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标题: 八月份作文题目[转帖] [打印本页]

作者: smart    时间: 2003-8-20 16:57     标题: 八月份作文题目[转帖]

AI AWA: Issue

[9] AI:"To keep private lives and personal activities as separated as possbile from workplace"
[9] AI:9 integrate personal life with work
No. leisure time 的比at work 更能反映一个地区的人

2[11]AI:When someone achieves greatness in any field… that person’s achievement are more important than any other of his or her personal faults.


2[131]AI:learn more about a society by observing how its people spend leisure time
[13]AI:Individual person or government should take the ultimate responsibility for preserving natural environment?

2 [16]AI:public building反映当代value 和attitude的那道

2[18]AI:“如果一个公司的主要目标是挣钱,那将不可避免由于公司的社会责任相冲突。” How accurate is the statement?

[21]AI:Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employee primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high level of productivity. (21)

[25]AI:(No.25): The best strategy for managing a business, or any enterprise, is to find the most capable people and give them as much authority as possible.


[37]AI:Science and technology teaching is more important than arts and humanities

[39] AI:要取得专业成就是否得牺牲个人生活。

2 [40]AI:issue 40 .world citizen
No. ai是40


[60]AI:公司无权在雇员不同意的情况下获取雇员的健康或者personal information


[72]AI:give incentives, for example, awards or gifts(awa topic page 34, no.3)

[78]AI:孙远78题(Most people would agree that buildings ...)
AI:the rise of multinational corporations tends to pose threat to the homogeneity of the world

[112]AI:the quality of life is not better than such in the areas as business and technology at present

[130]AI:Resume and education 是不是比interview更重要

[132]AI:(132):Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead,........their own standards and regulations

[132] AI:政府是否有义务制定行业规范

No.2 AA:就是那道centralization operation locations

AA:NO.6 企业在寻找新的商机或位置时应该去Helios城。甚至在最近的衰退中,Helios的失业率也比地区平均水平低,它是地区的工业中心,历史上它提供的比它在地区制造业工作中分享的份额中更多。而且,Helios正试图通过吸引研究和发展革新技术的公司来扩张它的经济基础。

No.8 AA:一个调查,1200个工人中75%的人把公司重组和福利问题列为主要问题,所以得出管理的issue不是关注的问题了.

No.10 AA:某学校有200学生示威反对通过削减学校经费的议案,而另外的12000学生并不关心此事,因为他们要么在学校。。。要么因为寒假离校了。 因此,政府没有必要去考虑这些示威者的要求。(2次)

No.11 aa是11 (这题不是很确定)

No.12 AA:Advertising the reduced price of selected grocery items in the Daily Gazette will help you increase your sales....

No.14 Nova high school,说在3个subjects使用computer instruction很成功

No.17 Two of today's best-selling brands of full-strength medicine

No.31 coffee和cola

No.32 " West Cambria volunteer ambulance service's response time is longer than East Cambria commercial ambulance service. Therefore, we should disband volunteer service and hire commercial ambulance."

No.34 AA:银行要向环保组织捐款,换取LOGO,以便更好地销售银行卡。
No.34 AA:一个信用卡公司的老总说和一个著名环保组织合作,保证的钱捐给该组织一部分,换取在其信用卡上使用该组织的标识。结论说这个举措可以赢得更多客户。

No.38 campus housing

No.39 9 out of 1000 complain , so not important to attract passengers.(gmat awa topic 第七页)

AA:X company decides to lower the price of sugar, its main product, to increase export. By more market abroad, X can reduce trade deficit.

No 46 AA:孙远46题(Our research indicates that over the past six years no incidents ...)

No.47 The owners of the Cumquat Cafe evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Cafe will soon celebrate its second anniversary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since the Cafe’s move, three different businesses—a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop—have occupied its former spot.
No.47 AA:moving to a new location leads to the success of C Cafe.3 other businesses in the former location all failed.

No.62 AA:
No.62 AA:健身器材和最大化居民健身水平
No. 好象供应商推销健身器给市政当局

No.103 shopping mall in Oak City, … Elm City should heed the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in the Elm City. (这个题不是在上次题库更换时已被删除了吗?怎么还会出来?还好不是AI,否则临时可能编不出例子了,好险!)
No. 103 AA:shopping mall in Oak City, … Elm City should heed the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in the Elm City.

No.112 提供gym给职员锻炼然后就会reduce 50% cost 的那题
No.112 Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as.....municipal employees, we budget

No.120 AA:作者认为现在国内人到国外去玩的很多很多,所以有必要开一家world tour theme park,然后模仿一下外国的东东。地点就定在首都,因为那里有很多14岁以下的小孩,还有外国居民。另外,作者认为这个project肯定会成功因为去年开了一家space park之类的东东,(我估计是航空主题公园之类),space park很成功,所以world tour theme park 也会成功。

No.124 AA: advertisement on local radio

No.125 ? D district 有3个industry make profits,所以I district应该被投资

AA:要不要拆old building 来发展经济 作者说 other city 都拆

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