AA11. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper. “In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”
AI107. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”
MATH Math 我打从心底没想过要考51. 50 or 49 will be enough. JJ也看了大概200题就看不下去了… 引用: 182. PS:记得最清楚的一道:文字很长,有图,说叁个滑轮组成一个滑轮组,一根皮带逆时针旋转,上面两个大滑轮半径分别为4和6,下面小滑轮半径为2,上面两 个大滑轮刻度平均分为0,1,2,3四格,问下面小滑轮转1.5圈时,上面两个滑轮刻度数字的和是多少?(算出小滑轮1.5圈的周长,再根据比例原则用这 个长度和两个大圆周长的比计算出刻度显示数字,相加即可。) 答案:5
引用: 217. PS: 0<2x+y<50 且-50<x+2y<0, 问可以推出什么: I. x>0; II y>0; III. x>y 我选了I和III
引用: 251. is the perimeter of a triangle>1? 1)两条高<1/3 2)一条高>1/2 B-my choice
DS. Is it true: |x| - |y| = | |x| - |y| | 1) x > y 2) x < 0 and y < 0
我的第一题, 差点栽掉了… PS. The product of three consecutive numbers is divisible by which of the following? I. 2 II. 3 III. 4 Ans: I & II
很後面的一题: PS. X=?  revious Year Growth Revenue a 25% Cost I b 20% Cost II c -20% 0.1 x
VERBAL RC 看了一小时JJ (我觉得rc看JJ是有技巧的, 等一下再和大家分享这技巧),
RC1: GWD: Many politicians, business leaders, scholars discount the role of policy and emphasize the role of the labor market when explaining employers’ maternity-leave policies, arguing that prior to the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, employers were already providing maternity leave in response to the increase in the number of women workers. Employers did create maternity-leave programs in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but not as a purely voluntary response in the absence of any government mandate. In 1972, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that employers who allowed leaves for disabling medical conditions must also allow them for maternity and that to do so would constitute sex under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As early as 1973, a survey found that 58 percent of large employers had responded with new maternity-leave policies. Because the 1972 EEOC ruling was contested in court, the ruling won press attention that popularized maternity-leave policies. Yet perhaps because the Supreme Court later struck down the ruling, politicians and scholars failed to recognize its effects, assuming that employers adopted maternity-leave policies in response to the growing feminization of the workforce.
RC2: 原始人 O 引用: 第一段:SUGU地区有一群原始人O(全是生词,也不知道是猿猴还是原始人还是什么),他们使用制造各种工具,例如,XX,树皮那么厚都被他们拿来做工具了。SUGU地区以外的原始人,造工具没有这么厉害。 第二段:这两伙人在基因上没有什么区别,所以不能说SUGU区的原始人O因为基因好,所以会做工具。又说着两伙人生活的自然环境也没有什么区别,所以也不能说因为果子多,锻炼的O们做出工具来。好像又说了个什么原因,被排除掉(对不起,忘记了)。 第叁段:猜测O人中有一些聪明的人发明了工具,其他人通过观察模仿也学会了同样的技能。O人的population density很高,他们很social,所以相互之间可以模仿。而河岸对面的另一群人,因为人少,不能总接触,而且河也阻挡了他们向O人学习制造工具。 。第一段讲一种动物o开头的(十分聪明),说他们会 use tools吃一种植物的seed(大概是有壳的,所以很麻烦),这一段生词很多,但是没有考点。莫害怕,继续读。 第 二段,说他们会使用工具的这种本领,不是基因遗传的,因为同种的动物o 就不会啊 ,balbala说了一些原因。这里面提到了一个词,我记得是capacity,就在相对比的o后面修饰他。考了这个对比的作用——当时定位花了我一些时 间。 继续排除可能性说也不是环境因素造成的怎么怎么样的,balabala什么原因(ms说同环境的别的动物也不会)。此处有考点问这段作用——(rule out other explanation )这个我确定。 第叁段,讲了真正的原因,是因为这些动物o很聪明,自己研究出来的工具的使用方法。这种技能的传播是因为在这个地区population density 很多,他们更加social——此处有考点。问skill spread 的原因。
RC3: 哇, 这篇很难搞… 很长, 转折点一堆, 看得我眼睛都掉出来了… P1. The passage talks about the role of women in 18 century (?): Guardian (妇女总是dependent of their fathers or husbands for their financial status or legal rights) vs. Patriarchy (父权制). 然後解释Guardian is different from Patriarchy. 接著一个 scholar 跑出来说什麽18 century (?) 的妇女是 primarily live in guardian system. 然後一堆狗屁不通的理由 (直觉不会考, 跳读).
P2. 作者反对那scholar 的说法. 然後举了一堆很有力的证据. 1. 那scholar 的 documentation is very insufficient. 2. 那 scholar ignores other contemporary 女权作家的作品. 3.女权作家说那 scholar 举的 evidence根本没多大的effect (有题). 4…忘了其他的了…
P3. (有考这段对整passage的作用) 作者举了更多例子, and conclude that Guardian and Patriarchy are two different systems. Although patriarchy is popular at that time, there is no proof for the guardian system.