1. 作者認為university hospital 在各方面表現比 community or private hospitals差. (ie. lower profits, lower success rate in treating patients 等等)
2. Responsibility for preserving natural environment belongs ultimately to each individual, not government.
Math: 比JJ簡單. 沒有爭議題, 一堆畢氏定理等基本中學題, 一度懷疑自己掉入低分區=.=
沒看過的題: PS: 一個circle graph 分成好幾個division, each division represents an asset investment, and there are 5 divisions (40,000, 20,000, 20,000, 10,000, 10,000 dollars). If an investor wants to invest x dollar in a new asset investment, he/she needs to decrease p% from each division. Express p in terms of x.
SC: 這個大家小心一點, 我遇到的題和PP的差很多了. 幾乎每道題的5個選項的結構完全不同, 很難快速排除. (許多大大也說他們遇到的題型和PP的不太像了) 還有遇到怪題: a) both A, and B, C as well b) both A, and B, C in addition. c) A, but B and C, too d) A, but B and C, also. ............................... (不確定是否為以上結構, 但不好判斷, 而且A, B, C的詞性也要留意)
CR: 這個也是一樣, 只有碰到1題GWD原題. ><
1. When trying to identify new technologies that promise to transform the marketplace, market researchers survey the managers of those companies that are developing new technologies. Such managers have an enormous stake in succeeding, so they invariably overstate the potential of their new technologies. Surprisingly, however, market researchers typically do not survey a new technology’s potential buyers, even though it is the buyers-not the producers-who will ultimately determine a technology’s commercial success.
Which of the following, if true, best accounts for the typical survey practices among market researchers?
A. If a new technology succeeds, the commercial benefits accrue largely to the producers, not to the buyers, of that technology. B. People who promote the virtues of a new technology typically fail to consider that the old technology that is currently in use continues to be improved, often substantially. C. Investors are unlikely to invest substantial amounts of capital in a company whose own managers are skeptical about the commercial prospects of a new technology they are developing. D. The potential buyers for not-yet-available technologies can seldom be reliably identified. E. The developers of a new technology are generally no better positioned than its potential buyers to gauge how rapidly the new technology can be efficiently mass-produced.