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标题: [转帖]美国留学会计专业申请经验|排名|硕士|本科|费用|推荐信范例 [打印本页]

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:13     标题: [转帖]美国留学会计专业申请经验|排名|硕士|本科|费用|推荐信范例

老套-个人情况:本科会计,048月二千来美,就读于综合排名100以后的州立大学会计硕士(没办法,偶没钱,读不起好学校)。幸运的是学校商学院会计专业还不错,很喜欢那里的老师。值得推荐的一所学校。在此恕不透露学校名称。16个月后毕业,毕业前在校园招聘中拿下 4offer, 两个四大,两个500强。毕业顺利工作,并顺利拿下美国注册会计师执照。

美国会计学位介绍:由于AICPA对注册会计师考试的要求,大多数学校设立了会计硕士,也有一些学校没有,只有MBA,比如HARVARD,NU,UChicago之类。会计有如下几种硕士学位:Master of Accountancy (MACC), Mater of Science in Accounting, Master of Accounting Science, etc. 学位本质都是一样的,叫法不同而已.

会计排名:读书的目的是为了工作,个人认为学会计选择学校要和找工作挂钩,不能单纯相信学校的排名,切不要盲目依赖学校综合排名。具体的排名情况偶就不多说了,USNEWS到处都找得到。偶说的选择要和工作情况挂钩,意思是注意商学院CAREER OFFICE每年910月回到CAMPUS来得雇主名单,你看看你的工作目标是什么,你的目标公司又没有来学校招人就可以了。GENERALLY, 如果大家的目标都是4大或者大公司的话,4大会去招人的学校都不错。大家注意看学校的网站了。

奖学金情况:看到网上有些帖子谈到会计专业的奖学金,再此做一些补充。会计奖学金没有想象中那么难,也没有想象中那么容易。换句话说,美国现在的移民政策是不再限制F1,直接后果是工作签证H1-B越来越难申请。今天偶知道众多XDJMS没有拿到H1-B. 学校对中国学生的招生也放宽了许多。会计最牛的学校UIUC, UT AUSTIN MICHIGAN之类一般很难拿,或者是根本没有。我比较了解UIUC的情况,简单谈一下。UIUC的会计硕士分为MSA,MAS。一个是给美国人读的,一个是给外国人读的,美国人的那个专业,大家就不要想了,咱们没戏。给咱们读的那个专业是没有奖学金的,记住,一分钱都没有。学制一般是每年6月入学,下一年5月毕业。学费一年4万多,记住还没有加生活费。生活费一年再加个1万到2万吧。也就是要5万多6万一年。就业形势应该还是很不错的。有钱的同志们,可以申请哈,录取的要求不算高。GMAT都不要。不过大家要查查网站,我说错了不要怪我,也可以问问在UIUC的朋友们。次一些的学校,特别是州立大学,奖学金还是很有可能的哈。全奖难度要大一些,但是还是很有可能的。在此解释一下全奖:就是学费全免,每个月还有1000多刀生活费的。具体学校,奖学金难度,恕无可奉告,自己研究一下了。

申请:99%都要GMAT。这个就不重复了,前面也说了,有一些特别牛的学校没有奖学金一般没有GMAT也可以录取的哈。TOEFL,具体学校要求不同,一般达到最低要求就可以了,自我感觉。ps 及其他,实在是没有什么好讲的,个人的具体情况不同。

美国注册会计师执照:和国内差不多的是,没有执照也可以照样工作,特别是不在public firm里工作的话,有没有都无所谓,但是执业发展长远看,还有有比没有好很多。考试要求每个州要求不一样,几乎所有州都要求修满150个学分,或者取得会计硕士才有资格参加考试。其中还有各种具体的要求,比如那几门会计的课程比较要修啊,(audit, tax, financial accounting, business law, etc) 除会计以外商课课程必须要多少个学分阿,等等。也是一样,我只解释一下综合的情况,具体情况请参考各州的accounting board. 很多人会问到国内学分怎么算的问题,我所了解到的情况是大多数州把国内的本科学为算为120各学分,也就是说还有30个学分要在硕士当中拿。各州要求不一样,大家还是具体情况具体处理阿。考试内容,四门:Financial Accounting & Reporting (相当于国内大学课程的基础会计,中材,高材,中材比重很大), Auditing (国内的审计),Regulation (这个和国内差距最大,基本是重新学,考个人所得税,公司税,合伙制企业税,加上一些商业法规:合同法,证券法,房地产法等等),Business Environment and Concepts (相当于国内的成本,管理会计,经济学,以及IT). 计算机化考试,每年的1245781011月都可以考,跟国内机考gmat差不多。通过的分数:75分。记住不是60分,是75分。从第一门考试通过时刻起,18个月内必须全部通过考试,否则通过的考试成绩作废。最后全部通过后参加开卷的一门职业道德,90分算通过。考试通过以后,大多数州都要求有1-5年的工作经验才能拿执照。

累死了,最后谈谈就业情况:感谢安然和安达信,也感谢布什政府的SOX法案,企业对会计人员的需要从04年开始剧增,现在还没有饱和,当然07年情况肯定没有0405年好,但是总体情况,跟其他专业比的话,就业形势还是不错的。当然,由于从07年开始H1-B越来越难,而且能够sponsor H1-B的企业越来越少,外国人找工作还是有一定的难度的。我的建议是,一定要抓住每年910月各学校的校园招聘的机会。

其他ACCA之类不是美国的。是英国的。 美国会计学硕士留学    留学美国会计专业

非会计本科还是可以申请的,除非学校有特殊要求,如果是商科类专业基本上还是没有什么限制的,比如本科是金融,商业管理等等。其他理工科专业要读应该还是可以的,强调一下,具体的情况要咨询你要申请的学校,如果学校说可以就可以。但是一般情况下,非会计专业的朋友在硕士阶段必须补本科的课程,例如INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING, ADVANCED ACCOUNTING, AUDIT, TAX等。意味着你的硕士可能要花比一般的人时间长一点。如果是牛人的话,也无所谓,每个学期多修一两门就可以了。



各个地方,各个LEVEL的薪水不一样,首先要说的是,不管国内有无工作经验,在美国毕业基本上是从ENTRY LEVEL做起。


会计在美国的工作,语言要求相对还是比较高的,特别是在PUBLIC FIRM。数学倒是影响不大,如果不读博士,会计基本上和数学没有什么关系。

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:13


  申请学校的费用不足4000元(不含签证费)。 留学会计美国硕士

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:13



答案是否定的,会计学申请并不一定全是会计专业毕业生,许多经济学、金融、数学、统计甚至理工科的学生都可以申请,一般学校不会要求申请人本科是会计专业。但对于非本专业学生,会有先修课要求,比如:financial accounting,management accounting,taxation等。还有的学校甚至本科任何专业都可以申请,等到入学后再补上本科的会计课程。一般的会计课程都是一年制,但有一些商学院的会计专业分两种读法,一种是本科是会计,这样到了研究生就读三十几学分,一年,就可以毕业了。另一种是本科不是会计,到了研究生要读六十几学分,两年,就可以毕业了。



Master of Accounting in Science,简称MAS。入学要求是美国会计本科毕业和相关专业毕业。

Master of Science in Accountancy,简称MSA。主要录取没有会计背景的学生,包括国际学生和美国学生(一般是本科读金融,经济,或者工程等其他学科的学生)。MSA的课程主要是中级会计,对于没有一点会计背景的人来说,能打个很好的基础; 换种情况,有一些专业背景的,可以选修更多的高级课程,例如Derivative Accounting,Economics of Organization,Business Combination,Financial Reporting,还有Foreign Currency Translation等等。MSA的学生可能会缺乏这方面的知识,但是CPA Review Course也会覆盖他们这方面的缺漏。会计专业本科留学美国    美国会计研究生留学


不同的专业,申请的策略就有所不同。学校在评估申请人的条件时,也不单单只看申请人的专业是什么,而是从其他经历综合起来考虑。当然,拥有会计的背景或者相关的会计经验也是相当重要的,美国学校不可能录取一个与会计毫无关系,而只是在PS或者Essay中说我对会计学很有兴趣的申请人。有这么一个案例,申请人的硬件成绩非常好,GMAT 760, TOEFL 620+,GPA经WES评估后有3.66, 但这样的分数,却因为本科非会计背景(只上过2、3门会计课和参加过一项会计课题),却屡屡被拒。这当中当然也有其他因素,但不可否认的是,申请人的专业背景在这里成了一个短板。事实上前50的学校大都喜欢招收一些有会计背景或者相关经验的申请人,一点会计背景都没有的话建议申请稍微靠后的学校。但最好的办法无疑是在申请前加强自己的专业背景。此外,申请中要注意的是ESSAY,还有实习经验是不是与会计相关。很多人认为实习或者工作单位的知名度越高越好,其实知名度倒是其次的,国内的企业国外知道的并不会很多,像国内的一些大券商,申万银河什么的国外了解的人也很少。而Essay写作的的关键则是申请人要在ESSAY里面说出确实做了实事,学到了东西。

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:13

从学校录取情况和学校情况来看:现在申请MAcc 并不是很看重申请者的G,T成绩,但是如果你想要获得半奖以上的奖学金,你的G,T成绩一定要好。从招收中国学生的情况:

  The college of William & Mary,这个是一个历史悠久、在美国很有影响力的一个学校。从多年的申请者中,这个学校很喜欢上海财经大学的申请者,基本上每年都招收上海财经大学的学生。

  Tulane University, 这个学校不提供奖学金的。但是这个学校不看重你本科的学校,也不是十分看重申请者的G,T 成绩,他主要看重的是申请者的阅历。也就是这个学校是一个贵族学校。如果学生家境条件很好,很看重美国的排名,可以申请这个学校。

  Boston College, 这个学校的钱比较多,只要你有一方面优秀,只要你掌握好技巧,你很有可能获得奖学金。

  Case Weston Reserve University, 这个很有声望的大学,并不是以TOEFL,GMAT,GPA 和你的本科学校主要来评断申请者的录取情况,主要是看待你对本专业的认识程度和理解力。


  1)Master of Science in Accountancy,简称MSA. 入学要求:不需要G,不需要TSE,主要录取没有会计背景的学生,包括国际学生和美国学生(基本上都是"非UIUC会计本科"的毕业生);

 2)Master of Accounting in Science,简称MAS. 入学要求: G, T&TSE,要求美国会计本科毕业和相关专业毕业(可以换句话说,基本上是清一色在美国读本科的人,当然包括个别在美国念本的中国人,韩国人等)。

  如果申请人在会计这方面有很强的专业背景和工作经验那建议他们申请UIUC MAS的这个课程,既有名气实力又强。

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:13



  而会计却无处不在,尤其是注册会计师(CPA)这个稳定和高薪的职业,更是让学子们趋之若鹜。随着全球经济的一体化,注册会计师也越来越国际化。特别是加入中国WTO以后,中国的企业开始在国外上市,对会计也有了国际化的需求。于是,美国和澳大利亚两个国家在会计专业的优势,引起了学子的关注,越来越多的中国学生开始了美 澳会计留学之旅。


