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标题: [转帖]四月底机经,感谢CD上朋友们过去一个多月的帮助 [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2004-5-1 21:13     标题: [转帖]四月底机经,感谢CD上朋友们过去一个多月的帮助

上了700,不过数学没考好,总分也不够高,很是遗憾! 对于CD上许多朋友的帮助,一直感激不尽!本来一回来就打算尽力写机经,但是被几个朋友强行拉走。我业余时间喜欢打各种小球,其中乒乓球打的还不错,在一家知名的业余俱乐部是主力。原世界冠军江嘉良和现国家队二号主力王励勤来打球(和咱们玩玩),于是被强行拖走,到半夜才回来。不知道有没有在五一前考试的朋友,如果有,真是道歉了,未能及时发布机经,sigh。我verbal基本没有碰到机井,不知道ETS是否换题库还是我运气不够好,希望对五月中旬的朋友有帮助。
作文: AA
A9. The following appeared in an article in a health and fitness magazine.
“A recent study of balding men revealed that 80% had higher than normal levels of the chemical compound DHT in their bodies. A second study discovered that rats fed a diet high in animal fats produced elevated levels of the same chemical. In this second study, however, one group of rats did not produce DHT when they also ate portions of wheat germ — a food rich in vitamin E — along with the other foods high in animal fat. Viewed together, these studies show that the best way to maintain healthy hair and scalp is to reduce fat consumption sharply and to take daily vitamin E supplements.” AI
A6. “The type of leadership that an organization needs (be it a college, a country, or a business, for example) depends largely on whether the organization is stable or in crisis.”
不料它又出现了第三次,我想完了,估计前面错了,估计前面两题中有一题给出的选择可以推出答案,不过第三次出现时的题我大概花了接近5分钟,举出了两个反例,仍然选择了E,不过这道题对选E很有信心,建议大家有空的话详细分析一下在哪种情况下是可以推出Median和Mean之间的关系的 另外,大概有10来道题的阅读量很大,有的比Kaplan的还大
Verbal: SC
我遇到的第一道题是SC,以Outsold ____开头,不过我花了三分钟多钟也没找到答案,因为每一个答案的主句主语都是the maker of ___ manufacture而不是产品,晕! 后面不得不选了一个带what has been____的选项(不一定对,大家如遇到需要自己分析)虽然知道前15题的重要性,但估计就是这道题花了我过多的时间和考试现场过于紧张造成我后来按照Kaplan的pace做得过快。本来我感觉Verbal好极了,以为这次应该上40没有问题,结果成绩出来后大失所望!估计是粗心和SC造成的 有一道题考了修饰转移,什么叫修饰转移,比如说以下各例,注意that后的动词复数形式,题目和85很类似,不过内容是大概是关于养一种花,对这道题我很有把握 (注意,这下面的是我总结时列出的例子,不是考题)
85.Out of America's fascination with all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.
(A) things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing
(B) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing
(C) things that are antiques has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring
(D) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing
(E) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring
109. Legislation in the Canadian province of Ontario requires of both public and private employers that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are usually held by men.
(A) that pay be the same for jobs historically held by women as for jobs requiring comparable skill that are
(B) that pay for jobs historically held by women should be the same as for a job requiring comparable skills
(C) to pay the same in jobs historically held by women as in jobs of comparable skill that are
(D) to pay the same regardless of whether a job was historically held by women or is one demanding comparable skills
(E) to pay as much for jobs historically held by women as for a job demanding comparable skills
128. New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties.
(A) requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties
(B) requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation
(C) requirements for application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties
(D) application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties
(E) irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties
1. 我在verbal部分好像唯一碰到的机经,阑尾炎! 选B,节约了俺大概一分多钟的时间,谢谢!
2. 遇到两道Boldface的题
3. 一道题是关于专利的,说如果什么东西已经被公众知道了,那么它就不能申请专利了。但有一个药品必须先得到广泛的测试才能推向市场,而这个测试会使得许多人知道它的内容,问能推出什么?我选的是这个东西难以申请专利了,感觉应该是对的
4. 有一鱼,因为打鱼的船多速度快,所以很多鱼被撞死.于是有人建议船减速.不过有不少人又不同意,他们的理由是减速之后,马达的声音变小,鱼听不到声音就更容易被撞死了,问以下哪条能削弱否则的理由,我选的是鱼的感官能力很强,这道题把握不是很大,因此记得比较清楚
1. 60行左右
2. 40多行
火星有很多channel,有些人说它和月亮上普通channel(叫A)一样,然而有些人说应该叫另外一个东东,这种channel 同普通的A不一样,它更长较长,臂A长不少。接下去就分析说为什么这种channel那么长,主要是因为它是由火星上的什么什么浆构成的,这种浆冷却得慢,于是比较长。相反,A冷却得比较快,所以就比较短。题目忘了,好像都是细节题。
3. 90来行,比较长,4道题,不过当时我比较有时间,就耐心地读了一遍,并不难
4. 60多行
主要是关于出口的东东。主要是举了一些发展中国家(有泰国)的例子,分析了他们的一些政策(基本都不成功),最后还指责了世界银行等机构误导了这些国家。记不清楚了。 Good luck!

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