第一楼 学校简介
第二楼 专业介绍
第三楼 关于申请人(一)
第四楼 关于申请人(二)
第五楼 面试(一)
第六楼 面试(二)
第七楼 录取
第八楼 奖学金
第九楼 生活
第十楼 就业
1. 商学院申请免费评估服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=466
2. MBA Essay免费评估服务:http://www.topway.org/default.aspx?TabID=480
3. MBA Essay写作服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=475
4. MBA申请Workshop:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=517
5. Top10 MBA保录取 Top50 MBA保奖学金服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=482
6. 报名参加
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 16:30:08编辑过]
哥大羽毛球协会的中国人也很友好的,说欢迎我去blue gym 参加他们的活动。他们和U Pen, NYU, Princeton还定期有tournament,我去了大概可以当主力吧...嘿
I think the alumnus is right that the interview is not the most important thing in the application. Interview is just a double-check process. Very much like the VISA interview. I personally believe that your fate is 80% determined before the interview - just my personal view though.
As to the
Here are some social events/clubs that are especially important in the social life of CBS:
1) Happy Hour (HH). Every Thursday evening, usu. from 6:30 PM to 10 PM. Pre-HH parties and after-HH parties are organized and turnout is great. Every HH is sponsored by a specific club and/or company, i.e. Investment Banking Club & Merill Lynch, Consulting Club & Bain, etc.
2) Social clubs, such as rugby teams (both men and women). The rugby teams are very good examples how in B-school everything serves to form relationships. These teams are more social clubs rather than sports clubs, you'll get to know this part of b-school life when you get here!
3) Inter/inner-cluster parties. The good thing about NYC is that you have all venues to hold dinners, cocktails, parties. These are in addition to the house-warming parties, gambling parties (strongly recommended, haha), drinking parties, b-day parties, and whatever parties you can think of, which will be held in a more intimate way. People get to know each other really well in such parties.
介绍:一封有趣的信,尝试对和谐社会和中国商业道德向孔孟和墨家思想追根溯源。可能会对申请stanford and columbia的同学有用。Stanford比较讲求独特角度和思想深度,columbia则可能会欣赏对于人文精神的追求,另外此文中提到的Hu Shih,即胡适同学,是哥大的校友。
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
Last week I returned from a brief trip to
The vision of a “harmonious society”, I was told, is taken from the writings of Hu Shih, a noted Chinese writer of the
The discussions of how to build this
In my paper I suggested that indeed business ethics and CSR as conceived and practiced in Europe and
The Confucian tradition that I specified is contained in The Analects, and not in later writings that conform to the influence of Imperial pretensions. This tradition I consider to rest on ethics and the expectation of responsible individualism.
The normative model provided by Mo Ti, on the other hand, I consider to rely on compliance mechanisms only. Mo Ti lived and wrote after Confucius and did not agree with his expectations of individual moral potential. Mo Ti thought little of individuals and, accordingly, recommended that social and political order be achieved through forced compliance with the will of superior authority.
Finally, I suggested that President Hu’s recent recommendation of 8 do’s and don’t’s was an attempt to blend Mohist pessimism with the more optimistic Confucian/Mencian approach.
For those of you who might be interested in the complete paper, a copy of Two Traditional Chinese Normative Models for Business Ethics has been attached to this email (a 19-page PDF) and also posted on our website (www.cauxroundtable.org) under publications and papers.
