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标题: 想了解一下Darden和Kelley的情况,哪位大侠清楚可否告知? [打印本页]

作者: maggie_tongbest    时间: 2004-10-24 13:01     标题: 想了解一下Darden和Kelley的情况,哪位大侠清楚可否告知?

作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:35

以下是引用maggie_tongbest在2004-10-24 13:01:00的发言: 本来准备今年申请,但工作实在太忙,一直没有抽出空来。现在准备恐怕已经来不及了。所以索性拖到明年再申请。我比较倾向于这两个学校。有哪位了解的可否大概讲一下他们的教学特点及其他方面的情况?如果有哪位也打算在明年申请,可以结伴!

如果保证不了有足够的时间花在申请上,最好的选择就是不要申请,否则只能是白费力气。所以我觉得你推到明年还是挺明智的。但要注意,明年你的TOEFL是否过期,明年你的工作强度是否还是依旧,是否你还会推迟下去?建议你明年早准备essay, 至少花上2-3个月的时间。


作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:36

访美国达顿商学院院长哈里斯 (Bob Harris)




  因为达顿 (Darden) 与哈佛是仅有的两所全案例教学的商学院,而哈佛规模较大,因此有人把达顿 (Darden) 称为“小哈佛”,也有人把达顿 (Darden) 称为商学院里的西点军校,理由是达顿 (Darden) 的学习强度在商学院里是出了名的。不过,达顿 (Darden) 的学生更乐意把自己称为“新兵训练营”里的受训者。


  公立大学如何办出一流的商学院?带着这个问题,《商学院》特约记者专门采访了达顿商学院 (Darden) 院长罗伯特.哈里斯。夏末初秋,哈里斯教授在其办公室接受《商学院》独家专访,访谈从他的中国之旅开始。


  两年前,哈里斯应邀去中国访问,同时为达顿商学院 (Darden) 的中国招生计划助威。说起那次旅行,哈里斯说有两个最深刻的印象,一是中国的发展速度之快惊人,二是中国的MBA申请热情之高出乎意料。不过,哈里斯认为,中国应该拥有一大批接受过MBA的人才。他说,随着中国经济的稳定增长,中国将有很多商业机遇,受过高素质工商管理教育的人才将大有可为。

  2004年,达顿商学院 (Darden) 招收306名学生,中国学生多达15名,另外还有移居加拿大等国家的中国学生。中国学生成为美国学生之外最大的国际学生团体。

  哈里斯说,达顿 (Darden) 的中国学生在学校里非常优秀,已经毕业的学生在中国、美国都找到了非常好的工作,而且他们的工作业绩也很出色。例如,几乎每年都有达顿 (Darden) 的中国毕业生前往麦肯锡、贝恩和波士顿咨询等著名咨询公司工作,更多的人在其他美国公司获得了高职。

  哈里斯还补充,在达顿 (Darden) 教学和研究的中国教授也非常优秀,如来自台湾的陈明哲教授是战略管理研究方面的权威,哈佛出版社还出版了他撰写的《全球华人企业透视----世界企业经理导引》专著。一年级的学生说,来自上海交大的李伟教授讲授的宏观经济学,思路明晰,风格幽默。


  达顿商学院 (Darden) 在全美商学院排名中一度排名前五,是全美十大著名商学院 之一。近年,达顿 (Darden) 的排名有所波动,今年《美国新闻与世界报道》的商学院排名中,达顿 (Darden) 滑落到第11。记者询问了有关影响排名的原因。

  哈里斯说,达顿(Darden)依然是公司心目中最好的商学院之一。如美林证券招聘MBA的12家核心商学院中,达顿 (Darden) 位居其中;百事可乐公司的全球领导人计划从包括达顿在内的5所著名商学院中选拔人才。但是,美国优秀商学院之间的竞争非常激烈,它们竞争最好的老师、最好的学生。达顿 (Darden) 作为公立大学的商学院,曾经受到体制上的限制,也经历了一些起伏,但近两年来实现了体制转变,从依靠州政府拨款的公立商学院转变为私人资助的商学院,在教授的薪酬制定方面拥有自主灵活性,从而有能力留住和吸引一批优秀教师来此工作。同时,商学院对国际学生的奖学金发放也更加大方,近两年都有中国学生获得了奖学金或其他资助。

  事实上,记者在采访过程中一直在思考达顿 (Darden) 的这种模式对于中国大学的商学院具有很大的启发意义。商学院本身是培养高级工商管理人才的地方,是个最懂市场的地方,理应与市场接轨。达顿的转制,既是商学院之间的激烈竞争导致,也是学院主动适应市场的战略。

  目前,达顿 (Darden) 的资金来源包括学费、EMBA项目收入和公司和校友的捐款。凭借一系列吸引人才的机制,例如灵活的薪酬、充足的奖学金,达顿 (Darden) 可以跟哈佛和斯坦福等私立大学商学院一起竞争最好的学生、吸引和培养最好的教师。转制还使得达顿 (Darden) 可以按照市场标准和私立名校的价格来制定学费标准,弗吉尼亚州学生每年3万美元,外州和国际学生3.7万美元,这与哈佛的标准基本相同。


  全美有两所商学院采用全案例教学,一所是哈佛商学院,另一所就是达顿 (Darden) 商学院,这种教学方式对于教师和学生都具有极大的挑战性。在达顿 (Darden) 新生的第一堂案例课上,一位年轻老师对学生们说,在读博士的时候他曾经对达顿 (Darden) 用案例教学教授定量分析表示极度怀疑,但现在他急切盼望他在达顿 (Darden) 的案例教学工作的开始。

  那么,作为一所以培养全面管理人才为主的商学院,达顿 (Darden) 的案例教学方式有哪些过人之处呢?哈里斯院长说,达顿 (Darden) 的案例教学经受了时间的考验,许多来达顿 (Darden) 招聘的公司看中的就是达顿 (Darden) 培养学生的方式。通过学习和研究大量案例,学生获取了解决实际问题的方法,学生会发现,在工作中遇到的许多问题似曾相识,也就不难对付。

  当然,案例教学的成功与否取决于两个方面,一是案例的准备和老师的引导以及讲解,二是学生的参与。哈里斯院长说,达顿 (Darden) 是以学生为中心的商学院,即学生在课堂上是主角,是对两年的学习负有更多个人责任的人;老师虽是案例分析结果的最终评价人,但只是课堂上的协调人。整个课堂可谓老师控制节奏和指导方向、学生上演的一部精彩的戏。

