AI: the best way for manager to assign work is to divide a complex task into the simpler portions for each worker to do
AW: During the past eleven year, Citrus price has increased greatly. So, Citrus grower should be responsible for this price increase, and a strict legislation is necessary to control it.
A) 几乎所有的有点难度的题目,10月数学机经上都有了,好象无一例外。
B) 只有一题,大概10月数学机经上没有
DS: 总共投资40,000元于股票,其中一部分年利率为x, 另一部分年利率为y。一年共的红利4,280元(数字不一定对,但不影响解题)。问x是多少。
1) x=4y/3
2) 利率为x,的投资比利率为y的投资是3:2