6。一共32人,分为A , B ;A=20, B=15 ;既不是A也不是B的为10人 求要么是A , 要么是B的人
EITHER A OR B =22-13=9
7.一学校学生选science course 每人都要选一门,1/2 of them choose biology ,1/3 choose chemical , rest of them choose physics , 第二个sememster 1/3who chose biology drop off , 1/4 who chose chemistry drop off , and there is no new students enroll , 问现在选biology and chemistry 学生占总人数比例
设总人数60人 ,
first sememster
biology 30 chemistry 20 physics 10
second smemster
biology 20 chemistry 15 physics 10
8。有题读了半天的,好长。什么鸟,60%male , 20%的侯鸟是male , 求如果x=male中侯鸟的比例 ,y=female中侯鸟比例,the ratio of x and y .
我选了3 ,可现在忘记还是不是有其它条件。
我是来CD还愿的,因为bf 。没有他我坚持不下来。我希望有第三次,能和他一起考。我真的不怕再来一次。在考前他借我‘刺激1995’让我考试前一天看,真的很激励人-Hope is a good thing ! So I hope we can Chase our Dream , the dream for two of us . I hope we can study at one table , I hope I can see your face whenever Iam tired of the books , I hope I can hold you hands all my life , I hope it's not just a summer daydream... I do hope so , I hope ...
在考试前我把两句话写在草稿纸上'你一定要对自己有信心‘;’坚持到底‘ both from my CD
Good Luck to all ,who have hopes and never gonna give it up !
Lisa in SH
6:12 9-24-2003
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