  首先,在美国,会计专业无疑非常吃香的,是近几年美国最好找工作的专业。刚毕业的大学生平均起薪就能达到每年44,564美元,有的会计系毕业生不用迈出校门,就能被公司录取,甚至有的优秀毕业生会被几家公司争抢。无论是本科还是硕士,美国很多大学都开设了会计专业。最有名的是,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 ,这是一所全美综合排名44的公立大学,此外还有著名的宾夕法尼亚大学,芝加哥大学等。无疑,去美国学习会计选择多,好就业。



作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:14


  在美国,会计硕士研究生专业(Master of Accountancy简称MAcc),一般设在商学院,MBA的学生和会计专业学生可以互相选修对方专业的课程。在美国,MAcc的课程设置通常是24个月,也有的学校是12个月(通常学习的时间就只有9个月)。所以在这么短的时间内,通常就是学习和实践。会计学是一门实践性很强的学科,既研究会计的原理、原则,探求那些能揭示会计发展规律的理论体系与概念结构;又研究会计原理和原则的具体应用。会计学从理论和方法两个方面为会计实践服务,成为人们改进会计工作、完善会计系统的指南。

  美国学的会计和国内不同的地方很多。首先是使用的体系不一样。美国是用美国体系(American System)中国用的是国际标准(International Standard)。区别的根本在于会计法、会计制度以及这些法规、制度的建立过程。会计是人为设计出来的管理方法,完全建立在制度上。一旦法规制度不同,行为和结果就不可能一样。美国有名目繁多的独立会计协会,最主要的有针对公司企业的FASB和针对政府机构及非营利组织的GASB等,专门负责会计制度设计、制定和监督会计制度执行,包括听取公司和部门的反馈意见,以及在执行中遇到的问题。

  在美国当会计不需要会计证,但要注册会计师(Certificate Public Account简称CPA)制度。会计这个工种专业性强,中美会计体制差异大,回国工作不太好定位,但会计专业的美国学生非常好找工作,这个行业和医药行业一样,基本不受经济低谷的影响。 在美国,税务(Taxation)是会计工作的重头戏,也是留学生的主攻方向。美国大公司和会计师事务所一向缺税务会计。美国税法复杂繁琐,替纳税人填报所得税和退税单也是会计的一项重要收入。如果希望未来挑选工作单位余地更大一些,主攻审计也许更合适,因为一般公司都需要内部审计员。经过商学院训练的会计研究生还可以进咨询公司、会计师事务所或某些大公司做咨询顾问Consultant,大的会计师事务所都包揽商业咨询业务。


作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:14

悬赏分:20 - 解决时间:2007-11-9 21:05
1 University of Texas–Austin (McCombs) 得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校麦克布斯商学院
特色: 属于MPA课程, 内容与BUSINESS领域紧紧相关;只有秋季入学时间;教学模式包括项目团体赛,实践经历,WORKSHOP等,非常具有实际操作性的课程.
要求: 本科BUSINESS专业背景,GMAT和TOEFL都是需要的.需提供4篇ESSAY
Doctoral Programs PhD DEADLINE:December 15
3. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)
特色: MACC课程,为期10个月,可接受非相关专业背景的申请人; 此课程在美国会计专业领域享誉盛名,而且美国最大的毕业生团体对其进行资金资助.
要求: 四年本科背景, TOEFL600以上,GMAT600以上,但一般被录取的是在660以上.2封推荐信

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:14



  1. 专业与专业间的横向比较

  会计专业的申请与理工科的专业(数学,化学,物理,生物等等)申请相比,获得奖学金几率小很多。因为首先美国大学的会计专业很少有给国际学生设立全额奖学金的,还有现在每年有很多的人申请会计这个专业,竞争激烈也是一方面。但是并不是说会计这个专业就申请不到奖学金的,只是说相对于其他专业来说,获得奖学金的几率很小。而且通常情况下,想要获得半奖以上的奖学金,是很困难的,获得小奖还是相对容易的。在06年的申请学生当中,有最高拿到Boston College 80%奖学金。所以我们可以看出:没有不可能的是事情。

  2. 会计专业与商学院其他专业的比较

  首先会计专业与经济学,金融学相比较,其应用性更强。经济学和金融学更偏重于知识的学习和研究。绝大多数的会计专业在录取要求上,都要求具有GMAT 成绩,而经济学和金融学在录取要求上,大多数学校是可以接受GRE 成绩的,这点是不同的。会计专业的录取更偏重于你的GPA,也就是你本科的学习成绩和你对本专业的认识,在奖学金上,会更加看你的G,T 成绩。即使你有本专业的工作经验,如果你的G,T 成绩一般,还是很难拿到大额的奖学金。相反如果你的G,T 成绩很好,对本专业有独到的见解和认识,那么你获得奖学金的几率会大一些。对于经济学和金融学来说,如果你要申请Master 的话,基本上是不会有全额奖学金的。但是如果你申请PHD的话,获得全额奖学金的几率会大很多,当然要求你必须对本专业有独到的见解和认识。今年我们有申请到OSU 经济学PHD全奖。学生重点是对经济学的认识的学习。而且会计专业对数学的能力要求比较高,至少比申请经济学,金融学,MBA 要求要高很多,而且学得越高,要求的越深。如果你要申请博士的话,那么你必须要求有过硬的数学功底。

  3. 会计专业今年的录取形势和变化的介绍。

  近年来,会计专业的申请形势看好,想要到美国学习会计,已经不像以前那么困难了。只要你有一般学校的本科学历,你的G,T 成绩不是很低,你应该可以申请得到美国综合排名前150的学校,但是奖学金的话,你可能就只有几千或者没有奖学金。如果你要是想申请到很好的学校:比如说综合排名前30的学校,并不是说你必须是一个很优秀的学生,你的G,T成绩很高,你的GPA很好,并不是说你必须是个完美的人。你是一个普通的学生,一样可以申请得到很好的学校。因为现在学校已经不是很看重你的G,T 成绩了(相对于以前的申请情况而言),学校主要是看你对会计的理解和认识,你在本科的学校都作过什么论文。只要你好好准备你的申请材料,你同样有机会申请得到好的学校。今年的会计申请形势应该会更好的

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:15


美国是世界上最早设立会计学硕士及博士学位的国家,设置会计学研究生项目的直接动因最初是满足二战以后工商界的迫切需要。1948年,美国得州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)首先设立了会计学专业硕士学位(Master in Professional Accounting)。该硕士项目创立伊始,就定位于培养学生的会计技术和职业技巧,强调为学生在高速变化的商务环境和步伐快捷的竞争中的业绩表现做好准备,并且强调培养具有全球视角、高度责任感和未来领导能力的人才。

  目前在美国设置会计学专业硕士学位的主要是一些知名综合性大学,虽然美国一些大学会计学专业的研究生教育并没有冠以“专业”的名号,但其培养目标、学制和课程设置等基本要素实质上都以会计行业的职业要求为主要导向,目标都是为会计实务界培养应用型的高级人才,如北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)的会计硕士项目(Master of Accounting,MAC)就是为了让学生能够达到美国注册会计师协会关于报考注册会计师(CPA)的知识要求而专门设立的。
  为了体现会计学专业的特点,笔者在下面的名校介绍内容中并未像以往那样采用《美国新闻和世界报道》(US News and World Report)的排名,而是选取了美国《公共会计报道》(Public Accounting Report)2006年10月30日公布的最新年度会计学教授调查排名结果。作为全美规模最大的会计专业年度学术调查,该报告权威地反映了会计学系在本科、硕士和博士三级学位阶段的不同排名。考虑到中国同学的实际申请状况,最终选取的是会计学硕士Top10学校排名。
  1.University of Texas–Austin
  作为美国最先设立会计学研究生学位的大学,得州大学奥斯汀分校在会计业界有着崇高的声誉。会计学系目前设有会计学专业硕士(Master in Professional Accounting,MPA)和会计学博士两级学位。


  2.Brigham Young University
  杨伯翰大学的Marriott商学院下设专门的会计学院(School of Accountancy,SOA),提供会计学学士(Bachelor of Science in Accountancy)和会计硕士(Master of Accountancy,MAcc)两级学位。作为美国知名的会计专业学院,SOA没有提供会计学博士学位,所培养的会计学研究生全部面向专业市场。


  3.University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的会计学系隶属于商学院,下设会计科学硕士(Master of Accounting Science,MAS)、会计学科学硕士(Master of Science in Accountancy,MSA)和税务学硕士(Master of Science in Taxation)三个硕士项目和会计学博士项目(Ph.D. Program in Accountancy)。


  4.University of Notre Dame
  与杨伯翰大学一样,圣母大学在研究生阶段也只提供面向专业市场的会计学硕士学位(Master of Science in Accountancy),该学位要求学生在两个学期内完成全部课程的学习,课程的设计和教学主要是为了帮助学生达到美国商学院协会(The Association of American Collegiate Schools of Business,AACSB)会计学专业的认证要求。


  5.University of Southern California

  南加州大学设立了专门的会计学院(Leventhal School of Accounting),提供会计硕士(Master of Accounting)、商业税务硕士(Master of Business Taxation)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)三种研究生学位。硕士学位主要面向会计专业的应用市场,博士则主要从事学术研究。


  6.Texas A&M University
  得州农工大学会计系提供会计学硕士(Master of Science in Accounting)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)两级学位。会计系要求申请者具备会计领域的基础知识,并富有领导力、沟通能力、团队合作精神和批判性思维能力。


7.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  北卡罗来纳大学会计学系提供会计硕士(Master of Accounting,MAC)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)学位。该校的会计硕士要求申请者在入学前修读的会计学课程学分少于12个;如超过此限额,则不能申请MAC项目。



  8.Indiana University-Bloomington
  印地安纳大学Kelley商学院提供专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accountancy)和会计学博士两级学位。专业会计硕士学位主要面向应用层面,帮助学生达到绝大多数州对注册会计师(CPA)的要求。


  9.University of Wisconsin
  威斯康星大学提供专业的会计硕士学位(Master of Accountancy,MAcc)、税务会计硕士(Master of Accountancy –Taxation,MAcc-Tax)和会计学博士三种学位。除了博士针对学术研究领域外,硕士学位均以实际应用为主,帮助学生在会计业界获得进一步工作的能力。


  10.Michigan State University
  密歇根州立大学设立了会计硕士(Master in Accounting)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)两级学位。会计硕士学位只需修满30个学分,一般均可在1年之内完成。博士学习主要面向理论研究,一般需要5~6年完成。




  如果准备在美国从事会计行业的实务性工作,那么拿到MAcc学位后可以选择参加CPA考试。在美国当会计不需要会计上岗证,但是和国内一样,有注册会计师(Certificate Public Account,CPA)制度。如果拿到美国的CPA,就能较为顺利地进入会计师事务所,即使去不了PWC、KPMG、DELOITTE、EY这“四大”事务所,进入一般的小所是很有把握的。如果有1~2年的事务所工作经验,以后再谋求更高的职业发展就相对容易得多了。

