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标题: [原创]2004年1月数学机经总结 [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2004-3-8 14:36     标题: [原创]2004年1月数学机经总结

1.DS:if m/n=7/15, mn=?
A)m,n都为正整数 B)m,n 的最大公约数为3 2.ds: Y>0?
我选 C 3.集合S为8个连续整数集合,集合T是S中每个整数加4以后,以及S中的每个整数减4以后的整数集合。问T比S多多少个整数?
1)4 2)8 3)2
选: 2) 8 4. 3男3女中选4个人,问4个人中男女相等的概率?
答案: 3/5 5. 1/(9-4*根号5)
答案: 9+4*根号5 6. A1=2, A2=5, An=A(n-1)-A(n-2), n>=1,问该数列的前100项的和? 7.条件:
1) X和Y两个机器可以用来生产产品,同样生产W的产品,X要比Y多花2小时
2) X和Y两个机器一起生产3小时的话,可以生产出三分之四W(4W/3)的产品
8.一个调查,人数是60,对三种冰淇淋----v,s,c的偏好,其中3/5的人将v排在最后,2/15的人将v排在c前面, 3/10的人将v排在s前面, 问将v排在最前面的人数。
答案:2人 9.3150与一个整数y相乘后是一个数的平方,问y最小为几?
A. 2 B.3 C.4 D.7 E.14
答案为14 10.x^2+bx+c=0,哪个条件使根为正?
我觉得答案为E 11.DS x+y>0么?
我的答案为C 12.一个跑步的速度为10mile/hour,一个走路的速度为6mile/hour,两人同方向前进,当跑步的pass走路的10分钟后经过一个东东,问走路的那个比跑步的多用多少分钟才能经过那个东东。 13.1995年w公司中x产品占50%,1996年x产品比1995年增加了30%,而其他产品不变,问1996年x产品占w公司的份额。 14.5个产品中有2个坏的,问从中取两个都是好的概率?
答案:3/10 15.7^548除以10的余数(7) 16.一个三角形(有图),一个角为60度,另一个角为45度,其中45度对的那条边为10,问60度对的那边是多少?(居然考正余弦,faint!) 17.y=根号下(9-x),x,y都为正整数,问x,y各为多少?
我选D 18.某人存了笔钱x,每个月末这笔钱增加d,问5个月后总额是否大于20?
答案为B 19.有個圓形內有兩條弦互相平行,且長度相等,求圓形內的這兩條弦所圍成的面積是多少?弦的長度是根號2,這兩條弦的中點連成一條線,長度也是根號2。 20. 一個書店賣新書和二手書。新書一本賣13元,舊書一本賣5元,有一個學生共買了67元。書店賣一本新書的利潤是成本的30%,舊書的利潤是100%,求書店賣給這個學生賺得的利潤是多少? 21.s, r, t, u are integers. which one has the same standard deviation as s, r, t, u ?
(a) |s|, |r|, |t|, |u|
(b) s+1, r+1, t+1, u+1
(c) 2s+s, 2r+2, 2t+2, 2u+2
(d) s^2+4, r^2+4, t^+4, u^2+4 我选B 22. 一台車平均時速80,問是否第一小時時速 > 90 ?
A. 第一個小時後 時速 < 70
B. 一共開了兩小時 23.一个正方形,边长为4,P,Q为对边上两点,问PQ的长度范围:
应该是4 24. 3男3女中选4个人,问4个人中男女相等的概率? 25. 求所有城市市民的年龄平均数:(DS)
* 每个城市的市民的年龄平均数:
*每个城市的市民人数; 我选c 26.音乐会,6个曲目,其中3个必须连续但不限顺序,求总共排法? 270.999999/1.00001—0.999991/1.00003 思路:(a^2-b^2)=(a-b)(a+b) 28.x^2+bx+c=0,哪个条件使根为正?
我觉得答案为B 29.DS x+y>0么?
