中国学生问题: 1.读不懂;2.时间不够;3选项不清楚在文章哪里,要不断回文中确认;4;有多个选项感觉都和原文有些接近,无法确定正确答案。
解决: 1。读不懂:不需要完全读懂,GMAT是考试对象是经理不是科学家,不需要像博士那样,像GRE那样弄清楚所有东东,只需要找到最重要的足以。
解决: 1。读不懂:不需要完全读懂,GMAT是考试对象是经理不是科学家,不需要像博士那样,像GRE那样弄清楚所有东东,只需要找到最重要的足以。
2. 时间不够,当你认识到重要的东西时,我们对那些不重要的 不要也罢,时间自然节省了下来,据统计我们基本上读得内容80%都是无用信息。
1. in order to 题目
This is not to suggest that the
(40) period of this biological clock is
immutably fixed. Biologists have
concluded that even though a
diatom does not rely on the envi-
ronment to keep time, environmental
(45) factors—including changes in the
tide’s hydrostatic pressure, salin-
ity, mechanical agitation, and
temperature—can alter the period
of its biological clock according to
(50) changes in the tidal cycle. In short,
the relation between an organism’s
biological clock and its environment
is similar to that between a wristwatch
and its owner: the owner cannot
(55 make the watch run faster or slower,
but can reset the hands.
The author of the passage compares the relationship between an organism’s biological clock and its environment to the relation between a wristwatch and its owner most probably
in order to
The author of the passage compares the relationship between an organism’s biological clock and its environment to the relation between a wristwatch and its owner most probably in order to
A. point out a fundamental difference between the function of biological clocks in organisms and the use of mechanical clocks by humans
B. illustrate the way in which the period of an organism’s biological clock can be altered by environmental factors
C. suggest that there are important similarities between the biological clock in organisms such as the commuter diatom and the biological clock in humans
D. support an argument regarding the methods used by certain organisms to counteract the influence of the environment on their biological clocks
E. question the accuracy of the biological clock in organisms such as the commuter diatom
凡是In order to 的题目都是在文中举出一个例子,然后问目的。
凡是In order to 的题目都是在文中举出一个例子,然后问目的。
我们要先知道美国人的文章思路: 开门见山,先说出主题(论点),然后Bulabula….举例,逻辑推理等去支持这个观点。明白了这个道理以后,我们应该清楚所有的东东最终的目的就是为了支持这个东东所在段落的中心。当我们明白这一点时。答案就自然出来了。不需要我们看着这个东东的前面,后面反复来比较选项,那样的活,人累死不说,时间早没了。
我们看到an organism’s biological clock and its environment
所在段落的中心(第一句话, 当然怎么找中心,我们以后再讲)period of this biological clock
当我们看选项的时候发现只有地2个选项是和period of this biological clock
有关的,并且说明period of this biological clock
是受其他因素影响而改变的。不就是原文段落的中心改写么。至于其他的选项都和短路中心内容period of this biological clock没有关系。
我们看到an organism’s biological clock and its environment 所在段落的中心(第一句话, 当然怎么找中心,我们以后再讲)period of this biological clock 不是固定不变的。 当我们看选项的时候发现只有地2个选项是和period of this biological clock 有关的,并且说明period of this biological clock 是受其他因素影响而改变的。不就是原文段落的中心改写么。至于其他的选项都和短路中心内容period of this biological clock没有关系。
harbor seals may have to do with their
small size and the large proportion of their
fat stores depleted in lactation. Harbor
seals are small compared with other phocids
(35) species such as grey seals, all of which
are known to fast for the entire lactation
period. Studies show that mother seals of
these species use respectively 84 percent,
58 percent, and 33 percent of their fat
(40) stores during lactation. By comparison,
harbor seals use 80 percent of their fat
stores in just the first 19 days of lactation,
even though they occasionally feed during
this period. Since such a large proportion
(45) of their fat stores is exhausted despite
feeding, mother harbor seals clearly cannot
support all of lactation using only energy
stored before giving birth. Though smaller
than many other phocids, harbor seals are
(50) similar in size to most otariids. In addition,
there is already some evidence suggesting
that the ringed seal, a phocids species that
is similar in size to the harbor seal, may
also use a maternal foraging strategy.
The author of the passage mentions ringed seals most probably in order to
The author of the passage mentions ringed seals most probably in order to
A. provide an example of a phocid species that fasts throughout its entire lactation period
B. provide an example of a phocid species whose maternal strategy is typical of phocid species
C. provide an example of a phocid species that may deplete an even higher proportion of its fat stores during lactation than harbor seals do
D. support the assertion that harbor seals are smaller than many other phocids
E. support the assertion that harbor seals’ maternal strategy may be related to their small size
注意:In order to 不可能举出一个东东来说明另外一个example. 它的最终目的,肯定在于说明一个观点(中心)
2. 需要回到原文定位的内容。
2. 需要回到原文定位的内容。
Most volcanoes occur at plate
boundaries. However, certain “mis-
placed” volcanoes far from plate
(25) edges result from a second, indepen-
dent mechanism that cools the deep
interior of Earth. Because of its prox-
imity to Earth’s core, the rock at the
base of the mantle is much hotter than
(30) rock in the upper mantle. The hotter the
mantle rock is, the less it resists flow-
ing. Reservoirs of this hot rock collect
in the base of the mantle. When a
reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere
(35) of this hot rock forces its way up
through the upper mantle to Earth’s
surface, creating a broad bulge in the
topography. The “mantle plume” thus
formed, once established, continues to
(40) channel hot material from the mantle
base until the reservoir is emptied.
