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标题: [转帖]6/18 JJ [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2004-6-21 21:31     标题: [转帖]6/18 JJ

6/18,700+,没有达到自己的目标,非常郁闷。准备近期再战。 数学没有遇到任何JJ,总的来说难度不大,但陷阱不少,得特别小心。 教训:由于是在职考试,平时都是晚上熬夜看书。考前一周由于出差打乱了计划,结果没能提前调整生物钟,考前晚上一刻也没睡着。考试的过程中,尤其到VERBAL部分,明显体力不支,头脑发晕。各位即将参加考试的XDJM,一定要重视生物钟的调整,考前要休息好。 下面是少部分还记得的JJ: 一、AWA AA:新增题1 the following editorial appeared in the south fork gazette.
“last year, the city contracted with flower power to plant a variety of flowers in big decorative pots on main street and to water them each week. by mid-summer, many of the plants were wilted. this year, the city should either contract for two waterings a week or save money by planting artificial flowers in the pots. according to flower power, the initial cost for artificial flowers would be twice as much as for real plants, but after two years, we would come out ahead. public reaction certainly supports this position: in a recent survey, over 1,200 gazette readers said that the city wastes money and should find ways to reduce public spending.” AI: 130.“when judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely primarily on objective information, such as a candidate's resume and education. personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s qualifications for a job.” 二、MATH 1、PS 偶的第一题:下面那个分数最小(C) A)1/100 B) 1/0.001 C) 1/500 D) 1/0.005 E) 1/20 2、PS:Y/X的绝对值<1,以下那项正确? (D) A) X/Y的绝对值<1 B) Y/X<1 C) (Y+1)/(X+1)<1 D) (Y的绝对值+1)/(X的绝对值+1) 3、DS:There are kinds of cars with colors of white, blue and red. The models are large size, middle size and small size. Ask: how many white cars with large size. (C) A) there are 31 white cars, 17 blue cars and 12 red cars. B) the large size models have no blue and red cars; there are less middle size and small size cars than large size cars.

4、PS 电话费率表 每月通话总数达到75次-------------------------比标准费率$10少20% 超过75次部分的通话-------------------------------每次通话$0.065美元 问:当一个月的通话次数为95次,电话费总额 10×20%+20×0.065=9.3

5、DS Mike慢跑去邮局,走路还来。单程距离3miles,来回总共花了1.5H。问:走路回来的速度是多少 (D) A) 慢跑的速度已知 B) 回来的时间与去的时间差已知

6、总共200人,48%的人做A工作,8%的人做B工作,问两者都不做的人数可能为:(B) (A) 110 (B) 96 (C) 86 (D) 84 (E) 112

三、RC 1、关于古文明与水资源管理。研究者发现在中国等几个古文明的国家,统治者非常看重对水资源的管理,把它作为统治人民的一种手段,但XX古文明,由于水资源非常缺乏,所以研究者原来以为该国的统治者对人民的统治与水资源的管理无关。但进一步的研究发现,其实该国的统治者是通过对储水设施(water reservoir)的管理而进行统治。因为该国缺水,所以储水设施就显得非常重要。该国人民把统治者看作是为他们提供水的依靠。后来,该国的统治者没有能力对储水设施进行管理了,于是也就没落了。 2、在美国有两类不同的女权研究者,一种注重于从历史上普通妇女的资料进行研究,而另一种则从小说或名人传记进行研究。两者观点相左,前者对后者的研究方法进行了批评。 3、我遇到比较难的一篇阅读,关于对森林中某种植物的研究。根据该种植物在不同森林中某些部位的大小不同的比较,研究与该地区积雪厚度的关系。后来研究发现,这种不同其实与积雪厚度无关,而与植物摄取的某种养分有关。 另一篇记不起来了,十分抱歉。

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