  因为采用全案例教学方式,达顿 (Darden) 的教学计划与许多以授课为主的商学院大不相同。达顿 (Darden) 学生通常每天上午在课堂上研究三个案例,下午虽然没有课,但是学生阅读和分析第二天案例的时间,晚上则是学习小组集体讨论案例、准备第二天课堂提问和进一步讨论的时间。 许多新生发现,开学一个多月之后,他们已经完成了100多个案例的研究分析,仿佛经历了许多商界决策过程,而他们在其他一些商学院的同学或朋友还远未感受到案例教学的魅力。

  哈里斯院长指出,达顿 (Darden) 教授在案例方面的贡献是确保案例教学成功的另一主要因素。作为全美拥有最强教授队伍的商学院,达顿 (Darden) 也培养了一批以案例编写和教学著称的教授。这些教授与企业和商业界有密切联系,他们从工商企业那里了解问题,帮助解决问题,再将之转化为管理知识。达顿 (Darden) 案例多年来一直是商学院案例中的一大品牌,其案例被全球各大商学院广泛采用,案例销售成为达顿 (Darden) 主要收入的一部分。达顿 (Darden) 教授的著作也颇丰,例如约翰 .科里等人撰写的EMBA教材《公司治理》已经发行上千万册,被译成多种文字。

  作为世界上著名商学院的院长,哈里斯认为他的使命主要包括两个方面,首先是培养能为社会服务的工商界领导人。他认为,工商业能够为社会创造福利,通过培养工商企业领袖能够让工商业和社会变得更加美好,因此培养商界领导具有重要意义。另一使命是与商界保持交流,向商界学习,并以商界领袖激发学生和教师。他表示,不仅仅希望达顿 (Darden) 在美国南方或在美国居于领导地位,还热切希望达顿 (Darden) 能够通过优秀毕业生以及给明天最有创造力公司带去的新方法影响世界各地的工商企业。

  哈里斯说,为了确保能够提供全世界最好的MBA项目,达顿 (Darden) 将拓展教学的广度和深度,并增加全球战略内容,尤其是在一年级学生的教学中。“我要保证我们的学生在面试、毕业后的第一份工作和他们今后的职业生涯中都胸有成竹。”哈里斯说。


  沙劳斯威尔 (Charlottesville) 位于华盛顿西南两个小时车程的乡村小城,地理位置不占优势,但许多美国大公司不辞辛苦前来招聘人才,这魅力从何而来?

  哈里斯院长说,关键在于达顿 (Darden) 的学生出色。达顿 (Darden) 给学生创造了成才的环境,除了案例教学为学生增添了许多能力,达顿 (Darden) 的设施也有助于学生的成长。达顿 (Darden) 是个小规模学校,两年前才从240人扩招到300人,但学校设施是商学院中最好的,平均每个学生拥有的学习资源相当可观。

  许多来达顿 (Darden) 招生的公司高层惊讶于达顿商学院 (Darden) 还有专门为学生设计的大堂,而这里是学生每次课间休息边喝咖啡边交流的地方。当然,宏伟的停车楼也令人羡慕。

  哈里斯说:“达顿 (Darden) 是老师、学生和校友的联合产品。由于规模不大,达顿 (Darden) 的学生与老师有充分的接触空间,老师和学生相互能叫出名字,并且努力按照学生的本国语言来发音,与学生之间则结下深厚友谊。”

  他说,达顿此同时((Darden) 的毕业生对达顿具有很强的忠诚感,这些校友对达顿 (Darden) 的发展起到了重要的作用。最初20年中培养的达顿 (Darden) 毕业生大多已经成为公司高层,如百事可乐公司首席执行官史蒂夫.雷尼蒙德,著名生物技术公司艾克隆(IMCLONE)公司的首席执行官丹尼尔.林奇、联合技术公司(UTC)首席执行官乔治.戴维斯, 百事可了CEO,等。包括雷尼蒙德在内的许多校友至今还在参与学校的发展。

  1954年,前哈佛商学院院长查尔斯.艾伯特带领一批哈佛教授前来弗吉尼亚大学创建达顿商学院,这也可能是达顿与哈佛风格相似的原因。创建50年来,达顿已培养7000多名毕业生。“虽然人数上没有绝对优势,但是,达顿 (Darden) 校友中愿意给校友推荐工作的人数将近2000人,这一比例是商学院中最高的。”哈里斯说。

  在生活中,哈里斯院长喜欢大家称他的名字罗伯特的呢称“鲍伯”。哈里斯曾经担任过联合技术公司(UTC)的首席学习官,为政府和公司担任过咨询顾问。在加入达顿 (Darden) 之前,他先后在北卡罗来纳大学商学院和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 (Wharton) 任教。