Sincerely yours,
Stephen B. Young
Global Executive Director
Caux Round Table
答:Entrepreneurship: 很多课程可以选择,club的活动也很多,今年是学校大佬Dean Hubbard同学主讲Entrepreneurial Finance。特别一点的是Lang Fund专门出资资助学生的自办企业,可到网站上查找。
Real Estate: 有房地产concentration的top b school不大多。我注意到了Wharton, Kellogg, MIT Sloan and Columbia. Columbia的特点是房地产和金融结合,不大重开发管理和建筑设计,更多在房地产融资和资本市场创新。此外纽约有很多房地产方面的协会和活动,有不少值得一去。real estate association几项固定的活动搞得很不错:Breakfast series with
real estate executives,定期和纽约城里面房地产界人士吃早饭,这个活动因为每次限制人数,就不会有掉到一堆人里面说不上话的感觉;real estate supercharger,主要是行业基本知识培训,对于入门人士有帮助;site tours,每年都会在美国各地找楼看,现场体验;domenstic and international trip,主要是针对某一地域访问当地公司,了解各地房地产发展,international trip目前已经去过欧洲和中国,下一个应该是南美或者印度;比较频繁的career panel和alumni networking events。在club里面人比较少,又有共同的职业兴趣,交流起来更有效率。
Marketing:哥大的marketing的课程感觉有一定的时尚感。除了传统的课程外,这学期我比较感兴趣的有marketing & Internet (如何在internet上面marketing,并结合传统媒体)and marketing for art culture and education。此外guest speaker也给我一定的新鲜感。有个core class的老师专门请marketing professional来做guest speaker,那群人的风格很不同于我熟悉的大公司marketing,除了每天说的几C几P之外,更讲求技巧和美感。
Media and Entertainment: 这个我就不说了,哥大的传统强项加上地理优势,选这个concentration估计不但能学到东西而且还玩的很开心。有个老师非常好,下学期拼了我所有的银子也要选到一门他的课。
答:SIPA我了解不多,只是知道他们也参加MBA的招聘会,这个待遇是满特别的,因为连Financial Engineering的学生都不允许参加.SIPA的中国学生很多,工作前景在Master中算很好的.
答:1. Women in business. I don't think there are specific classes for women, but there are countless activities mainly organized by CWIB (Columbia Women in Business). This is a very active club on campus, which organizes both social and career-related events for women. Almost every femal student is by default a member.
As CWIB member you will have advantage to participate in intimate gatherings with recruitiers. Take banking as example. Almost all major banks will organize CWIB dinners, with about 20 student participants (not so many women are interested in banking btw) and 4-5 bankers. It is a great chance to present yourself, make contacts, as well as enjoy some "girly" talks (babies, clothes, marriage, etc.) Apart from banking, consulting, media, IT, etc. will also organize CWIB member only events. I have received an invitation from McKinsey several days ago asking me to go to a SPA & massage event... OMG...
CWIB also organizes the annual CWIB conference. It is a big event which lasts for a whole day. In the 2007 CWIB conference we will have 8 panels with different subjects. I am on the conference committee so if you are interested in participiating in the conference please let me know. The conference will be held on Feb. 23, 2007.
You can visit the CWIB website for more information:
2. Mentors. Most career-oriented clubs have for mentor systems which matches each mentor with two mentorees, but not every one works. As you will also learn from your talk with recruiters, the best way to find a mentor is by establishing personal relationship with him/her - which really depends on your personality and your "fit". However, the formal mentor system does provide us with the opportunity to get to know more people. BTW, my mentor in the Investment Banking Club is terrific.
问:Jan accelerated program 和普通的项目有什么区别啊?
答:J-term和fall program在课程设置和找工作什么的上面没有任何区别。只是在fall term的同学们暑假作实习的时候,j-term的同学会继续上课。以05年入学,07年毕业的同学为例,时间安排如下:
05 Fall Fall-term 入学进行第一学期课程 ==> 06 Spring Fall-term进行第二学期课程;J-term入学进行第一学期课程;==> 06 Summer Fall-term进行暑期实习;J-term进行第二学期课程;==> 06 Fall Fall-term和J-term进行第三学期课程;==> 07 Spring Fall-term和J-term进行第四学期课程;==> 07 May Fall-term和J-term毕业
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-22 9:16:49编辑过]
问:如果没有赶上early decision,是不是机会就很小了?另外,能介绍一下大陆过去金融背景的人都是early decision的吗?
问:请问online application /employment history中的duties是否需要长篇罗列工作业绩?请问adcom是否会看简历?谢谢。
Applicants wishing to be considered for Fellowships must submit a resume here. The Fellowship Selection Committee will review your resume in awarding merit-based fellowships. This section is optional for all other applicants, but is not to be used in lieu of the "Employment" section of this application.Applicants wishing to be considered for Fellowships must submit a resume here. The Fellowship Selection Committee will review your resume in awarding merit-based fellowships. This section is optional for all other applicants, but is not to be used in lieu of the "Employment" section of this application.
1 如果申请金融的话成功的几率大么?是否需要重考一次gmat或考gre?
2 如果申请的话什么专业适合我,继续学金融还是换学别的?