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-14 18:15

1. 南加州大学马歇尔商学院Leventhal会计学院介绍
南加州大学马歇尔商学院会计学院历史较长1979年成立,一直以培养技术知识并重,有卓越远见的会计精英著称。从1920年开始,会计教育一直就是南加州大学商学院不可分割的一部分。那时起会计系就提供理学学士学位会计方向。之后随着商学院研究生院的发展,建立了会计专业方向的硕士学位。1954年 Master of Accounting (M.Acc.)会计学硕士点成立,为想要在会计学方面进一步深造的学生提供作为本科后的教育。1974年, Master of Business Taxation (M.B.T.)商业税务硕士点建立。1996年,该学院更名为Leventhal列文索会计学院,以表彰列文索一家对于会计学院的贡献,使该学院运用信息技术等高科技手段更新会计的传统领域,并在全国会计学科领域内,一直保持顶尖的地位。列文索会计学院一直在全美各大排名名列前茅。《美国新闻世界报道》的研究生教育排名第七,本科教育排名第四,超过纽约大学和西北大学。最新的全美会计年度报告的研究生教育排名第四,本科教育排名第四。南加州大学马歇尔商学院是全美一千五百多所商学院经权威机构AACSB(美国大学商学院联合机构)认可的三百四十七所之一,AACSB认证以其标准充分肯定了马歇尔商学院的各个方面,包括她的使命、师资力量、师生互动的方式、所开展的研究与教育、专业课程和非专业课程的设置和发展、学院经济实力等。列文索会计学院单独还荣获AACSB卓越会计认证。



2. 列文索会计学院研究生教育会计学硕士MAcc (Master of Accounting)和商业税务硕士MBT(Master of Business Taxation)

3. MAcc和MBT招生要求
招生要求比较高,将从各个方面来评估每一个申请学生,不仅是学习成绩、智力水平,而且学生的领导才能,交际能力也重要的参考因素。列文索会计学院所招学生不限专业,但是毕竟是会计专业硕士课程,因此,申请学生必须要证明自己在本科学习阶段,所修的经济类课程和会计类课程优秀,并且有两门课必须完成1)财务会计入门 2)微观经济学或者宏观经济学 。如果申请学生是会计专业,或者有会计专业背景需要完成以下课程,成绩最好在B等以上。1)中级会计理论 2)高级会计理论 3)成本会计 4)审计 5)美国联邦/公司税务
? 完整填写的网上报名申请表
? 大学成绩单,必须有财务会计和经济课程的成绩
? GMAT成绩单 (600分以上)
? 两封推荐信
? 个人简历
? 个人学习计划
? 资产证明
? 申请费用
4. 参考网站: MAcc and MBT programs

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:17

Cranfield SOM Marketing 课程介绍(兼Marketing专业申请参考)
作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:18

What do employees in e-Commerce fields do?
Students with backgrounds in e-Commerce typically work in Information Technology (IT) fields, often as the managers of IT infrastructures. They can also oversee the development and marketing of Internet web sites as project managers. Graduates of e-Commerce programs leave school prepared to fill positions in the technical staffs of corporations.
I do not have a background in Computer Science. Will an e-Commerce MBA be too technical for me?
While a Master’s in e-Commerce might require greater familiarity with IT concepts, most e-Commerce and e-Business programs are designed for traditional MBA students in addition to those with IT experience.
What degree options are available in this area?
Undergraduates can earn a Bachelor’s in e-Commerce or e-Business. Graduate students can earn a Master of Science in e-Commerce or an MBA with an e-Commerce or e-Business concentration.
What is the difference between a Master’s Degree in e-Commerce and an MBA with a concentration in e-Commerce?
The basic difference between these two options is that the master’s degree is highly specialized and will allow you to focus almost exclusively on computer science and business administration. In contrast, an MBA program will permit you to develop a general set of management skills as well as e-Commerce knowledge. There are advantages to each: a master’s program will enable you to delve into e-Commerce issues in greater depth; an MBA program will allow you to spend your first year developing a set of skills that can be transferred to other areas.
While both a master’s degree and an MBA concentration will prepare you to hold management positions within the field of e-Commerce, master’s programs are designed to help you become a leader in technology management and integration. In contrast, an MBA degree may also qualify you to hold management positions in other fields, should you become interested in a different career.
What subjects will I study?
As an e-Commerce student, you will study traditional business topics like finance, accounting and marketing, but your coursework will emphasize Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Your studies will probably include classes on e-management, electronic marketing marketing, online business strategies, MIS, web site development and IT applications. Students with IT backgrounds may take advanced computer science courses as well.
What careers do e-Commerce students pursue?
e-Commerce graduates can assume management roles in e-Business and e-Commerce fields, including operations, marketing, technical support and administration. Many become consultants for large corporations that want to incorporate internet business into their strategic plans. Companies may need you to improve B2B online transactions, vitalize internet product sales, or research e-Commerce competition.
What’s the overall career outlook for this field?
e-Commerce has suffered setbacks since the failure of many startup dot-coms, but the overall demand for business managers with information technology backgrounds should not decrease in the long run. The marketplace has changed dramatically with the introduction of companies like ebay and; most companies now recognize that they must develop and maintain e-Business programs in order to remain competitive. Consequently, the need for employers with e-Commerce skills remains. E-Commerce opens up entirely new business opportunities around the world; as old market practices incorporate new technologies, the field will increase in importance.

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:20

1. Accounting

What do accountants do?
Accountants offer a wide array of business and accounting services including public, management, and government accounting, as well as internal auditing. In each of these major fields, accountants and auditors prepare, analyze, and verify financial documents in order to provide information to clients.
Public Accountants: Public accountants perform a broad range of accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting activities for their clients, who may be corporations, governments, nonprofit organizations, or individuals.
Consultants: Consultants offer advice in areas such as compensation or employee health care benefits; the design of accounting and data processing systems; and the selection of controls to safeguard assets.
Forensic Accountants: Forensic accountants investigate and interpret bankruptcies and other complex financial transactions.
Management Accountants: Management accountants record and analyze a corporation''''s financial information in addition to budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, and asset management.
Public Sector Accountants: Government accountants and auditors maintain and examine the records of government agencies and audit private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation.
What degree options are available in accounting?
Undergraduates can earn a bachelor’s degree in accounting or take accounting classes as part of a business degree. MBA students can choose concentrations in accounting, and some schools offer master1s degree in accountancy (MAcc).
What's the difference between a master's in accounting and an MBA with an accounting concentration?
While both an MBA with a focus on accounting and a Master of Accounting (MAcc) degree will prepare you to assume managerial positions within the field of accounting, the MBA degree will provide you with more general skills that are transferable to other areas. The MAcc will provide you with greater accounting expertise and will prepare candidates for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, but fewer transferable skills. Some MBA programs provide candidates with sufficient credit hours required to sit for the CPA exam. The MBA degree''''s broad curriculum also helps accountants with client management and other strategic issues in performing their jobs, especially in management advisory services.
What will I study?
The MAcc curriculum generally includes preparation for the CPA exam, and the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) examination, in addition to courses in financial and managerial accounting, research, business valuation, cost management, information systems, auditing, policy, taxation, and consulting services. MBA curriculum with an accounting concentration emphasizes general management and business coursework as well as in depth accounting applications and concepts.
What skills are necessary to work in the field of accounting?
Certification and licensure in accounting and auditing are standard requirements for employment in this field. Successful accountants and auditors are generally detail-oriented, highly motivated researchers, and knowledgeable about U.S. and international tax laws, economics and money markets. In addition to self-confidence, maturity, and the ability to work independently, candidates for accounting positions need a broad range of skills including:
Excellent mathematical and computer skills
Excellent analytic and problem solving skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Strong interpersonal skills
What career paths do MBA or MAcc graduates follow?
Many graduates enter into the profession as financial analysts or internal auditors in such areas as financial planning, resource allocation, and management information systems. Beginning public accountants usually start by assisting with work for several clients. Those who excel may become supervisors, managers, partners, open their own public accounting firms, or transfer to executive positions in management accounting or internal auditing in private firms. Management accountants often start as cost accountants, junior internal auditors, or as trainees for other accounting positions. As they rise through the organization, they may advance to accounting manager, chief cost accountant, budget director, or manager of internal auditing. Some become controllers, treasurers, financial vice presidents, chief financial officers, or corporation presidents. In general, there is a large degree of mobility among public accountants, management accountants, and internal auditors. Practitioners often shift into management accounting or internal auditing from public accounting, or between internal auditing and management accounting.
What certification or training is necessary for a career in accounting?
Professional recognition through certification or licensure provides a distinct advantage in the job market. All CPAs must have a certificate and the partners in their firm must have licenses issued by a State Board of Accountancy. The vast majority of States require CPA candidates to be college graduates, but a few States substitute a number of years of public accounting experience for the college degree. Nearly all States require CPAs and other public accountants to complete a certain number of hours of continuing professional education before their licenses can be renewed. Voluntary certification can attest to professional competence in a specialized field of accounting and auditing. Graduates from accredited colleges and universities who have worked for 2 years as internal auditors and have passed a four-part examination may earn the designation Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from the Institute of Internal Auditors.

What's the overall career outlook for accountants?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of accountants and auditors is expected to grow about 10 to 20 percent through the year 2008. As the economy grows, more accountants and auditors will be needed to set up books, prepare taxes, and provide management advice. In response to market demand, these accounting professionals will offer more management and consulting services as they take on a greater advisory role and develop more sophisticated and flexible accounting systems. Also, internal auditors will increasingly be needed to discover and eliminate waste and fraud. Competition is keen for the most prestigious jobs in major accounting and business firms, but graduates with a master''''s degree in accounting or a master''''s in business administration will have a distinct advantage in the job market.
2.  e-commerce

What do employees in e-Commerce fields do?
Students with backgrounds in e-Commerce typically work in Information Technology (IT) fields, often as the managers of IT infrastructures. They can also oversee the development and marketing of Internet web sites as project managers. Graduates of e-Commerce programs leave school prepared to fill positions in the technical staffs of corporations.
I do not have a background in Computer Science. Will an e-Commerce MBA be too technical for me?
While a Master’s in e-Commerce might require greater familiarity with IT concepts, most e-Commerce and e-Business programs are designed for traditional MBA students in addition to those with IT experience.
What degree options are available in this area?
Undergraduates can earn a Bachelor’s in e-Commerce or e-Business. Graduate students can earn a Master of Science in e-Commerce or an MBA with an e-Commerce or e-Business concentration.
What is the difference between a Master’s Degree in e-Commerce and an MBA with a concentration in e-Commerce?
The basic difference between these two options is that the master’s degree is highly specialized and will allow you to focus almost exclusively on computer science and business administration. In contrast, an MBA program will permit you to develop a general set of management skills as well as e-Commerce knowledge. There are advantages to each: a master’s program will enable you to delve into e-Commerce issues in greater depth; an MBA program will allow you to spend your first year developing a set of skills that can be transferred to other areas.
While both a master’s degree and an MBA concentration will prepare you to hold management positions within the field of e-Commerce, master’s programs are designed to help you become a leader in technology management and integration. In contrast, an MBA degree may also qualify you to hold management positions in other fields, should you become interested in a different career.
What subjects will I study?
As an e-Commerce student, you will study traditional business topics like finance, accounting and marketing, but your coursework will emphasize Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Your studies will probably include classes on e-management, electronic marketing marketing, online business strategies, MIS, web site development and IT applications. Students with IT backgrounds may take advanced computer science courses as well.
What careers do e-Commerce students pursue?
e-Commerce graduates can assume management roles in e-Business and e-Commerce fields, including operations, marketing, technical support and administration. Many become consultants for large corporations that want to incorporate internet business into their strategic plans. Companies may need you to improve B2B online transactions, vitalize internet product sales, or research e-Commerce competition.
What’s the overall career outlook for this field?
e-Commerce has suffered setbacks since the failure of many startup dot-coms, but the overall demand for business managers with information technology backgrounds should not decrease in the long run. The marketplace has changed dramatically with the introduction of companies like ebay and; most companies now recognize that they must develop and maintain e-Business programs in order to remain competitive. Consequently, the need for employers with e-Commerce skills remains. E-Commerce opens up entirely new business opportunities around the world; as old market practices incorporate new technologies, the field will increase in importance.