我选C 30. wxyz<0, w,x,y,z 是在x轴上从左到右排列的4个点,问下面那个比对对( wx>0, xy>0, anw xy>0) 31.三角形 KLM 在第一象限 ,LM在x轴上(L左M右)问面积
b: M(12,0)
我选E 32.买第1-5本书8元/本,买第6--10本7元/本,买10本以后6元/本, 摩人买两次,第一次共花32元,第二次化61元,问如果他一次就买所有的书,花多少钱? 答案:87 a group, 50%male and 40%female older than 35岁, 42%的人in this group older than 35, 问female 占总人数的 percentage. 34.(1.00001*0.99999)-(1.00002*0.99998)=? (my 10^-10,你们再算一下对不对) 35.(870)^n , 问千位数=0? 1.:n<6 2.:n>3 我选B
36.圆里有两条平行等长的旋,长2根号2,两旋之间距离2根号2(通过圆心的,有图), 问两旋围城的面积。 37.1到24的连续乘积,10得n次方是他的因子,n可能的最大值是多少。
答案:4 38.红黑两种书在架上, 红X本, 黑Y本, 抽两本书, 没有红的可能性?
A: X:Y=1:2
B: 共多少本
选 C. 39.A 单独做 X 比 B 多 2 Hours, A, B together, can finish 4/5 X in Y hours, A 单独做 2X, how long? 40.问y=ax+b的斜率是否大于2?
我选A 41.几何题:一个园,被两条平行线分割,两条线距离是2根号2,它们被园所截的长也是2根号2,求它们截园的那个阴影面积。
答案:4+2pai 42.81的x次方=1/27的y次方,问y,x的表达式
答案:y=-4/3x 43.坐标中两点 (-1,3)(2,-1)为一SQUARE 的对角线的两个终点, 求此随SQUARE 的周长。 44.ONE PERSON WORK IN 2 WEEKS, A and B week. 已知如果 一星期工作40个小时, 工资为10¥PER HOUR, IF 加班的话,加班工资为15。另外,知道此人在A星期没有干满40小时,而在B星期有加班。 问 在B星期收入多少?
(1)在 B工作的时间比A的时间多20 小时,在B星期赚的钱比A多250¥
(2) 在 B 工作的时间是A的 11/6, 赚的钱是A的几分之几's speed is 10 mile/ hour, walker's speed is 6 mile/hour, after the car passed the walker 10 minutes, the car reach a fountain, ask after car passed the fountain, how long the walker takes to reach the fountain in minute? 46.一个人买东西,他将每样东西的价格都四舍五入到 1¥,(注意此处的英文表达,容易理解错) near around 1 $, 我理解的就是价格都为整数, 问此人花的钱是否在10¥以内?
(1) 买的items的60%的价格总和 WITHIN 5 ¥
(2) 共买了15 个 ITEMS
我选E。 47.一个数可以表达为 2^n 5^n, n is positive integer, 此数是1x2x3....x24 的因子,问n 的最大值?
答案: 4 48.一长方形内接两个全等菱形,已知长方形周长18根号2,求菱形周长。 49.DS: m,n 为两整数,m divided by 5 后,余 r , n divided by 5 后余 s. 问s=r?
1) m-n is even
2) m+n is odd. 50.给出一个柱形图,横坐标是六至十二月的平均每日用电量。 纵坐标是千瓦。 每月头600度电每度$0。14,超过的每度$0。11。 求八月的cost. 51.DS, 不放回抽样,共有English and Spanish 良种,抽两本,问抽得at least one english book的概率。
1)english 与spanish 的比是1:3
2)书的总数少于20本 52.Some guy has 6 albums of anthology from which he read one poem at least. All peoms in the albums are different. Did he read more than 6 poems from at least one of the album?
a) he has read 22 poems in total.
b) the numbers of poems he read from each album are all distinct.
答案: C 53. k, l, m are positive integers, does k has more prime factors than m
a) k = 30l
b) m = 10^k
选 C 54.sqrt{2sqrt(63) + 2/[8 + 3sqrt(7)]}
答案: 4 55.two right cylinders, A and B. radius of A is 2 times radius of B. height of A is half the height of B. If B's radius is x and B's height is y. What is the difference between surface area of A and that of B.
A's suface 2*pi*(2x)^2*(y/2) + pi*2*(2x)*(y/2)
B's surface 2*pi*x^2*y + pi*2xy
Difference = A's - B's 56.三角形, 有图, 一底角60度,另一底角45度角, 45度角所队边长10,求60度角所队边长为多少.
答案: 5根号6 57.某人去商店买东西,1/2买了a, 1/3 for b, 1/10 for c, and the rest $6 for candy. ask the total.