答:Columbia Business School通常不招收没有工作经验的学生。我知道有个学生也没有工作经验,但是她是泰国一个房地产集团sponsor的,毕业就回原来公司。
我不是很明白你说申请金融是什么意思,是不是说金融专业硕士呢?MBA有finance concentration, 但是没有finance MBA。
GMAT780, TOEFL610, GPA,3.2
想申请哥大的realestate 方向,不知道希望大么?
答:不知你是否要申请mba,如果是,成绩和背景只是mba申请的一部分,更重要的是在essay中展示你的职业潜力和个人能力。并且在申请的时候是不会针对将来的专业方向来录取的,很难说你的房地产背景是否有帮助。如果是申请MSRE,我就不大了解了。可以去master and phd区问问。
问:HOUSING情况能说明一下吗, 我现在在网上发现还没法开始预约明年FALL的HOUSING, 什么时候能开始预约, 到时候不会超级紧张吧?
答:you can't apply until april i think. you'll find relevant information in your to-do list. don't worry about it now.
yes school housing is limited, but as you are from shanghai you will definitely get one. UAH housing is not that bad especially when you take the location and the price into consideration. as for the policy, the farther you are from, the easier you will get housing. it's all distance-related. as china is on the other side of the globe, you get a very good chance
the problem is, if you come too early, you cannot move in yet. the move in date shoud be in early august or late july.
答:请问是要申请master还是mba? 如果是mba, 申请的时候是不用分专业的,所以acca只是帮助增强职业方面的内容,对于其他的方面还是需要好好准备。如果是master,建议去phd/master区问问。
答:Without w/e, it's hard to maximize your MBA experience. Keep in mind that you can only experience it ONCE.
Lack of w/e will make it hard for you to participate in class and conduct meaningful conversations with your classmates. You will also find it hard to leverage all the resources the school provides. After all, you might find you fail to get the best out of your time and your money.
问:1)是否知道你们2007录取时对TOEFL IBT成绩的要求 107分够么 25/27/26/29
问:除了essays 其他的都准备好了。我想联系CBS的学生,一般是不是prospective students 都通过email 来联系?有没有其他更好的方式?例如见面,不过那个实在有点勉为其难,B school的学生多忙啊!学校方面会不觉得如果一个applicant不经常去联络学校的人,就是不是一个积极的申请人?
答:From my point of view, contacting the current students will not do any good to your application DIRECTLY, as we have no say in the admission process. However, by talking to current students/alumni you will be able to understand the program much better. The information we provide you may be useful in your selection process and be used in your interview. If you can come to
问:另外,突然找不到CBS网页上有说paper application for Sep 07的。我很想很想online提交。可是我的recommenders不愿意网上提交(他们年纪较大,而且忙),而哥大以前又是明文写着只能选择一种,要么一个package的paper,要么全部网上。我尝试打电话给adcom,但是接不通,曾经写了邮件,但是尚未收到回复。我知道他们都非常地忙。
答:I've no idea about this, as I submitted everything online. If it is the case as you described, you'd better mail out your application as soon as possible as you don't want to miss the deadline because of delay of mails in the Christmas season...
我认为Round 1 的Deadline仍然是Jan 10, for Round 1, Adcom 从Jan 10 开始Review,
Yes. The rolling basis is not strictly rolling basis except for ED. Therefore, your application will not be reviewed before Jan. 10, but will be reviewed first after Jan. 10
问:前面有朋友说,Columbia的rolling admission process仅仅适合于EARLY DECISION,但为何他们的WEBSITE上,关于September 2007(International Applicants)的申请,从Jan. 10,2007开始,到Mar. 1,2007 才结束。一般ROUND录入方法,不就只有一个DEADLINE吗?
另,对于中国的申请者,是不是只要在MAR. 1, 2007前提交申请就来得及?
答:Theoretically speaking, you won't miss the deadline as long as you submit before Mar. 1. Empirically speaking however, few mainland Chinese with no overseas w/e were admitted in that time slot.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-22 13:27:51编辑过]
问:他们各自被录取的轮次是? 有R3录的么? 谢谢.
答:第一轮第二轮录取的人数差不多. R3没有大陆/香港录取的,但是有加拿大和美国录取的中国人。
问:我的意思是我是要申请2007年9月的,为什么注册后直接就进入1月的申请表格了呢? 是还要发邮件给学校吗?