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:21

3. Entrepreneurship
What do entrepreneurs do? Entrepreneurs have many options: they can be business owners and managers, venture capitalists, or small business consultants. In addition, some become intrapreneurs within established companies.
What is intrapreneurship?
Intrapreneurs work within corporations to develop new products, increase innovation, and build employee morale. Intrapreneurship appeals to some because it allows them to pursue creative business ideas with the support of a large company’s resources.
What degree options are available in this area?
Some schools offer undergraduate degrees in Entrepreneurship. In addition, graduate students can earn an MBA with an entrepreneurship concentration.
What subjects will I study?
Entrepreneurship MBAs are encouraged to draw upon their creative potential as they learn to build ventures. They are prepared to manage different stages of growth for business enterprises. Entrepreneurship programs allow you to focus on the specific business skills needed to bring an early stage company or small business to life. In addition to the core MBA course, you may take classes in entrepreneurial management, growth strategies, venture financing, cash flow management, and market research.
Many MBA programs offer students chances to work with small businesses; some also give top MBA students opportunities to launch their own ventures in the second year of study.
What skills will I need?
In addition to an overall comprehension of business administration, entrepreneurs should have:
Business savvy: You must understand business theories and practices to build a successful venture. Although some entrepreneurs have not attended graduate school, others believe that an MBA provides small business managers with invaluable administration skills.
Innovation and creativity: Creativity is imperative to entrepreneurs. How will your business stand out from its competition? Your venture may benefit from the introduction of new products, public relations techniques, or even new management practices. It will be up to you to determine what is best for your business.
People skills: As an entrepreneur, you will be the one who pitches products to potential investors or assists customers during sales. Understanding the needs of clients is crucial to your success, as is the ability to communicate with your partners and supporters.
The ability to multitask: Even if you start a business with other partners, you will probably have to tackle a range of tasks in different areas before the venture returns enough capital to hire additional employees. You may meet with potential clients in the morning, then design advertisements at the office during the evening.
The ability to take risks: Starting your own venture always entails uncertainty. You will put your own business reputation on the line, donating personal time and effort to build a customer base. Moreover, a new business requires sizeable financial investments – a start-up is not easy, but the opportunity to manage business operations is probably worth the risk.
What’s the overall career outlook for this field?
Entrepreneurs have always been the backbone of the American economy. Today’s corporate conglomerates were started by men and women with innovative – even outlandish – ideas who had the dedication to make their new ventures thrive. As an entrepreneur, you will be a leader in the business community, whether you take over the family business, purchase or start your own venture, or work within a larger company to revitalize its practices.
4. Finance

What do finance professionals do?
A tremendous range of opportunities for finance professionals can be found in the private, public and non-profit sectors. Most in the financial services industry are employed in such areas as commercial banking, corporate finance, financial planning, investment banking, money managing, insurance, and real estate. Also, almost every firm, government agency, and organization have financial managers who oversee the preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies.
Commercial Banking: A career in commercial banking offers opportunities in financial management, accountancy and auditing, securities, commodities, and financial services sales, as well as in financial and credit analysis.
Corporate Finance: Employees working in corporate finance find the money to run the business, grow the business, make acquisitions, plan for it''''s financial future and manage any cash on hand.
Financial Planning: Financial planners help individuals plan their financial futures.
Insurance: Jobs in insurance involve helping individuals and business manage risk to protect themselves from catastrophic losses and to anticipate potential risk problems. A variety of areas in insurance include work as an underwriter, a sales representative, an asset manager, or an actuary.
Investment Banking: Investment bankers help companies and governments issue securities, help investors purchase securities, manage financial assets, trade securities and provide financial advice.
Money Management: Money managers hold stocks and bonds for institutional clients.
Real Estate: In the real estate fields many are employed such areas as title insurance, construction, mortgage banking, property management, real estate appraisals, brokerage and leasing, and real estate development.
What degree options are available in finance?
Undergraduates can earn a bachelor1s degree in finance or take finance classes as part of a business degree. MBA students can choose concentrations in finance, and some schools offer master’s degrees in finance or PhD programs.
What's the difference between a master's in finance and an MBA with a finance concentration?
The basic difference between these two options is that a master’s in finance is a highly specialized degree that will allow you to focus almost exclusively on issues related to finance. In contrast, an MBA program will allow you to develop a general set of management skills in addition to specific finance knowledge. There are advantages to each: a master1s program will enable you to delve into finance issues in greater depth; an MBA program is will allow you to spend your first year developing a set of skills that can be transferred to other areas. While both a master1s degree and an MBA concentration will prepare you to hold management positions within the field of finance at some point in your career, an MBA degree may also qualify you to hold management positions in other fields, should you become interested in a different career.
What will I study?
Coursework generally covers statistics, economics, accounting policies and procedures, corporate budgeting, and financial analysis methods. Advanced courses in options pricing or bond valuation and knowledge of risk management are often covered. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning, and risk management also are helpful.
What skills are necessary to work in the field of finance?
Financial professionals must be detail-oriented, highly motivated researchers, and knowledgeable about U.S. and international tax laws, economics and money markets. In addition to self-confidence, maturity, and the ability to work independently, candidates for financial industry positions need a broad range of skills including:
Excellent mathematical and computer skills
Excellent analytic and problem solving skills
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Strong interpersonal skills
What certification or licensing is necessary?
A college degree, and in most cases an MBA, is recommended for a career in the finance industry. A license is not required to work as a personal financial advisor, but advisors who sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance, or real estate, may need licenses to perform these additional services. Certification, although not required for financial analysts or personal financial advisors to practice, can enhance professional standing and is strongly recommended by many financial companies. Financial analysts may receive the title Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and personal financial advisors may obtain a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designation. Both titles demonstrate to potential customers that a planner has extensive training and competency in the area of financial planning.
As an MBA graduate what career options will I have in finance?
The financial field offers many possibilities to MBAs, but the most sought after jobs are within corporate finance, investment banking, and securities firms. Finance MBAs often go into the corporate world as Financial Analysts or Investment Banking Associates. Other careers for MBAs are in asset management, equities research, and private client services. Many MBAs become management consultants with expertise in cash management, restructuring and workouts, emerging markets, or strategy. MBAs on the corporate side may aspire to careers that lead to corporate treasury, and ultimately the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) role in the corporation. Financial analysts may advance by becoming portfolio managers or financial managers, directing the investment policies of their companies or those of clients. Personal financial advisors who work in firms also may move into managerial positions, but most advisors advance by accumulating clients and managing more assets.
What's the overall career outlook in finance?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, increased investment by businesses and individuals is expected to result in faster-than-average employment growth of finance professionals through 2010. However, competition is expected to be keen for these highly lucrative positions. The majority of salaried advisors and analysts work for security and commodity brokers, exchanges, and investment services firms. Candidates with a master''''s degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity with computer financial software packages also should enhance a jobseeker''''s employment prospects.

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:21

5. General Management

What do general managers do?
General managers and top executives plan, organize, direct, control, and coordinate the operations of an organization and its major departments or programs. Although they have a wide range of titles such as chief executive officer, president, executive vice president, owner, partner--- all formulate policies and direct the operations of businesses and corporations. The nature of high level executives'''' responsibilities depends upon the size of the organization. In large organizations, their duties are highly specialized. In smaller organizations, such as independent retail stores or small manufacturers, a partner, owner, or general manager is often also responsible for purchasing, hiring, training, quality control, and day-to-day supervisory duties.
What degree options are available in general managment?
Undergraduates can earn a bachelor1s degree in management or take courses in management as part of a business degree. MBA students can choose a concentration in management, and some schools offer master1s degrees and PhDs in general management.
What's the difference between a Master of General Management and an MBA with a general management concentration?
While both an MBA with a focus on management and a Master of General Management degree will prepare you to assume managerial positions within the business world, the MBA degree will provide you with more general skills that are transferable to other areas. The master''''s in management will provide you with greater management expertise, but will provide you with fewer transferable skills. The MBA degree''''s broad curriculum also helps managers integrate the different functions within a company.
What will I study?
Students in MBA programs with a management concentration will most likely study everything from marketing, international economics, entrepreneurship, information systems, microeconomics, finance, in addition to managerial accounting, human resources management, leadership, statistics and management science.
What skills are necessary to work in the field of general management?
Managers with strong leadership qualities and the ability to improve the efficiency or competitive position of an organization are most successful. An analytical mind able to quickly assess large amounts of information and data is very important, as is the ability to consider and evaluate the interrelationships of numerous factors. General managers and top executives must also be able to communicate clearly and persuasively. Other qualities critical for managerial success include leadership, self-confidence, motivation, decisiveness, flexibility, sound business judgment, and determination.

