11. A private bus company gained greater profits and provided bus service to the area at lower fares by running buses more frequently and stimulating greater ridership. Hoping to continue these financial trends, the company plans to replace all older buses with new, larger buses, including some double-decker buses,.
The plan of the bus company as described above assumes all of the following EXCEPT
(A) the demand for bus service in the company’s area of service will increase in the future
(B) increased efficiency and revenues will compensate for any new expenses the company incurs
(C) the new buses will be sufficiently reliable to ensure the company a net financial gain once they are in place
(D) driving the new buses will be no more difficult than driving the buses they are to replace
(E) the larger, double-decker buses will not face obstacles such as height and weight restrictions in the bus company’s area of service我选E,答案是D,;劳烦各位先进协助!
而D说驾驶它不会更困难,可是即使驾驶困难,也不一定会影响到service进而影响financial gain.所以此选项无关。
E一定不对 E 取非 如果double-decker buses will face obstacle 则车子载客量无法大量增加
financial trend can't continue!!
(B) increased efficiency and revenues will compensate for any new expenses the
company incurs
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