Admissions Tip: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

1已有 511 次阅读  2010-12-13 15:52   标签Pitfalls  Tip  Admissions  Avoiding  Common 
今天我们要为大家提供一些写essay时的指示,言简意赅,就是要帮助申请人在Round two的截止日期之前准备好,避免一些常犯的错误。当然每一位申请者都是十分独特的,所以以下的这些小窍门可能并不是适用于所有的人。我们只是想为这篇文章的读者介绍一些申请者应该事先准备好的基本策略。同以往一样,请点击我们的网站,以便获得更多的为您量身定制的申请相关信息。并且如果您有任何关于申请的相关问题,请联系我们,我们将请专业的咨询的老师为您答疑。

1.    Remember your reader. 在申请的essay以及个人简历中,申请人通常会写出很多与工作有关的专业术语,从而使损失了一部分的读者。所以尽量使这些语言简单易懂一些,以便让你的那些非专业的读者明白你到底在说些什么。这样的清晰表达有助于让读者更好的欣赏你在工作中所表现的本质及意义。

2.    Be specific. 在申请的essay中,Specifics极度的重要,因为学校想要了解那些你在过去的时间中所取得的成就,你在未来会取得多大的成功,以及你是如何很好的适应MBA的课程的。解释出你的兴趣的产生原因,就可以将你与其他申请这门MBA课程的申请人区分开来。因为这会表现出你不仅可以很清晰的表达出你的所期望的未来目标,并且你对于MBA的课程有着很深刻的认识,并且这门课程简直像是为你量身定制的一样。虽然申请人有时会不得不担心字数限制,所有牢记一下这点就显得很重要:你可以用Specifics取代那些模糊不清以及十分普通的观点,这样就不用担心会增加essay的长度了。例如,宁愿陈述你会在X工业取得巨大以及持续的影响,也不要陈述你可以做好AB

3.    Focus on fully realized successes. 关于essay中有关于成就以及成功的问题,申请者们应该着重描写于发生的故事或者进行的项目,并且这些都有着不错的结果。因为潜在的成功并不是显得那么的切实可信。谈论一个正在进行的或者刚开始的项目,对于显示申请者在完成一个目标时所表现出来的的领导才能,主动性以及创造性,并不是那么的有意义。虽然最终的影响可能并没有被发现 (比如增加的利润并没有显现出来),但是在一个项目中的目标则应该被实现了(比如一位申请人已经建立并且启发了一个团队去实现他们的预期目标)。

Today we would like to offer a handful of essay pointers in brief in order to help applicants avoid common pitfalls as they gear up for Round Two deadline .  While we should caution that every applicant is unique and that some of these tips may not apply to everyone, we wanted our readers to have an introduction to some of the basic strategies they should be employing.  As always, contact directly for more tailored advice to your candidacy.

1.    Remember your reader. In application essays and resumes, applicants often get caught in the technicalities of their work, losing their reader in jargon.  Keep it simple in order to make your discussion easy for your non-specialist audience to understand.  Such clarity will help the reader to appreciate the nature and significance of your work.

2.    Be specific.
Specifics are of the utmost importance in application essays, as the adcom wants to see details of what you’ve accomplished in the past, what you would like to achieve in the future, and how you are a good fit for the particular MBA program.  Explaining the reasons for your interest in the school will also help to differentiate you from the many other applicants arguing their case for a place in the MBA class, as they will show that you not only have clearly articulated goals, but also that you have a deep understanding of the MBA program and how it is uniquely appropriate for you*.  Though applicants sometimes worry about the word limit, it is important to keep in mind that you can replace often vague and generic points with specific ones without adding any length.  For instance, rather than stating that you would make a great and lasting impact on X industry, you can state that you would do A and B.

3.    Focus on fully realized successes. In approaching essays about an accomplishment or achievement, applicants should focus on stories and projects in which a positive outcome has been accomplished or is ensured, as potential successes are not actual ones.   Talking about a project that is ongoing or that is just starting to come together will not be as meaningful as one in which an applicant has already displayed leadership, initiative and creativity in accomplishing a goal.  Though ultimate impact may have not yet been observed (an example being that increased profit has yet to be realized), one’s goals in the project should already have been attained (meaning, for example, that an applicant already built and motivated a team to achieve the desired end).



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