我没到topic pool中查原题,不过是这两个主题没错了。
1.一个公司96年1月1日的雇员中有多少(how many)是95年1月1日就在公司的雇员?
1.美国的移民限制法案--有些历史学家认为对中国移民进行限制的法案的通过,是一个(负评价)的事情,对中国移民的community造成了影响。但是作者认为这个法案的通过为移民法做了铺垫,是移民法的先驱。(有题:作者认为,historists的观点没有意识到什么问题) 在法案通过之前,移民一般不会被拒除非是有健康问题的,也没有移民遣返的法案。后来有了这个法案,美国政府还加强了一些分支机构的power来执行这个法案,他们的这种权力也在实践中得到检验(大概是讲移民们和这个Act斗争,政府的权力到底合不合理得到了检验,这种对于权力的反省甚至波及到了整个社会。我理解是这个意思,大家考试的时候要认真读确定一下,这里有题,是问这个法案对社会有什么影响)虽然这些都不能改变当时对移民的歧视状况,但是中国移民还是得到了一些什么。。。
2.二战前后妇女社会地位---“一些学者很疑惑为什么二战时妇女的高地位没有在二战后持续下去”.然后WH这个人在前人的研究基础上加入了social class 的观点(有题),她研究了当时的media对于妇女从业的态度,其实当时不是因为社会认可或是女人们想从业,而是因为男人都去打仗了,没有劳动力了,所以社会才鼓励妇女从业。“研究了两本杂志, 发现这两本杂志在二战时为了鼓励妇女进行战备工作,把工作的妇女刻画得很积极.” 战前的杂志还在描述已婚妇女在工作和家庭中间的conflicts(有题),但是战时的杂志都弱化了这种描述,而是宣扬积极正面的东西。然后有个转折,讲这两本杂志的不同,一本并没有鼓励妇女去从事一些非传统妇女行业的工作,另一本就不一样了,它advertise的职位很多都是以前男性从事的工作(有题)。战后妇女地位也没见得比战前提高多少,战前media的观点是已婚女人因为工作伤害家庭,战后是女人由于工作没法选择家庭。
3. 讲加拿大的taxicab industry的---三段,有点长。 第一段,1920以前加拿大的出租车行业管制很严格,而且都很奢侈,然后描述了一下是怎么奢侈的,这种弄法不是由于政府有规定而是由于叫车的都是社会精英商界名流(有题,是什么决定出租车那么奢侈,我选高端客户的expectation),普通老百姓是不坐租儿的,太贵,而且他们都有行动靠走路的习惯。这样的话出租车行业的成本很高,而且为了到hotel拉客,老板还有给hotel钱。第二段,20年代后期政府放宽了对出租车的管制,原来的车都要是用7 seat,后来就有了5 seats,刚好加拿大当时老百姓的real wage 上升了,所以大家觉得有能力偶尔坐坐出租车了(有题,问为什么老百姓开始坐出租了),所以整个行业就boom up 了。出租车老板也不用给hotel钱了,车就在hotel旁边路上等着,客人自己能找到在哪叫车(有题,问出租和hotel的)。第三段,但是1950年后,这种出租车的繁荣热潮有所冷却,政府又加强了对出租车的管理,每个车都要加个cap,license费用高了,而且有的时候由于不能拒载,出租要载客到很偏远的地方然后空车返回,又增加成本。 有道问题:这三段每段可以在前面加个什么小标题,我选stable-shake up-stable。 4.GWD-24原文,题目都没变 Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a reces- sion and its concomitant increase line in unemployment? The orthodox (5) answer is “no.” whether they support the “inertia” theory of inflation (that today’s inflation rate is caused by yesterday’s infla- tion, the state of the economic (10) cycle, and external influences such as import prices) or the “rational expectations” theory (that inflation is caused by workers’ and employers’ expec- (15) tations, coupled with a lack of credible monetary and fiscal policies), most economists agree that tight monetary and fiscal policies, which cause (20) recessions, are necessary to decelerate inflation. They point out that in the 1980’s, many European countries and the (25) (by these countries’ standards) inflation, but only by applying tight monetary and fiscal policies that sharply increased unemployment. Nevertheless, some govern- (30) ments’ policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation. Unfortu- (35) nately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually col- lapse, the hitherto-repressed (40) inflation resurfaces, and in the meantime, though the policy- makers succeed in avoiding a recession, a frozen structure of relative prices imposes distor- (45) tions that do damage to the economy’s prospects for long- term growth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 The passage suggests that the high inflation in the United States and many European countries in the 1980’s differed from inflation elsewhere in which of the following ways? A. It fit the rational expectations theory of inflation but not the inertia theory of inflation. B. It was possible to control without causing a recession. C. It was easier to control in those countries by applying tight monetary and fiscal policies than it would have been elsewhere. D. It was not caused by workers’ and employers’ expectations. E. It would not necessarily be considered high elsewhere. Answer:E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen The author’s conclusion about the use of wage and price controls? A. Countries that repeatedly use wage and price controls tend to have lower long-term economic growth rates than do other countries. B. Countries that have extremely high inflation frequently place very stringent controls on wages and prices in an attempt to decrease the inflation. C. Some countries have found that the use of wage and price controls succeeds in decreasing inflation but also causes a recession. D. Policymakers who advocate the use of wage and price controls believe that these controls will deal with the underlying causes of inflation. E. Policymakers who advocate the use o wage and price controls are usually more concerned about long-term economic goals than about short-term economic goals answer:A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 The primary purpose of the passage is to A. apply two conventional theories. B examine a generally accepted position C. support a controversial policy D. explain the underlying causes of a phenomenon E. propose an innovative solution Answer:B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CR想起来再上来写。 最后写点废话:北京天气挺冷的,又没来暖气,大家备考期间多注意身体,千万不要感冒了,我就是没注意,考前十几天开始咳嗽,咳得上气不接下气一句完整的话都说不了,感觉脑髓都快咳干了,为了早点好中药西药一起上,考前两天终于不太咳了。不想考试中心休息区挺凉,考试间特热,考前把外套脱了,休息时进进出出也没穿,考verbal的时候嗓子痒痒又开始想咳嗽,怕影响旁边的同学,捂着嘴憋在嗓子眼里咳,憋得眼泪都呛出来了,好在一会就不咳了。所以大家考试出来休息的时候要是觉得凉赶紧披外套,千万别偷懒。