答案: 90 58.five letters d, i, i, g, t,排列组合,且两个i不相邻,求有多少种做法。
我的答案:36 59.坐标系中,有八个点,(4,5) (5,4); (-4,5)(-5,4);(4,-5)(5,-4); (-4,-5)(this one is not sure); (0,-6)
问从这八个点中任取一个点,x+2y>0的概率是多少? 答案有1/8,1/4,etc 60.速度50miles per hour, if traveled 700feet, ask how many seconds used. 1mile=5280feet 61.81^x=1/(27^y), ask y in terms of x.
答案: y=-4x/3 62.有一块地长15FEET,宽10FEET,用6INCH的SQUARE来铺,最少用多少块?(1FEET = 12 INCH) --》
我的答案是600 63.N>K?
(1) N < 5K - 30
(2) K<30
我选E 64.有12个数字,不是偶数,就是可以让5整除,其中又5个可以让2整除,由8个可以让5整除,问多少个可以被10整除? 65.what is the sum of a certain pair if consecutive odd integers?
(1) at least one of the integers is negative
(2) at least one of the integers is positive
答案: c 66.if y is the smallest positive integer such that 3150 multiplied by y is the square of an integer, then y must be:
a.2 b. 3 c.7 d. 4 e. 14
答案: e.14 67.the surface of a certain planet reflects 80 percent of the light that strike it. the clouds around the planet then absorb 40 percent of the reflected light. what percent of the light that strikes the planet is reflected from the surface and passes trough the clouds without being absorbed?
答案: 40% 68.if x>1 and y>1, is x
(1) x^2/(xy+x)<1
(2) xy/(y^2-y)<1
选 e a meeting of 3 representatives from each of 6 different companies, each person shook hands with every person not from his or her own company . if the representatives did not shake hands with people from their own company, how many handshakes take place?
答案:135 70.from a group of 3 boys and 3 girls, 4 children are to be randomly selected. what is the probability that equal numbers of boys and girls will be selected?
答案: 3/5 71.the first roll of a cinema has 16 seats, the roll immediately after the first roll has 2 more seats than the first roll. every roll has two more seats than the roll immediately in front of it. the last roll of has 64 seats. how many seats does this cinema have?
答案: 1000 the parallelogram shown, pq=4, qr=6,angleqps is 30 degree, what is the area of pqrs?
q ______________r
/l /
/ l /
p /__ l__________/s
73.a scientist recorded the number of eggs in each of the 10 birds' nests, what was the standard devition of the numbers of eggs in the 10 nests?
(1) the averge (arithmetic mean) number of eggs for the 10 nests was 4
(2) each of the 10 nests contained the same number
选 b 74.the base of a retangular solid tank is a square, the length of each side of the square is 4 meters, the altitude of the tank is 6, if there is 16 cube meters water in the tank, what is the rate of the volume of water in the tank to the volume of the retangular solid tank?
答案: 1/6 75. is n more than m?
a. n is more than 2m-1
b. m is more than 1 76. ask what is the unit digit of n?
a. n is divided by 5, reminant is 3
b. n divided by 4, no reminant 77.some money deposit to bank, ask for the simple interest rate
a. each $70 , get $2.10 interest.
b. each $20 , get $0.66 interest 78.$20.000 deposit into bank, compand quarterly, ask for this compand interest.
a.the intrest in 2nd quarter is 1.1 times more than the first quarter.
b. the intrest in 2nd quarter is 2 dollars more than the first quarter. 79. ask s is more than 2/3?(old jj)
a.a+b is more than 14
b. a+c is more than 15 80. six musicians put into order, 3 of them have to be put together(their order does not matter), ask how many ways? 81.a1=3, a2=5, a(n+1)=an-a(n-1), ask s100=?(old jj) wines, first 5 bottle $8each bottle, from 6 to 10(inclusive) $7each, more than 10 is $12 each. buy seperate $32 and $61, ask if buy together how much need to pay.(old jj) 83. 1/(9- 4xsqurt5) old jj 84. x is more than 3 but less than 100, ask how many prime squres are in 3/x.
( 9 and 25 only) 85.two identical square in one rectangular, the perimeter of rectangular is 18xsqurt2, ask the perimeter of each square(old jj, but old jj but rhombus instead of identical square) 86. 3男3女中选4个人,问4个人中男女相等的概率?
