本机经总结最后更新于 2003年12月18日09:20,目前共有17道题
0312001,有一道题较怪,说能否确定N?, 条件是
(1) (69+N)^1/2,(94+N)^1/2 是连续整数
(2) (94+N)^1/2,(121+N)^1/2 是连续整数
[来源] 潜水代表首次发言-一点机经
[来源] 潜水代表首次发言-一点机经
0312003,X is a positive integer. 2-height of X is defined as the greatest negative integer n where 2^n is a factor of X. K and M are two positive integers. Whether 2-height of K is greater than 2-height of M?
a. K is greater than M
b. K is even times of M
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
0312004,X, Y and Z are three different prime numbers. How many factors does X*Y*Z have?[参考答案]8
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
a. XYZ>1
b. XYZ^2=1
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
a. XY>0
b. YZ>0
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
00312008,A is 25% less than B and B is 25% less than C. How much percent is A less than C?
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
00312009,A can finish one job in X hours. A does this job three times as fast as B does. If A and B work together, how many hours can they finish the job
[来源] 小红熊历险记--阳光总在风雨后 (机经篇
0312010,一公司A业务占总收入的25%,B业务占t%,C业务占余下的,B业务收入是150,000 C业务是总收入-225,000 求t=?
[来源] JJ
0312011,If X is between 4497 and 4509, which number is closest to 23/(30X)?
[来源] JJ
0312012,A right triangle is on top of a square. Square side is 100, right triangle sides are 60, 80 and 100 (common side with the square). How many bags of fertilizer to cover entire area? (1 bag covers 2000 sq. feet.)
[来源] JJ
[来源] JJ
0312014,1998 sales increases x percent from 1997, 1999 sales decreases x percent from 1998, 1999 is 9 percent less than 1997. What is X?
[来源] JJ
0312015,R=S(100)/P, in the equation, R is the real salary of a person, S is the current salary, and P is a kind of index. Whether the person K's real salary now is more than the real salary of 1967? (1)K's current salary now is 94% more than that of 1967
(2) the index of 1967 is 100 and the index of now is 182
[来源] JJ
a) -7在里面
b) 9在里面
[来源] JJ
0312017, A rectangle ABCD area is 84, point E is on line AB and AE/EB = 4/3, point F is on line DC, what is area of triangle AFE?
[来源] JJ
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-18 9:39:01编辑过]
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