作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:38

跨越面试难关 踏上一流MBA之路 不久前,弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院在北京举办了MBA留学说明会,介绍者的阵容传递出强烈的团队合作精神:达顿商学院所有在京新生、二年级学生和毕业生全部到场。他们以自己的实际经历,详实地介绍了MBA申请经验、弗吉尼亚大学的历史和成就以及招生情况。对今年弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院所有的录取新生来说,除了学校的全球排名前十名的原因外,他们都被达顿的面试打动,认为面试的老师具有很强的亲和力,体现了一种与众不同的价值取向。 介绍会后,本报记者通过达顿商学院在校MBA、中国留学生梁蓉小姐采访了达顿商学院负责中国招生面试的MS. Rita Morrow,请她解答了中国MBA申请人关心的有关面试的若干问题。 1.问:今年,您通过两轮面试在中国内地40多名申请者中招收了5名学生,请您谈谈面试对Darden录取学生的重要性。 答:我想每一所名校MBA都把面试视为录取学生最重要的一个环节。Darden所做的一个调查显示:学生面试时的表现和录取后在课堂上、课堂外表现的好坏有着直接的联系,所以,面试是录取过程中一个主要的判断指标和预测工具。 同时,Darden也坚信,面试,对学生来说,是一个很好的机会以了解和判断学校的好坏并与其他申请学校进行比较。一般来说,每个申请人都会申请多所学校。所以,我们在面试结束前都会给学生10~15分钟时间提问,确保他们获得所有必要的信息,帮助他们做出明智的选择。只有在双方都认为合适的情况下,学校和学生今后两年的学习生活才会非常愉快。 2.问:什么样的人可以参加面试?怎样申请面试? 答:首先,学校不可能给所有申请人提供面试机会,但在大多数情况下,我们会给我们可能录取的申请人安排面试。 对于国际申请人而言,面试只有在录取委员会的要求下安排。申请人应尽早提交所有的申请资料(各校提交材料的截止日期不同,Darden第一轮面试截止日期是每年的11月1日)。初步的申请资料审阅后,如果申请人的背景和其他申请资料都符合录取标准,他一般都会收到面试安排的通知。在个别情况下,也可能安排电话面试。 学校鼓励美国之外的国际申请人有可能的话到学校参观。申请人到学校参观时,一年级的学生会带申请人到课堂上一起上课,同时,二年级的学生还会和申请人一起吃午饭,向申请人介绍他想了解的情况。 3.问:面试是正式的还是非正式的?面试时的交谈是自由发挥还是有方向性的?申请人应该如何做准备? 答:Darden负责面试的老师与起初审阅申请人资料的老师不是同一个人。一般来说,面试前,面试老师只知道面试申请人的名字,面试老师可以从一个完全新的角度来审视申请人,这样做比事先已经明了申请人的背景更公正,可以避免先入为主的偏见。这是Darden的录取政策。 我们希望每一个参加面试的申请人着装职业化,但面试的方式更趋向于交谈形式,而不是问答式的。面试没有成套的、定型的标准问题。 4.问:请您为申请人提供一些参加面试的建议。 答:因为负责面试的老师事先不会审阅申请人的资料,所以,面试中如何将个人背景、学历和工作经验“讲述成一个故事”是非常重要的。此外,申请人不仅讲述他在申请MBA前做了什么,还要讲述这样做的原因及他所选择的事业的发展前景。 Darden是一个培养综合管理人才的商学院,也就是培养“总经理、CEO和决策人”的商学院,所以,申请人面试时除了说明自己具有某项专长外,最好能表现出本人具有成为未来决策人的潜质。 总的来说,积极、端正的态度是准备好面试的前提和基本条件。当Darden对学生调查时,多数学生反映,Darden的面试经历给他们留下了深刻的印象。
作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:39


Darden School of Business- University of Virginia 地址: 100 Darden Boulevard P.O. Box 6550 Charlottesville, VA 229066550 US

Tel: + 1 (804) 924 7281

E-mail: Darden @ virginia, edu

Website: www. darden.virginia. ed






















[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-24 17:40:32编辑过]

作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:42

印第安纳Indiana University Bloomington (Kelley)


其强项有: Corporate finance,marketing , entrepreneurship, operations management,human resources management。

教学方式:课堂讲授、案例教学、实地项目各占1/3。全年开设的选修课有107门。该校的课程设置都很独特,分为五个专项小组(focus academics):(1)The Investment Management Academy; (2)The Sports and Entertainment Academy; (3)The Internet and New Media Academy;(4)The Consulting Academy;(5)The Entrepreneurship Academy,另外,还将设立The Investment Banking Academy。每个小组由该专业的教授和商界实业家组成的顾问委员会领导,学生根据自己的兴趣申请加入,在其中既学习书面知识,又参加课外实习项目,使学生在学习过程中就和实业界建立起联系,有益于他们的就业前景。其中Sports and Entertainment专项一般学校没有,使得该专业的学生在就业市场上独具优势。


学校背景介绍: ??? Indiana商学院在课程改革方面很激进。改革后,MBA学生在第一年只得两上学分,一学期一个。第一学期的课是由四名教授组成的教师小组教授基础主课,以以前是一开始就教功能课;第二学期由五人教师小组教授功能主课。进行这种改革主要是因为1990年《商业周刊》的调查中学校未能进入前20名,学校成立了一个委员会,征求学生、校友、工业部门代表、主要的商务行政人员和商学院官员的多方意见,对以后MBA的课程设置提出建议。于是,从1992年秋季开始,这所位于Bloomington、离最近的城市Indianapolis约45分钟车程的闭塞学校,开始了大胆的改革。 ??? 为满足学生在accounting,?statistics和computing方面得到起点帮助的要求,学校在夏季开设了一种短期的“jump?start”课。第一学期开始有10天的一系列熟悉环境的活动项目。每个学生都要求有自己的电脑。学生们可以通过Indiana的电脑网络用E-mail把信息送给同学或教授,他们也可以进入database去完成作业。 ??? 为了鼓励合作,学校还把班级人数从320降为250人,一年级学生被分成4个60-65人的小组,每两个小组由一组4名教授组成的教师小组管理,教包括accounting、managerial?economics、quant?methods和human?resources?management的基础课。第二学期,,小组数目缩减,你可以见到更多的同学。这时,一个与以前不同的五人教师小组会带你们修Functional?core,探索accounting、finance、marketing、operations?management和management?information?systems之间的关系,不管你以前修过没有都不允许免修或中途退出。MBA学生们对第一年的课程改革都很赞同,对第二年的却颇为不满,他们认为第二年的课与第一年的课程改革都很赞同,对第二年的却颇为不满,他们认为第二年的为期一年的脱节且没什么用处。IU学生可以从107门选修中选择,其中最受欢迎的是为期一年的Applied?Investment?Analysis?and?portfolio?management。学这门课时学生管理$200000的有价证券,在秋季学期里,他们研究股票、公司情况,监测当前大事,到了1月份,他们把钱投到在投资商界工作的IU校友的董事会里。金融也是一门很热的主攻专业。52%的学生从事这一方面的深入研究。IU鼓励学生暑期涉足“职业发展活动”(professional?development?activities),从最传统的时期实习一个Washington?Campus?Program?给学生以看Clinton?Administration工作的机会。在学校里还有外语和文化研究所,为那些有志于在国际商务方面发展职业的人提供方便,还有德国Finland和Slovenia的暑期实习。在二年级,学校允许学生随意修课,你可以有一门或两门专业,每个专要求修四门课;你也可以选一个专业主修,一个兼修,甚至可以在一名教师指导下自己设计深入研究的方向在MBA学院以外选课。在第二年只有三门课必修:The?Legal?Environment、Macroeconomics和Strategic?Management。有一门在国际商务方面的跨学科专业要求必修语言和文化。 MBA学生在一座七层的石灰石建筑里学习,这楼也包括行政办公室、教师办公室和教室。结了婚的学生往往要在Indianapolis和Bloomington之间往返,因为他们配偶在Bloomington这闭塞的地方是找不到工作的,这儿只有六万人。学生们的课外活动也很丰富,因为学校并不把MBA专业只看作是一系列的课程,而是看作是学生学业和个人发展的一段完整经历。几乎所有的学生都加入MBA协会,这个协会下面有14个专门兴趣小组,比如投资俱乐部会帮学生组织实习、请工业部门发言人来校做报告等;其他组处理MBA信件、社交大事、教师评估报告和公共关系等。学院每晚都有俱乐部聚会。星期五没课,星期四晚上,MBA协会会组织学生到酒吧聚会。另外,学生们经常Nick's?English?Hut品尝那儿上好的Pizza。 毕业生就业情况: ??? 多年来,Indiana在就业方排名都很高,但近来有学生不满,说他们在中西部之处找不到工作。Indiana的学生往往在一年级时就开始为找工作准备了。他们学操作个人电脑,学怎样找时期实习。许多学校都有校长助理专门搞与校友的联关系,但没有学校像Indiana这样有专门的助理与公司协调关系。公司招聘者来校时,他们被安排在作为旅馆和会议中心的Indiana?Memorial?Union,教师们陪他们吃饭,向他们推荐赤出的学生,送给他们足球票。搞这方面工作的助理总是把他们服侍得每年都想再来。1995年,233家公司Bloomington招聘,约3/4的MBA学生找到了暑期实习工作,85%的毕业生找到了工作。Indiana在华尔街的人数不多,但在那儿工作的校友都愿意要IU的MBA。1996年,230家公司来校招聘,举行了约3402次面试。 申请小秘诀: ??? 尽早申请。学校极力鼓励面试,但不作要求。1996年学校面试了52%的申请者。如想面试,需在来学校前两周打812-855-8006到MBA办公室预约。Indiana看重你的GMAT成绩和你对申请表上三个问题的回答,尤其是你对为什么要进这所学校的问题的回答。国内申请者最早的一个申请截止日期是1月6日,国际申请者则必须在2月1日之前把申请寄到。