答:essay的不同不大了解。不过,一月份的mba暑假需要上课,是没有summer intern做的。可能会对找工作有一定影响。所以一月份的申请人一般有return offer或者对毕业后的职业发展有清晰的计划和现成的机会。
问:听说哥大有个DUAL DEGREE 是MBA 和教育专业的博士一起读的,不知到MBA的学生可否常去这个MBA&EDUCATION听课,或者选修那?
答:抱歉这么晚才回复,最近一直在travel和final中奔波。我对marketing的情况确实不大了解。duel degree是可以的,只是要自己申请两个schools。只要被录取,就可以同时学习两个school的课程。MBA学生可以跨学院选课,但是学分有限。总之好几个同学都是同时修两个学位的。
You can expect to hear either a final decision or an invitation to interview from us within 12 weeks of receiving this message.
Please keep in mind that an invitation to interview can come at any point in the evaluation process.
据我理解就是要不可以interview要不就被拒,是这样吗?可是我还可以做些什么吗?干等12个星期会疯的 !
答:yes. I think your understanding is right. , interview or ding. mabye in case you are admitted without interview. but normally impossible.
问:请问一下如果申请金融的话,能不能提交GRE成绩?我在Graduate school of business主页上看到requirements里只写了要求GMAT,没有特别指出专业。
答:不知道你说的金融是指什么。cbs只有mba,emba和dba,都是要gmat的。没有金融硕士,哥大的金融硕士或者是financial engineering(engineering school),或者是financial mathematics(mathematics school)。这两个学院可能是可以提交gre,你可以自己查一查。
问:我在一家股份制商业银行工作4年,做信贷工作,做过一些big case,包括06年我们单位在北京最大的投标工作(成功中标)等,今年刚被聘为我们北京分行某行业中心的执行副总经理(所有被聘中唯一的小于30岁的员工,不过这是空头衔,没有实际权利,呵呵),工作业绩较突出,我用4年所达到的员工级别超过了其他员工10年所能达到的级别.是我的级别中最年轻的员工,并且年年都获得单位的优秀员工称号
gmat 考了750 ,不过T只是考了 iBT95,不知道T成绩会不会给申请带来很大的障碍,由于时间很紧,工作压力很大,再考T也不能确定一定能上100分的,按照最坏的做打算,T就是95分了
答:你的背景很出色,gmat成绩也很好。t应该不是重点。我从来没有听说过最低分数线的说法,不过你可以跟adcom confirm一下。
答:做finance,尤其是banking的人,大部分都是转行的。banking里的career switcher占70%。好不好申请,主要看你申请写的怎样了:)基本上哥大的竞争是比较激烈的,中国申请人往往比较犹豫是否申请。不过,正如前面一直所说的,哥大一直在加大对中国招生的力度。从中国招生人数逐年增加。
问:It seems that in
I have 4 years w/e and done GMAT 750+, TOEFL 650. Currently I'm working for an international non-profit organization as a communications manager, and before that a top American public relations agency and a world known market research company. My short term goal is to do marketing or MC in the
Is there anyone who has similiar communicaitons background also get in
by function, 除了ib and consulting这两个传统的就业选择,选择marketing和non-profit的同学也越来越多,这和这两年corporate的工资水涨船高可能有点关系。
问:请问哥大如果不申early decison是不是就希望渺茫了?
今年的regular decision那一轮的意思,是不是1月9号可以开始递交材料,3月3号截止?期间也是rolling的吗?
答:Regular decision 应该是今年十月多的那个deadline过后开始交材料,但是只能在
答:推荐信迟一点没有关系,不过可能会delay review process,因为需要另外花时间match your application and your recommendations。 GMAT应该不是到拿到offer之后才寄,因为committee会需要verify你的score。不过GMAT这件事情我不是很sure,你可以问一下committee的人。(BTW,为什么不现在就寄呢?如果已经考过的话还是尽早寄过去比较保险。)
答:推荐信迟一点没有关系,不过可能会delay review process,因为需要另外花时间match your application and your recommendations。 GMAT应该不是到拿到offer之后才寄,因为committee会需要verify你的score。不过GMAT这件事情我不是很sure,你可以问一下committee的人。(BTW,为什么不现在就寄呢?如果已经考过的话还是尽早寄过去比较保险。)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 16:33:45编辑过]
问:我9月底已经提交了哥大ED的online application,请问哥大的面试一般是什么情况(要等多久?我在北京,会是chinese alumni面试还是admission office的人过来?)面试中应该注意那些问题?(我的口语算不上牛,所以很担心表达不清楚我认为自己distinctive的东西)
答:You can look at the timelines of last year's admits. I waited for about a month before I got my interview. Usually the interviews are conducted by alumni.