答案:3/5 87.音乐会,6个曲目,其中3个必须连续但不限顺序,求总共排法? 88.买第1-5本书8元/本,买第6--10本7元/本,买10本以后6元/本, 摩人买两次,第一次共花32元,第二次化61元,问如果他一次就买所有的书,花多少钱?
答案:87 89. A1=3, A2=5, An=An-1 – An-2 , pls add A1, A2 to A100,ask the result
答案: 7 90.一个长方形长150米, 宽100米, 问用0。5米 边长的正方形, 来覆盖, 要用多少? 91.(数据可能不准)
我的答案:C 92.PS比较大小
R=-根号下(0.0025), S=-根号下(1/1600), T=-[根号下(0.04)]/2
我的答案:T 93. One ball will drop from a certain height. The height it will reach after rebounding from the floor is 75 percent of the previous height. The total travel is 2146cm when it touchs the floor on third time. Ask for the original height?
答案: c 94.Jan's 160. change 4w/3 to 5w/4.
答案: D, 12 95.DS, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 12 less than the sum of four consecutive even numbers, ask for the least among the odd numbers?
a) the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 48.
b) the sum of four consecutive even numbers is 60.
我选 D. 96. 3x + 7y = 9, ask for ratio?
my answer: -3/7 97. pick up 2 from 12 items, the order does not matter, How many
selections are there?
参考答案: C(2, 12) = 66. 98. sb A finishes the first 10 miles with speed of 40miles/hr, and the rest of 20 miles with speed of 60miles/hr, ask average speed?
参考答案: 51.4 99. DS. two kinds of balls in a box, A and B, pick two balls from the box,
ask the probability that at least one A ball is picked?
a) A:B=3:1
b) the total balls in the box is less than 20.
我选 e 100. which of following satisfy f(ab)=f(a)f(b)?
参考答案: f(x)=Sqr(x) 101. x?
我选e 102.ds,一个圆内有两条相交直径ab,cd,圆心为o,另外有一条op垂直于其中一条直径ab,问角aod,
2)角doc=x 103.一个城镇中60%的人是xx,40%的人听电台的某个节目,这个城市总共有4500个人听这种电台节目,其中有1500个人不是xx,问这个城市中既是xx,又听电台的probability
答案是3/10 104.一个农民准备种西红柿,成本是0。75每单位,还有胡椒,成本0。60每单位,每单位西红柿占地面积xx,每单位胡椒占地面积xx,然后告诉总的成本,和总的占地面积,求西红柿一共有多少单位。 105。ps一道类似jj的题目1/17+1/23+1/29=?
答案选i,iii 106.ds两个连续正整数集合s和r,whether the greatest in s is greater than the greatest in r?
1)s includes 8 elemets which are odd and less than 20
2)r includes 6 elements which are even and less than 17
我选e 107.五个数,x,11,63,40,18,他们的median是18,问the greatest mean?
参考答案:30 108.一个圆柱体半径是x,高是y,另一个圆柱体半径是a,高是b,求两个圆柱体的体积差。数字忘了 109.一块地,长12feet,宽8feet, 用一些砖来铺,每块砖由16块兰色或白色的小砖组成,(有图,其中是4块兰,12块白),每块砖是16inch *16inch,大砖不能分割,求铺这块地一共要多少兰色小砖? 110.DS:先告诉你投资的现值公式 P=X/(1.1^y), 意思是y year 后的X元 相当于现在的P元。 然后说两个项目, project A: X1, y1, Project B :X2, y 2, 问你PA-Pb=?
1) X1-X2= 某个数
我选 E 111. DS : 绝对值(Y-x)>绝对值(x-z)?
1) 绝对值y>绝对值z
我选 E X generate 3 times as many as watthous as city y does. But each city generates the same amount of eletricity from nuclear plant. 还是用中文吧。 下面说city x 来自核电厂的电占全部发电量的 K percent. 问 city y的相应的百分比 113. if x>1 and y>1, is x
(1) x^2/(xy+x)<1
(2) xy/(y^2-y)<1
我选 e 114. in a meeting of 3 representatives from each of 6 different companies, each person shook hands with every person not from his or her own company . if the representatives did not shake hands with people from their own company, how many handshakes take place?
参考答案:135 115.from a group of 3 boys and 3 girls, 4 children are to be randomly selected. what is the probability that equal numbers of boys and girls will be selected?
