SC方面,做完并完全重新总结了白勇的语法全解;做PREP SC NOTE两遍,每题认真总结,第二次的时候可以达到正确率95%;GWDXY做了10套,所有的SC认真总结。再次强调SC就是KING,不但在考试的时候花费时间最少在水平达到标准之后又可以保证整体VERBAL的发挥,当然也非常不好提高,需要持之以恒的训练和总结,融会贯通!对于过难过偏的语法点,我的观点是能记就记,不要过分苛求。抓住主干的要点,比如主谓一致和平行比较结构才是关键!如果说SC是KING,那么Prep sc note 就是KING of KINGs!根据我个人的实际考试经验,Prep sc可以全面体现你将要在考试中遇到的题目,而且实际考试的题目难度不会超过SC(我考试的情况正是如此,让我甚至有些失望,长篇全划线的毕竟是少数,30-40s一题左右,还遇到一道Prep sc 原题)所以,还不知道Prep sc朋友们赶快去语法区下一份吧!
1. x,y nonconsecutive integers, is there any prime number between x and y?
(1) x+y=9
(2) x-y=5
我的答案是A,注意条件nonconsecutive integers
2. n is divisible by 6?
(1) 2n is divisible by 3
(2) n2+1 is prime number
3. x+y>0?
(1) x/x+y>0
(2) y/x+y>0
4. spheric ballon 半径为x, 放气deflate a%, 最后球的半径是r,求r? 球的体积公式给出
r=x × 三次根号(1-a/100)
147. The continental United States receives an average of 30 inches of precipitation a year; transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, while the balance of 9 inches contributes to the flow of streams and rivers.
A. transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, while the balance of 9 inches contributes to the flow
B. even though transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, the remainder of 9 inches contribute to the flowing
C. although transpiration from soil and from plants return approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, the balance of 9 inches contribute to the flowing
D. with transpiration from soil and from plants to return approximately 21 inches to the atmosphere, the rest of the 9 inches contributes to the flow
E. as transpiration from soil and from plants return approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, the rest of the 9 inches contribute to the flow
A: correct
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-8 17:13:10编辑过]
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