If you have checked the box (I want to be considered for scholarship) and uploaded your resume for scholarship consideration when you filled out your applicatoin, you are fine. You don't have to do anything else now.
答:我的建议是对面试官做一下research,最简单的办法by google. 然后选择一个你觉得可能比较有共同语言的,或者更能表现你的career understanding的。面试最好尽快约,因为不知道校友的时间安排如何。面试是一个two-way communication的过程,不要变成Q&A,面试的目的是让对方理解自己的想法,不要背诵自己的生平。最后,面试之前准备一些问题去询问校友,可是非常general的,也可以是根据自己的情况产生的特别问题。面试之后,最好写一个thank you letter,赶在校友完成assessment form之前增加一点印象分,此外还可以顺便了解一下面试的feedback,如果校友愿意讲,对大家面试其他学校也有帮助。
问: 面试最好准备多长时间?
答:不用准备太长时间.如果是你的第一次面试,我个人觉得提前2天准备就可以了. 当然前提是你为了申请哥大已经作了很多homework了……
问: CBS是校友面试,在选择面试人上面有什么说法?中国人?外国人?
至于具体问的内容,不一定。面我的是毕业不久的校友,估计没有面试过很多人,所以基本上是按学校给的question list来问,一个都不少的那种,还把我回答的东西仔细记下来。但是我问了一下其他人,也有被很有经验的校友面试的,基本上就是聊天,不问什么具体问题的。所以一切都是因人而异。
问: 面试只是申请的一部分,CBS会考虑多少面试的成分呢?
答:我个人觉得和gmat的情况一样:It will not make it, but it can break it.
问: 我一共search出了9个interviewer,网站上说“please do not hesitate to contact all of the Ambassadors on a given list and schedule with the first person available”和“Please schedule with one and only one interviewer.”
答:我当时的流程和你提到的似乎不太一样.我是收到邮件说"status changed",然后从申请的网页上直接跳转到面试界面。上面只有两个面试官可供选择,提供资料有姓名/毕业年份/电子邮件。当时的instruction似乎是让我们先和其中一人联系,如果多长时间(似乎是两三个星期)不回信,再联系第二位面试官.如果今天情况如你所说,我觉得你最好还是请教一下已经进行了面试的申请人(比如说Timzhou),问问他们是怎么联系的。不过,我个人感觉你的理解是正确的。
问: 一般来讲interviewer回复后最快能约到几天后的面试?是该尽早约最近的时间吗?
问: 是schedule好了面试时间后还是等我们的面试结束后,我才到网上去confirm interview?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 16:36:34编辑过]
Finished my
He asked quite a few standard questions, some of them I didn't prepare for.
1. Why MBA?
2. If not MBA what else would you do to achieve your goal?
3. Why now?
4. What other schools?
5. Team work.
6. Leadership.
7. What is the most challenging thing you have faced in work?
8. If you were to start a business now, what kind of business would you do? (I never mentioned that I want to be an entrepreneur, wondering why he asked me this question)
9. If you didn't get in this year, what would you do, will you apply next year?
10. Since you have two years working experience, why would columiba choose you over the other applicants who have 5+ years working experience?
We also talked about my current job, and he asked some specific quesitons about my work.
He shared with me his experience with CBS, and really sold the school with passion!
All the CBS Alums I met in BJ are nice and proud of their schools. I do like the CBS people!
问:哥大一般面试和录取得比例如何? 拿到面试但是不知道被录取得可能性能有多大.
答:Check out it here:
| MBA Program | 面试 | Wait-list | 最终录取 |
1 | Harvard | 2 |
| 2 |
2 | Stanford | 3 |
| 2 |
3 | 15 | 1 | 7 | |
4 | Wharton | 13 | 5 | 6 |
5 | 5 |
| 2 | |
6 | Kellogg | 3 |
| 2 |
7 | MIT Sloan |
| |
The exact number of admission for
答:Class07有位同学在中国从事媒体八年,现在毕业在一家hedge fund。
问:would you introduce the critiria for winning scholarship? What are the common backgrounds for the winners? And how much they get?
