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标题: [转帖10 12 厦门一战刚700 [打印本页]

作者: cedar    时间: 2008-10-13 13:28     标题: [转帖10 12 厦门一战刚700

刚刚结束战斗,厦门考场是Lenovo机器,非想象中的DELL机器,但还是好用。Q50, V34, 刚上700,虽然是个鸡肋分数,但短期不想再考了。不是NN,在职准备,平常工作强度和压力都很大,只能挤出时间来复习。考前8天模考PREP才620,专门请假一周集中突击了一下,考前3天模考PREP690,所以短期的突击对于非NN同样重要。

AWA: AI - 机经 "Many people focus on getting result. to be successful, however, we should focus on specific tasks at hand." 

         AA- 同样JJ. "G cafe搬离某地后,新的××× supply 公司进驻,生意蒸蒸日上,还准备在另一个城市开分店。作者认为位置很重要。所以当时G Cafe搬离该地是个错误。"

Maths 机经不多(大概<=10道),但非机经题大多不难。(不好意思,我记忆力很差,大多记不住)

SC的套路还是跟PREP更接近,大家考前最好把PREP SC破解版至少过一遍,我因为时间仓促,只做了一遍且只看了一遍错题的讲解。

RC: 1. 黑人工会问题; 2.企业短期ROI以及长期策略share的选择; 3.经理人激励方法, 还有一个在最后35+题出现,由于时间不够,没怎么看。提醒大家在遇到机经的时候一定要控制好心态,当然要做到古人的“不以物喜不以己悲”实在太难。我的第一、第二篇阅读都出现机经后,心情放松了很多,思想上有点懈怠,导致后来最后10题只剩不到10分钟,只好狂点。

CR跟GWD比较接近。没有遇到Boldface题(当时就估计自己分数可能不高了),但有Evaluate和填空题各1、2道。其余都是普通的strength & Assumption & Weaken 题。有GWD原题:

23. GWD17-Q23:

Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients.  At Westville
       Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do.  Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.


Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?

选C. Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does


2。科学家发现一个古城的现在被堵的运河系统在古代是给大家取水用的。科学家推论在什末1500年的时候运河被堵,导致古城灭亡。问需要调查什末来evaluate 这个结论。

    希望后来者取得更好的成绩! +U +U!

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