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标题: [转帖]4.27 北京 700 m50 v34 [打印本页]

作者: binbin_story    时间: 2007-5-7 10:38     标题: [转帖]4.27 北京 700 m50 v34



B3. The following appeared in a memorandum from the information technology department of a major advertising firm:

“The more efficient a firm’s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm’s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers. Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm’s profit margins.”

AI                                                                                                                                                                                     81.  “No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.”



如图,从O点到W点的半圆是一条路,被OPQRSTUVW等分为8段,O到W的直线距离为1mile;一辆车从O点出发开往W点,时速为15miles, 问三分钟后车在哪两点之间。(注意时间单位的换算。 我选的RS间)

.一个长方形ABCD在坐标图上, A(1,0) B(3,0) C(1,1) D(3,1),一条从原点出发的线将长方形截成面积相等的两半,问其斜率。(我选的1/4


1.1997年美国GDP增长 原文原题

2.以前以为人多物种多的地方容易发生物种extinction,但其实物种少活动范围小的地方更容易发生extinction。第二段分析了一下原因,讲了一个forest的例子,最后说所以protect species from extinction的最好方法是不要去打扰那些范围小物种又少的地方。

有道infer:答案是相比人多的urban地区,mountainous area(不是很确定,从原文应该不难找)更容易发生物种灭绝。

3.男人和女人blablabla speech什么的,有点长,没太看懂……反正全篇基本围绕一个民族在讲,说有一个角色(singer?不确定)都是由women在担当。第三段特别注意,前面好像提到什么东东很大部分由conversation组成(有题需要在这里定位,选项中有dialog),然后说singer不但可以唱别人说过的话还可以对其发表评论(强烈关注这之后的一个example有两道题,一道问作者为什么提到‘idle words’;另一道是infer题)。有个单词lamentation总出现,当时不认识。真是没怎么看懂,希望不要误导大家……

4.海豚如何分辨噪音排除干扰(两段式短文)。大概是通过click and whistle,提到whistlefrequency(在第二段,有考点)。海豚好像是通过两次echo的间隔来判断是否是目标物,或者只是噪音干扰。最后说海豚可以expect有考点,答案貌似是有anticipate的选项) echo的间隔时间,从而排除噪音干扰。主旨题

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