答:here's something more about scholarships (NOT ADMISSION):
1. Criteria. GMAT does matter. So does GPA.
2. As for backgrounds, 2 of the scholarship recipients I know worked in finance, 1 worked in non-traditional. These scholarships are usually only given to students from mainland and HK. Therefore, your main competitors are your peer applicants.
3. Amount - should be around 11K to 12K. You can keep the scholarship if you maintain a certain level of GPA in your first yera.
FELLOWSHIP和大部分的SCHOLARSHIP时间基本一样。大概在7-15K之间。中国大陆的学生多少都有一些。因为CBS是ROLLING BASIS的,到后来就变成用第三轮的人来填空了,录取可能恐怕有限。如果能前几轮申请,最好还是早申请。
答:哥大确实离黑人区比较近。不过哥大所在的街区,Morningside Hight, 是一个小高地并且有围栏和下面的街区隔开,街区之间并不怎么mingle。黑人区在哥大东北方向。我是住在哥大西南方向,所以还可以。
答:Parking is always a problem anywhere in manhattan. And traffic is horrible during rush hour. You can just ride the subway to school. cheap and convenient.
问:有一个说法是哥大的学生彼此之间的Connection比较小 放学都各自回家去 请问你有这个感觉吗?
另外,据说哥大的学风 比较沉稳内敛 是这样的吗?
答:我没有这种感觉。我想这个说法应该是因为哥大本身campus的概念不强,所以很多人猜测的吧。其实大部分同学都会把一整天的时间花在学校。各种各样的活动充斥了课间和课余。学校里面永远充斥了各种各样的讲座,networking events,要和小组讨论,一起写作业。真得有时间还可以在学校周围和同学吃饭。
学校周围有很多很棒的餐馆和酒吧,少不了的就是老美的汉堡包三明治和墨西哥餐,印象最深的是校园南边的土耳其馆,波斯馆,和一些日韩风味的,校园北边主要是意大利和欧洲风味的,推荐咖啡和甜点。把守着校园东西两个大门的是一个中国餐馆(纽约少有的口味还算正宗的),和一个美餐Radio Perfecto,提供比较简单的食物。这两个是大多数人常去的。
问:对于一个500+人的program,在NYC,而且应该很大部分的人想要去IB工作的情况下,样本量70似乎小了一点儿吧?会不会有这样的情况,其实给response的这70个人都是成功的起码拿到了1个或者更多offer的人,而另外say 200来人都想去IB工作却没有拿到offer的人并没有回应这个poll,于是没有包括在这个样本中?
答:首先, 不是所有的人都想去作IB, 根绝我的了解, CBS大概每年愿意去IB的在150-200人之间, 所以70人的样本取样还可以
此外, CHinese里面很多人愿意去MC, 比如去年一月份那个班就有2个去了BCG Beijing, 而且手里都有好几个TOP MC的OFFER
今年暑假去Goldman Sachs作实习的大概是25个左右, 这70个RESPONDENTS里面有14个去GOLDMAN SACHS的, 因此样本的代表性大家大概可知一二
其实,哥大每年没有150-200人找狭义ib的上面说的ib应该是包括了sales&trading,wealth management, asset management等等一切在内的广义ib。狭义ib,即单纯的ibd,据我所知大概有100人左右找。所以70人的样本量不算小了。
不过确实回复的人一般是已经找到intern的。据我所知,大概有20%的人没有在第一轮ib招聘中找到实习,还在继续找boutique bank或者equity research。
问:我的目标是想做 equity research. 长期目标想做 portfolio manager. 如果有NY一些fund requity research 的经验,毕业后回国,或者再NY full time 半年左右再回国找工作好找吗?去香港的机会怎样?
答:想找equity research的工作,只要下定决心,是肯定可以找到的。但是不一定在纽约,可能要看你自己的match。
问:CBS 有没有想wharton那样的international trek 让学生访问很多公司在不同的地方?
答:有的.这个主要是由Chazen Institute负责,有很多trip.我们现在就在组织2007年去中国的study trip.详情可参见
问:Can you post some statistics for the internship for Chinese students of Class of 2007 and for the post-MBA job offer for Class of 2006? How many of them got the internship or job offer from IB on Wall Street? Thanks a lot!
问:能介绍下今年Fall入学的Class 2009 Chinese学生的背景吗?
答:我们Class 2009总共有7位同学是直接从大陆被录取的, 台湾这届有六位同学, 香港三位, 澳门一位.