The surface mark of an established
plume is a hot spot—an isolated
region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain
(45) located far from the edge of a surface
plate. Because the source of a hot
spot remains fixed while a surface
plate moves over it, over a long period
of time an active plume creates a chain
(50) of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a
track marking the position of the plume
relative to the moving plate. The natural
history of the Hawaiian island chain
clearly shows the movement of the
Pacific plate over a fixed plume.
It can be inferred from the passage that a chain of volcanoes created by a mantle plume would most likely be characterized by
A. a curved outline
B. constituent volcanoes that differ from each other in age
C. occurrence near a plate boundary where one plate bends under another
D. appearance near many other volcanic chains
E. rocks with a wide range of chemical composition
本题是为数不多的定位题。当我们发现题目的内容是一个很细节的东西,原文的中信根本没有提到时。这是明确告诉我们需要回到具体位置来找答案,一般这样题目有几种:逻辑,infer, about, 说明另外的内容 等等。
先看这一题目,题目说a chain of volcanoes created by a mantle plume
最可能是什么特性,只是一个答案肯定和在原文中的的相关一句话有关的题目。我们看原文的这一句话:Because the source of a hot
先看这一题目,题目说a chain of volcanoes created by a mantle plume 最可能是什么特性,只是一个答案肯定和在原文中的的相关一句话有关的题目。我们看原文的这一句话:Because the source of a hot
spot remains fixed while a surface plate moves over it, over a long period of time an active plume creates a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a track marking the position of the plume relative to the moving plate.
因为热点固定,而一个板块在热点上面移动,经过一段长的时间创造出a chain of volcanoes created by a mantle plume。原文特意强调了经过一段时间 而创造出 a chain…..那么答案可定是和时间有关的。
3. 主题题型
3. 主题题型
In American Genesis, which covers
the century of technological innovation
in the
Thomas Hughes assigns special promi-
nence to Thomas Edison as archetype
of the independent nineteenth-century
inventor. However, Hughes virtually
porary and notorious adversary in
the field of electric light and power,
George Westinghouse. This com-
parative neglect of Westinghouse is
consistent with other recent historians’
works, although it marks an intriguing
departure from the prevailing view
during the inventors’ lifetimes (and for
decades afterward) of
Westinghouse as the two “pioneer
innovators ” of the electrical industry.
My recent reevaluation of Westing-
house, facilitated by materials found
in railroad archives, suggests that
while Westinghouse and Edison shared
important traits as inventors, they
differed markedly in their approach to
the business aspects of innovation.
was always paramount: the overriding
goal of the business of innovation was
simply to generate funding for new
just enough sales, product development,
and manufacturing to accomplish this.
Westinghouse, however, shared the
attitudes of the railroads and other
industries for whom he developed
innovations: product development
standardization, system and order
were top priorities. Westinghouse
thus better exemplifies the systematic
approach to technological development
that would become a hallmark of modern
corporate research and development.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. reevaluate a controversial theory
B. identify the flaws in a study
C. propose a new method of historical research
D. compare two contrasting analyses
E. provide a fresh perspective
做主题题型的时候,我们有一个思维误区,大多数人觉得答案应该是和原文最贴近的,但是这样往往会跳进GMAC 的准答案误区。和原文貌似一致的往往是错误的。真正的答案应该是最有概括性的,而不是具体的。举个例子,如果作为一个经理和很多人包括技术专家讨论问题,去讨论具体细节问题不是经理的专长,但是决定方向的恰恰是你作为经理要做的事情,你要做的不是说如一个水管应该用什么工艺会有更多的好的技术指标,而是专家说的有没有道理,大方向是不是对头,这才是职业经理的事情,也是GMAT要
做主题题型的时候,我们有一个思维误区,大多数人觉得答案应该是和原文最贴近的,但是这样往往会跳进GMAC 的准答案误区。和原文貌似一致的往往是错误的。真正的答案应该是最有概括性的,而不是具体的。举个例子,如果作为一个经理和很多人包括技术专家讨论问题,去讨论具体细节问题不是经理的专长,但是决定方向的恰恰是你作为经理要做的事情,你要做的不是说如一个水管应该用什么工艺会有更多的好的技术指标,而是专家说的有没有道理,大方向是不是对头,这才是职业经理的事情,也是GMAT要 我们的事情
分析这一题目, 1P。
H 给了Edison 特别的地位,但是H 实际上忽略了Edison 在电灯和能源方面的对手GW
分析这一题目, 1P。 H 给了Edison 特别的地位,但是H 实际上忽略了Edison 在电灯和能源方面的对手GW
2P. 最近的评估表明GW和Edison 作为发明家是差不多,但是它们对于革新的商业方式是明显不一样的
看其他选项 A,
什么叫evaluate? 我们说评估其实是对一个事情,一个人不同的方面进行探讨,最后给出一个总的结论。比如经理对一个人员工不同的表现打分(一个人再差,总也用值得肯定的地方吧,所以至少要两个方面),最后总的一个概括。GMAT的 evaluate 作为正确答案的选项全是这个模式。
其次,文章也没有一个‘controversial theory’
看其他选项 A, 什么叫evaluate? 我们说评估其实是对一个事情,一个人不同的方面进行探讨,最后给出一个总的结论。比如经理对一个人员工不同的表现打分(一个人再差,总也用值得肯定的地方吧,所以至少要两个方面),最后总的一个概括。GMAT的 evaluate 作为正确答案的选项全是这个模式。 其次,文章也没有一个‘controversial theory’
B, Flaw 是什么? 文章并没有什么Flaw, 其次,作为经理应该尽量避免这样的极端词。
C, D 不再评论。
C, D 不再评论。
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