1。第一个sc,巨长,题就6行,划线4行,考并列结构里面套同级比较,好像是个likening a to b 之类的东东,挺难看的一个题,我就是嫌麻烦和想省时间,才没有去仔细读句意,只是根据新东方的语点去选,结果就错了。感觉现在ets把第一题的难度提高了,而且sc不看句意现在很难选出正确答案。
2。。。。, laws in some states decreed ----后面划线,答案里有a car not go faster than ... and had to..., a car to go no faster than ... and there is ..., a car go no faster than... and had to..., that a car go no faster than ... and that it had to ... 和that a car go no faster than...and which...
再具体的就不记得了,感觉没有一个能全符合并列结构,ft! 后面我选了d,第四个,that...that...的。
3。(形式是这样,具体的词记不清了)rain forests contain more trees, and in higher density, than any other ecological system.
than 下面划线,这是最简单的一个sc了,只有一个单词划线。第一眼没仔细想,差点选错,答案里有than, than that of, than those of, than does, 还有一个不记得了,应该是错的,最后选了than does.
4. 还考了一个 whether ... to do..., or to do...的结构,也是巨长,差一点就没看到后面的or。
5。还考了一个 。。。as little risk as one per a million chances to do...的句子。