3. 讲加拿大的taxicab industry的---三段,有点长。 第一段,1920以前加拿大的出租车行业管制很严格,而且都很奢侈,然后描述了一下是怎么奢侈的,这种弄法不是由于政府有规定而是由于叫车的都是社会精英商界名流(有题,是什么决定出租车那么奢侈,我选高端客户的expectation),普通老百姓是不坐租儿的,太贵,而且他们都有行动靠走路的习惯。这样的话出租车行业的成本很高,而且为了到hotel拉客,老板还有给hotel钱。第二段,20年代后期政府放宽了对出租车的管制,原来的车都要是用7 seat,后来就有了5 seats,刚好加拿大当时老百姓的real wage 上升了,所以大家觉得有能力偶尔坐坐出租车了(有题,问为什么老百姓开始坐出租了),所以整个行业就boom up 了。出租车老板也不用给hotel钱了,车就在hotel旁边路上等着,客人自己能找到在哪叫车(有题,问出租和hotel的)。第三段,但是1950年后,这种出租车的繁荣热潮有所冷却,政府又加强了对出租车的管理,每个车都要加个cap,license费用高了,而且有的时候由于不能拒载,出租要载客到很偏远的地方然后空车返回,又增加成本。
有道问题:这三段每段可以在前面加个什么小标题,我选stable-shake up-stable。
Is it possible to decrease
inflation without causing a reces-
sion and its concomitant increase
line in unemployment? The orthodox
(5) answer is “no.” whether they
support the “inertia” theory of
inflation (that today’s inflation rate
is caused by yesterday’s infla-
tion, the state of the economic
(10) cycle, and external influences
such as import prices) or the
“rational expectations” theory
(that inflation is caused by
workers’ and employers’ expec-
(15) tations, coupled with a lack of
credible monetary and fiscal
policies), most economists
agree that tight monetary and
fiscal policies, which cause
(20) recessions, are necessary to
decelerate inflation. They point
out that in the 1980’s, many
European countries and the
(25) (by these countries’ standards)
inflation, but only by applying tight
monetary and fiscal policies that
sharply increased unemployment.
Nevertheless, some govern-
(30) ments’ policymakers insist that
direct controls on wages and
prices, without tight monetary and
fiscal policies, can succeed in
decreasing inflation. Unfortu-
(35) nately, because this approach
fails to deal with the underlying
causes of inflation, wage and
price controls eventually col-
lapse, the hitherto-repressed
(40) inflation resurfaces, and in the
meantime, though the policy-
makers succeed in avoiding a
recession, a frozen structure of
relative prices imposes distor-
(45) tions that do damage to the
economy’s prospects for long-
term growth.
The passage suggests that the high inflation in the
United States and many European countries in the
1980’s differed from inflation elsewhere in which of
the following ways?
A. It fit the rational expectations theory of inflation
but not the inertia theory of inflation.
B. It was possible to control without causing a
C. It was easier to control in those countries by
applying tight monetary and fiscal policies
than it would have been elsewhere.
D. It was not caused by workers’ and employers’
E. It would not necessarily be considered high
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen
The author’s conclusion about the use of wage and
price controls?
A. Countries that repeatedly use wage and price
controls tend to have lower long-term economic
growth rates than do other countries.
B. Countries that have extremely high inflation
frequently place very stringent controls on
wages and prices in an attempt to decrease
the inflation.
C. Some countries have found that the use of wage
and price controls succeeds in decreasing
inflation but also causes a recession.
D. Policymakers who advocate the use of wage
and price controls believe that these controls
will deal with the underlying causes of inflation.
E. Policymakers who advocate the use o wage
and price controls are usually more concerned
about long-term economic goals than about
short-term economic goals
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. apply two conventional theories.
B examine a generally accepted position
C. support a controversial policy
D. explain the underlying causes of a
E. propose an innovative solution
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