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标题: [转帖]5/8广州二战 [打印本页]

作者: binbin_story    时间: 2007-5-16 11:32     标题: [转帖]5/8广州二战

710(Q:50; V:35)5/8广州二战 710(Q:50; V:35)





     1) 周一与周三分配的任务相同

     2) 周三比周四分配的任务多


303. DS

 椭圆的面积公式给出,大概是1/4*r*s*兀,如图,r是长轴s是短轴. 椭圆内接在一个长方形中(图中没有显示),椭圆面积是多少?

   i. 长方形面积=12

   ii. 长方形对角

 ANSWER:A  由长方形面积=12知道 r*s=12  则 1/4*r*s*兀=1/4*12*兀

331  50个人,每人选一门,18人选a,15人选b,10人选engineering,7人选d。   问选engineering的percentage?


346 。DS数轴上一点,问离3^3近,还是3^4近1)closer to 3^2, compared to 3^4 (2)closer to 3^2 compared to 3^5

ANSWER:是A,x<45, sufficient to judge x is closer to 3^3 (middle point 54)

381  某数是5的乘积,被4除其余数是奇数,问该数被6除于几?

 A 被8 除余3(都记不清了,应该不行)
 B 被12除于3

426 从A到B点以时速400mile/hour花了3小时,问以时速450mile/hour走同样路线,那400mile/hr比450mile/hr快多少分钟?

Answer:20 mins   根据答案3-400*3/450= 1/3小时,看似题目应该是450比400 快多少

431  S=1/2+ 1/2^2+1/2^3+….1/2^10, 问

(1)   0~1/2

(2)   1/2~1


ANSWER:  (2)    等比数列求和Sn=A1(1-Q^n)/(1-Q)


481 . DS, 有5个非零整数的算术平均数为0,负数的个人大于正数吗?

1) 负数的算术平均数为-6;



485 . 某人往800元的一帐户存取,第一星期存1块,此后每个星期比前一个星期多存1块,问50个星期后该帐户一共有多少钱?

496       定A杂志的人中有1/5定了B杂志,定B杂志的人中有1/4定了A杂志,问定B杂志的人是所有定A或者B的几分之几,应该是1/2

ANSWER:1/5A=1/4B>>B=4/5A  B杂志的人是所有定A或者B的>>4/5A/(A+B-1/5A)>>(4/5A)/(9/5A-1/5A)>>(4/5A)/8/5A)>>1/2

504 . JJ里好象有,有三3个点(-6,6)(-3,2)(2,-4)组成三角形,问面积


 ANSWER:29  (0.5×根号(116×29) )  

 515. 什么X是由 80 pounds 的A 及

     60 pounds 的 B 混合而成,  问

     A减掉多少后会使新的A/X= 75%


520. 2条线 A, B, 给一个方程式

     A: 2X–Y = 12 问


  1) B: 3X + 5Y = 10

  2) B’s slop= - 3/5

 ANSWER:  我选D, 都不平行啰!

532 从9个人中选4个人出来不用管顺序,问有多种选法


535,a>b ?    (1)a<2b    (2) (a-b)2 =1


538,n为大于0的正数,n!>2n?(1)n>3   (2) n<11

 34. PS: 两种螺丝, A: 1.5Kg, B 6Kg, 混着卖时每0.25Kg卖1.5USD,若A,B的买入成本一样,且卖出的总金额为总成本的多50%, 问A的每Kg单价。
10USD.   (设各成本为X, 2X*1.5=7.5/0.25*1.5-->X=15, 15/1.5=10USD)

39.DS: X,Y为正整数,求X,Y?
i. 3^X*5^Y=1125
ii. Y=3


52.某人有5cents的铜板, 10cents的铜板, 和25cents的铜板, 加起来是$3.2. 10cents的数量是25cents的3倍(有点忘记这个数字), 共有29个铜板. 问这人有几个5cent铜板?
ANS: 9
先说明一下, 不住美国的同学要记得以下:
5 cents = $0.05
10 cents = $0.10
25 cents = $0.25
然后列式子: 0.05X+0.1Y+0.25Z=3.2
                    X+3Z+Z=29 --> X+4Z=29 --> X=29-4Z
--> Z= 5

作者: binbin_story    时间: 2007-5-16 11:47

RC: 全是JJ,不过,最后一篇不是很熟悉。感觉不是很难。



P1:  如何有效(成本低)进行物种保护?旧观点,人多的地方物种多的地方容易灭种(由于认为的破坏)

P2: 新观点:后来发现:人少物种少的地方才容易发生灭种,生物活动范围少也容易灭种,

P3:评论:说最省钱的方法保护物种是保护人少物种少的地方,且该物种的范围小(有考题:解释highlight的Effective 的含义:成本低,省钱的方法)



a、第一段说现在越来越多的新商品是使用可变价格的定价策略,而不是像以前一样是stable prize. 可变价格策略分为两种,第一种是新产品刚面市时能定多高定多高,先赚一笔再降价.第二种是直接把价格定得低,通过长期的薄利多销把钱赚回来





a. 第一段说这个女人(Black women B)没有被传统公众认可为政治家。尽管她创立大学,当过出版编辑,参与过社会和政府组织(有题)。但是传统人认为一个成功的政治家应该有竞选,党派等等,就像“spokeman"(有题)


b. Although Mrs blah blah blah Bethusia participated in many roles that would label her as a political activist today. On top of being involved in an educational institute which later became the first school of that time. She also was in every aspect of community, social clubs, and government functions. However, since she was not officially appointed or didn’t hold any titles, political historians and politicians of that time did not view her as social reformer. Because of the traditional concept “spoke MAN”, a female did not fit into that description. As political activist should be part of an election process, with party affiliation etc. Even though she help found an institute which later became a sound University, participate …

However, with the rise of feminism and female studies into the concept of political activists, there has been a redefinition of the term ‘politicians’.