INDIANA UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Business 10th and Fee Lane Bloomington, Indiana 47405 E-mail address: Website addres:

作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 17:59

Darden 2004Viewbook (下载)

Indiana Viewbook and Application (下载)

作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 18:01

2004 Indiana Kelley MBA Admissions Chat with Jim Holmen

Chat Transcript:

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:09:33 AM) First I want to welcome you all to's Indiana University Kelley School of Business admissions chat.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:09:44 AM) I want to introduce the Indian team that's here today to field your question: Jim Holmen, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Laurie Stearn, Sr. Assoc. Director of Graduate Career Services, Eunice Donovan, Assoc. Director of Graduate Career Services.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:10:15 AM) Patti Cudney, second year Marketing major. Patti is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley with a degree in Political Science. She previously worked as a Senior Account Executive with a public affairs consulting firm in San Francisco.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:10:23 AM) Steve Netter, second year Finance major, is a graduate of Indiana University with a degree in Marketing. He previously worked as Manager of Trading Services for Ameritrade Holding Corp. in New Jersey.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:10:32 AM) Rhasheda Nixon, second year Marketing major, is a graduate of Tuskegee University with a degree in Chemical Engineering. She previously worked as a Product Engineer with Ford Motor Company.

vb (Feb 5, 2004 10:10:45 AM) I have a question regarding financial information; in the online application, there was a question about breakup of how is one going to arrange finances...I am hoping to get some kind of scholarship and then finalize everything, so I have given some approximate numbers there and will finalize them after I get an acceptance; is that okay? Also, I am hoping its ok if I submit the supporting documents after I get a positive answer on my application from Kelley.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:11:28 AM) vb-we need evidence of financial support from international students before we can provide the I-20 (visa documentation), but you can send it later, after receiving an admission decision.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:11:40 AM) What are the steps Kelley is taking to improve their ranking? What ranking do you expect in this year's US News ranking?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:11:56 AM) I would like to start by asking Patti, Steve, and Rhasheda to tell us a little about what they did over the summer, and hope to do after graduation.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:12:07 AM) Ok, I'll start. I worked at IBM in marketing this summer and I'm looking to get into retail marketing after I graduate in May.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:13:03 AM) I worked in strategic planning at CenterPoint Energy in Houston this summer. I will be joining Intel after graduation as a Sr. Financial Analyst.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:13:14 AM) cali--Its' hard to predict rankings, but the Kelley School is doing quite a bit to enhance its curriculum. We are rolling out a revised core next fall. We have a strong Leadership Development Institute, and unique Academies.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:13:57 AM) Steve, is that the kind of position you hoped to get when you decided to go to b-school?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:14:22 AM) It was Linda - Intel was a company I targeted and the position is exactly what I was looking for.

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:14:31 AM) What percent of the 2004 class has job offers?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:14:59 AM) Hi Steve, if you don't mind, can you share your pre MBA background with us?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:15:04 AM) WK-We just started collecting employment data from our second year class, so we do not have those statistics yet.

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 10:15:30 AM) What is the volume of applications so far this year compared to previous years?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:15:48 AM) Sure Cali001. Before coming to Kelley, I worked in sales & marketing for a dotcom in NYC, then moved over to Datek Online, now part of Ameritrade, and managed their trading services department out of NJ.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:15:53 AM) Steve and Patti, what do you like best at Kelley? What would you like to see improved?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:16:21 AM) GeoffW- after a record number of applications for Fall 2002, applications have dropped each of the last two years. Quality is still high, but applications are down. We have two deadlines to go, so were not sure where we'll be at the end.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:16:26 AM) I like the Academies a lot, and it's something we're making a larger part of the curriculum this fall. I'm in the Sports and Entertainment Academy and have learned a lot. I also think the people here are amazing.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:16:44 AM) Steve, so you didn't have any finance background, but did you major in finance?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:16:47 AM) I concur with everything Patti just said.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:16:47 AM) Patti, could you tell us a little bit about how the Academies work?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:17:02 AM) Can you tell us a little about the Sports and Entertainment Academy, Patti?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:17:20 AM) Cali001 - I had a marketing/customer service background and came to Kelley to make the switch to finance. I am a finance major.

dan1 (Feb 5, 2004 10:17:43 AM) When will decisions from the Dec. deadline be released?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:17:52 AM) The best way for me to describe the Academies is a cross between a club and a class. The Sports Academy has guest speakers, one law class, consulting projects and a white paper. Steve and I actually worked on a project together for the Houston Texans over the past year. You get amazing contacts within your field of interest - Consumer Marketing, Investment Management, Healthcare, etc.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:18:00 AM) So change is not that impossible; so happy to hear that!

