if you have taken 3 courses: course 1: 4 credits, and you got grade A- course 2: 3 credits, and you got grade B- coruse 3: 6 credits, and you got grade C- the overall GPA you got is: (4*3.7+3*2.7+6*1.7)/(4+3+6)
If you are applying Canadian universities, I can give you some advice. Generally, Canadian universities accept the grading system in China. That means, you don't need to convert your grades. The requirement in good univerisities is 85/10, while some universities only require 80/100. If you do want to convert your grades, or the university you applied has such a requirement, then you should use the following table: 90or above --> A+ 4.3 85-89 --> A 4.0 80-84 --> A- 3.7 75-79 --> B+ 3.3 70-74 --> B 3.0 65-69 --> B- 2.7 60-64 --> C+ 2.3 Most of the universities in Canada use the above table, but some univers ities do have their own grading system. Some have a 4.0 base grading system. And some others rate 85 or above as A+. And sometimes the grading system is different from department to department. You should convert every course to 4.3 based grade and then calculate the average. At last you write the GPA as *.*/4.3 Some Chinese universities write their converting table in the transcripts. In that case, I think you will have to follow your university.
Dar Mr. Zeng, You do not need to worry about converting your GPA. The Admissions Office will do so. If you would like more specific information please let me know.
Northwestern的回信 Hi,
Thanks for writing. You do not have to convert the GPA. When you are applying for admission, just present the scores as you have them. (They do have to be in English, however). We will convert them. Thanks. Graduate School Northwestern University 633 Clark Evanston, IL 60208
1、TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)TOEFL托福是英语非母语的外国学生英 文测验,分听力、阅读、写作三项。美国的大学要求外国学生考过托福,证明有相当的英文 程度才可以修课。大部分要求500分以上即可,有的较严,要550分,甚至600分才行。但也 有学校能够稍微通融,愿让学生有条件性的入学。先入学进修英文,然后再修本科课程,如 果已考过托福,日后要求测验中心补寄成绩单到申请的大学,通常要六周时间。