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标题: businessweek 上关于Yale SOM的话题 [打印本页]

作者: mandyuuqq    时间: 2008-2-24 07:33     标题: businessweek 上关于Yale SOM的话题

从来没有哪个商学院,徘徊在top10 之外,但是吸引了诸多关注.随便哪天登陆到 businessweek 的forum上。我总能看到关于Yale的帖子。如:Investment Banking after YALE SOM? 里面充满了完全相左的论点.而且其间争论的激烈以及用词的激烈丝毫不亚于mitbbs上的吵架。真是娱乐休闲的好去处阿图片点击可在新窗口打开查看。 申明:本人申请了Yale SOM 且对Yalies没有任何不敬之意。 以下是俺找到的几段。 


Of course Yale has interns / associates at EVERY bulge bracet.  No need to ask the question (and by the way, 98% of those interested in investment banking got internships and 100% got offers after internship, you may feel free to validate this on the Yale discussion site).

I am currently a consultant at BCG and will be attending Yale this fall, with my position in BCG following my MBA at Yale guaranteed.  My colleagues all confessed that for the education I was looking to get, only Yale, Stanford, MIT, Harvard and Columbia would make sense; got into 3/4 (didn't apply to S) and have chosen Yale.  You can't go wrong with Yale.

Get real dude.  The 25% of students that go into investment banking, and the probably 40% or more that try to get into it, are not shooting for Wachovia.  They are shooting for Goldman and Morgan Stanley.  If they miss the mark the settle for something less.  There is no data mining here.  Don't tell me Yale students really want to go to Wachovia or Bank of America over Goldman.  You sound like a fool.


These are the facts:

1. Bulge bracket IB's hire a lot of people every year, and, for the most part, go on campus to recruit at all of the top 15-20 B school's.  Yale SOM is one of those.

2. Bulge bracket IB's, like the big 3 consulting firms, are quite brand-conscious in their hiring, and focus their hiring on a subset of the top 20 MBA's.  If you look at the actual placement numbers of MBA schools into I-Banks, the top 7 or so schools send much more students into these jobs - like 2x as much, or more, even adjusting for class size.  Yale SOM is not one of these.

Bottom line: Yale SOM is not a "core feeder" school for IB's, but bulge bracket IB's do hire some from Yale SOM.  So, objectively speaking, Yale SOM is not one of the best choices for IB, but it is a reasonable choice.  I don't think that should surprise anyone; that is right in line with where Yale SOM is ranked (US News, BW, etc).

Please spare me the: "How dare you!?  It's all about YOU, not where you go to school!  All schools in the top 20 will give you a good shot!!"  The point is we are trying to make distinctions between schools here, and there are differences, in rankings, reputations, and recruiting, that are worth pointing out.  If that offends you, you probably shouldn't be in a MBA forum that is basically devoted to discussing these differences.

作者: missouyang    时间: 2008-2-24 08:23

Yale is a rising school. No one dare to look down on it.

作者: summertao    时间: 2008-2-24 19:12

Make sense.


作者: BCorBentley    时间: 2008-2-25 07:10



作者: belindaxiaos    时间: 2008-2-27 07:05


我提供一点比较准确的信息。这里每年学生人数大概是180-200,其中真正想找investment bank的,认真准备全力以赴的,大概在50人左右。在New York的Investment Bank,去年在这里发了37个人次的Internship offer,大致有22人拿到;今年发了40个人次的internship offer,大致有20人拿到。去年的summer intern,全部拿到return offer。

Goldman的IBD确实不专门来学校招聘,原因我也不是很清楚。别的buldge bracket IB统统来学校招聘,并有专门的informational interview和面试。Summer intern的offer数目这两年大致如下:Morgan Stanley 3; Merrill Lynch 4; JP Morgan 4; CitiGroup去年2个,今年8个;Lehman Brothers 4-6,Credit Suisse 5-8, UBS 3-5, Deutsche Bank 3。其他还有Bank of America, Houlihan Lokey等。


作者: ukstudynet    时间: 2008-2-28 07:12

人在任何战场上, 如果要死的话,应该战死而不是被吓死.加油.
作者: jessicafairy    时间: 2008-2-29 07:08





作者: violetsapphire    时间: 2008-3-1 07:08


当然有兴趣了,刚从New Haven 回来。其实我认为,商学院能给你的就是把你送到面试这一

步,剩下的就看自己了.总之,我是非常希望今年8月能搬到New Haven 开始俺

的career switch jump.  

作者: yuguanglais    时间: 2008-3-2 20:42

ding !!!
作者: broomstick    时间: 2008-4-7 10:09

以下是引用BCorBentley在2008-2-25 7:10:00的发言:



count me

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