680 (m50, v31)
刚开始做verbal就知道坏了 因为我一直担心的是作文写不完和数学, 但是前面2项过得异常顺利. 没想到v时精力非常不集中, 本来想怎么样也会有700吧 怎么样v也在35以上吧 要知道没有学过gmat的时候模拟也能到650啊 结果.... 不说了 大家批吧
64. The following appeared in a memorandum from the Director of Human Resources to the executive officers of Company X.
“Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank, in order of importance, the issues presented in a list of possible improvements. Improved communications between employees and management was consistently ranked as the issue of highest importance by the employees who responded to the survey. As you know, we have since instituted regular communications sessions conducted by high-level management, which the employees can attend on a voluntary basis. Therefore, it is likely that most employees at Company X now feel that the improvement most needed at the company has been made.”
12. “Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.”
1, 求X/a+Y/b=1在x轴上的截距---DS
1) a=3 2)a=b
2, 一个人种植物 1 tomato price 0.75元, 1 pepper price 0.6元. 1 tomator占地4acer, 1 pepper占地1acer. 总共价值1650元(?不太确定这个数字了).问pepper共占多少地?---DS
1) 提供了总共占地的面积
2) pepper比tomato 多占%地
3. 手机商店进货,
quantity price
20 $60
10 $55
x $50
不管进价怎样,卖出价都是$80, 求profits达到成本的40%时的x
4, (1.00001*0.99999)-(1.00002*0.99998)=?
答案有0, 3*10的3次方, 3*10的5次方等
5, 平面几何
/ /
/ /
/ /
AB//CD, 问AC是否//BD?
1) 角CAB=角DBE
2) 角CAB与角ABD互补
6, 数列c1 c2 c3... cn, 问啥时候该数列之和为奇数?
1) c为奇数 2) n为奇数
7, 1*2*3*4*...*24约等于几?
答案都是10的n次方, 比如10的5次方,7次方等. 这是偶最后一个题,没时间了, 瞎选的7次方
8, 啥时候x的-k次方=1/(x的k次方)
x>0; x<0; x=0; x不等于0; 所有x
9, n是正整数, 谁一定能被3整除?
1) n的3次方+2n 2)n+3(这个选项记不清了, 应该是不充分的)
v; 因为我没看过jj, 所以不知道一些题是否jj, 而且考v时一直在走神, 很多都记不起来了 阅读供参考
1, 人类进化(直立行走/使用工具)的问题
什么原来在forest, 不行了之后去savana, 然后才开始直立行走之类
2, 有个作者叫clark, 啥理论 还批驳了什么Bra...的理论, 技术决定论和社会决定论(?) 具体一点都不记得了
3, 地球上水形成的问题, 一种理论认为是在jupiter和mars之间形成的,一种是在jupiter之外 但是都不能解决到底是啥时候开始形成的问题
4, 打死我也想不起来了
心态太重要了. 历经高考gre toefl 考研 toeic, 这是我20几年唯一败过的一次考试, 按我妈的说法,我考前的复习状态比高考还紧张 因为太想考好了 以致于从复习到考试都比较手忙脚乱
出来路上就哭了 2个月一边工作一边学习真的很辛苦, 而所有的付出就这样交代了 真的是万万没有想到! 真的需要好好反省!
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