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:18:27 AM) dan1-we're stuffing the decision packets today, and expect to have them in the mail tomorrow.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:18:36 AM) Many students make a career switch when they go for their MBA, so it's definitely a viable option Cali001.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:19:29 AM) What are the consulting companies looking for? I am currently in telecom marketing, and want to switch to technology consulting; is it a viable idea?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:19:34 AM) What do you want to do after you graduate, Patti? Do you hope to work in the business side of the sports and entertainment world?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:20:14 AM) I am looking into retail marketing, but when I first got here I was definitely focused on sports marketing. I still have a dream of being the first female Commissioner of the NFL.

Rich (Feb 5, 2004 10:20:18 AM) I applied to Kelley through the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. I met the December 1st deadline. Have you started mailing out decision letters?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:20:48 AM) Eunice, how is recruiting going for the class of 2004?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:20:57 AM) Rich-first round decisions should hit the mail tomorrow!

Rich (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:14 AM) Thanks.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:16 AM) cali001 - I know AT Kearney and Deloitte were on campus this year. There's also a Management Consulting Club which does a lot of outreach and networking in the industry. Eunice - were there others?

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:29 AM) Do you notify applicants of merit awards with the initial application decision? If not, when are those mailed?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:30 AM) Linda, in regard to recruiting, we are seeing signs of improvement in the market. However companies continue to be cautious in their hiring.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:36 AM) Patti, what internship did you have over the summer? Did that influence your change?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:21:51 AM) Eunice, what are the signs of improvement?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:22:04 AM) Geoff--merit aid awards follow the admit mailing by a couple of weeks.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:22:37 AM) Steve, I was in marketing at IBM. It influenced my decision in that I don't want to work in technology, but I decided pretty soon after arriving here and being involved in the Academy that I'd rather delay my entry into sports business.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:22:42 AM) Patti - Design Forum was also on campus last semester. In addition, the Consulting Academy is visiting several consulting firms in Chicago today and tomorrow.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:23:21 AM) Why do you want to delay entering the sports field? Is it hard to get into right now?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:23:59 AM) Steve, are there any factors that you believe particularly helped you obtain that job offer?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:24:10 AM) Patti: Do you expect more companies to come later this year? I have been going through the KMC (Kelley Management Consulting Club) website for the last few days and I got a bunch of information. Is there any selection process to join the club?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:24:18 AM) Steve, it's a hot area, but the opportunities for people with an MBA aren't easy to find. They also don't pay as well and you don't get an opportunity to use as much of your b-school training as I'd like. So I want to build up my resume as a marketer before moving into sports.

silly (Feb 5, 2004 10:24:25 AM) Patti, do all the consulting companies hire internationals?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:24:37 AM) Jim, how do you use the interview in the admissions process?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:24:46 AM) Interesting. Thanks, Patti.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:25:08 AM) The club actually used to be an Academy, but now as a club anyone can join after they pay their MBA Association dues. Companies may still come this school year, but Eunice probably has a better handle on that.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:25:16 AM) Linda--Besides my charm and wit? Well, my internship gave me some practical strategy and finance experience that Intel liked. Besides that, the curriculum here at Kelley prepared me to excel in Intel's difficult technical interviews.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:25:44 AM) silly - I know a few international students who are working for consulting firms, but again I'd defer to Eunice in terms of any career recruiting questions.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:14 AM) Steve, could you repeat where you interned?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:20 AM) Linda - we are in the process of pulling together our first report on offer status so we don't have data now. However, the companies that call in are more upbeat and we are hearing informally from our second year students about offers they are receiving.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:25 AM) Linda- the interview provides us an additional opportunity to get to know a candidate, and to better understand their interest in an MBA in general, and the Kelley MBA program in particular. We also can learn more about what they can contribute to the Kelley MBA community.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:31 AM) Did you feel that Indian's Career Services were helpful? If so, in what way?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:32 AM) Linda -- I interned at CenterPoint Energy in Houston, TX.

dan1 (Feb 5, 2004 10:26:32 AM) The deadlines that are given for financial aid, for example March 1-is that only for grants, assistantships etc, or is that for loans as well? I would assume that there is more time to apply for loans.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:27:07 AM) Career Services is very helpful - both providing interviews on campus as well as resources to help in an off-campus job search.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:27:10 AM) How should one approach letters of recommendation when they work in a family business?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:27:59 AM) Follow up to SteveFan's question, how are the letters used in the evaluation process?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:27:59 AM) Linda -- Career Services was integral in my obtaining the Intel offer. Intel took part in our on campus recruiting which opened the door for me to be seen by some high level people.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:28:02 AM) SteveFan - do you have any clients or companies you've worked with who know you well enough to write a recommendation? That's one idea.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:28:06 AM) dan1-all admits are considered for merit aid (scholarships and assistantships). There is no additional application. The March 1 deadline is for need-based aid (loans), but the deadline is just for submission of the FAFSA to the government. It applies more to undergrads then grads. March 1 doesn't matter to us.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:10 AM) I probably have a few clients who would be happy to write a recommendation letter for me. Thanks for the suggestion.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:16 AM) Linda -- recommendation letters are a great way for our admissions counselors to get another perspective on the applicant.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:25 AM) With respect to recommendations when you work in a family business, try to find recommenders you aren't related to! Perhaps clients or customers that you have had significant experience with.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:36 AM) Silly - ATK hired two international students last year for internships and Deloitte has hired international students in the past. Much of student success in the job market depends on their individual qualifications, background, and ability to articulate how they can add value to a company.

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:46 AM) Jim - Did you also see a decrease in the pool of international applicants?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:29:48 AM) Jim, you mean a recommendation from your grandmother won't cut it?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:23 AM) What if I had one recommendation from a family member and two from clients?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:25 AM) Believe it or not, we have received recommendations from parents. They always seem a bit biased...

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:26 AM) What would you like to see in an applicant with a technical background?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:38 AM) SteveFan-that would work.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:40 AM) Eunice: Is it possible to apply from outside (using the alumni network) and get into consulting firms?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:30:48 AM) Did you read those recommendations, Jim? Did they get accepted?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:31:03 AM) WK-we've seen decreases on both the domestic and international side.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:31:30 AM) cali001- Can you please clarify your question?