我们七个人之中, 四位是在Early Decision ROund被录取的, 三位是在Regular Round被录取的, 所以大家就算错过了ED,也没有太大的关系, 在Regular Round还是有很大的机会的
我们七个人中, 性别分布是四男三女.
三位来自北京, 来之前有两位在VC工作, 一位在政府机关
两位来自上海,一位在外资银行, 另外一位来自合资基金
一位来自天津, 在一家外企从事Business Strategy工作
一位来自广州,在一家美资企业从事General Management工作
至于我对Columbia的印象吗, Well, 来Bschool之前, 虽然已经有点思想准备, 但是Bschool的紧张程度还是超乎想像的. 大家无论来之前基础多么好, 来了以后铺天盖地的Case, Assignment, Project, Party, Social, Club Activities还是会让人吃不消的. 不过, Columbia能够给人带来的机会, 也是超乎想象的多. 大家基本想从事任何职业的话, 在NYC都能找到机会的. 当然, 付出与回报绝对成正比.
答:在北美招的Chinese数字我们没有统计, 因为统计起来比较麻烦, 而且有些已经是US Citizen的Chinese, 和持Chinese护照的申请者应该是不能放在一个Pool里面的. 我自己目前认识的从北美招的CHinese应该还是不少的, 超过10个吧
答:我们这里CHinese有人有14年工作经验, 也有人只有三年工作经验。美国人里面更加有些是直接大学毕业就进了Bschool。
因此工作经验我个人感觉没有太强制性的要求, 只要你能说服Adcom现在有读Bschool的需要, 应该就可以了
当然首先需要说服自己, Are You Ready For Bschool?
如果这关都过不了, 还是先多工作一下, 对以后的事业发展比较好
答:奖学金的情况我不是很清楚, 印象中top BSCHOOL对于FInancial Aid都不是那么慷慨(HBS例外)
去年Fellowship的Deadline好像是Feb.1, 但是Fellowship和SchOlarship的发放情况一直都没有一个具体的日期, 所以还是先申请吧
问:请问, COLUMBIA的中国学生中来自非传统背景大人多吗?毕竟COLUMBIA是以金融著名的.
答:不知道你怎么定义这个非传统背景的, 反正我们Cluster 60多号人, 背景五花八门, 从退伍军人, 到Jazz Club的钢琴师, 到Software Engineer, 以前作甚么的都有, 其他的Cluster好像还有以前Rock Band的Guitar手这样的背景的.
一个500多人的Program, 肯定是会Diversify的, 不可能就招一类人
答:Social Enterprise在Columbia还是比较受重视的, 有专门的Social Enterprise Club, 也有专门的课程在这一块
问:请问CBS里有些什么好的可推荐的program或club的,关于Non-profit organization的有特色课程或者组织及成功案例,如kellogg有个学生创立的"one-acre fund"?
For non-PE/VC field, we have:
1. Investment Banking Club (one of the 3 biggest clubs in
2. Investment Management Association (lots of my classmates are interested in this field)
3. Equity Research Club
4. Sales & Trading Club
5. Finance Organization
For PE/VC field (and related area), we have:
1. Private Equity /Venture Capital Club (one of the top 3 biggest clubs in
3. Small Business Consulting Program (it is a Club, not a class or official “program”)
4. Technology Business Group (they organize to visit hi-tech companies and VC firms in
Here goes the Full list of Student Clubs @ Columbia Business School (club introduction, officers, events, and webpage, if applicable):
答:I believe your application will be considered "complete" ONLY when you submit all the requried documents (essays, recommendation letters, online-forms, unofficial transcripts, etc) AND when you settle the payment.
If you apply online, the last step is to settle the payment of application fee online, which will take only a few minute to process and you will receive an email shortly after stating that the applicaiton fee is received.
问:请教一个关于ESSAY的问题. COLUMBIA ESSAY的第四题 "
Please tell us about what you feel most passionate in life (Recommended 250 word limit).", 是不是要写个人爱好啊?
答:我个人觉得这篇想询问的还是看你究竟是一个甚么样的人, 会为甚么样的事情而奋斗, 究竟你是一个为事业而狂热的人呢, 还是一个为家庭或者别的什么而热衷的人.
