第二个是issue:有人认为outside experts的advice是organizations应该听从的,有人说应该only place value on 组织中highly experienced employees的意见。
二 数学
1 Data Sufficiency:
5 graduate students conduct marketing interview with several undergraduates. In each interview, each graduate only interview one undergraduates. The total interviews conducted by graduate students are same. Question: How many interviews have graduate students conducted?
(a) Each undergraduate students received 3 interviews.
(b) There are 25 undergraduate students.
问题:1 Ak的process中包含什么
2 文章最后一句话起什么作用?
a 支持第一段,
e 说明前一句的possible consequence(我的答案)
奴隶如果获得自由.BK认为,奴隶主要是通过为paying employer和奴隶主工作存钱或自由的,一般没有什么其他方式存钱赎身.可是事实上,奴隶也通过自己种庄稼,在市场上交易赚钱,这样赚钱不比工作的少.支持BK的人明显忽略了一个事实,那就是在大城市,奴隶获自由的多于其他地方.在大城市,自由的奴隶帮助其他奴隶自由,individually or through some 机构.举例某机构,为奴隶治病的机构,帮助奴隶获得自由(这里没有太明白).
问题: 1. 支持BK的人认为什么?
2. 文章举例某机构是为了说明什么?
4.机经内容:关于customer program
The recent tax cuts conducted last year has brought many businesses ....., but economists still doubt that (it will generate employment raise大概是.)
A. it will generate employment ....
B. employment .... will be generated by ..
E. such cuts will generate employment ....(我选此答案)
Although XX, a mosquito, does not do great harm to people, it attacks **, (and irritating..., and without a hesitation of biting at day time.)
C: it irritates .... and does not hesitate to...
D: irritates....and does not hesitate to....
由于飞机在一种cloud的情况下,会翅膀上结冰,或其他地方结冰,对飞机有危险. 有人建议在机场附近安装一种设备,能够检测飞机上结冰情况,警告飞行员.
A. 飞机一般不遇到这种结冰,除非升降时.
B. 机场天气预报能有效预测什么地方没有cloud
C. 设备太大,不能在飞机上安装.