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:31:35 AM) Patti - Will there be any new academies created this year, such as e-commerce?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:31:42 AM) Applicants with technical backgrounds are generally good on the quantitative side, so it's nice to show balance in other business skills such as management, writing, teamwork, etc.

Rich (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:01 AM) Do you know the number of Consortium Fellowships Kelley will offer this year?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:09 AM) Eunice, how is recuriting and hiring going for international students?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:22 AM) SteveFan- we read everything we receive. One of the recommendations I received from a father was actually a negative recommendation! Perhaps he had an ulterior motive of keeping his son home and working...

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:23 AM) There will be new Academies as they are expanded to all students - B2B Marketing, Corporate Finance, Operations Management, and the Healthcare Academy is renamed Life Sciences Academy.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:25 AM) How is the adjustment for international students in the beginning?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:26 AM) Eunice: Lets say I am interested in BAIN, and I apply from outside with the help of an alumni in BAIN. Is it possible to get into BAIN this way?

Paul_Bodine (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:27 AM) What's the biggest mistake applicants make in their essays?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:58 AM) Paul_Bodine -- Not differentiating themselves and misspelling Kelley

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 10:32:58 AM) What is the most unusual thing you have read in an essay?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:33:15 AM) Rich- we're hoping for 24 Consortium fellowships for first year's.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:33:32 AM) SteveFan - we have a great orientation process to help international students adjust and because it's such a team-based environment there's automatic inclusion from the start.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:33:33 AM) Hi Rich, I am also a Consortium student at Kelley. If you have any more questions let me know as well.

Rich (Feb 5, 2004 10:33:43 AM) How many Consortium applications did you receive?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:34:28 AM) Linda - as with students at all schools, conducting a US job search is very challenging for international students because of the economy and the number of H1B visas being significantly decreased.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:34:40 AM) GeoffW - we actually like to read question 3 about the road trip participants and have seen a lot of interesting combinations of people.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:34:41 AM) As of now, our applications from the Consortium are still coming in.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:34:46 AM) Rich- we don't know how many yet. We receive them slowly from the Consortium Office as they pull all the pieces and parts together, make copies, and forward them to the schools.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:34:56 AM) If an applicant has a less than desirable GPA and wants to show that he or she can now perform in an academic environment, is the applicant better off taking classes in a traditional environment or in a distance learning program, where perhaps he or she could take more classes because the program is self-paced?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:38 AM) For Rhasheda, Steve, and Patti: What do you like best at Kelley? What would you like to see improved?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:40 AM) Linda - do you mean prior to enrolling in an MBA program or as their MBA program?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:43 AM) Linda- we'd see value in either format (traditional or distance learning).

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:47 AM) International students who are able to adapt to the US market and can communicate their skills and experience to employers effectively increase their probability of success. We have several initiative and workshops in place to provide support to our international student job seekers.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:51 AM) The people are definitely the best asset.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:35:58 AM) Patti, both.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:36:15 AM) Linda -- The student/faculty interaction is unmatched by any other top program. It's a huge plus.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:36:44 AM) Eunice, do you also provide assistance if the int'l student wants to return to his or her home country or work elsewhere abroad?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:36:50 AM) I didn't have a lot of quant background and thought about taking pre-MBA classes but didn't. Thanks to the team-based learning environment here I think I learned a LOT more than I would have in a self-paced environment where I wouldn't have as much interaction with classmates.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:37:26 AM) How different will the core be in 2004 from 2003? Will there be only minor changes or a revamp?

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:37:29 AM) Linda, I really enjoy the people as Patti mentioned. I like the collaborative environment and the accessible faculty. Tuskegee was a very small institution and Kelley, even though it is on a big campus, feels like a small close knit environment.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:37:46 AM) Steve, what kind of interaction? Do faculty members come to student events, hang out in the student lounge, or are they available in their offices? What makes it different?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:38:19 AM) cali001- the core is moving to one semester (from a semester and a half) allowing more flexibility for students to begin taking what they want second semester. The curriculum and core will also more formally include leadership, career, and professional development. You can learn more by visiting our website (

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:38:44 AM) cali001 - Many MBA recruiting companies (consulting firms included) have core schools at which they recruit. Although Bain does not come to campus, using our alumni network, faculty/career services, and other contacts can help get your foot in the door. The Consulting Academy and career services provides workshops and resources to help prepare you for a job search in this industry.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:38:53 AM) Linda -- We have student/faculty mixers, as well as the professors have an open door policy for students to come and chat or ask questions. For example, one of our finance professors worked at Intel while on sabbatical from Kelley, so I talked to him several times during my interview process. Plus, we have a faculty auction during which members of the Kelley faculty put up dinners, events, etc. for bidding, with the proceeds going to charity. The faculty and the students both attend this event off campus and it's a great time.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:38:56 AM) cali001 - in addition to what Jim said, the Academies will also now be for all students.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:39:22 AM) There are several students that have been to several faculty member's houses for different events. The faculty here REALLY get involved in the extra-curricular activities the MBAA plans.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:39:32 AM) Jim: So I would assume there will be more opportunities to take electives in first year; is this correct?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:39:44 AM) How was the application value in Round 1? Was it down from last year?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:40:01 AM) Applications were down in the first (and second) rounds.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:40:15 AM) cali001 - yes, you will be able to take electives at the start of the second semester instead of waiting until the latter half of that semester.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:40:48 AM) So are you going to accept more people in the last rounds?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:41:11 AM) Linda - In regard to international students conducting a home country search, one of the initiatives we are currently working on is to develop an international contact database so that these students can connect with the appropriate recruiting contacts at companies of interest in their home country.

dan1 (Feb 5, 2004 10:41:34 AM) How is the volume relative to 2000- 2002 - not just last year?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:41:38 AM) Thanks Eunice. Do you think the database will be functioning by next year?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:41:42 AM) SteveFan--too early to tell. As a previously mentioned, although numbers are down overall, the quality of those who have applied is high.

