标题: [转帖]7/5 Chengdu Q51 V41, few jj [打印本页] 作者: smart 时间: 2007-7-8 00:22 标题: [转帖]7/5 Chengdu Q51 V41, few jj
AA: 是这月没出现过的。 The following appeared as part of an article in a computer magazine. “A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that they could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.”
AI:旧 “Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.”
22。A1=64, A2=66, A3=67, An=A(n-3)+8, 以下哪个数属于该数列: A. 723 B. 885 C. 805 D. 796 E. 1025 选A,723=8*82+67
23。x y z x+y 除5余1 y+z 除5余2 z+x 除5余3 求x+y+z除5余几 找数字算,x=1,y=0,z=2 or x=6,y=5,z=7....余数是3
1.Deregulation in the brokerage service 4段,大概一屏半多点。但是很简单,一读就懂.
第一段说deregulation ,先是说70年代的时候颁了个什么法deregulate了经纪商行业,出现了新类别的经纪商——discount brokery, 来和原来的full service brokery竞争。 第二段说本来实施前以为deregulation会带来的现象. full-service firm will unbundle their service and charge what had been free. (有题,本来预期的是什么) 说许多经济学家预测如果deregulation了,brokerage公司会怎么样?客户们会怎么样?(有题)列举了几条,比如full service可以对原先免费提供的服务收费,提供有竞争力的commision," 第三段说deregulation初期的现象. full-service firm 还像原来一样,没提供新的服务. 但是出现了很多discount firm 给低价. 第四段说后来就和预期一样了.full-service firm提供越来越多的服务,并且注重发展大客户. discount firm也越做越大. 这样消费者就有了低价和多种类的服务."
题目: 1.说deregulation最初几年后,brokerage公司会怎么样?客户们会怎么样?和第2段的预测做对比,总之deregulation就是好,打折多了,佣金少了,服务范围也广了(有题)主要就是第2段的预测和第4段的现实做对比,狂考2段对比的细节 2. 提出了一个建议,很多人说建议可能带来一个后果,即commission减少什么的,题都出在第2段,但是这个建议并没有产生这个后果,然后说了这个建议实施后2年内怎么样,再说了从长远来看这个建议会怎么样 3. 第三、四段是说事实与估计的区别(有道题就是问文章的行文方式的),说事实上经过几年的时间後discount开始分化,有的开始在其他city设立网点,而full service 也发生了分化,两者之间的界限变得模糊了。
2.大意:Automobile company 一共就一段
主要是讲:汽车行业现在同质化趋势很严重,要增加销量吸引顾客,拼得就是服务。然后作者引用了一个survey(后面考为什么要说这个survey)说是对服务三分之一的满意度依赖于车出了问题一次就能修得好,再次的返修率低。然后就说了只有全部行业中只有10%顶尖的公司(best in class)(这些顶尖公司,后面有考一道high light的题目)能做到这点,而其他的那些公司就不怎样了。后面似乎是解释了3个原因,(又记的有点混乱了,后面大家谨慎参考)说了那些不怎么样的公司不肯让修理工参加培训,因为影响利润,还说了这些公司的修理师往往又是干了几种类型的工作,提供的修理的质量不行。 大意是说汽车商现在把重点放在吸引回头客上,提高客户的loyalty,然后举了一个关于客户服务满意度的调查(有一题是问这个调查的作用),说客户的满意度主要来源于服务,特别是第一次维修的质量。比较了“best in class” performance和其他普通的维修。接下来是说传统的维修方式有什么缺点,比如重数量不重质量,花了很多精力和成本去做training,占用了提高设备和技术的资金
1.Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour. Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers. Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____.
D overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech
记得有一道的结构是 A. 某人的某精神was manifest in her involvement in游行,立法等。 B。某人的某精神manifested her involvement with游行,立法等。
想了半天,选的B的结构,manifest作为主动动词时表示“表明,证明”,形容词表示“显然的,明白的”。而且似乎有involve with something的用法。不是很确定。