What is a typical career path for an General Management-MBA graduate?
General managers often have experience in a particular field, such as accounting or engineering and are promoted to general management positions as their skills progress. Many general manager and top executive positions are filled by promoting experienced, lower level managers when an opening occurs, and many are promoted from within the organization. Advancement may be accelerated by participating in company training programs that focus on company policy and operations.
General managers may advance to top executive positions, such as executive vice president, in their own firm or they may take a corresponding position in another firm. They may even advance to peak corporate positions such as chief operating officer or chief executive officer. Chief executive officers often become members of the board of directors of one or more firms, typically as a director of their own firm and often as chair of its board of directors. Some top executives establish their own firms or become independent consultants.
What's the overall career outlook for general management?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, projected employment growth of top executives varies by industry, however, keen competition is expected for top executive positions because the prestige and high pay attract a large number of qualified applicants. Many openings occur each year as executives transfer to other positions, start their own businesses, or retire. Salaries vary substantially by type and level of responsibilities and by industry. According to a salary survey done by Executive Compensation Reports, a division of Harcourt Brace & Company, the median salary for CEOs of public companies from the fiscal year 1998 Fortune 500 list was approximately $800,000. Three quarters of CEOs in the nonprofit sector made under $100,000 in 1998, according to a survey by Abbott, Langer, & Associates.
6. Human Resource Management

What do employees in human resource management do?
Human Resource managers play critical roles not only in the selection, training, and evaluation of employees, but also in the establishment of organizational structures (for example, through the development of managerial hierarchies). They may develop compensation packages or handle questions about workforce laws and regulations.
HR managers can manage employees in private and public sectors. They can also work within a company or as private contractors to advise corporations on anticipated organizational change.
What degree options are available in this area?
Undergraduates can earn a Bachelor’s in HR Management. Graduate students can earn a Master’s Degree in HR Management or an MBA with a concentration in HR Management
What is the difference between a Master’s Degree in HR Management and an MBA with a concentration in HR Management?
The basic difference between these two options is that the master’s degree is highly specialized and will allow you to focus almost exclusively on human resource management. In contrast, an MBA program will permit you to develop a general set of management skills in other areas while you learn about human resource practices. There are advantages to each: a master’s program will enable you to delve into human resource issues in greater depth; an MBA program will allow you to spend your first year developing a set of skills that can be transferred to other areas.
While both a master’s degree and an MBA concentration will prepare you to hold management positions, master’s programs are designed to help you become a leader in human resources. In contrast, an MBA degree may also qualify you to hold management positions in other fields, should you become interested in a different career.
What subjects will I study?
MBA programs in human resource management focus on the skills that are required to be effective organizational managers. Traditionally, students learned about managing human resources; now, however, emphasis is also placed upon organizational behavior and information systems management.
As an HR MBA, you might study human resource development, the legal aspects of management, and strategic human resource management. You will also become familiar with the social, cultural, and economic factors that influence employee relations. Furthermore, you will learn how to assess and improve essential components of company operations, including compensation, benefits, salary negotiations and safety standards.
What skills will I need?
In addition to an overall comprehension of business administration, HR MBAs should have:
Legal knowledge: HR managers have to deal with complex aspects of company business, including layoffs, salary adjustments and labor disputes. All HR managers need to understand laws and regulations, like the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, that affect the workforce. Companies cannot risk violating these laws and rely on HR departments to keep up-to-date with any regulatory changes.
People skills: Tact is an essential HR trait: you must be able to have forthright discussions with employees about earnings, job performance, and future opportunities. If you are involved with labor or salary negotiations, you must be a strong mediator who can find common ground between diverse points of view. Understanding employee needs is crucial to your success, as is the ability to make difficult, well-planned decisions.
Communication skills: Since you may oversee the development of human resource policies, you should be a proficient speaker and writer. Clarity is fundamental in the HR field.
What careers do HR MBAs pursue?
HR MBAs have many career choices. According to the GMAC, graduates with significant business experience fill management positions in strategic operations, while most MBAs accept roles in diverse HR fields. The GMAC notes that some popular careers include:
Recruiters: Recruiters are an essential part of a company’s human resource team. As a recruiter, you may research prospective candidate pools, conduct interviews, and evaluate potential employees.

Compensation managers: A position as a compensation manager may appeal to you if you enjoy accounting and finance. You will manage the company’s compensation plan, researching industry trends and regulations to be sure that your salaries remain competitive.
International HR managers: An international HR position enables you to work with company personnel in a multinational corporation. You may start out in a domestic position before moving to a higher level job in another country. Some international managers oversee employee relations in several branch offices worldwide, each of which has its own HR manager on site.
What kinds of firms employ HR MBAs?
It is difficult to find a company that does not have at least one human resource position. Above all, large corporations need HR managers to maintain relationships between executives and entry-level workers and to prevent fallouts during labor disputes. Smaller corporations also need individuals with advanced HR degrees to manage salary and hiring processes.
What’s the overall career outlook for this field?
HR is a highly competitive field comprised of individuals from a variety of educational and occupational backgrounds. The GMAC estimates that employment will grow in the upcoming years as the workplace becomes increasingly diverse. Employers will have to respond to new regulations or to stricter versions of existing labor, health, and safety laws, which will open up new positions for HR MBAs. The salaries vary based upon the job position and size of the company; other important factors include your previous experience and level of education.
7.  International Business
What do employees in international business fields do?
International business graduates may work in domestic or international positions with private companies, governments or other organizations. As a international business major, you will be prepared to work in international finance, marketing, management, importing/exporting or sales.
Global professions are the future of business. Unlimited career opportunities await individuals who can bring international perspectives to business firms.
What degree options are available in this area?
Undergraduates can earn a Bachelor’s in International Business, but most upper-level international management positions require an MBA or Master’s Degree. MBA students can specialize in international business/management.
Find Schools with International Business Programs
What is the difference between a Master’s Degree in International Business and an MBA with a concentration in international business?
The basic difference between these two options is that the master’s degree is highly specialized and will allow you to focus almost exclusively on issues related to international business. In contrast, an MBA program will permit you to develop a general set of management skills in addition to specific multinational knowledge. There are advantages to each: a master’s program will enable you to delve into international issues in greater depth; an MBA program is will allow you to spend your first year developing a set of skills that can be transferred to other areas. While both a master’s degree and an MBA concentration will prepare you to hold management positions within the field of international business, an MBA degree may also qualify you to hold management positions in other fields, should you become interested in a different career.
What subjects will I study?
MBA programs in international business can be general or specialized programs, but most cover basic aspects of business administration like accounting, finance, management and marketing. The main focus is on topics like international governmental policies, international financial services, cross-cultural management, unique customs and attitudes, and other factors that affect multinational operations management.
You will study the major laws and organizations that affect global business and trade (the European Union, NAFTA, the Latin American Common Markets, etc). Students also study international strategy: a successful product in Thailand may flounder in Laos. Foreign language proficiency is generally required in order to make you an efficient communicator. Furthermore, study abroad programs are highly recommended, as are internships with multinational corporations.
What skills will I need?
In addition to an overall comprehension of business administration, international business students should have:
Cultural Sensitivity: Even well-known corporate giants have erred unintentionally when they fail to research cultural beliefs and traditions in new markets. You must be able to speak more than one language and should be well versed in the practices of the country where you work; a simple blunder, like an improper business card exchange, can offend potential clients.
Patience and flexibility: Do not expect to start work in Paris or Hong Kong. Most international business women and men begin their careers in domestic operations and advance to positions abroad after demonstrating prowess at home. When new markets open to your company, opportunities may arise in countries that you never considered. If you long to be an international executive, be willing to accept a position in Eastern Europe. Your achievements there might help you secure the job of your dreams in Latin America.
People skills: Whether you pitch products to upper-level executives or assist customers during sales, you need to know how to work with diverse groups of individuals who come from very different cultural backgrounds. Understanding the needs of clients is crucial to your success, as is the ability to perform as part of a multinational team.
Communication skills: To excel in business, you must be able to convey your ideas effectively and efficiently. You should be a proficient speaker and writer. Take time to research which languages are most important in your field. For finance careers, Asian and Latin American languages are useful. If you are interested in information systems management, consider Russian or the languages of developing nations.
Creativity: Turn your ideas into marketing tools and you will become a valued employee. Creativity is vital to multinational corporations, which must sell their products to a variety of customers. If your concept successfully redesigns a popular American product for sales in New Zealand, it may propel you into a management position.
The ability to work under pressure: The launch of a new ad campaign or product is extremely intense; unforeseen cultural issues and trade barriers can arise at the last minute. You will be at a competitive advantage if you can meet impending deadlines quickly.
What kinds of firms employ international business students?
The list is extensive, but frequent employers include banks, import/export corporations, multinational manufacturers, consulting firms, international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), electronics companies and transportation industries like shipping and airlines.
What careers do international business students pursue?
The international business profession is expanding rapidly as an increasing number of companies conduct multinational transactions. Your specific field may be in accounting, finance, marketing, management, purchasing or production, but you will focus on global and cultural business issues. Common job titles include Import/Export Agent, Foreign Currency Investment Advisor, Foreign Sales Representative and International Management Consultant.

What’s the overall career outlook for this field?
International business is influenced by numerous socio-cultural, political and legal factors, but overall employment is expected to rise as young organizations like the European Union expand and recruit new economic partners.
Salaries depend upon the size and location of the company, as well as your own related experience, level of education and cultural skills. Entry-level earnings can range from $24,000 to $40,000, and these numbers will&nbs

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:22

Mr. Alsop is a Wall Street Journal news editor and senior writer

Doors Are Closed
For International M.B.A.s
Special to

It's a moment Peter Veruki won't soon forget. Two M.B.A. students from China were conferring with him about their dead-end job search last spring when they suddenly broke down in tears.

The two women at Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Management had impressive entrance-exam scores and grades, plus one had earned a doctorate degree in biosciences and the other, a master's degree in economics. How was it, they asked Mr. Veruki, that they couldn't even manage to get on the interview schedules of campus recruiters? They were devastated to be treated so coldly by recruiters. Mr. Veruki, executive director of admissions and career planning at the Houston school, tried to explain the effects of the economic downturn and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on recruiting, but he felt terrible that he couldn't offer the women any consolation.

Mr. Veruki told me about his distressing experience to help explain why the number of foreign students declined so much this year at the Jones School. About 21% of its first-year students are foreign, compared with nearly 30% of its second-year class. "I felt I had a moral obligation to reduce the number of international students," Mr. Veruki says, "with companies acting in such a nationalistic way by refusing to even look at talented foreign students for U.S. jobs."

As if tougher student visa policies and stiffer competition from U.S. applicants weren't enough, M.B.A. hopefuls from abroad also are finding it harder to win admission to American business schools because of the continued recruiting slump. Like Rice, some schools are purposely limiting the number of international students because they currently have such limited career opportunities in the U.S.

During the boom years of the 1990s, some schools clearly allowed the percentage of foreign students to spiral too high, sometimes exceeding that of U.S. students. Now, schools aren't meeting the needs of the many recruiters who will hire only domestic students. Nor are they satisfying foreign students who want to stay in the U.S. after graduation.

"It's just not fair or ethical bringing international students here thinking the streets are paved with gold," says Lisa McGurn, assistant dean for career management at the University of Rochester's Simon Graduate School of Business Administration. Rochester has slashed the percentage of foreign
students: The first-year class is 37% international, compared with 55% a few years ago.
2003-5-15 23:26 paisley
Schools also are well aware that they need to keep recruiters happy, now more than ever. "You make it difficult for companies to want to come back to campus if you have 40% or 50% international students and they are looking only for Americans," says Tom Kozicki, director of the M.B.A. career-resource center at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The Marshall School has become more rigorous in screening foreign applicants on their English skills and the quality of past work experience. Consequently, just 21% of Marshall's first-year students come from abroad, compared with 27% of the second-year class.

