awa. aa 一个报纸给自己的广告space 做广告。论据是一个survy, 2/3(还是多少)的买做过广告的杂货的人听说过这个广告,而且这些买的东西还挺多,超过一百块好像
ai 项目管理中把复杂的项目分解成小的component易于实施
math 1) 2~100中 有多少个除了1以外没有其他奇数因子的数 居然做错了,好像题目说2不包含的,确认过后就后悔了,后面几题都郁闷
2)Kate 走路走了1小时10分钟,骑车骑了1小时36分钟,if she had been save 2 minutes in both hiking and riding, the total speed would be 15 miles/h, 问这段路程 a) b) c)40.4 d)40.5 e) 41(not sure) 一开始没有看清题目中的那句话,倒是想了好一会儿
3)一群人,women 70%, 问avergae age 是否大于45 1> man 的平均年龄是40 2> women的平均年龄65 差点做错
SC. As an Aferican artist, xxx isn't xxx of American visual art ___ the Amlies(not sure), avoiding racial...... 1) as much as their 2) 3) but rather than its 4) so much as its 5) This one got me. I spent my last 5 minutes on it but still no idea untill time expired