滑稽,但更正确一点。请NN指教~
A如果是您说的 “不给挂蚊帐,小孩就会感染m”,那就应该挂蚊帐,这削弱了官员的说法呀……
C是無關, 因為原文中的推理過程最主要的對象之一是mosquito而不是別的
A是對因為它指出public health official's其中一個反對用net的原因, 而且跟推
理過程最主要的幾個對象(children, malaria)有關
A:小時候如果感染M的話抗體反而會增強, 患上由M引發的重病的機會就會降低,
也就是說小朋友感染M也不至於危害性命, 但是小時候受保護不感染以後還有機會感
染,因為malaria is common, 那時候患重病而死的機會就大大增加了.
thanks a lot!
i got it~
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