所以我觉得这篇写起来不需要拘泥于某一个框架之内, 你个人觉得甚么事情你真的很有Passion, 就写上去好了, 这样的发自心底所想的文章, 反而更有说服力
当然这是我自己的个人理解, 也未必正确,大家还是按照自己的实际情况和理解来写吧。
1. It doesn't have to be about your hobbies. It can be everything: career ambition, hobby/interests (e.g., math, sports, history, etc.), a certain type of lifestyle (contributing to the society, travelling around the world, etc.), a certain place (how about
2. Please keep in mind that it is NOT about the topic/issue that you choose to cover, it is ALL about why you choose this topic/issue, because the latter one will decide whether this essay will be a great essay (yes, you NEED to write good and even great essays to boost your chance to get admitted)
Furthermore, WHY you choose this topic/issue is ALL about what kind of person you are (most of the time, what we are passionate about helps DEFINE who we are, our style, and what we will become later)
3. Relax and be true to yourself. ONLY WHEN you are relaxed and be true to yourself, you won't find it neccearry to ask around "what is this essay about?". You will have your own judgement and choice.
4. DO NOT over think about how
答:I do not know your Toefl score therefore only a "general answer" can be provided.
1. I believe every school has a "bottom line" (e.g. a minimum score that they expect from an applicant), just that some school (like Havard and other) OFFICIALLY required such a minimum score (you can refer to the requirement of Havard as an example), other schools (like Columbia and so on) do not "officially" require it.
2. I suggest you take the Havard (or other top tier school) requirement as a "measurement", if your Toefl is 10 or more scores below the "required" (officially or unoffically) one, then I personally believe that the probability of the school (esp. if you are applying a top tier one) is concerned about your English skill would be rather "high".
3. But I do not think the school will "cut you off" immediately if your score fall into the "more than 10 score below the required one" area. If they like the other parts of your application (essays, backgrounds, achievements, education excellence, etc.) very much, they will still offer you an interview and try to evaluate your English skills more during the interview.
答:其中一个录取人的undergraduate gpa 2.8, master gpa 2.5。放心了吧?
问:What is the rough length for recommendation letters?
答:Any tips regarding recommendation letters?
1. I think for
2. In case your recommendor is too busy to answer the question one by one, do not panic, a recommendation letter will do too. I guess it would be good if the length is 500 to 800 words. Of course, it is even better if your recommendor wants to write more than 800 words. Make sure that he/she doesn't ONLY write some very generic "Tommy is great great great" type of recommendation.
3. Please do not focus on length, but the CONTENT. Is it a.) insightful? b.) specific (instead of generic?) and c.) provides concrete example(s) to justify his/her recommendation/evaluation?
Do not dwell too much on recommendation letter. Few recommendors could do the above three, which is definately very helpful. Most recommendors write "good one but not great one", which won't add too much score for you but won't hurt your candidacy either. Just make sure that your recommendor doesn't not write something bad about you - belive it or not, it HAPPENS every year.
问:columbia的background check都查那些啊?我一共有4份工作,最开始的两份是小公司,真担心里面的人早就不认识我了了,这么多年了。。。
这个问题暂时不用担心吧,等到拿到offer之后再着急也不迟,反正很多学校都要check background,都一样要deal with it
问:columbia每年的essay题目是不是都不一样?我很想知道去年的essay题目是什么(也就是说class of 2009的各位校友当初申请时遇到的essay问题。不是early decision那轮的,是normal的那种),以便和今年做比较。但是搜了很久也没有找到。能给个链接吗?
1. What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will
o For January-entering Applicants: please also address how the accelerated MBA at
o For Dual Degree Applicants: Please indicate the Dual Degree programs and schools to which you applied or intend to apply. Please discuss how the Dual Degree will enhance your short-term or long-term goals, and at which school you intend to begin your studies.
2. Leading in the global economy requires enabling high performance from a diverse set of employees, colleagues and partners. Tell us about a manager you’ve observed who enabled or inspired others to do their best work and analyze how this manager did it. (Recommended 500 word limit)
3. In discussing
4. Please select and answer one of the following essay questions: (Recommended 250 word limit)
Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.
If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do?
1. (Optional) Is there any further information that you wish to provide to the Admissions Committee? Please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history.
第一楼 学校简介
第二楼 专业介绍
第三楼 关于申请人(一)
第四楼 关于申请人(二)
第五楼 面试(一)
第六楼 面试(二)
第七楼 录取
第八楼 奖学金
第九楼 生活
第十楼 就业
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