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标题: 大家看看媒体大亨默多克的中国妻子邓文迪的奋斗历程 [打印本页]

作者: CYWzou    时间: 2008-9-23 09:45     标题: 大家看看媒体大亨默多克的中国妻子邓文迪的奋斗历程


邓文迪,江苏人,广州一不知名大学Guangzhou Medical College上到大三退学,就认识一对美国夫妇(妻子当时是教邓文迪英语的),让这对夫妇经济担保她去美国一社区大学读书,到了美国一年后,那个美国的妻子发现自己丈夫跟wendi  deng有一腿,于是美国夫妇离婚,wendi deng和美国丈夫结婚,后来美国丈夫发现wendi deng在外跟一个当时二十多岁的美国男人David Wolf(后来成为Burston-Marsteller的PR executive)还有一腿,因为美国丈夫支付不起wendi deng读研究生,两人离婚。然后wendi deng转学去了耶鲁读mba. 期间有一次在座回中国的飞机上,有幸结识了star tv的一个外国籍的中国部负责人Bruce Churchill ,wendy deng跟他那儿获得了去star tv的实习机会。后来wendi deng转成了星空卫士的正式员工。

wendi deng在1999年的一次酒会上结识了来亚洲star tv视察的媒体大亨rupert murdoch,当时邓文迪还只是star tv的普通员工,并没有邀请参加酒会,但据说wendi deng当时衣着光鲜的参加了酒会。过了一两个月murdoch就与前妻离婚并于wendi deng结婚了。


Wendi Deng
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rupert Murdoch married his third wife Wendi Deng in 1999Wendi Murdoch. Originally Wendi Deng (simplified Chinese: 邓文迪; pinyin: Dèng Wéndí, originally 邓文革; pinyin: Dèng Wéngé; born 1969 in Xuzhou, China) is a former Vice President of Business Affairs at News Corporation’s Asian satellite television operation and is married to its chief executive Rupert Murdoch, one of the most powerful media owners in the world.

2Move to the US
3Marriage to Murdoch

Wendi Deng was born 1969 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. She has 2 sisters and one brother. Deng’s father was president of a Chinese factory, and her family was relatively wealthy.

[edit]Move to the US
In 1985, she graduated from high school and enrolled in Guangzhou Medical College but dropped out at the end of the third year.

Wendi moved to America in 1988 under the sponsorship of Joyce Cherry of California, who taught Deng English when she was in China with her husband, Jake Cherry. When Deng arrived in California, she moved into the home of Joyce and Jake Cherry. Within a year after Deng's arrival, Joyce found compromising photos of Deng in a hotel room in Jake's possession. Joyce kicked out both Deng and Jake, both of whom moved in together and eventually married. Within months of this marriage, Jake kicked Deng out after finding out she had been seeing a man in his 20's, David Wolf (who later went on to become a PR executive at Burston-Marsteller). According to Joyce: "[Deng] disappeared when he couldn’t provide her graduate school." (, New York Magazine is owned by New Corp. which, in turn, is run by Rupert Murdoch)

Deng went on to attend Yale University where she pursued her Master of Business Administration degree.

According to Next Magazine, during that time, Deng shared an apartment with her schoolmates and worked as a cosmetics salesgirl to make ends meet.

It has been reported in the media that during her MBA studies, Wendi Deng met Bruce Churchill from Star TV and obtained a position through him after receiving her MBA in 1997.

According to media sources run by Rupert Murdoch, Deng met Murdoch in 1999, the CEO of Star TV's parent company News Corporation. Murdoch divorced his wife of 31 years, Anna Torv, and married Deng within weeks afterwards. Shortly before their marriage was the marriage of Murdoch's oldest son, Lachlan, to model Sara O'Hare in Australia. Torv famously told the media that she asked Rupert to not bring Deng to this wedding, a request which Rupert complied with.

Deng and Rupert Murdoch have since had 2 daughters. Since their births, Deng has aggressively been strategizing (through Rupert) to give her children voting rights in a trust which has an interest in News Corp. that alone is valued at USD$6.1 billion. Until Deng's 2 daughters reach the age of 30, Deng would exercise those rights, which would give her 30% control over the trust.

[edit]Marriage to Murdoch
They were married on June 25, 1999 aboard the Perini Navi yacht Morning Glory on the Hudson river. Deng and Murdoch have two children: Grace Helen Murdoch (born November 19, 2001) and Chloe Murdoch (born July 17, 2003).

There is reported to be tension between Murdoch and the children of his marriages to Anna over the terms of a trust holding the family's 28.5 percent stake in News Corporation, estimated in 2005 to be worth about $6.1 billion. Under the trust his children by Wendi share in the proceeds of the stock but have no voting privileges or control of the stock. Voting rights in the stock are divided 50/50 between Murdoch on the one side and his children by two prior marriages.

It is Murdoch's stated desire to have his children by Wendi given a measure of control over the stock proportional to their financial interest in it. However it does not appear that he has any strong legal grounds to contest the present arrangement and his three children by Anna Torv are said to be unwilling to make any such change.

The Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode "Proud Flesh" is supposedly based on Wendi Deng's marriage.

Crikey Daily, Rupert And Wendi On Their Chinese Joyride, 1st May 2000. [1]
21st Century Online, Murdoch's wife prepared to be a mother, 21st June 2001. [2]
Lateline News, Rupert Murdoch Is New Father at Age 70, 20th November 2001. [3]
Astrodatabank News, August 4 2003. [4]

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