Here are some JJs
1. a,b,c,每组阁10人,d组20人。每组不重复。问,从a,b,c,中个掉1人,d中掉2人,问多少中?
参考答案: 190000
2.Two machines, A and B produces something in 1 hours, A alone produces something in 1.2 hours. How about B alone?
参考答案:. 6 hours (1 = 1/(1/1.2 + 1/x)) x = 6
3. 有图。Cube – Angle BEG
参考答案:. 60 Degree
4. 某人开车行驶,速度在 20到45之间,行试了4个小时, 另一个人行使同样的路程,速度在30-60吧,行使了2个小时, 求路程的范围. 答案有a. 95, b. 115 cde. [forget]
参考答案: b. 115
4. 24个东西,12个蓝的,12个红的,从中任意抽出2个都是红的机率
参考答案: 11/46
5. 一个坐标上以原点为圆心一个圆,某东西在圆上顺时针方向旋转,文最后这东西在哪个象限
参考答案: C
6. XYZ〈0
(X)(Y)^2*(Z)^3 是否小于(还是大于忘记了)0
A. Y〈0
B. X〉0
参考答案: A (如果>0)
参考答案: X = A+B+非AB-某个数 .
1. American beef and Brazilian beef - # of cows in the US is lower than the # of cows in Brazil but the output (in tons) is higher. Why? Due to advanced technology – cows in the US grow faster
2. 完成句子两个城市A比B多什么什么, A中得奖金的比B的多, 所以Asavings比B多, 因为Answer - 至少A工作的人口和b一样多
3.一般认为,40岁以下的科学家较易出成果,而40岁以上的较难。 Support
1. 叶子地色素. Q: the paragraph mentions other pigments in order to
2. downsizing是以前的办法但行不同, 新方法是员工积极管理公司列举新方法的不是,结尾公司方面要求政府加强 实施新方法
3. Aggressive nationalism vs. Feminism (very short)
4. The beginning of modern science (14th Century vs. 16th Century) – Q – what is the approach of traditional view regarding the beginning of modern science? A – Significant achievement in 16th century
I want to thank all of you sharing your experience and tips on GMAT.
My score – Verbal 30+, Math-50, Total- 700+
My experience
Worked through all OG, Testprep, Kaplan and Princeton Review Tests + 刘振民《GMAT语法改错精解》. Scored ok in Kaplan (low 600s ), good in Princeton Review (mid-600s to 700+) and high in Testprep (700+). Took G Test five times. Scores-first 4 - low 600s. and this time 700+. I think the hardest part is Verbal. Once we get used to the question styles and be careful of the pace in the exam, I think it is not difficult to score 700 or above.
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