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:42:15 AM) Jim - Thank you. A question about essays: What order do you follow when reviewing essays, by the essay number or randomly? I noticed Kelley's #2 is about impact on past employers, and #4 is about contribution to Kelley MBA community, while many schools want applicants to address contribution in the second essay.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:42:17 AM) Jim, when you talk about "quality," are you referring to GMAT, GPA, work experience?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:42:26 AM) dan1- I don't have specific numbers. We haven't been tracking applications by comparison to 3 or 4 years ago, just in relation to the last two.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:42:54 AM) Linda - The database is a work in progress and we are planning to share the info. we have gathered thus far in a few weeks.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:43:02 AM) Linda- yes, all the quantifiable, and less quantifiable measures are strong.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:43:08 AM) WK - We read all essays cover to cover. There's no specific order.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:44:10 AM) For Patti, Steve, and Rhasheda: What do you wish you would have done before starting your MBA that would have made the beginning/transition easier? Did you do anything especially effective that helped you?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:44:14 AM) When will the classes start? I think it is first week of September; any advice when I should move there?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:44:35 AM) I'm definitely glad I visited campus before I started - it gave me a better feel for Bloomington coming from San Francisco.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:44:46 AM) cali- Jumpstart begins Aug. 9, international orientation Aug. 12, and orientation for everyone Aug. 14. Classes begin Aug. 30.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:44:59 AM) Linda -- Unfortunately, I ended work on a Friday and started orientation the next Tuesday. So I would suggest taking some time off to recharge and to get ready to hit the program head on.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:45:01 AM) You should move in early August, maybe sooner depending on the availability at local apartment complexes.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:45:24 AM) Cali001- I made the mistake of quitting work in August and moving down here 4 days later. Most people come in late July. I definitely recommend coming early so that you can get settled.

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 10:45:38 AM) Are there any apartment complexes which are well suited for MBA students?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:45:43 AM) To the students, what clubs are you active in?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:45:52 AM) Geoff, Woodbridge, Fountain Park, Steeplechase and The Fields.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:07 AM) SteveFan -- mostly the Finance Guild.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:14 AM) I'm in the Marketing Club and Graduate Women in Business.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:31 AM) How I can use the next 6 months so that I am prepared best for the classes?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:42 AM) All three of us are also in the Sports and Entertainment Academy.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:44 AM) Jim, how do you view applications from applicants who had previously declined an offer of admission from you?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:57 AM) Geoff- housing is easy to find in Bloomington, and affordable. MBAs are highly sought after tenants!

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:46:58 AM) Can I be a member of both the consulting and marketing club?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:03 AM) cali, spend quality time with your family and friends - because you get busy!

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:19 AM) cali001 - yes. You can be a member of 2 clubs.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:21 AM) How do you become part of the Sports and Entertainment academy?

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:29 AM) Cali001 -- Don't get too stressed out over the next 6 months. You'll have enough once you get here. But just try to sharpen your mind. Read some books, both pleasure and business related, start trying to think critically, and have fun.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:36 AM) Stevefan- I am in Marketing club, BMBAA, Net Impact, Graduate Women in Business and The Strategic Leadership Club. However, I am not fully active in all. You have to pick and choose which ones to be actively involved in and which ones you might just attend events

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:38 AM) Eunice, along the lines of cali's question, are there steps prospective students can take before they get to Indiana which will help them with their internship and permanent job search next year and the year after?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:47:51 AM) Steve, it's an application process, which I think is changing due to the expansion of the Academy system. Information will come to admitted students once it's available.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:48:02 AM) Linda- each year we have a few reapplicants who had been offered admission, but turned us down. Our decision depends on why they turned us down the first time, and how they have used the time since their last application.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:48:16 AM) What is the Graduate Women in Business club?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:49:16 AM) So it is advisable to get an apartment nearest to the school?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:07 AM) If you don't have a car, yes. Woodbridge and Fountain Park are right on the bus line. If you have a car then it doesn't matter as much. Overall, Bloomington isn't that big so distance isn't a matter unless transportation is an issue.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:15 AM) It's a support club for women. However, we have had men join in the past. We do a lot of activities in the community, helping admissions with recruiting events and we also have guest speakers and recruiters speak on women's issues in the workforce.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:20 AM) cali- many of the apartment complexes most popular with students are a mile and a half or so from campus. All students are provided a city bus pass as part of their student fees, and bus service is pretty good in Bloomington.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:31 AM) What is the role of students in the admissions process?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:41 AM) Is the parking in the campus free?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:50:58 AM) Linda - we recommend that they try to focus in on what they want to do career-wise. Also, we encourage them to begin thinking about how they want to present their professional accomplishments on a resume or in an interview. In addition, we recommend that they maintain the personal and professional networks they have developed thus far and to also begin networking with people in companies and industries of interest to them.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:51:05 AM) We all had the opportunity to serve as hosts for perspective students last year, and the three of us are now on the the Admissions Committee.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:51:27 AM) We have seven second year students who serve as admission counselors, facilitating interviews and serving as full members of the admissions committee. They all applied, were interviewed, selected, and trained.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:51:38 AM) Patti, do you actually review applications and make recommendations?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:51:58 AM) I guess from Jim's answer, your answer is "yes!"

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:00 AM) cali--there is a fee for a parking pass.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:09 AM) Yes, Steve, Rhasheda and I are all Admissions Counselors and make recommendations to Jim. As he said, we're all trained well.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:24 AM) What is the number of students in last 2 years, and what is the expected number of students this year?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:29 AM) For anyone who reads applications, what makes a candidate jump off the page -- in a positive way?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:44 AM) cali, do you mean enrolled students or applicants?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:49 AM) cali--were looking to bring in a class of about 250, the same as the past two years.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 10:52:53 AM) I am just trying to find out how the economy has affected the class size.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:53:11 AM) Do most applicants interview on campus? Is it seen as a downside if you don't come to Kelley to interview?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:53:12 AM) Linda, showing us something different about themselves - not just the same things most applicant have.....leadership, work experience, drive to succeed. What TRULY makes people different is what I like to see.

Rich (Feb 5, 2004 10:53:29 AM) Is there any way to view my admission status online?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:53:42 AM) Rich - sorry, but no.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:53:50 AM) SteveFan- many applicants interview on campus, and we interviewed others while on the road recruiting. We offer some phone interviews by invitation to applicants.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:54:03 AM) For me if the essays are original, different and well planned that lets me know they put time and effort into their application.

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:54:12 AM) When reading applications, what's your reaction when you find typos, or even misspelling of school names?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:55:03 AM) WK--while I am understanding, a number of typos and misspellings makes me question the candidates attention to detail and sometimes even their interest if they didn't take the time to polish their application.

