5/27北美, M49, V40, 730.分数一般,但对于第一次610的我来说是一个成功.
AI:employers should have no right to obtain their employees' personal information without permission
AA:When Mayor A served, city population increased and unemployment decreased. When mayor B served, population decreased and unemployment increased, so we should reelect mayor A
机经: M: 1.(0.01)^2m, 问小数点后0的个数(2m-1) 2.定义N为XXX, 当N满足他的不同的质数PRODUCT小于SQRT(N), 最小的N为: 95,96,97,98,99? (96)
V: 借用了前人的一些内容,谢了!
RC1:GALAXY的形状 各种galaxy形状不同,有的像disk, 有的像ellipse, 传统理论认为disk是gas ellipse spin以后越来越flat而形成的.但这种理论不能解释为什么只有一部分gas ellipse形成disk.(有题,传统理论的弱点) 宇航员提出另外的理论,是由于galaxy之间互相distorted形成了disk.论据1,galaxy之间距离足够; 论据2, 某个项目照的photograph证明了这种作用(有题,提出这个项目的目的); 计算机模拟给出第三个证据,并且这种模拟还有另外的收获(有题,关于计算机模拟的描述哪个正确),正确解释了disk tail的形成原因(旧理论人为disk tail是由磁场相互作用形成的).
RC2:妇女工作时间 关于妇女的工作时间是否应当限制。颁布了一项关于限制妇女工作时间的law。 中产阶级妇女赞成,人为可以保护妇女;Male group 提倡限制, 但其实是别有用心, 因为这样会然male 的工作机会增加。Feminist group 反对, 因为这样会减少妇女的工作时间(有题,问Male group和Feminist group观点的描述哪个正确,我选,两个GROUP基于同样的理由,但一个赞成LAW,一个反对LAW) 但是这个law并没有想像的那么坏, 在一些有严格限制妇女工作时间的state,妇女的工作机会实际上还增加了. (有题,问LAW的结果怎样?我选,实际上一些STATE妇女工作增加了,注意是一些STATE,不是所有STATE) (问主题,我选,介绍对一个LAW的不同反映和这个LAW的可能结果.)
RC3:BRAND的作用 以前,发展BRAND对一个企业有好处.因为对CONSUMER来说,BRAND意味优质,避免了花时间在很多中挑选;对SELLER来说,可以对BRAND产品CHARGE PREMIUM PRICE,但CONSUMER人为BRAND质量好,仍然买. 现在,BRAND的作用日益削弱. 1. INTERNET普及,CONSUMER可以很容易在很多商品中挑选,并不浪费很多时间. 2. CONSUMER逐渐变老,辨别好坏的能力增加.(有题) 3.竞争日益激烈,CONSUMER更容易讲价.
RC4:热带雨林植物多样性 热带雨林植物多样性三个原因:1.植物有毒使得动物有抗体,又导致植物产生新的变化,互相的作用(interact)使它们变化多样。2.冰河时期,降雨减少,地球被分成一块一块,这块地就是refugee(避难地),物种繁荣,多样化。(有题, 问哪个WEAKEN这个理论) 3.地震地址运动,火山等导致。 作者对前两个找到反驳观点,第三点没有,则最可能是原因。 (问主题:是介绍不同的理论about ecosystem phenomena, 不时理论in dealing with ecosystem situation)
CR: 记不清了,只记得至少有三个填空题,考到了一道旧机经:
A recent poll found that over 80 percent of the residents of Nalmed Province favored a massive expansion of the commuter rail system as a means of significantly easing congestion on the province's highways and were willing to help pay for the expansion through an increase in their taxes. nevertheless, the poll results indicate that expansion of the rail system, if sucessfully completed, would be unlikely to achieve its goal of easing congestion, because______ A. most people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience B of the less than 20 percent of residents not counted as favoring the expansion, about half claimed to have no opinion one way or the other C the twice-daily periods of peak congestion caused by people commuting in cars have grown from about an hour each to almost two and a half hours each in the past 20 years D expanding the commuter rail system will require the construction of dozens of miles of new railbed E the proposed expansion to commuter rail system will make it possible for some people who both live and work at suurban locations to commute by rail.
SC: 考到了至少3个分词状语与逻辑主语对应的题.当然还需要其他语法点来区分剩余的两个.
With no predators and with the expanse of green forest that there is no hunting permit, the population of the deer that expert estimated has grown to xxxxxx
我的第一题,选了这个,其他选项的变化有, 把with no predators 改成 without predators, 把主语该成the expert estimated/ the expert's estimation等等,我不知道是否选对.
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