About 40% of the students at the University of Connecticut School of Business in Storrs are international, still a high number, but much less than the 56% a few years ago. Connecticut is trying to pick the most employable foreign applicants -- those with a strong business background rather than experience in government and not-for-profit organizations, as well as people with expertise in information-technology or engineering.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Business ended up with fewer international students in the first-year class -- 43%, compared with 47% in the second-year group and 50% in the graduating class of 2002 -- but that was mainly because of a bigger crop of highly qualified U.S. applicants. This year, says Mary Miller, associate dean of the M.B.A. program, "we may purposely have to reduce or be much more selective in the type of international students we admit."

The Job Market

Traditionally, international students have faced a more arduous job search than Americans. Some companies have long resisted hiring foreign graduates for full-time jobs in the U.S. because they didn't want to sponsor them for work visas or deal with potential language and cultural issues. But now more companies are shutting out foreign students because they have far fewer jobs to fill and can easily recruit talented Americans for them. Why hassle themselves with the paperwork to sponsor a foreign M.B.A. student for a work visa?

"We're seeing more emotional and patriotic feeling -- an `America first' mentality -- since Sept. 11," says Kathie Decker, director of M.B.A. career services, at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business in Iowa City. Tippie would like to see the percentage of international students drop below 40%; currently, 42% of first-year students are foreign as are 46% of second-years.

Foreign M.B.A. students can more easily find summer internships in the U.S. The challenge is the full-time job. Some companies flatly refuse to interview international students. Others will consider them only for certain positions outside the U.S. For example, as long as there is an ample supply of U.S. talent, General Electric Co. is hiring international M.B.A.s to work for the company only in their home countries.

At Kraft Foods Inc., a spokeswoman says, "we make it a general policy not to sponsor foreign people for jobs in the U.S. unless they bring very specific skills we can't find among U.S. citizens."

The situation could become even more difficult for foreign students next school year when the number of work visas is expected to be drastically reduced. Currently, the federal government can issue as many as 195,000 H-1B visas annually to company-sponsored employees, but the maximum number will soon be cut to 65,000.

So these days, schools must be blunt when informing international applicants about the heavy odds against securing a job in America. I especially applaud the University of Rochester's promotional brochures for truth in advertising. In its list of recent M.B.A. recruiters, Rochester has begun italicizing the names of the few companies that have hired international students for jobs in the U.S. And the brochure goes on to warn that, "Such hiring practices vary with economic conditions."

Rosemaria Martinelli, director of M.B.A. admissions and financial aid at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, also says she doesn't sugarcoat anything. "I'm dead honest with international applicants," she says. "I tell them that we are not the same country we were four or five years ago. If their goals are so fixed on the United States, they may need to reevaluate them."

But candor alone really isn't enough for M.B.A. programs that don't attract as many recruiters as Wharton and other top-ranked schools. Even with fair warning, many international students will look at a school's placement results and figure they'll be one of the fortunate few who get to stay in America.

At the very least, I would advise foreign students to think long and hard about the challenging job market before applying to business school. Can you afford to return to your home country and its pay scales after taking on big student loans to cover the $100,000 cost of an M.B.A. degree? If not, are you prepared for a long, stressful job search and chilly treatment from most recruiters?

It isn't easy. Just ask Marcelo Wolff. "Technology companies have been willing to talk with me, but I find that most consumer-product companies won't consider me for U.S. jobs," says Mr. Wolff, an Argentine M.B.A. student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He previously worked for Procter & Gamble Co. in Argentina but can't land a marketing job in the U.S. with P&G. He's hoping to parlay his internship last summer with FedEx Corp. into a full-time job, but hasn't received an offer yet. "It's so frustrating that companies aren't more open to me," he says. "You should hire the best candidate no matter what their country of origin."

On a more positive note, such academically prestigious schools as Stanford University and Dartmouth College are seeing a rebound in recruiting by consulting firms. And that may bode well for foreign students because, in the past, consulting firms and investment banks have been less concerned about M.B.A. graduates' nationalities than their skills and drive to succeed.

International students also can count on extra job-hunting support this year from most business schools. They're stepping up training in English, public speaking, American culture and even etiquette. Stanford's business school, for example, hired an international career adviser this school year to give foreign students more personal attention.

Career-services directors also are encouraging international students to be extremely flexible this year about industries, job functions and location. Indeed, companies should take note of foreign students if they operate in cold or remote locations, where American M.B.A. graduates often are loath to go.

A marketing-related job just about anywhere in America would make Miguel Gonzalez happy. The Peruvian student at the University of Rochester also isn't as picky about the job itself. He had his heart set on a brand- or product-management job, but after being rejected by two multinational consumer-product companies, he now would be satisfied as a market researcher or marketing analyst. "I don't exactly feel like a victim," says Mr. Gonzalez, who interned last summer for Hewlett-Packard Co. "But I never thought it would be as hard to find a good job as it is right now."

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:22

对ECON Phd 申请的一些个人看法,兼谈MSU Econ的一些情况 

 发布日期:2007-7-23 13:16:54 来源:[寄托留学BBS ]  作者:[jjj_kkk_kkk]  浏览:[2270]  评论:[0]        字体:大 中 小 



我觉得获取学校信息的最好的办法是写信给你想申请的系里面的中国学生,突出重点,不要写太多无关的话,不要问对方你可以进到这个系的机会有多大,我们不是admission committee,没办法回答你这个;不要问对方的背景,我知道你的出发点是想知道更多的信息,但是这样对对方是一种冒犯。最好将你想问的问题写成1、2、3、4点这样子的方式,常见的问题有:这个学校有多少个中国人,有什么好的专业方向,GT要求是多少,一般几年毕业,我应该联系哪位秘书或教授了解进一步的情况等等。要有礼貌,但是不要太肉麻罗嗦,同时也不要期望太高,因为美国这边的phd学生都很忙,而且每天接到很多垃圾邮件,忘记回了或者看漏了都有可能,如果对方不回你,你可以隔一两个星期再写。最后,题目要醒目,不然很可能就会被当作垃圾邮件删了,像这种题目我是经常收到的:“Hi”,“From a Chinese Student”,最好加一个prospective student的字样,还可以整个gter论坛里面大家想一个统一的title或者模版。最好中英文都写,如果嫌麻烦,至少写英文;中文的话,我在学校图书馆上网很多时候只看到一堆乱码。



Capacity 这个地球人都知道。按照重要性排,就是你的毕业学校、GPA、GT成绩、发表论文等等。毕业学校,如果这边教授听过这个学校,你就有优势,其他他们不了解的学校基本上同等地位。很多经济学教授听说过清华、北大、复旦、人大、武大、南京大学,如果是理工科的话,情况会有所不同;附带说一声,MSU ECON好象没有从中国直接招过本科生。GPA越高越好,尤其核心课和数学课。GT成绩,过了线就好,之前看过网上一篇文章,说是审核admission的流程是:电脑把GT和GPA成绩不够的人先刷下;第二轮大概看GPA和核心课,分成三等,第三等被刷下;然后每个committee member独自审核,最后大家一起开会讨论一起招谁。发表论文:这个我不太清楚它的作用,但是如果大家有论文发表的话,最好附上一个英文的abstract和扼要说明你发表的这个杂志在中国的地位,写个题目在resume或者ps上是看不出什么的。

Commitment 这个应该是ps的重点中的重点,然而很多申请的人都忽略了这一点。坦白说,我也不知道怎么突出这一个。这一点是我一个成功申请到Stanford Educational Economics的同学跟他导师闲聊时他导师告诉他的,他当时写PS时强调了他义务到山村给贫困儿童教书的经历。我还有一个同学拿到U of M Finance, Wisconsin Madison Finance和NYU Stern Marketing的PhD Offer,就是强调了这一点,他从小到大就喜欢看金融的书,并且阐述了他的一些idea(当然,他们两个本身背景也很强。“PS不一定要很fancy,但是一定要顺,commitment一定要突出”,这是后面那个同学的原话)。其实申请PhD的人很多,而且大部分申请人只要被录取,都能够完成学业,因此,如果要把这么多qualified的学生区分的话,可能就是印象分,或者软条件,而这个是我所知道的软条件里面比较重要的,尤其对于一些名校来说。现在网络上很多PS模版坦白说,都写得不是特别好,至少这个要点没有抓到。希望大家能够对这个加以重视,同时在论坛上面多多讨论这方面,拓宽思路。还有很多PS写中国现在经济学怎么怎么样,我将来回去要做一番贡献等等(我也写过这样的PS),这个大可不必,因为教授不会对这个感兴趣,相反,他们更希望你留在美国搞学术。

Connection 怎么被强调都不过分,可惜中国学生最缺的就是这个,所以我也没打算细讲。如果是打算来美国念master再申phd的话,可以往这方面多多努力。基本原则就是,有对方认识的教授写的推荐信最好,有相关的背景最好,比如有个教授对中国股市感兴趣,你刚好知道里面的一些情况并且有兴趣,就可以跟他说说。Connection不仅是申请的一个重要因素,在将来的placement上面也是一个重要因素,后面会说道

AD and Offer and SPEAK test
现在很多学校都会发一堆AD,然后第一年的Qualify Exam/Preliminary Exam刷掉很多,然后再将奖学金给剩下的学生。所以拿到AD的人,最重要的是问学校什么情况下会给钱,像MSU的条件就是过Qualify Exam/Preliminary Exam和一个口语考试,然后给TA,这就是为什么如果你收到MSU的AD,上面会说,most of our phd students are funded from their second year on。其他学校,你们可以问秘书拿program handbook来了解。

Qualify Exam/Preliminary Exam 我等下说,值得注意的是现在很多学校不仅要求你过QualifyExam/Preliminary Exam,还要求你过一个英语口语考试,过不了的话你就没有funding。要求过英语口语考试的学校有MSU、Minnesota、Virginia(都是公立)。Wisconsin Madison一年也招很多人,同时第一年末刷了很多人,但是我不知道它有没有这个口语考试。

这个口语考试在MSU叫做SPEAK test,对于很多英语口语不好的人是一个噩梦(至少对于我来说)。在MSU的经济学系,他们会要求你60分里面拿到50分才算过了这个考试,才能拿到TA,MSU Econ里面是没有RA和fellowship的,TA是你唯一的funding来源。而且,你的Teaching Experience对你将来找Faculty的工作也会有影响。我们系一个日本人,已经第5年了,论文都快做好了,可是因为没有过Speak Test,没有教学经验,找不到好的工作,打算再留一年。不过大家也不用太灰心,只要你肯找,其他系还是会有,我在其他系(Agricultural Econ, Geography, Social Science,天啊,我容易嘛我)做RA,算是维持到生活和学费,但是像上面说了,始终对将来找工作有影响,因此要尽快想办法过了。

btw:MSU Chemistry是一个很变态的program,如果你过不了SPEAK test你直接被踢出学校,不能继续读。(Chemistry很变态,可是chemistry engineering还比较nice,要注意区分开来)
btw2: MSU每年在北京和上海都有SPEAK test,通过了对你的录取有大大的好处。