 (引用一段,对’politicians’ 的新定义

Hence nowadays, with any changes to the current regime will classify as a political act & recognize as a politician, even females that work in the local communities and volunteering services. Because females challenge the current status and brought about empowerment to the people through making them aware of the issues at hand and so bring changes to the society.

Q1 作者最不可能支持什么?含糊的“有B女和新兴女权主义者在某些观点上不一样”“B女曾经成立过政党,但现在不再了”我选了后者。因为不好定位。 (I agree)

Q2 作者和2段中的女权主义者都认为什么?我选:由于新的定义,使得为成功的政治家不用参与政府政治活动 (I agree)

Q3 B女没有干过什么?(except 题)E courts of laws

A) National clubs and organizations

B) Various editorial and prints

C) Educational institutes and resources

D) Communities and local groups

E) She is not involved in any laws (E is right)

 Q 4   spokeman 的作用。我选“说明特定政治家是如何反对作者个观点的” (I disagree, 定位spokeman,留意各选项, 应该不难)

4. Working Memory 新老观点

P1: 讲述人大脑的Working Memory的短暂记忆,是由大脑的P部位来控制,认为不同的部位控制不同的功能之类。这与Standard 的方法不一样,有什么Executive function之类(旧观点)。

P2: 后来一位研究证实了新观点的正确性,指出了旧观点的矛盾指出,Executive function之类的。说明了同的部位控制不同的功能之类。

Google 上找到一篇,不是原文,但很有帮助。

 Working memory is the process of maintaining a limited
amount of information in an active representation for a
brief period of time so that it is available for use. There-
fore, by de¢nition, working memory includes those
processes that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the
contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence
of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory
provides a framework for investigating the neural system
underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and
knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events.
Although the neural system responsible for working
memory is known to include a large number of brain
regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysio-
logical and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal
cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman-
Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also impli-
cated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory

. However, there remain questions and some
dispute about the functional organization of the human
prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.
Here we summarize the evidence for working memory-
related activity within human prefrontal cortex.We then
present evidence for domain speci¢city within frontal
cortex for object working memory as opposed to spatial
visual working memory. We also review evidence
suggesting an additional dimension of domain speci¢city
for object working memory based on whether the type of
representation is analytic or image-like. In addition, we
discuss evidence suggesting a third dimension for the
specialization of working memory function in prefrontal
cortex that distinguishes regions important for the main-
tenance of the contents held in working memory from
regions important for the manipulation of those contents.
Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas
important for working memory, both to posterior visual
processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with
long-term memory.

 Working memory is the process of maintaining a limited
amount of information in an active representation for a
brief period of time so that it is available for use. There-
fore, by de¢nition, working memory includes those
processes that enable us to hold in our `mind's eye' the
contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence
of sensory input. Thus, the study of working memory
provides a framework for investigating the neural system
underlying our awareness of stimuli, memories and
knowledge that are no longer tied to perceptual events.
Although the neural system responsible for working
memory is known to include a large number of brain
regions, there is abundant evidence from neurophysio-
logical and lesion studies in monkeys that prefrontal
cortex is a critical component (Fuster 1990; Goldman-
Rakic 1990). Recent brain-imaging studies, using
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have also impli-
cated the human prefrontal cortex in working memory

. However, there remain questions and some
dispute about the functional organization of the human
prefrontal cortex and its exact role in working memory.
Here we summarize the evidence for working memory-
related activity within human prefrontal cortex.We then
present evidence for domain speci¢city within frontal
cortex for object working memory as opposed to spatial
visual working memory. We also review evidence
suggesting an additional dimension of domain speci¢city
for object working memory based on whether the type of
representation is analytic or image-like. In addition, we
discuss evidence suggesting a third dimension for the
specialization of working memory function in prefrontal
cortex that distinguishes regions important for the main-
tenance of the contents held in working memory from
regions important for the manipulation of those contents.
Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas
important for working memory, both to posterior visual
processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with
long-term memory.



    (confirm: 因鲸鱼刚死亡几天)

2.放农药就要让消费者看不到它的存在,可是有一个农药和面粉很像,有个农民把该农药染兰就可以和面粉区分了。问完成段落。答案:该农药染兰以后也不能让消费者注意到它的存在。(confirm: 农药染兰->消费者无法看出->合格成功

3.还有一道,stock和bond, stock风险高,投资回报也高;bond风险低,回报小。财务分析家为了客户的安全起见,选择投资bond,由于投资人多了,回报也越来越低。记不太清楚。




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