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标题: [转帖]11/17下午厦门裸考一战740 [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2007-11-21 22:50     标题: [转帖]11/17下午厦门裸考一战740

11/17 下午 厦门裸考 一战 740 V41 M49

XDJM们, 不要怕, 要有信心!

因为是裸考, 再加上数学在第28个题的时候耗了很多时间, 居然没有做完, 只作了36个题, 而且29-37基本上没有什么印象了一点建议: 千万不要在哪一题上面耗费了太多的时间, 尤其是20题以后的题目!!!

因为数学的影响, 所以非常紧张, 很多题目都记不住了, 不好意思. 有几题还有印象:


“It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”


The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.

“Two years ago Nova
     High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”

Q: 有一道GWD的 种peas和另一种, 有个图, 就是边长为3的正方形 分成九个  5格种一种, 4格中另一种,做过GWD的一定很有印象.

还有一道是上次JJ的, 利率的, 注意年利率换算成半年利率的方法.

其他的实在记不住, 唉, 某题花太多时间了, 都没有注意到剩下的题目一题都不到一分钟了, 还拼命地出现DS....


没有印象了,不过没有GWD的题, 也没有PREP破解版SC140题以前的题(140题后没有看)\CR1 CR2第10题以前的题, 都是新的.


1.一种服装(loosen clothes)的发明对法国革命期间妇女工作机会的影响(不是GWD的题目)

2, 对传统观点的反驳. 传统认为: 现代科学的标志是一些东西的发明. 作者认为: 不是, 是研究方法的采用, 二段列举了两个观点. 只要看清楚传统认为是achievements重要, 作者认为是approach重要就不难. 第一句最关键.


In 1938, at the government-convened

       National Health Conference, organized labor

       emerged as a major proponent of legislation

to guarantee universal health care in the

  (5)      United States.  The American Medical

Association, representing physicians’

interests, argued for preserving physicians’

free-market prerogatives.  Labor activists

countered these arguments by insisting that

 (10)      health care was a fundamental right that

should be guaranteed by government

programs. 1938, labor activists支持政府医疗保障

      The labor activists’ position represented

a departure from the voluntarist view held

 (15)      until 1935 by leaders of the American

Federation of labor (AFL), a leading affili-

ation of labor unions; the voluntarist view

stressed workers’ right to freedom from

government intrusions into their lives and 

 (20)      represented national health insurance as a

       threat to workers’ privacy.  AFL president

       Samuel Gompers, presuming to speak for

all workers, had positioned the AFL as

a leading opponent of the proposals for

 (25)      national health insurance that were advo-

cated beginning in 1915 by the American

Association for Labor Legislation (AALL),

an organization dedicated to the study and

reform of labor laws.  Gompers’ opposition

 (30)      to national health insurance was partly

principled, arising from the premise that

governments under capitalism invariably

       served employers’, not workers’, interests.

Gompers feared the probing of government

       bureaucrats into workers’ lives, as well as

the possibility that government-mandated

health insurance, financed in part by

employers, could permit companies to

      require employee medical examinations

 (40)     that might be used to discharge disabled

workers. 1935年之前AFL的主要观点,反对政府医疗保障

    the AFL’s voluntarism had accom-

modated certain exceptions:  the AFL had

supported government intervention on behalf

 (45)      of injured workers and child laborers.  AFL

officials drew the line at national health

insurance, however, partly out of concern

for their own power.  The fact that AFL

outsiders such as the AALL had taken the

 (50)      most prominent advocacy roles antagonized

Gompers.  That this reform threatened union-

sponsored benefit programs championed by

Gompers made national health insurance

even more objectionable.

 (55)            Indeed, the AFL leadership did face

serious organizational divisions.  Many

unionists, recognizing that union-run health

programs covered only a small fraction of

union members and that unions represented

 (60)      only a fraction of the nation’s workforce,

worked to enact compulsory health

insurance in their state legislatures.  This

activism and the views underlying it came to

prevail in the United States labor movement

 (65)      and in 1935 the AFL unequivocally reversed

its position on health legislationAFL最终倒戈支持政府医疗保证.



       philosopher John Locke

       stated that as much as

99 percent of the value of

(5)       any useful product can be

attributed to “the effects of

labor.” For Locke’s intellec-

tual heirs it was only a short

step to the “labor theory of

value,” whose formulators

held that 100 percent of the

value of any product is gen-

erated by labor (the human

work needed to produce

goods) and that therefore the

employer who appropriates

any part of the product’s

value as profit is practicing


   Although human effort is

required to produce goods

for the consumer market,

effort is also invested in

making capital goods (tools,

machines, etc.), which are

used to facilitate the produc-

tion of consumer goods. In

modern economies about

one-third of the total output of

consumer goods is attribut-

able to the use of capital

goods. Approximately two-

thirds of the income derived

from this total output is paid

out to workers as wages and

salaries, the remaining third

serving as compensation

to the owners of the capital

goods. Moreover, part

of this remaining third is

received by workers who

are shareholders, pension

beneficiaries, and the like.

The labor theory of value

systematically disregards

the productive contribution of

capital goods-- a failing for

which Locke must bear part

of the blame.

Llabor theory理论没有考虑capital goods,所以被批判。

其实,这次发帖最主要的是要告诉大家不要怕! 还有做好时间的分配. 哪科感觉不理想, 不要放弃, 把接下来的做好.

其实,这次发帖最主要的是要告诉大家不要怕! 还有做好时间的分配. 哪科感觉不理想, 不要放弃, 把接下来的做好.

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