除了SPEAK test,在MSU的program handbook里面有对每一年学生要完成什么有具体要求,每一年完成不了任务的还是拿不到奖学金,而且可能不能继续读:

第一年 每个学期4门课,数学+微观+宏观+计量,学年末考QualifyExam/Preliminary Exam
第一天Microeconomics1 (production, utility, demand and supply, general equilibrium, public choice),Microeconomics 2 (game theory, monopoly)
第二天Macroeconomics, Econometrics (有些学校不要求econometrics,还有些学校要求economic though经济思想和经济史,还有些学校,不是2天内考4门,而是一年半考完,微观第一年考,计量或者宏观在一年半考)
3门都要拿B以上,至少一门拿A,叫做Major Pass,这样你才能继续读下去。如果3门都拿了B,叫做Minor Pass,可以拿个master走人,其他情况无学位。
5月份没有拿到Major Pass的人可以在8月份重考一次,重考时4个考试一起重考。比如说有个人拿到ABF,那他第二次还是全部要重考,如果他第二次考了BBB,那么他的最后总评还是没有过Major Pass,第二次没有过qualify的人会没有学位,被赶出系里。不过中国学生一般都会过,不用太担心。

第二年选专业课,msu的专业最强是econometrics,econphd.net上面排到第九,这个方向上有三个distinguished professors: Wooldridge是搞empirical的,主要偏panel data,出过两本教材,国内应该很多人都听说过,他带的学生就业最好,今年他的一个学生毕业去了pittsburg; 还有Peter Schmidt,搞理论的,paper很多,非常productive;Vogelsong是搞理论Time Series的,刚从Cornell被挖过来,人很nice,但是还没有开始带学生。
其他方向比较好的是:International Trade, Labor economics, Public Economics, Industrial Organization, Game Theory, International Finance。Macroeconomics在MSU不太好,想来MSU读这个方向的人还是三思而后行。
(关于方向的强弱的进一步信息,包括其他学校的信息,可以在econphd的research concentration上面看到,或者这个链接:

第三年,终于修完课了,主要就是做paper和教书。要在第三年的4月中的Red Cedar Conference上面要完成一篇proposal并作presentation。

第四/第五年 Dissertation

Placement/Job Market

我个人的感觉是,如果毕业做faculty,最重要的是大环境因素,像今年的大环境就有利于empirical econometrics的人,然后是你的导师是否有名(connection),然后是个人能力,特别是paper。这几年的大环境有利于计量经济学和宏观,微观的话在学术界比较难找工作。你毕业的学校的名气要比你本系的排名要重要,MSU supply chain项目是全美第二的(曾经拍过第一好像),但是它的phd出来找的工作跟第一的MIT,跟第三、四、五(Stanford,Berkley之类的学校,我不清楚 )的比都差远了。这个就是connection的问题,你的学校不出名,知道的人不多,你跟别人怎么比还是差了一截。还有个connection的问题是,你做了faculty以后要发paper,这个你不能单干,你要找人合写,这时候你就会发现,即使你跟一个名校的人去了同一个学校教书在同一个起点,名校出来的学生还是会比你爬得快,这不是偏见,而是因为他在名校出来,connection多,容易找人合写paper,publication自然就多。当然,你自己有能力的话还是能够超越别人的,我说的只是一般情况。

如果最后去industry,connection也很重要。MSU某个系里有一个中国人phd毕业以后去了某著名银行求职,发现原来那里的一个vice president刚好也是msu 同一个系phd毕业的中国人,结果面试时轻轻松松就过关了。这不是国内说的走后门,而是有connection,你能够知道很多信息,少花很多不必要的力气。不过industry的connection很灵活,不像学术界;基本上就是你在美国读书期间最好参加多点活动,认识多点人,了解多一点信息;参加多点实习有很大的实际意义。

首先,msu里面的中国人很多,尤其是graduate school,其中又以中科大的人居多。如果把台湾人算上,中国学生总人数是MSU国际学生第一多,超越韩国人。但是在经济学系里面的中国人不多,每年从中国大陆过来的1-2个,台湾的1-2个,不过近年有上升趋势,去年招了8个中国人, 其中包括1个香港人和2个台湾人,


作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:22

    美国是当今世界最大医药产品市场(约占市场50%), 2006年美国所占市场值将达3300亿美元。其中占有重要地位的医药产品--非专利药的美国市场开发,投资小,回报快,利润高,特别适合国内制药业向美发展,是一条短平快的发展捷径。非专利药的国际市场消费巨大:2001年为270亿美元, 美国销售额约为111亿,2007年将有820亿美元的全球市场机会。2002年10月,美国提出鼓励非专利药的新法规,更使该类药物的发展得到了前所未有的大好时机。利用这一契机,联合国内医药企业,合作开发非专利药及各种化学中间体医药产品的美国市场,较快收效,迅速发展,即是本项目的主要特点。
    1) 医药产品的美国市场开发立项咨询:市场上可开发的非专利药及各种医药化学中间体品种繁多,令人眼花缭乱。我方将结合合作方的具体情况及美国医药市场现状进行深入分析探讨,以选取尽可能适合于合作方的最佳开发药物项目,并为其设计制作专业水平的选项及可行性分析报告,供其参考选用。
    2) 医药产品的相关生产技术服务:我方愿根据合作方的需要,解决与项目相关的生产工艺及技术难题,协助合作方开展样品制备及规模生产。
    3) 医药产品生产的GMP(美国FDA)改造:我方将根据合作方的需要,负责指导合作方进行符合美国FDA的GMP生产设备等的改造,非专利原料药(API)的DMF文件等的编写及美国FDA备案手续的办理等事项。
    4) 医药产品的美国FDA报批及市场销售:我方愿负责向美国FDA报批及产品的美国市场销售。
    5) 各种医药化学中间体的欧美市场销售:如何将各种化学中间体及医药产品有效地打入欧美市场?我方愿利用现有优势,协助合作方在欧美市场销售其现有或新开发产品。
    1) 进入国际市场,提高竞争力;可望在1-2年内获取千万美元以上的回报利润;
    2) 产品主要市场在欧美,有利于创汇,促进国内经济发展。
    项目研发人:陈邦华 留美博士 现任美国RINTECH, INC., Maryland总裁

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:23

字体: 小 中 大 | 打印 发表于: 2008-3-01 15:28    作者: F22sdu    来源: 寄托天下

  此外,他还告诉我,如果要就读商学院,就应该毕业后有了工作经验直接去读mba,而且要是顶尖的几所.他说到,美国的商学院存在类似马太效应的情况,就是强者愈强,弱者愈弱,20名后的商学院毕业生,在美国的竞争力十分有限,知名企业甚至点名要求只招收7所大学商学院的毕业生,即所谓的g7 club.

作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:24


发布时间:2007-07-14 百科常识




  这里建议一下,尤其是学市场营销的,应该把4r 4p stp理论都掌握一下,这个是最精髓的,一旦你说了这几个理念,他们就会认为你是真的学过,我就是这样。还有那个产品投资理论,波士顿距阵法:瘦狗占略,奶牛~,明星~,野猫~ ,这个我一会发的资料都有。


作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-5-15 21:25


送交者: amana 2004年11月17日09:58:10 于 [教育与学术] 


Amanda E. Helm, University of Missouri, Columbia
David Hunt, University of Missouri, Columbia
Mark B. Houston, University of Missouri, Columbia

ABSTRACT We report a study that assesses the influence of marketing articles, scholars, and institutions. Influence was assessed by analyzing the average number of times per year each article, scholar, and institution was cited in subsequently published works. Rankings of the most influential scholars and institutions are provided and compared to the results of prior ranking studies.

Journal of Marketing (JM)
Journal of Marketing Research (JMR)
Journal of Consumer Research (JCR)

Table 1. Top 50 Institutions by Average Annual Citations of Total Faculty (Fractional Credit)

Average Annual Citations Total Faculty / (rank)a Ranking by number of publicationsb Institution Total Citations Top Three Marketing Journals Other Marketing Journals Outside Discipline Based on this samplea Spake & Harmon Bakir et al

University of Wisconsin-Madison 82.9 (1) 24.9 (1) 28.6 (1) 29.4 (1) 8 5 8
University of Minnesota 73.6 (2) 22.2 (2) 28.0 (2) 23.5 (5) 3 11 20
University of Pennsylvania 71.8 (3) 18.2 (5) 27.9 (3) 25.6 (3) 1 1 1
University of Southern California 69.5 (4) 18.8 (3) 26.4 (4) 24.3 (4) 2 12 12
Dartmouth College 63.7 (5) 18.3 (4) 24.9 (5) 20.5 (9) 17 39 ?
Northwestern University 61.0 (6) 15.2 (6) 23.9 (7) 21.9 (7) 4 7 7
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 56.8 (7) 9.7 (13) 19.5 (10) 27.6 (2) 4 5 11
Arizona State University 53.8 (8) 9.6 (15) 21.9 (8) 22.3 (6) 10 12 16
Vanderbilt University 50.3 (9) 7.2 (25) 24.1 (6) 19.0 (11) 17 24 9
University of Texas, Austin 49.5 (10) 12.0 (10) 16.7 (12) 20.8 (8) 7 2 2

Duke University 46.3 (11) 12.9 (9) 20.6 (9) 12.8 (16) 10 24 18
Indiana University 45.1 (12) 13.9 (7) 15.0 (14) 16.1 (13) 10 15 21
Stanford University 41.2 (13) 10.3 (11) 10.4 (26) 20.5 (10) 28 12 13
University of Missouri, Columbia 39.9 (14) 7.1 (26) 18.5 (11) 13.6 (15) 36 34 ?
University of Florida 39.6 (15) 13.3 (8) 14.0 (15) 12.3 (21) 13 2 6
Texas Tech University 36.7 (16) 8.1 (20) 12.2 (20) 16.4 (12) 34 24 25
New York University 35.6 (17) 9.0 (17) 10.7 (25) 15.9 (14) 13 7 5
Emory University 35.0 (18) 8.4 (18) 13.4 (18) 13.2 (16) 25 ? ?
Columbia University 34.3 (19) 9.7 (14) 12.0 (22) 12.6 (17) 4 4 4
Harvard University 33.8 (20) 7.5 (23) 13.7 (16) 12.5 (19) 20 30 23

University of Illinois 32.8 (21) 7.2 (24) 18.3 (12) 7.3 (33) 28 27 24
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 32.0 (22) 6.0 (30) 13.5 (17) 12.5 (20) 38 46 ?
University of Chicago 30.6 (23) 8.3 (19) 11.7 (23) 10.6 (25) 17 7 3
University of Arizona 30.4 (24) 8.1 (21) 13.0 (19) 9.3 (28) 32 12 21
Texas A & M University 29.8 (25) 5.9 (31) 12.1 (21) 11.7 (23) 23 16 19
The Ohio State University 28.9 (26) 10.3 (12) 9.6 (29) 9.1 (30) 8 10 17
University of Washington 28.7 (27) 7.0 (26) 9.9 (28) 11.9 (22) 45 39 ?
University of California, Berkeley 28.2 (28) 9.3 (16) 10.1 (27) 8.8 (31) 34 19 10
Colorado State University 27.6 (29) 6.4 (29) 9.7 (29) 11.5 (24) 61 ? ?
Southern Methodist University 20.7 (30) 6.8 (28) 7.1 (45) 6.8 (35) 25 34 ?

