1-4-8. Dr. Sheila Porter plans to run an experiment using nursing students. Each student will be shown either a pleasant nature film or a disturbing horror film. Each student will be observed by someone who—looking only at the student’s facial expressions—must ascertain which film is being shown. Students shown the horror movie are told to hide their feelings in order to convince the observer that they are watching a pleasant film. Dr. Porter hypothesizes that all the students in the experiment who are convincing will be among the best at working with patients. The hypothesis will be tested by comparing the convincing students and unconvincing students in terms of their performance with patents. Which one of the following incidents best illustrates Dr. Porter’s hypothesis? (A) Niles, the most convincing student in the experiment, later went on to become a physician. (B) After graduating, Yoshiro, a nursing student who was convincing in the experiment, helped care for Bram, a patient at a hospital. Bram recovered from his operation. (C) After graduating, Kim, a nursing student in the experiment who watched the nature film, was removed from the staff of a hospital for unacceptable performance in patient care. (D) Daria, a nursing student who was convincing in the experiment, later received “A’s” in those classes in which working with patients in a teaching hospital was the sole basis of her grades. (E) Marite, a nursing student who was not convincing in the experiment, later quit nursing school. 答案: D 首先第一题要在阅读时注意提炼出要点:本题提干的假定是:convincing---〉 will be among “the best'' at" working with patients" .只有选项D同时体现了这两者。本题的原文:Dr.P 设计一个实验来检测生。让这些护士生看pleasure电影or 恐怖电影。并且让那些看了恐怖电影的护士生在别人面前努力隐藏自己的感受,以便让别人相信他看的不是恐怖电影而是pleasure电影。Dr.P说那些能够很好隐藏自己的感受的护士生也能够 among the best at working with patient. 问:下面那个例子最能够说明Dr.P的假设? B:Y学生在实验中表现出色,毕业后Y helped care patient Bram, Bram后来在他的护理下康复了。这里只讲了Y在毕业后护理病人,并没有讲他是否 working with patient best. D: D学生在实验中表现出色,后来D在那些仅将working with patents 作为评分标准的课程中得了“A”。也就是说D在实验中表现出色,后来他也能够working with patient best.作者: 风清云谈 时间: 2010-9-30 09:58