Admissions Tip: The Comparison Trap

1已有 506 次阅读  2010-12-09 11:01   标签Comparison  Trap  Tip  The  Admissions 



Tell me something I don’t know. 一个流行的策略---不要总是做坏人申请人努力去显示自己比其他的申请人更加适合这所学校,所以他们研究学校的网站去了解课程以及其自主的卖点,接着声称自己对其很感兴趣。Essay作者不应该老是考虑的事情在于,虽然一个学校所具有的特色,可能使其与其他学校相比更加突出,但是这并不是必须的写在essay中的,admissions committee并没有想要在essay中读到这些内容。每一个admissions officer在每一年中要花费好多月去阅读你的资料,为了从未来的学生中排除掉那些营销信息。许多Harvard以及Darden的录取工作人员知道有所关于案例教学法的优点,Kellogg Dukeadmissions committees拥有很强的团队意识,Stanford Yale总是兼容并包。这些并不代表你不能再关键点提及,只是建议和一篇确实优秀的申请放在一起,这对与展示自己,以一个较低的水平,确可以从这门课程中学到东西来说,是十分重要的。

Enough about us, let’s talk about you. 很多的申请者,十分热衷于向学校方面阐述他们的目标学校与其他学校相比是如何的不同凡响。但是他们并没有清晰地表达出自己的兴趣,个性以及对于学校的适应性。这样的情况很常见。几乎每一所商学院都要求申请的学生提交一份有关于阐释MBA课程是如何帮助他们实现自己的人生目标的essay,但是没有一所学校要求申请者说明为什么本校的MBA课程比其他学校的更好。虽然一些学校在申请者达到了面试的阶段,会明确的询问了一些其他备选学校的相关信息,在这一早期的观点之后,学校更有兴趣知道的却是这位申请者是否适合自己的学校。比较好的方式是在你essay中可以任意支配的地方去展示你的经验以及天赋,并且分享你的志向以及展示你对于这门MBA课程的研究。

I bet you say that to all the girls.严肃的说,即使一个申请人脱离了他的方法去声称Chicago Booth对他来说是最好的学校,是他的第一选择。但是Booth并不能保证这名申请者并没有写给他们的竞争对手Kellogg,一封同样的充满了热爱之情的信。如果一种策略在一个地方起了作用,可能它就会被用在所有的地方,对么?通常的来说,是可以确信一个学校会更加青睐于录取那些对于它们的MBA课程表现的感兴趣的学生,但是事实胜于雄辩。一些校园参观中的细节以及同本校学生,毕业生的对话的细节,确不像essay中表现的那样。强调下一流的essay---在书写座右铭,“显示你自己,不要直白的说出”这是你该关心的问题。更进一步的说,是学校确信你眼中只有这所学校的最好的方法,就是根本不要提及其他的学校。



We wanted to take some time today to discuss a frequently-made mistake in the application process. In their desire to make their case to their target MBA programs, many applicants devote sentences and even paragraphs to explaining why the school in question is their “first choice” and arguing its superiority over other schools.

Though certainly understandable, this is actually not a very productive exercise. Let’s consider a few reasons why, from the schools’ point of view:

Tell me something I don’t know. A popular strategy – and not always bad one – for applicants seeking to demonstrate their fit with one school above any other is to study its website to understand the program’s self-determined selling points, and then profess an interest in those. The thing that essay writers don’t always consider is that while a school’s distinguishing characteristics might be the factors that set it apart from others, this is not necessarily what the admissions committee wants to read about in an applicant’s essays. The very admissions officer reading your file spends months every year pushing this marketing message out to prospective students. Members of Harvard’s and Darden’s admissions staff know all about the merits of the case method, Kellogg and Duke’s admissions committees are already up to their ears in team-orientation, and Stanford and Yale could not be more aware of the benefits of a small class size. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t touch briefly on these key points (the schools highlight these for a reason), only to suggest that to put together a really compelling application, it’s important to push beyond high-level differentiators and immediate association and demonstrate that you’ve learned about the program on a deeper level.

Enough about us, let’s talk about you. It’s not uncommon for applicants to become so engrossed in explaining how their target program differs from other business schools that they neglect to really articulate how their own interests, personality and preferences fit into the picture. Very nearly every school requires that prospective students compose an essay explaining how the MBA program will help them accomplish their goals, but there’s not a single one that adds “better than any other MBA program.” Though several schools do explicitly inquire about other target programs if an applicant advances to an interview, at this early point the adcom is much more interested in hearing about the candidate and his or her fit with the school. It’s better to use all the space at your disposal in the essays to cover your experiences and accomplishments, share your aspirations and showcase your research on the MBA program.

I bet you say that to all the girls. Seriously, though, if an applicant goes out of his way to profess that Chicago Booth is the best school for him, is his first choice, etc., Booth really has no assurance that this applicant hasn’t written an equally passionate love letter to regional rival Kellogg. If a strategy seems likely to work in one place, might as well use it everyplace, right? Yes, it’s generally true that schools prefer to admit students who are excited about their program and seem likely to attend, but actions speak louder than words. The details of campus visits and conversations with students and alumni are far better topics to cover in your essays. To invoke a classic essay-writing maxim, “show, don’t tell” the adcom that you care. Further, the best way to convince the adcom that you “only have eyes for their school” is to not mention any other school at all.

We hope that this offers a number of helpful “do”s on your essay .It is very important to get an in-depth understanding of your target MBA programs. Taking the time to learn about the school’s curriculum, special programs and extracurricular activities – whether through a visit to campus, conversations with members of the community or reading the  – will pay dividends here.  Happy writing and researching!



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