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:55:33 AM) WK - we notice them, but it ultimately will not make the decision for us. Remember, the essays tell us about you but also show us how well your written communication skills have developed. By misspelling words or putting the wrong school name puts a negative light on the essays. Just make sure to spell Kelley correctly.

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 10:55:43 AM) Do you offer feedback to candidates who are declined admission?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:56:16 AM) GeoffW--for those who request feedback, we will provide written critiques during the summer, after we complete the current admissions cycle.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:56:40 AM) Do you have advice for wait-listed applicants?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:57:24 AM) How do you evaluate reapplicants?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:57:39 AM) Linda- wait list candidates should make sure we know that they are still interested! They are welcome to send any new or updated information that may strengthen their candidacy. If they didn't interview, perhaps they should consider making a campus visit.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:57:50 AM) Eunice, do you see fields or industries where hiring is picking up or where it is still really lagging?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:57:59 AM) Steve, we look to see if they received feedback and if they've made efforts to address those areas. We also like to see an updated resume and, if applicable, updated essays and recommendations.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 10:58:32 AM) Do you conduct new interviews for a reapplicant?

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 10:59:05 AM) Jim, are wait listed applicants compared to applicants in later rounds?

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:59:07 AM) Linda - life sciences is picking up. We've also seen banking and consulting beginning to turn around. Telecomm is still lagging.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 10:59:26 AM) SteveFan- for reapplicants, we take a look at what factors were less competitive in their previous application, and then take a look at what they have done to strengthen deficiencies. What have they accomplished since their last application? We will consider interviewing a reapplicant.

WK (Feb 5, 2004 10:59:28 AM) Eunice - thank you for your answer earlier. Are there many students seeking technical positions in the finance industry?

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:02 AM) Thanks!

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:25 AM) Do you have any document describing the revised core?

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:27 AM) Is the MBA program involved with the BioCrossroads Initiative in Indiana for the life sciences industry?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:32 AM) Linda- while most waitlist decisions are made after we see how we are doing towards meeting our enrollment goals (usually in late-May), I do keep my eye on the wait list and see how they stack up to applicants in later rounds.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:40 AM) WK- Most of our students are looking for finance or marketing related positions. Not many that I know of are seeking technical positions.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:00:51 AM) cali001 - the updated core is in the view-book. It is also on the website.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 11:01:42 AM) What support do you have for students with families?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 11:01:43 AM) Eunice: What percent of the class generally goes for consulting?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:02:08 AM) SteveFan - we have a Partners Club which is a great resource for students with partners and/or children.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:02:28 AM) GeoffW-Yes, one of Career Services' initiatives for this fall is to host a Life Sciences Symposium and we are partnering with BioCrossroads to put this event together.

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 11:02:30 AM) Patti: Can you please give me the link?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:02:54 AM) .

WK (Feb 5, 2004 11:03:01 AM) Jim, what types of assistantships are available to first year students?

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 11:03:06 AM) What percentage of grads remain in Indiana after attending Kelley?

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:03:14 AM) SteveFan- we have an active group called the Partner's Club for spouses and partners of MBAs. They are a very active organization, and current members help entering partners as well. We also have a staff member who serves as a relocations coordinator, helping families get information about everything from day care to housing.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:04:22 AM) GeoffW - a lot of students stay in the Midwest since most of our core recruiting companies are located in this area. As for Indiana specifically, I'm not sure. My roommate definitely is - she's going into finance at Eli Lilly.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:04:28 AM) WK- our grad assistant assignments in the Business School range from teaching assistantships to research assistantships with a professor to more administrative responsibilities within an office in the Business School.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:05:04 AM) GeoffW- If you go to the career services website ( you can see a geographic breakdown of where Kelley students work after graduation.

SteveFan (Feb 5, 2004 11:05:13 AM) Thank you to everyone from Kelley and for this great chat!

WK (Feb 5, 2004 11:05:43 AM) Jim - Is it possible for an first-year student to find assistantships from other departments? Will you discourage this?

GeoffW (Feb 5, 2004 11:05:44 AM) Jim -- What range of tuition/fees do the assistantships normally cover?

cali001 (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:15 AM) When is admitted students weekend?

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:23 AM) Feel free to keep in touch: .

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:27 AM) If you have any additional questions, you can email me at .

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:31 AM) Admitted Students Weekend is 4/16-18.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:32 AM) Assistantships have values of between $6,000 and $13,000 for 6 to 12 hours of work a week (part fee remission, part stipend).

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:40 AM) My email is if anyone has questions after the chat.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:53 AM) We don't encourage assistantships outside of the School of Business, but it is up to the students.

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:06:54 AM) Steve and I are planning the weekend so it's bound to be a lot of fun!

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:00 AM) Thank you again all for participating this evening. Special thanks to Jim, Laurie, Eunice, Patti, Steve, and Rhasheda for joining us this evening.

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:06 AM) cali001 - 15% of the Class of 2000 and 7% in the Class of 2003 went into consulting.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:07 AM) We look forward to seeing you at future admissions events. Coming up:

SteveNetterKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:20 AM) Linda -- Thanks for having us.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:28 AM) Feel free to e-mail me with any other questions ( .

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:33 AM) Best Practices for 2005 MBA Admissions ( ) on February 11. is hosting its first teleseminar, which will focus on what you can do NOW to improve your chances for next year.

JimHolmenKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:36 AM) Thanks all...

EuniceDonovanKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:37 AM) Thank you Linda for facilitating this chat. Best of luck to all of you! Laurie & Eunice (GCS)

PattiCudneyKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:42 AM) Thanks Linda!

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:46 AM) Wait-list Chat -- On Tuesday February 17, 2004 at 6:00 PM PST (7:00 PM Mountain Time; 8:00 PM Central Time; 9:00 PM EST), I will provide the Five Key Steps for Wait-listed Applicants. If you would love to attend the school(s) that waitlisted you, then you can't miss this chat. You need to know these five critical steps if you want to change your status from "Wait-listed" to Accepted. Please check for details.

RhashedaNixonKelley (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:49 AM) Linda, thanks for organizing this!

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:07:50 AM) You're all very welcome.

Linda Abraham (Feb 5, 2004 11:08:00 AM) Good luck with your applications!

作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 18:13


作者: hsWang    时间: 2004-10-24 18:13


作者: maggie_tongbest    时间: 2004-10-25 16:49


作者: shanxing    时间: 2004-11-27 16:57

作者: sandyzeng    时间: 2004-12-3 09:38

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