参考答案: 3/5 116.the first roll of a cinema has 16 seats, the roll immediately after the first roll has 2 more seats than the first roll. every roll has two more seats than the roll immediately in front of it. the last roll of has 64 seats. how many seats does this cinema have?
参考答案: 1000 117. in the parallelogram shown, pq=4, qr=6,angleqps is 30 degree, what is the area of pqrs?
q ______________r
/l /
/ l /
p /__l____________/s (图形可能会变形,那三个1是我想画的平行四边行的高,请大家将就一下吧) 118. a scientist recorded the number of eggs in each of the 10 birds' nests, what was the standard devition of the numbers of eggs in the 10 nests?
(1) the averge (arithmetic mean) number of eggs for the 10 nests was 4
(2) each of the 10 nests contained the same number
选 b 119. the base of a retangular solid tank is a square, the length of each side of the square is 4 meters, the altitude of the tank is 6, if there is 16 cube meters water in the tank, what is the rate of the volume of water in the tank to the volume of the retangular solid tank?
参考答案: 1/6 120.ds一连续整数数列,问有多少个偶数
我选b 121.长方形中正好有两个旋转45度的中方型,长方形的周长是18倍跟号2,问the perimeter of each of the squares.
周长应该是12 122.ds给了一个数轴,标了两点0,1,说u,v是上面的两点,问 v-u>0
1)v is to the right of u 2)v and u 在0两边 123.给了个表,一面是the days of drought,另一面是frequency,问average days of drought?
答案:20天 124.average speed of a car is 80, is the speed of the first hour >90?
1) 第一个小时后speed <70
2) 一共开了more than 2 hours 125. 音乐会,6个节目,其中3个必须在一起但不嫌顺序,多少种排法?
里面没有24的选项,说不现顺序是指这3个也的排. 126. 买酒,1-5平8元/瓶,6-10,7元/瓶,11后6/瓶,某人买两次,花了32元,61元,问若一次买多少钱
答案87 127. ps:│2x + 3│> 0 ,求 expression of x? 大家別上當喔! 千萬不要選 │x│> 3/2,答案應該是 x 不等於 -3/2。 128. ps: farmer種菜,tomato種子一株賣 0.75元,pepper一株賣0.60元,有 116 面積可供耕種,tomato每株佔地 4,pepper每株佔地 1 ,求pepper種幾株? 129. ds: 問有一直線的slope是否等於 0
i. x-intercept 是0
ii. y-intercept 是0
我選 (e) 130. ds: 有兩數列 s 和 t,s之中的數都小於20,t之中的數都小於18,s的最大數 > t的最大數? (這題我記不太清楚了)
i. s 有8個數,為連續odd numbers
ii. t 有 6 個數,為連續 even numbers 131.[机井题]一个半径为2的园, 圆心在原点. 一条直线和园相切在点(负根号2, 根号2), 问这条直线的斜率. 我选1 132. 一个球, 从一定的高度落到地上又弹回, 每次都弹回到落地前高度的3/4, 如果球第三次碰到地面时已经travel了2146 cm, 问最开始球的大约高度, 我算出来是592厘米,但答案给出来的是500, 600, 700, 800(记得不是很清), 所以我选的是600 133. 一个人, 开了个储蓄账号, 存了$20,000, 年利息固定, compounded quarterly, 求第一季度之后有多少利息
我选了d 134. 一个晚会上, 有男孩女孩各一半, 问5岁以下的女孩占总人数的百分比
我选c 135. [机经], 一人工作一周共30个小时,其中x小时是每小时8元,余下的y小时每小时12元,求以下哪个工资是可能值。
答案是280 136. [机经], ds, 不放回抽样,共有english and spanish 良种,抽两本,问抽得at least one english book的概率。
1)english 与spanish 的比是1:3
2)书的总数少于20本 137. 一月份的营业额是一个数, 二月份比一月份增长了20%, 三月份比二月份减少了14%, 三月份的营业额是1.2 million, 问一月份的营业额是多少million 138. 一个缸, 可以装600加仑的水, 如果缸里已经有75加仑的水, 以每分钟3.5加仑(注意, 是分钟!)的速度灌水, 1.2小时(这个数字记得不是很确切)之后水缸里的水占总容量的百分之多少? 139. (x+y)的平方 > x的平方 + y的平方, 问那个值最小, (1/2)xy, xy, 2xy, x的平方 + y的平方, (x+y)的平方
我选 2xy 140. 一副矩形的壁画, 长为a, 宽为b, 一个人对这副画的大小进行估计, 误差在0.25(数字不确定)以内, 问能否确定他估计的面积和实际面积的差
这道题记忆和实际可能有出入 141. x>0, 问那个方程式满足f(ab)=f(a)f(b), 我选的是f(x)=根号x, 还有的选项是f(x)=3x, f(x)=x+1, etc 142. x>1, x>y?