University of Miami 20.8 (31) 3.5 (50) 8.9 (32) 8.1 (32) 28 34 ?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20.4 (32) 8.0 (22) 6.1 (51) 6.3 (38) 56 30 15
UIowa State University 20.4 (33) 2.5 (63) 7.9 (37) 10 (26) 25 ? ?
niversity of Virginia 18.9 (34) 5.4 (35) 10.8 (24) 2.8 (75) 45 46 ?
University of Cincinnati 18.8 (35) 5.4 (33) 7.5 (41) 5.9 (44) 15 19 ?
GTE Laboratories, Inc 18.6 (36) 3.6 (49) 8.2 (35) 6.8 (36) 93 ? ?
Florida State University 18.5 (37) 1.3 (89) 7.8 (38) 9.3 (27) 93 ? ?
University of Notre Dame 18.4 (38) 4.0 (44) 8.3 (33) 6.1 (39) 38 39 ?
University of Nebraska 18.3 (39) 5.3 (36) 9.1 (31) 3.9 (55) 62 ? ?
Illinois State University 18.2 (40) 1.3 (89) 7.7 (40) 9.1 (29) 131 ? ?

INSEAD 17.9 (41) 5.1 (37) 6.8 (47) 6.1 (40) 38 ? ?
University of South Carolina 17.0 (42) 3.6 (47) 7.4 (43) 6.0 (43) 21 ? ?
University of Colorado, Boulder 16.9 (43) 5.4 (34) 8.2 (33) 3.3 (63) 45 30 ?
University of Iowa 16.7 (44) 4.1 (42) 6.6 (48) 6.0 (42) 21 39 ?
University of California, Los Angeles 16.6 (45) 4.9 (38) 7.2 (44) 4.5 (49) 23 16 14
Virginia Polytechnic Institute 16.2 (46) 4.1 (43) 5.5 (55) 6.7 (37) 28 39 ?
University of Connecticut 16.1 (47) 4.8 (39) 7.0 (46) 4.3 (51) 52 ? ?
University of California, Irvine 16.0 (48) 5.5 (32) 6.5 (50) 3.9 (56) 38 46 ?
University of Oregon 15.6 (49) 4.6 (40) 7.7 (38) 3.2 (65) 62 ? ?
University of Portland 15.3 (50) 4.2 (41) 7.4 (42) 3.6 (58) 80 ? ?

aRanking out of 227 institutions with faculty members publishing in JM, JMR, & JCR from 1990 through 1996.

bSpake & Harmon ranking based on a count of publications in JCR, JM, JMR, & JR from 1990-1996. Bakir, et al. top-25 ranking based on a count of publications in JM, JMR, JCR, JR, JAMS, & Marketing Science from 1991-1998. Bold indicates top 10 or approximate top 10 for tied rankings for each category.

Table 2b. Top 50 Institutions (Five or more faculty) by Average Annual Citations Per Capita (Fractional Credit)b

Average Annual Citations Per Capita / (rank)a Ranking by number of publicationsc Institution Total CitationsTop Three Marketing Journals Other Marketing Journals Outside Discipline Based on this sampleaSpake & Harmon Bakir et al.

Vanderbilt University 8.39 (1) 1.2 (5) 4.0 (1) 3.2 (1) 1 8 8S
University of Wisconsin-Madison 8.29 (2) 2.5 (1) 2.9 (2) 2.9 (2) 2 4 8
Dartmouth College 6.37 (3) 1.8 (2) 2.5 (3) 2.0 (4) 8 25 14S
University of Missouri, Columbia 5.00 (4) 0.9 (12) 2.3 (4) 1.7 (6) 23 14 12S
Duke University 4.63 (5) 1.3 (4) 2.1 (5) 1.3 (9) 3 28 15
Stanford University 4.57 (6) 1.1 (6) 1.2 (14) 2.3 (3) 16 9 11
University of Minnesota 4.32 (7) 1.3 (3) 1.7 (6) 1.4 (8) 4 31 17
Texas Tech University 4.08 (8) 0.9 (10) 1.4 (9) 1.8 (5) 27 18 22
University of Pennsylvania 3.59 (9) 0.9 (9) 1.4 (8) 1.3 (10) 5 6 1
University of Southern California 3.31 (10) 0.9 (11) 1.3 (12) 1.2 (12) 8 29 12

Emory University 3.18 (11) 0.8 (17) 1.2 (13) 1.2 (11) 26 ? ?
University of California, Berkeley 3.13 (12) 1.0 (7) 1.1 (15) 1.0 (16) 27 1 1S
University of Arizona 3.04 (13) 0.8 (14) 1.3 (11) 0.9 (18) 30 12 18
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2.99 (14) 0.5 (29) 1.0 (17) 1.5 (7) 13 13 10
University of Florida 2.83 (15) 0.9 (8) 1.0 (18) 0.9 (22) 12 6 6
University of Illinois 2.73 (16) 0.6 (24) 1.5 (7) 0.6 (33) 34 23 21
Southern Methodist University 2.59 (17) 0.9 (13) 0.9 (24) 0.9 (24) 11 36 25
Arizona State University 2.56 (18) 0.5 (35) 1.0 (16) 1.1 (13) 32 38 13
University of Chicago 2.55 (19) 0.7 (19) 1.0 (20) 0.9 (21) 16 10 3
Colorado State University 2.51 (20) 0.6 (25) 0.9 (25) 1.0(14) 86 ? ?

Indiana University 2.37 (21) 0.7 (18) 0.8 (30) 0.9 (23) 22 43 19
University of Virginia 2.36 (22) 0.7 (20) 1.3 (10) 0.3 (61) 34 48 19S
University of California, Irvine 2.28 (23) 0.8 (16) 0.9 (22) 0.6 (40) 19 18 16S
University of Miami 2.28 (24) 0.4 (42) 1.0 (19) 0.9 (20) 14 24 4S
University of Texas, Austin 2.25 (25) 0.5 (28) 0.8 (31) 0.9 (17) 21 17 2
Columbia University 2.14 (26) 0.6 (23) 0.8 (32) 0.8 (28) 6 3 4
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 2.13 (27) 0.4 (39) 0.9 (23) 0.8 (26) 54 53 ?
University of Washington 2.05 (28) 0.5 (30) 0.7 (35) 0.9 (25) 56 52 ?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2.04 (29) 0.8 (15) 0.6 (41) 0.6 (31) 18 15 3S
Rutgers University, Camden 2.04 (30) 0.6 (22) 0.8 (29) 0.6 (35) 36 ? ?

University of Texas, Dallas 1.97 (31) 0.6 (27) 0.4 (63) 1.0 (15) 19 18 13S
University of Oregon 1.95 (32) 0.6 (26) 1.0 (21) 0.4 (52) 48 ? 23S
Northwestern University 1.90 (33) 0.5 (34) 0.8 (33) 0.7 (30) 40 22 7
Iowa State University 1.86 (34) 0.2 (62) 0.7 (34) 0.9 (19) 55 ? ?
The Ohio State University 1.81 (35) 0.6 (21) 0.6 (44) 0.6 (39) 7 15 14
New York University 1.78 (36) 0.5 (36) 0.5 (50) 0.8 (27) 33 25 5
Queen's University, Ontario 1.71 (37) 0.3 (51) 0.8 (27) 0.6 (38) 62 ? ?
University of Nebraska 1.66 (38) 0.5 (32) 0.8 (28) 0.4 (58) 67 ? ?
Harvard University 1.61 (39) 0.4 (44) 0.7 (37) 0.6 (36) 46 34 20
Texas A & M University 1.57 (40) 0.3 (50) 0.6 (38) 0.6 (32) 57 33 16

Cornell University 1.49 (41) 0.3 (49) 0.6 (39) 0.5 (41) 41 5 ?
University of Cincinnati 1.45 (42) 0.4 (37) 0.6 (46) 0.5 (48) 10 27 ?
University of Colorado, Denver 1.39 (43) 0.2 (61) 0.9 (26) 0.3 (67) 90 ? 25S
University of Iowa 1.39 (44) 0.3 (45) 0.6 (48) 0.5 (42) 23 37 17S
University of California, Los Angeles 1.38 (45) 0.4 (38) 0.6 (42) 0.4 (56) 29 11 2S
Wake Forest University 1.38 (46) 0.3 (48) 0.4 (64) 0.7 (29) 172 ? ?
INSEAD 1.38 (47) 0.4 (40) 0.5 (53) 0.5 (45) 53 ? ?
Case Western Reserve University 1.37 (48) 0.5 (33) 0.5 (52) 0.4 (57) 23 44 ?
Purdue University 1.32 (49) 0.3 (56) 0.6 (40) 0.4 (50) 48 ? 9S
Creighton 1.30 (50) 0.5 (31) 0.6 (43) 0.2 (77) 133 ? ?

aRanking out of 227 institutions with faculty members publishing in JM, JMR, & JCR from 1991 through 1995 bAverage Annual Citation Rate of each institution divided by number of current full-time faculty.

cSpake & Harmon ranking based on a count of publications in JCR, JM, JMR, & JR from 1990-1996. Bakir, et al. top-25 ranking of large departments (10+ faculty) based on a count of publications in JM, JMR, JCR, JR, JAMS, & Marketing Science from 1991-1998. sBakir et al. top-25 ranking of small departments (less than 10 marketing faculty)

作者: blueshandys    时间: 2008-5-18 20:15

谢谢分享 !
作者: littlegirl    时间: 2008-5-20 20:39

many  thanks !
作者: ljy1902    时间: 2008-5-24 08:11

作者: shufromchina    时间: 2008-5-24 08:35

作者: ukstudynet    时间: 2008-5-25 21:10

好东西,帮顶 !
作者: tianwaifeixian    时间: 2008-6-6 08:39

作者: zhangxirui87    时间: 2008-6-11 10:17

thanks for sharing!
作者: lingdangyour    时间: 2008-6-17 07:09

谢谢分享 !!!!!!!!!!
作者: Freehorser    时间: 2008-6-29 21:46

many  thanks !!!!
作者: GreenHorse    时间: 2008-7-9 07:06

谢谢分享 !
作者: allmemory    时间: 2008-7-12 14:07

fantastic work


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