还有一个只有y或者x的方程式 143.7^548, divided by 10, what is reminder (my ans 1) 144.(1.00001*0.99999)-(1.00002*0.99998)=? (3*10^10) 145.一个园,被两条平行线分割,两条线距离是2根号2,它们被园所截的长也是2根号2,求它们截园的那个阴影面积。
答案:4+2pai 146.一个人买东西,他将每样东西的价格都四舍五入到 1¥,(注意此处的英文表达,容易理解错) near around 1$, 我理解的就是价格都为整数, 问此人花的钱是否在6¥以内?
(2) 共买了11 个 ITEMS
此题我选b。 147.x^2+bx+c=0, 两根乘积为正?
我觉得答案为b 148.矩形的长是宽的两倍2,面积为1458。求宽?27 149.有兩座城市X, Y 都用發電廠的发電. X城的耗電為Y的3倍, 但兩城市的发電量一樣多, 問若X城市的发電量為用电量的K percent, 那麼Y城市的发电量为用電量percent?
5)3K 150.679*((10^6 - 10^4)/10^5) 的百位是什么数 151.DS: 一个旅行车,平均速度80/H,问第一小时的速度大于90/H?
(1) 一小时后的速度小于70/H
(2) 总时间大于2小时 152.DS:一个集合,所有数是连续整数,问其中偶数的个数是偶数吗?
(2)集合里一共有68个数 153. DS 有一平行四邊形 四個角ABCD, 四邊全等, 問是否可以知道對角線BD長為多少?
2)AC對角線長度為2 154. the base of a retangular solid tank is a square, the length of each side of the square is 4 meters, the altitude of the tank is 6, if there is 16 cube meters water in the tank, what is the rate of the volume of water in the tank to the volume of the retangular solid tank? 155.from a group of 3 boys and 3 girls, 4 children are to be randomly selected. what is the probability that equal numbers of boys and girls will be selected? 156.2^10除以10的余数 157.问中数大于平均数吗?
a.中数是总数的十分之一   b. 总共有九个数
我选c 158.问k是几?
我选e 159.x满足x的绝对值小于1, (x-3)的绝对值小于1,以下哪个是x可能的值?
a-0.5  b1.5   c3  d3.5   160.x/y=1吗?
a. x^2=y^2
b. xy>0 161.y的横纵坐标都为负数吗?
b.直线在x轴上的截距为一负数,在y轴上的截距也为一正数 162.一个正方形,从左下角a走到右上角d有几种走法.正方形先是被分割成九个面积相等的小正方形,三行三列,第二行第二列的小正方形中间有一条水平的直线,第一行第三列的正方形中有条垂直的直线,从a到d的这条直线于与中间的小正方形的交点为b和d.要路过b,d的走法共有多少种? 163.SENIOR 和CHEMISTRY相交,仅仅是SENIOR的部分是20, 仅仅是CHEMISTRY的部分是16,告诉你CHEMISTRY一共有20, 问SENIOR中是CHEMISTRY的比例占多少?
答案:百分之16又三分之二 164.某商店卖白T恤和红T恤, 都有中号和大号的那题,……问中号的一共买了多少件。JJ里好象有的,(题目很长,什么白色大号,红色中号的……但边读边列出方程后就很简单 注意不要看错题目咯) 165.补充一下发电厂的那题, 说CITY X 的发电总量是 CITY Y的3倍, 其中,两个城市通过核能发电的量相同。 CITY X的发电总量里,核能发电占了K PERSENT, 问CITY Y的核能发电占其总发电量的多少?
答案:3K 166.那道纯粹的计算题,:50 mile/hour, 问700 feet的路要开多少秒
答案:9。5 167.DS:某人在某年投资, 按单利计算利息,问其利率是多少?
答案:B 168.一块平地:长6 INCH, 宽4INCH, 有小砖长14FEET, 宽12 FEET,问最多能铺多少(1 INCH=12 FEET)简单算一下吧
7:OLD JJ:坐标中两点 (-1,3)(2,-1)为一SQUARE 的对角线的两个终点, 求此随SQUARE 的周长。
答案:10倍根号2 169.#定义为:A#B=A/B-B/A 下面哪个一定成立?
2)3)正确 170.DS:问点P的坐标,XY值是否都为负?
2)P所在直线与X交于-4, 与Y交于3
2)每股Y的价格是X的多少倍(具体数字记不得了) 172.直线Y=X,下面哪个直线与它垂直 :选Y=-X 173.R镇和T镇距离419MILE,两个MOTORISTS分别从两个镇出发,相向而行,从R镇出发的人40MILE/HOUR,从T出发的人55MILE/HOUR,问到相遇的时候距离R镇多远? 174.科学家做 鹅migration 实验。 总数里20%是 male。实验中有些migrate 了。 在这些 migrate 的 鹅中,30% 是male 。(数字大概如此)。求公鹅 的 迁移比率 和母鹅的迁移比率 相比是多少? (migration rate = the number of geese of a single sex migrating / the total number of geese of a single sex in a group) 175.一个三位数。百分位只能大于6,十分位必须是奇数,个位数之能是0,2,5 (这里的数字可能不准)。问能有几种可能。 176.5台机器同时工作完成某样任务要27小时。假如是3台机器同时工作的话,完成该任务要多用多少小时? 177.某商店日用品现时售价是正常价的80%。现该店打折促销,全部商品售价是正常价的70%。问打折后日用品价格比现时售价折让多少? 178.点(-1,3)和点(2,-1)是某正方形的对角线,求该正方形的面积。 179.2 的20次方除以10 的余数是多少? 180.S: 某人投资一笔钱。10,000块的投资利率是10%,其他的利率是5%。问总投资的金额。
1) 给出了总的利息。
2) 忘了。 181. 净现值那题。 NPV = x / (1.1) ^ y 182. DS: y = (9-x) ^ (1/2)
a. y>1
b. x<8 183. 有两个圆柱体,a 的半径是 b 的半径的2 倍,a 的高是 b 的高的1/2。求两院主体的面积差。 184. DS: is t dividable by 3?
a. t – r can be divided by 3
b. t + r can be divided by 3. 185.r, s, t, u为连续整数, 从小到大, 已知t^2-r^2=28, 求u^2-s^2 (32) 186. 绝对值(4-2绝对值(1-5))=? (4) 187.有10台同样功率的机器完成一样工作。4台这样的机器同时开动需27小时做完,问:若6台同时开动,会少用多少小时?(9) 188. 13679 (好像数字如此)*((10^6 - 10^4)/10^5)的百位数是多少。 189. DS: what is the value of x?
a. | x | > 1
b. | x-3| > 1 190. DS: 26 字母按照出现在此书的多少的频率进行排列。大致顺序是 E…U..L M…求 出现L 的频率是否大于25%。
a. 出现 U 的概率大于26%。
b. 出现 M 的概率大于26%。 191.A list of number a, b, c, d, e where a <= b <= c <= d <= e . The median is 40, mean is 50. What is the possible least value of e?
My answer is 65. The scenario is a=b=c=40 and d=e=65. 192 DS:确定一个三位数的十位。
(1) 三位数是9的倍数
(2) 百位是个位的9倍
思路:9的倍数,所有位数之和为9倍数 193.15个球,5个兰,其他分别是bababa,选5个全是兰的几率。
答案: 1/729 194.剧院里的座位,第一排16个,每排比上一排多2个,最后一派64个,问剧院一共多少个座位。
思路:a(n)=14+2*n,解出n=25 195.给了一列字母:
我选B 196..ds一连续整数数列,问有多少个偶数1)有32个奇数2)有64个数
我选b 197.3<x<100, x/3是一个质数的平方, 问x最多有几个不同的数
答案是3个 198.p。s。一个城镇中60%的人是xx,40%的人听电台的某个节目,这个城市总共有4500个人听这种电台节目,其中有1500个人不是xx,问这个城市中既是xx,又听电台的probability
答案是3/10 199. DS : 绝对值(Y-x)>绝对值(x-z)?
1) 绝对值y>绝对值z
我选 E

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